GoToMeeting Basic Tips - GO Bond Committee 4.16
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Meeting – Virtual GoToMeeting
April 16, 4:30 p.m.
1. Be prepared to join the meeting from your desk or laptop computer 10 minutes prior to
the meeting start time. This will give you time to set up, troubleshoot, and get acclimated
to the GoToMeeting platform. Be sure to have the meeting agenda & packet handy, as it
will be referred to throughout the meeting.
2. Open this link: .
a. From there, you can choose to download the application, or you may select to
continue using your web browser. Follow the instructions to ensure that your
audio and video features are turned on and working.
3. Once you have joined the meeting, play around with the different buttons and settings.
a. At the bottom of your screen, there will be 3 icons. One that turns on/off audio,
one that turns on/off video, and one that allows you to hang up and leave the
i. All Committee members should have video ON for the duration of the
meeting. Audio should also be ON when speaking. It can be muted when
not speaking.
4. At the top of your screen, click to see a drop-down of different “View” options. Choose
the view you’d like to see for the meeting. If you wish to change your view throughout
the meeting, feel free to do so, as it will not impact anyone’s view but your own.
a. “Everyone” will allow you to view all attendees in the meeting. Those who have
joined by phone will only show an icon.
b. “Who’s Talking” will display the current speaker only.
c. “Active Cameras” will display only those who have joined the meeting via
desk/laptop computer, not those who have joined by phone.
d. “Hide Everyone” displays no webcams.
5. On the top-right of your screen, click on the chat icon. This will open a chat room. Use this
chat box to inform the Chair that you have something to say and would like to be called
on to speak.
a. To be called on to speak, you may also simply raise your hand and wait to be called
on by the Chair. Since you are live on video, the Chair will see that your hand is
And there you have it! You are ready to participate! Just remember to follow the direction of the
Chair, as she will be following the agenda to run the meeting.
*If you have trouble accessing the meeting, or if you experience technical difficulties during the
meeting session, please TEXT Allison Novack at 786-535-5748.