Meeting Minutes 06-18-20
General Note: These meeting minutes are condensed and seek to capture the overall intent of
discussions as interpreted by the meeting coordinator. Each paragraph indicates the time on the
audio recording where the discussion commenced during the meeting. For more detail on the
discussion, please refer to the audio recording in its entirety.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 17
June 18, 2020
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I. Roll Call and Introductions
(Refer to the Meeting Audio Part 1 5.21.20 on the G.O. Bond Website.)
5:50 Chair Karen Rivo called the meeting to order and did roll call for the Committee Members.
II. Committee Business
Adoption of Meeting Minutes
7:58 Chair Karen Rivo asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the May 21st meeting.
8:05 Marie Peter made a motion to approve the minutes. Jack Glottmann seconded the motion.
Motion was approved unanimously.
III. Public Q & A
No one from the public spoke.
IV. Funding & Scope Change Protocols
(Refer to page 2 on the Agenda and Handouts Package on the G.O. Bond Website.)
9:05 Maria Hernandez explained the GOB Project Funds Transfer & Scope Change protocols
found on page 2 of the handouts. She informed the Committee that updated changes are found
in red. If a different scenario arises in the future, Staff will add it to the list. The purpose of this
list is to create a guideline for the departments to follow when making decisions about changes
in the program. She mentioned that now would be the time if any of the Committee Members
would like to discuss any of the items on the list, in order for the Committee to make a motion
to accept this chart.
14:06 Jack Glottmann asked if Staff currently has a list of projects that would need to be moved
to a different tranche.
14:39 Maria Hernandez explained that the one project Staff knows for sure that needs to be
moved is project #13 North Shore Park & Fields because it will need to be done together with
another project. That frees up $3.7 million in tranche 1.
15:21 Chair Karen Rivo explained that this document lays out the protocols for various scenarios.
16:07 Jason Greene noted that his questions are regarding items 2-6, where the recommendation
are to the Committee or Administration. He asked if this could mean that there could be actions
of moving projects and funds without it ever coming to the Committee.
16:32 Maria Hernandez explained the footnote at the bottom which states, “Administration will
use best efforts to bring item to G.O. Bond Committee. Future meeting timelines may make this
difficult or impossible to achieve.” She explained that she does not foresee a scenario where Staff
would not bring something for the Committee to act upon since they are meeting every month.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 17
June 18, 2020
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There could be a situation in the future, where the Committee does not meet once a month, but
rather every 2 months. In this case, the project can fall behind if we had to wait for the next
meeting, therefore the Administration needs the flexibly to be able to move projects forward
without having to wait.
17:53 Jason Greene expressed that he completely understands the scenario that Maria
Hernandez explained. He asked if an action does not go to a committee meeting for
recommendation, it can be presented at the next committee meeting for confirmation.
18:11 Maria Hernandez agreed with Jason Greene’s recommendation and the footnote will be
updated to show the change.
18:30 Ron Starkman mentioned that a resident asked him what it would require to cancel a
project and if so, is there an option to lower the funds borrowed or would the funds be
19:11 John Woodruff explained that every now and then during a bond program there is a good
reason why a project does not end up moving forward. Staff would have to understand the
reasons behind canceling a project in order to take it to Commission. If Commission agrees in
canceling a project, that would free up the allocation of money that was allocated to the project.
20:25 Ron Starkman asked if the Commission decided to cancel a project in a future tranche,
could the amount borrowed be reduced.
20:38 John Woodruff said yes.
20:58 Chair Karen Rivo thanked Staff for creating this document in order to hold accountability.
She asked if anyone would like to make a motion to support this document.
21:29 Marie Peter made a motion to approve the GOB Project Funds Transfer & Scope Change
guidelines. Jack Glottmann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
V. Major Tranche 1 Projects Update
(Refer to pages 3-6 on the Agenda & Handout Packet on the G.O. Bond Website.)
#45 Fire Station #1
23:28 Maria Hernandez explained that at the last committee meeting it was discussed that the
City Manager wanted to have the Code Compliance Department relocated to Fire Station #1. As
it turns out, that endeavor was going to cost the City millions of dollars, so Staff has decided to
abandon that idea. The Code Compliance Department is going to remain in its leased space and
Staff will continue with the original plan for Fire Station #1.
24:54 David Martinez explained that the Construction Manager, Kauffman Lynn, has done a
preliminary review of what Staff has to date, where they offered some commentary and
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 17
June 18, 2020
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revisions. By the next committee meeting, a tentative cost estimate from Kauffman Lynn will be
available and maybe a general schematic concept of what this fire station might look like. This
project is still on schedule to go to the Historic Preservation Board in Fall 2020.
#1 72nd ST. Community Complex
27:37 David Martinez explained that at the June 24th Commission Meeting, Staff will be asking
permission to advertise the request for proposals for the solicitation of a design builder. Selecting
a design builder will take several months so Staff is expecting to go back to Commission at the
beginning of year 2021.
