LTC 230-2020 Nurse Enhancement Initiative Behavioral - Mental Healty Services Summary ReportOFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 230-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of he City C FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: July 1, 2020 SUBJECT: Nurse Enhancement Initiative Behavioral/Mental Health Services Summary Report Key Metrics: • Number of student mental health services in 2019-20: 1,885 • Percent increase services from prior year Miami Beach Senior High: 144% The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update the Mayor and City Commission on the status of our Nurse Enhancement Initiative for Behavioral Health/Mental Health youth support services from August 2019 through June 2020 for North Beach Elementary, Miami Beach South Pointe Elementary, Miami Beach Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center, Biscayne Beach Elementary, Treasure Island Elementary, Ruth K. Broad Bay Harbor K-8 Center, Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School, and Miami Beach Senior High School. For the 2016-17 school year, the initiative was enhanced to include behavioral health services (mental health services) to three (3) schools in the feeder pattern and was further expanded in the 2017-18 school year to an additional five (5) Miami Beach public schools. Overall, 1,885 youth received mental health support services in the 2019-20 school year from the Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Social Worker) in all Miami Beach feeder public schools. Services were shifted to virtual in early April 2020 due to school facility closures. The below provides the number of services provided to youth per the updated reporting procedure at each Miami Beach feeder school during the 2019-20 school year: School Name • Miami Beach Senior High School • Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School • Miami Beach Fienberg Fisher K-8 • Miami Beach South Pointe Elementary • North Beach Elementary • Biscayne Beach Elementary • Treasure Island Elementary • Ruth K. Broad K-8 Center # of youth mental health services 785 283° 137° 23 144 71 179 263 I n cl ud e s all m e nta l he a lth serv ices w ith no m ore th a n 72 days of se rv ice s through M B progra m 19 -20 The enhanced behavioral serv ices incl ude on-site and virt ual access to a licensed cl inical social w o r k e r to p ro v id e s e rv ic e s in c lu d in g , b u t n o t lim ite d to , the fo llow ing: o A c a d e m ic Is s u e s o A tt e n t io n Is s u e s o A n g e r M a n a g e m e n t o A n x ie ty o A tt e n t io n Is s u e s o D is r u p ti v e B e h a v io r o D e p r e s s io n o S tre s s M a n a g e m e n t o F a m ily Is s u e s E a c h s c h o o l re c e iv e d s u p p ort thro ugh this initiative fo r the indicated num ber of days per w eek during th e 2019 -20 sch ool year: Treasure Island E lem entary one (1) day per w eek, N ort h B each E le m e n ta ry tw o (2 ) d a y s p e r w e e k , B is c a y n e B e a c h E le m e n ta ry tw o (2 ) d ays per w eek, R uth K . B ro a d K -8 C e n t e r tw o (2 ) d a y s p e r w e e k , M ia m i B e a c h S outh P ointe E lem entary one (1) day per w eek, M iam i B each Fienberg Fi sh er K-8 tw o (2) days per w eek, M iam i B each N autilus M iddle School three (3) days per w eek, and M iam i B each Senior H igh School five (5) days per w eek. Please contact D r. Leslie Rosenfeld, C hief Learn ing and Developm ent O ffi cer, w ith any questions. M T /LO R C : Executive Staff D r. Leslie R osenfeld, C hief Learn ing Developm ent O ffi cer