Meeting Minutes 04-16-20
General Note: These meeting minutes are condensed and seek to capture the overall intent of discussions
as interpreted by the meeting coordinator. Each paragraph indicates the time on the audio recording
where the discussion commenced during the meeting. For more detail on the discussion, please refer to
the audio recording in its entirety.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 15
April 16, 2020
Page 2 of 8
I. Roll Call and Introductions
0:01 Chair Karen Rivo called the meeting to order and had everyone introduce themselves.
04:28 Allison Novack gave a brief explanation on how to use GoToMeeting.
07:14 Jason Jacobson reminded the Committee that this a public meeting under the Sunshine
II. Committee Business
Adoption of Meeting Minutes
8:15 Chair Karen Rivo asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the February 20th meeting.
8:30 Jack Glottmann made a motion to approve the minutes. Marie Peter seconded the motion.
Motion approved.
12:46 Maria Hernandez shared her screen and explained the PDF that all Committee Members
received prior to the meeting. (Refer to Agenda and Handouts_4-16-20 Meeting on the G.O. Bond
website in the Oversight Committee tab under Meeting Records.)
Future Meeting Calendar
13:36 Chair Karen Rivo explained that the meetings for the rest of 2020 have been scheduled;
continuing with the third Thursday of each month and taking a recess in August and not meeting
in November due to conflicts with Thanksgiving holiday.
III. Community Outreach & Public Information Officers Change
(Refer to page 5 on the Agenda and Handouts_4-16-20 on the G.O. Bond website.)
14:46 Kevin Pulido introduced himself as the new Neighborhood Affairs Division Manager. He
explained that prior to this new division, departments had their own individual public outreach
staff. With the new Neighborhood Affairs Division, there are three neighborhood affairs
coordinators where each coordinator specializes in either North, Mid, or South Beach. These
coordinators are responsible for answering any questions residents may have in their area. The
G.O. Bond Dashboard has been updated to have the correct neighborhood affairs coordinator
listed with their contact information on each project.
17:15 Allison Novack explained that she will be working closely with the Neighborhood Affairs
Division regarding community engagement on each of the projects. Due to the pandemic, general
outreach on social media has slightly slowed down with the focus more on COVID-19 responses.
The dashboard continues to be updated daily, with accurate schedules and project updates.
21:32 Chair Karen Rivo explained that she saw a Facebook post in the last 24 hours regarding the
construction of either sidewalks or streets. Several people made comments about how great it is
that they are being done during this time.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 15
April 16, 2020
Page 3 of 8
IV. Public Q & A
No one from the public spoke.
V. Major Tranche 1 Projects Update
(Refer to pages 8-14 on the Agenda and Handouts_4-16-20 on the G.O. Bond website.)
24:20 Chair Karen Rivo asked Staff if there have been any changes with the projects as a result of
25:00 Maria Hernandez explained that all projects have been moving forward except a situation
that Staff has regarding the streets and sidewalks, which Rudy de la Torre will explain shortly.
Some projects have been benefiting due to no longer coordinating construction around events.
#45 Fire Station #1
27:13 David Martinez explained that the last time the Committee met, the architect had
completed the schematic drawings and site floorplans, which were part of the feasibility study.
Staff was also waiting for the construction manager to come under contract. Currently the
contract is with the City Attorney’s Office awaiting signature in order to forward it to the
construction manager for execution. The construction manager will have to review the contract
and provide opinions that may or may not affect how these schematic drawings look like. Staff
will then continue developing the design plans in order to eventually present it to the Historic
Preservation Board.
#1 72nd ST. Community Complex
30:00 David Martinez explained that in the next three weeks Staff will be completing everything
they need in order to move forward. The design criteria package is nearly 100% complete and
Staff should be receiving the final draft and an executive summary in the next week, which will
be shared with the community and others. The Capital Improvements Projects Department (CIP)
has been working with Procurement in getting together the RFP (request for proposal), which
includes minimum qualification, evaluation criteria, and other requirements before it is
presented to the city commission. Staff will be discussing with the City Manager the staffing and
development of the evaluation committee. Staff is also putting together a community
presentation and discussing internally the presentation format. Staff has also been working with
Florida Power and Light regarding their relocation of the transmission lines. Staff is also working
through the library component since it requires an amendment to the current agreement that
the Miami-Dade library system has with the City.
33:07 Laura Veitia expressed that the update is great, and it seems like there has been substantial
movement on this project.
33:24 Sean Smith also expressed that the update is great, and he is looking forward to seeing
both the design criteria package and the evaluation committee.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 15
April 16, 2020
Page 4 of 8
35:24 Francisco Diez-Rivas explained that he was trying to understand why the city would be
building a library in today’s environment in which libraries are scaling down or disappearing
altogether. He believes the library is never going to be used.
36:40 Eric Carpenter explained that the library component is a commitment that the City made
to the community and it was included in the package that Staff put out for the voters for
38:07 Chair Karen Rivo asked David Martinez how the evaluation committee is going to be
38:21 David Martinez explained that Staff is looking for a seven member committee with two or
three alternates, but the City Manager is the ultimate decision maker. Five of the seven members
would come from different internal city departments and the other two slots would be members
of the community.
Discussion continued.
47:19 Chair Karen Rivo mentioned that the G.O. Bond budget is $53 million and an additional $10
million is coming from parking revenues. She asked Staff if there are any concerns about having
the funds since the parking budget has significantly decreased.
48:16 Eric Carpenter explained that the bad news is that the city’s parking revenues are
significantly down due to COVID-19. The good news is that John Woodruff has worked really hard
with Saul Francis in putting together a plan that will presented at tomorrow’s Finance and
Economic Resiliency Committee. The money allocated for this project has not been touched and
will be used only as a last resort.
49:44 Sean Smith asked David Martinez if there will be more direction of what the field space
and design will be in the design criteria package.
50:00 David Martinez answered yes.
#23 Pedestrian Bridge
50:50 David Martinez explained that the developer is telling Staff that they will be ready to issue
their drawings to FDOT for permitting approximately in August. The construction is earmarked to
begin in one and a half to two years from now.
#15 Bayshore Park
52:35 David Martinez explained that DERM notified Staff today that they should be receiving a
letter in the mail with their direction on all of the efforts that have been going back and forth
between the two consultants. That letter will provide Staff information on what DERM needs to
approve the project.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 15
April 16, 2020
Page 5 of 8
54:00 Sean Smith explained that this project came up at the Parks and Recreation Committee
meeting and as soon as David Martinez receives any updates, to please let him know. Discussions
of potentially voting a project from another tranche into tranche 1 have occurred at the
committee meeting due to this project’s progress moving slowly.
54:48 Chair Karen Rivo expressed that she felt this project may have to go to Commission if there
isn’t some sort of resolution in the few weeks for some direction.
55:44 David Martinez explained that the City and the consultant have provided everything DERM
has asked for. The consultant has created three alternatives as a solution preempting what
directions will come back from DERM.
Discussion continued.
#39 Part 1 Seawalls/Shorelines
1:03:21 Nelson Perez-Jacome explained the map found on page 14 of the Agenda and
Handouts_4-16-20 on the G.O. Bond website. There are ten seawalls that are currently being
worked on, where three of them are led by CIP. Two of these seawalls are slated to begin this
fiscal year and the remaining 8 are slated to begin fiscal year 2021. The ten seawalls add up to
$4.4 million, leaving a balance of $3.5 million in tranche 1. Staff is currently working on a plan to
prioritize the remaining funds. These ten seawalls were selected because they were ready to go
and are a high priority since they are located on street ends that are exhibiting flooding. There
are living shorelines at Maurice Gibb Park and Brittany Bay.
#40 Part 1 Revitalize 41 St
1:09:21 Gedel Merzius explained that on February 26th, AECOM introduced themselves to the
41st St. Committee with intentions to present to them a timetable of the scope of work for the
masterplan. Their next steps are to meet with the different departments and stake holders on a
one on one basis to speak about pending projects. Due to the present circumstances, AECOM
emailed a list of questions to the departments with the focus on knowledge of pending projects,
department concerns, and a prioritization criterion that should be considered for the 41st St.
District. Staff will be discussing their findings at the next 41st St. Committee Meeting on April 28th.
1:10:48 Chair Karen Rivo asked if this project is on track.
1:10:58 Gedel Merzius explained that the project is currently still on track.
1:12:45 Francisco Diez-Rivas asked what happened to the lighting concerns in that area.
1:13:04 Gedel Merzius explained that the budget has been approved for allocation of tree lighting
throughout the 41st St. Corridor, but due to COVID-19 there has been a delay of installation.
VI. Scott Rakow Youth Center Discussion
(Refer to Memo from John Rebar, Parks Director on page 16 of the Agenda and Handouts_4-16-
20 on the G.O. Bond website.)
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 15
April 16, 2020
Page 6 of 8
1:16:05 Barbara Hernandez explained that there is a savings of about $1.1 million from the Scott
Rakow roof project. There were many findings at the Scott Rakow pool during a leak test, but the
leaks are already being fixed. The filtration system, heater, and chlorine tank in the pump room
were found to be malfunctioning. Staff has determined that it is prudent to use some of the
savings from the roof to fund the overages of the pool project.
A request has been made to the GO Bond Committee to use some of the savings to advance the
gym flooring project, which is currently in tranche 2. The flooring is bubbling and causing a safety
hazard. Staff would need about $740,000 of the savings for both requests.
