LTC 336-2020 ESOL and GED Adult Education Class UpdateDocuSign Envelope ID: ACE OF 9D4 -8AE7-4C9C-AC5C-DB4 8766BEE9E
To: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission pr
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From: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
September 21, 2020
ESOL and GED Adult Education Class Update
The purpose of the Letter to Commission is to update you on the status of our partnership with
Miami Beach Adult and Community Education Center to provide free English for Speakers of
Other Languages (ESOL) and General Education Development (GED) classes to Miami Beach
residents. Residents may now enroll directly on the school website at to avail themselves of this valuable opportunity for the Fall 2020
semester. Specific information on access is available on the attached flyers.
The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course is designed to provide English
language and literacy instruction for English language learner adults whose first language is
other than English and who are non-literate or semi-literate in their home language, in order to
increase their ability to communicate in English. The instructional focus is to prepare adult
learners to use English for entering the career and technical and/or postsecondary education,
employment, and participation in civic life.
The GED course of instruction prepares students for academic and personal success through
obtaining the necessary skills required to pass the official GED test and earn a State of Florida
High School Diploma. This program strives to motivate students not only to obtain the diploma
but also to utilize the acquired skills in the workforce and to achieve career and job placement
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning and
Development Officer.
DocuSign En vel op e ID: ACEOF9D4-8AE7-4C9C-AC5C-DB48766BEE@E
Free GED® and ESOL Classes
Funded by the City of Miami Beach, Fall 2020
~ ~·-·,· 7
Register Now!
The C ity o f M iam i Be ach is fund ing o ne cla ss of eithe r
ESOL [E ng lish for S peakers of Other Lan g uage s) or G ED
(G e ne ra l Ed ucatio na l D e ve lo pm e nt, availa b le in English or
Sp a n ish) fo r M ia m i Be a ch resid e nts. C la sses ar e o ffered
virtua lly by the M ia m i Be ach A d ult a nd C o m m unity
Ed ucatio n C e nter, a nd ar e off ered M onday throug h
Th ursd a y in the m o rn ing, a ftern oon and eve ning .
Re side nts m u st registe r O n line at W hen prom p ted, enter
your C ity of M ia m i Be a ch add ress to be aw ar d ed the
$30 cost o f cl ass. O nly a dd resses w ith ZIP C od e s
3 3 13 9 , 3 3 14 0 , o r 3 3 14 1 will be elig ible . If you have a ny
que stio ns, p le ase ca ll 305 .531.0451 to spea k to a
Re gistra tion S pecia list for a ssistance .
To request this material in alterna te format sign language interpreter (five-day notice required}, information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodatior t review any document or
participate in any city-spon sored proc ee di ng s, call 305.60 4.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spani sh, then optio n 6 ;Tr users may cal l via 711 /Florida Relay Service
es de GED® y ESOL Gratis para el Otoño
Patrocinadas por la Ciudad de Miami Beach
¡Inscríbase ahora!
La C iud ad d e M ia m i Be a ch está financia ndo el co sto d e una
clase d e ES O L (In glés par a ha blantes de otro s id io m a s) o una
clase [en ingl é s o esp añ ol ) d e GE D " paro los resi den tes de
M ia m i Be a ch . Las clase s se o fr ecen de lune s a jue ves d e
m a ne ra virtual a tra vé s d el M ia m i Bea ch A d ult C o m m u nity
Ed ucatio n C e n te r, e n los ho ra rios de m a ña na, ta rde y noche.
' - a
Lo s reside nte s d e be n inscrib irse por intern e t visita ndo C ua ndo se le ind ique,
in gre se su d irección d e la ciud ad de M ia m i Be ach par a que se
le o torg u e el costo d e la cl ase d e $ 30. Solo se rán ele gib les las
d ire ccion e s con lo s có d igo s postal e s 33139, 33 140,0 33141.
S i tie ne a lg u na pre gu nta, llam e a l 305.531.0451 par a hab lar
con un esp e cia lista en re gistro para obte ne r ayuda .
Para solicitar un formato alternativo, o asistencia relacionada con una discapacidad, llame al 305.604.2489 opción 2
para Español, y opción ó; usuarios de TTY pueden llamar a través del711 (Servicio de retransmisión de la Florida].