20:39 Francisco Diez-Rivas stated that he did research on the aquatic center and library. He
expressed that he is very impressed with what Staff is doing there because they are very
thoughtful; have a very good laid out plan for this project and answered all questions on the
configuration of the pool and the library.
31:24 Sean Smith expressed the importance of walkability throughout that area, from Dickens to
Ocean Drive.
32:01 David Martinez explained that the walkability feature is a requirement of the criteria for
the project.
33:00 Commissioner Aleman asked if Staff anticipates outsourcing management for the aquatic
center, such as what the City does for golf and tennis.
34:25 Jose Del Risco explained that outsourcing management is certainly an option, but a final
decision has not been made.
35:05 Francisco Diez-Rivas stated that he believes having a third party is really helpful because
ideas come out of those meetings.
37:00 Sean Smith asked about the programming of North Shore Youth Center vs. the 72nd
Community Complex.
37:20 Jose Del Risco said part of the considerations that Staff has right now are to repurpose that
space and use it for programming. If all of the Staff’s needs are met at the 72nd Community
Complex, when it comes to a fitness standpoint, then we would repurpose the space at North
Shore Youth Center to meet the programming needs.
Discussion continued.
#15 Bayshore Park
46:17 David Martinez reminded the Committee that the project is moving forward. Since DERM
has requested additional information from the consultants, at the next Commission Meeting,
Staff will be requesting approval of an Amendment to the Architect’s Agreement for additional
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 17
June 18, 2020
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services related to these requests. The time schedule is dependent on presenting a formal
application to DERM and them reviewing it.
49:49 Francisco Diez-Rivas asked if there are restrictive covenants at the park.
49:53 David Martinez explained that although the community is onboard with the design, there
are certain restrictions.
50:13 Commissioner Aleman explained how active programming is not allowed at the park due
to the City losing the lawsuit between them and the neighborhood.
#8 Lummus Park
52:40 Jose Del Risco explained that Staff released the solicitation for design services and the
responses were received on June 10th. The selection committee is set for July 1st. At the Finance
and Economic Resiliency Committee Meeting on June 12th, there was an item discussed regarding
an addition of public spaces at Lummus Park. Lummus Park is the backbone to the City’s park
system. Staff has been meeting with the Mayor and Commission’s Office regarding public
outreach in order to work closely with all of the stakeholders of this project.
54:48 Chair Karen Rivo asked Jose Del Risco to briefly explain the scope of this project.
54:52 Jose Del Risco explained that the main point of this project is improving the walkways,
creating wayfinding signage, replacing the green infrastructure which includes irrigation and new
58:20 Sean Smith asked if the selection committee is employees or people from the public.
58:26 Jose Del Risco stated that it is made up of employees.
58:51 Alex Dennis explained that the memorandum for the selection committee was sent out.
59:08 Jack Glottmann suggested that renderings of these projects become available on the G.O.
Bond website.
1:00:00 Allison Novack said she will go ahead and add the available renderings of the projects to
the website.
1:02:49 Commissioner Aleman expressed that the City has an opportunity to do something truly
world-class because Lummus Park and Ocean Drive are the crown jewels of the area.
1:04:40 Sean Smith agreed with Commissioner Aleman in marketing Lummus Park to the
Discussion continued.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 17
June 18, 2020
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1:07:23 Jose Del Risco agreed with Commissioner Aleman in making Lummus Park spectacular
and he stressed the importance of finding funding sources. He reminded the Committee
Members that originally the budget was higher for this project, but only $4.6 million dollars was
approved. With these funds, the critical infrastructure is being addressed. Staff welcomes the
idea of additional play spaces but they have to keep the budget in mind.
VI. 41st Street Corridor
(Refer to pages 7-20 on the Agenda & Handout Packet on the G.O. Bond Website.)
1:11:40 Gedel Merzius discussed the 41st St. Neighborhood Progress and initial Findings
presentation found on pages 7-20 in the Agenda & Handout Packet. The intent for the 41st Street
Project is to create a vibrant commercial revitalization enhancement to the 41st Street Corridor
with lighting, increased tree canopy, and shade structures. City Staff, along with the AECOM
team, identified the project boundary area as 40th, 41st and 42nd Streets, from the base of Julia
Tuttle Causeway at Alton Rd to Pine Tree Drive. The team has reviewed local planning and
technical documents and has completed stakeholder interviews. Over 60 projects have been
identified within the 30 existing planning documents. Feasibility, conflicts, and gap analyses are
currently being conducted by the team. The major project themes identified were safety and
security, quality of life, green infrastructure, bicycle and pedestrian friendliness, traffic calming
features, and public transit improvements. A scoring criteria was created in order to guide the
prioritization process of the Master Action List. Mayor’s Blue Ribbon 41st Street Committee
meeting participants offered their input through a polling process. The next step is a presentation
by FDOT and the County at the next 41st Street Committee Meeting, followed by a Community
Meeting for residents of the Mid Beach area to be able to offer their insight on what they would
want to see in the area. A Draft Master Action List will follow.
1:19:30 Francisco Diez-Rivas mentioned how previously the City encountered issues with
widening the streets because FDOT was going to use the space as bus lanes. He asked if that idea
is off the table completely.
1:20:07 Gedel Merzius explained that initially there was going to be a dedicated lane for buses,
but they have since then scaled back from that plan. The new plan is to create a service line to
go from Mount Sinai Hospital to the 41st St. Corridor.
1:20:47 Jack Glottmann asked if the meeting on June 25th, 2020 is to speak specifically on the
service line transit.
1:20:57 Gedel Merzius said yes, there is a presentation from the County on the transit service
and attendees will have the ability to voice their opinions. FDOT and the County have never
attended a 41st St. Committee Meeting so this will be an opportunity for them and residents to
meet. An email blast has also been created specifically for this meeting and was sent to all Mid
Beach residents.
Discussion continued.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 17
June 18, 2020
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1:27:53 Allison Novack explained that she is working with the Marketing & Communications
Department, Gedel Merzius, and AECOM in scheduling a webinar meeting in July. There will be a
lot of community outreach efforts between now and then to engage residents.
VII. Program General Status & Sub-Projects Update, Closed Projects
(Refer to page 22-26 on the Agenda & Handout Packet on the G.O. Bond Website.)
1:30:06 Maria Hernandez explained the Program General Status on page 22 of the Agenda &
Handout Packet. She explained that there are currently 66 active and completed projects. She
explained that project #29 West Lots was changed back to pending because the project is not
currently active. There are now 115 sub-projects due to project #18 Scott Rakow Gym Floors
moving to Tranche 1. She explained pages 23-26 of the Agenda & Handout Packet. There is now
a phase that is called “Closed”, which shows the actual funding that is available as a result of
project savings. Staff currently is showing $2.4 million in savings.
Explanation of charts continued.
1:39:27 Maria Hernandez mentioned that there was a request at the Finance and Economic
Resiliency Committee Meeting on June 16th, from one of the commissioners, to get a full update
on the whole G.O. Bond program. This update will be presented at next month’s Finance Meeting
on July 24th. Over the next couple of months, once the capital budget process is over, Staff is
going to take a serious look at where they stand with all of the projects, in order to create a one-
year projection. Around that time, Staff will be looking at Tranche 2 and how projects from
Tranche 1 may overlap into Tranche 2.
VIII. Quick Wins
(Refer to pages 27-28 on the Agenda & Handout Packet on the G.O. Bond Website.)
1:44:29 Maria Hernandez explained the Quick Wins chart on pages 27 & 28 of the Agenda &
Handout Packet. She asked the Parks & Recreation Department the status of the Scott Rakow
Parks Projects:
1:45:21 Jose Del Risco explained that they have had some rain delays and will continue to expect
some rain delays, but the contractor believes he will complete the project by this weekend. The
pool remains closed until June 29th in order for Staff to do a walk through and address punch list
Property Management Projects:
1:46:30 Frank Garcia explained that the generator at North Shore Youth Center is installed and
the generator at Scott Rakow Youth Center is installed and waiting final inspection. By the time
the Committee meets next time these projects will be completed.
G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes No. 17
June 18, 2020
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Police Projects:
1:47:40 Roland Aragunde explained that the permit from FDOT for the license plate readers on
71st Street has been approved for the directional boring work. The work is scheduled for the end
of next week. The permit for license plate readers on the Julia Tuttle Causeway westbound is still
pending. Staff has gotten over 95% of the underground work done at Lummus Park and the
cameras have been ordered. Staff is ready to seek Commission approval for the installation of
the Beachwalk cameras for phase 2.
1:50:31 Steve Feldman explained that they are still working on the final antenna location for the
public radio system and they hope to reach the target date of September.
IX. Public Q & A
1:52:00 Brian Keane asked if any of the events of Covid-19 and the shutdown has affected any of
these projects and/or if there has been a rethinking of the spending related to these projects.
1:52:20 Maria Hernandez expressed that construction continued during Covid-19. Staff was able
to advance a lot of projects since interruptions were minimized. In terms of any projects being
reconsidered or canceled, Staff is not aware of any.
1:54:47 Brian Keane explained that he is worried that people will see the City spending when
they (the public) don’t have a job, making the City seem tone-deaf. He explained he understands
how a G.O. Bond works, but as things have changed for a lot of people, where they are out of
work and they cannot pay rent, to hear that the City is spending, people might not see it in the
same fashion. As the City goes about celebrating its successes, keep in mind how it is perceived
on the public end.
1:56:21 Robert Rabinowitz explained how all of the access points on the Beachwalk were closed
down due to Covid-19. Now that the beach is open, he requested if there be certain access points
so that the public can access the beach.
1:57:25 David Martinez explained that all of the access points that the Capital Improvements
Projects oversees were ready to open the moment the beaches were opened.
1:58:15 Vanessa Vazquez explained that there are still some access points that are still closed.
1:58:32 David Martinez clarified that Staff was trucking sand around 46th St. so those access
points were closed. Vanessa Vazquez agreed to meet with Mr. Rabinowitz to discuss those
certain access points.
X. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned.