We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
Tonya Daniels, E-mail:
Melissa Berthier, E-mail:
October 11, 2019
City of Miami Beach Wins 2019 Planning Award
in the Category of Best Practice
— Awarded by the Gold Coast Section of the Florida Chapter of the
American Planning Association —
Miami Beach, FL – The City of Miami Beach is excited to announce that the award jury
for the Gold Coast Section of the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association
selected the municipality’s Town Center Core (TC-C) District as the 2019 Planning
Award winner in the category of Best Practice. The TC-C ordinance was adopted on
November 14, 2018 and incorporates the elements of design in the North Beach Master
Plan and in the voter guide from the 2017 ballot measure approving a Floor Area Ratio
(FAR) increase in the town center area.
“We are thrilled to have been recognized for the TC-C ordinance, which provides a well-
balanced approach intended to spur sustainable development to revitalize North Beach,”
said Miami Beach City Manager Jimmy L. Morales. “A special thanks to the Planning
Department on their collaboration in this project, which will now allow for a more uniform
and cohesive town center area, as well as the seamless distribution of allowable FAR,
height, setbacks and uses.”
This ordinance established a TC-C, Town Center – Central Core zoning district with a
FAR of 3.5, and replaced the TC-1, TC-2, TC-3, and TC-3(c) districts within the
boundaries of the area established by the FAR referendum. The adopted regulations are
consistent with the recommendations of the North Beach Master Plan and the
referenced guidelines in the intensity increase study prepared by Shulman + Associates
in 2014. The Shulman study analyzed the impact of allowing buildings with increased
height and FAR and made recommendations as to setbacks to ensure that views were
protected, sidewalks are sufficiently wide, and that air and light corridors are
accommodated between towers. The ordinance also includes a Public Benefits provision
for additional height to quickly jump start development within the district.
The honor was conveyed at the Gold Coast Section awards event on October 10, 2019
at the Miami Center for Architecture and Design.
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