1:18:21 Chair Karen Rivo expressed that this would be the first situation where the Committee
would be approving a change. She asked what are changes the Staff approves, changes the
Committee approves, and changes the Commission approves. She requested that Staff develop
a document showing various scenarios for project and funding changes and the levels of approval
needed for these changes.
1:19:07 Maria Hernandez explained that Scott Rakow is one example of the many different
scenarios in the G.O. Bond. There are situations where a project has different sub-projects within
the same tranche, such as the roofs at the cultural facilities. For example, if the Miami Beach City
Ballet needed extra dollars and there was a savings at the Fillmore roof, Staff would consider an
internal decision to use those funds since they are within the same project and tranche.
In the Scott Rakow scenario, there are many sub-projects, where some are in tranche 1 and some
are in tranche 2. Commission action would be needed if a tranche 2 project, and it’s funding, was
being moved to tranche 1. Staff is asking permission from the Committee to move the gym
flooring scope project currently scheduled for Tranche 2 to tranche 1 using the savings from
tranche 1 and not using the funds from tranche 2. Staff would also like to do this project now
since the building is closed.
1:25:50 Wendy Squire made a motion to use the savings from the Scott Rakow roof for the gym
flooring, which was originally budgeted for tranche 2.
1:32:22 Jack Glottmann seconded the motion. Motion approved by the Committee.
VII. Program General Status & Sub-Projects Update
(Refer to page 20 on the Agenda and Handouts_4-16-20 on the G.O. Bond website.)
1:33:48 Maria Hernandez explained the chart found on page 20, which is the summary of all
projects and sub-projects. She noted that the variance in the first column under all projects
should be +1 and the variance in the second column should be -1 and that the correction will be
made for the next meeting.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 15
April 16, 2020
Page 7 of 8
VIII. Quick Win Projects/Updates
(Refer to pages 24 and 25 on the Agenda and Handouts_4-16-20 on the G.O. Bond website.)
1:37:44 Maria Hernandez explained that Project #32 Palm and Hibiscus is now completed.
1:37:57 David Martinez explained that the G.O. Bond portion of the project is basically complete,
and Staff received the invoice today for the project. He would like to bring photographs of what
the project looks like at the next meeting.
1:38:54 Barbara Hernandez stated that Collins Park is 60% complete and the pavers look
1:42:17 Maria Hernandez explained that everything is moving forward with Scott Rakow Youth
1:43:39 Captain Steven Feldman explained that the contractors x-rayed the roads for the license
plate readers (LPRs) and provided their findings to FDOT and are now waiting for final permitting
for the Julia Tuttle and 71st St. Staff and the contractor have been taking advantage of Lummus
Park being closed and all permits have been submitted in order to start installing the fiber. Staff
has been working with the Environmental Department regarding the Beachwalk project in order
to not damage the surrounding vegetation. Staff received the agreement from the City Attorney’s
Office for the Public Radio System for the final location and is pending a signature from the
1:47:00 Francisco Garcia explained that the generator for North Shore Youth Center will be
delivered on May 1st, however the generator at Scott Rakow Youth Center will be delivered May
25th. The Fillmore roof is wrapping up and the Scott Rakow windows are complete.
1:48:22 Maria Hernandez explained the G.O. Bond Project List found on page 26. She noted that
Staff is being encouraged to close out projects, which is reflected on the top of the list.
1:49:40 Rudy De La Torre expressed that although the sidewalk restoration and street re-
pavement continues to be moving forward on schedule and under budget, Staff has experienced
some changes regarding clearing the streets of parked cars due to COVID-19’s stay at home
restrictions. Staff has been looking at other ways to keep the operation moving by finding areas
that aren’t as congested and/or have no on-street parking. These areas are highlighted in blue
on the map found on pages 27 and 28.
1:53:45 Chair Karen Rivo asked Rudy De La Torre if these streets and sidewalks are new to the
1:54:15 Rudy De La Torre explained that these are not new streets and sidewalks; Staff is only
prioritizing areas that are least congested at the moment in order to remain productive.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 15
April 16, 2020
Page 8 of 8
IX. Public Q&A
There was no verbal public Q & A during the meeting, however middle beach resident Robert
Rabinowitz advised the team that he was on the line but did not chime in when the public was
recognized. He called immediately after the meeting adjourned to state his public comment,
which is as follows:
- “I applaud Maria and staff for making the decision to move things up in the Scott Rakow
Youth Center project. It was a good decision to bring those projects in Tranche 2 into
Tranche 1.”
- “I disagree with the piece on the North Beach library. This is a necessity, and libraries are
essential to the fabric of the neighborhood, especially for school children. I suggest that
the city conducts a study to examine how public libraries might be used in 2020 and the
future to further evaluate the need.”
X. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned.