97-22424 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 97-22424 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE ONE-YEAR ACTION PLAN COMPONENT OF THE CONSOLIDATED PLAN FOR GRANT NO. S96-MC-12-0007, TO EXPAND THE SCOPE OF SERVICES TO THE SALVATION ARMY CONTRACT FOR FY 1996/97 TO INCLUDE SINGLE HOMELESS MEN, WITH NO EFFECT ON THE TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF THE GRANT AWARD TO THE SALVATION ARMY. WHEREAS, the City's Consolidated Plan (Plan)was adopted by the Mayor and Ci' Y Commission on July 26,1995, and the One-Year Action Plan component for the Plan f(lr Fiscal Year 1996/97 was adopted by Resolution No. 96-22046 on July 3, 1996; and WHEREAS, the City has determined through its One-Year Action Plan for Feder,11 Funds for FY 1996/97, which includes the budgets for the Community Oevelopment Bock Grant (COBG), Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Program, and HOME Investment Partnerships Program, the necessity for providing services to the homeless population of Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, the One-Year Action Plan component of the Plan for Fiscal Yenr 1996/97 included the scope of services for the Salvation Army, located at 1907 NW :~81! h Street, Miami, Florida, 33142; and WHEREAS, a "Notice of Intent to Amend" the One-Year Action Plan component of the Plan for Federal Funds for Fiscal Year 1996/97 to expand the Salvation Army s provision of emergency shelter services to include adult homeless males, in addition .'0 homeless single women and families, was published for a thirty-day public comment pericd on Sunday, May 11, 1997; and WHEREAS, the proposed Amendment was presented to the Communi y Oevelopment Advisory Committee (CDAC) at their May 13, 1997, meeting and wcs unanimously approved; and WHEREAS, the thirty-day comment period of the "Notice of Intent to Amend" concluded on June 10,1997, and no comments were received by the City; and WHEREAS, this Amendment does not change the priorities or total amount.)f funding of the Salvation Army as outlined in the FY 1996/97 Action Plan, and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends approval of this Amendment to th.~ One-Year Action Plan for Federal Funds for Fiscal Year 1996/97. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITl COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, Florida that the Mayor and City Cler< Are Authorized to Execute the attached Amendment to the One-Year Action Pial Component of the Consolidated Plan for Grant No. S96-MC-12-0007, to Expand the Sc:::>p.~ of Services to the Salvation Army Contract for FY 1996/97 to Include Single Homeless Men, with No Effect on the Total Oollar Amount Of the Grant Award to the Salvation Arm~'. PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of ,1997. ATTEST: \~o~~ PIV-~ CITY CLERK APPROVED /t-S TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION AIJ /gar . t:/Jt,<~? .~~ CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission DATE: June 18, 1997 FROM: Jose Garcia_pedrojrLa City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT OF THE ONE-YEAR ACTION PLAN COMPONENT OF THE CONSOLIDATED PLAN FOR GRANT NO. S96-MC-12-0007, TO EXPAND THE SCOPE OF SERVICES TO THE SALVATION ARMY CONTRACT FOR FY 1996/97 TO INCLUDE SINGLE HOMELESS MEN, WITH NO EFFECT ON THE TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF THE GRANT AWARD TO SALVATION ARMY. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Approve the attached Resolution. BACKGROUND: The City, through the Economic and Community Development Division of the Design, Developnelt and Historic Preservation Department administers the federally-funded Emergency Shelter Grant (E~,G Program that provides funding for emergency shelter. The City, through Emergency Shelter Gnmt Fiscal Year 1996/97 funding contracted the provision of emergency shelter services to the Salvation Arm; to provide essential emergency shelter services to homeless single women and one family. On May 6, 1997, the Salvation Army requested that their contract be expanded to include provisor of services to adult homeless males in order to better serve the homeless population of Miami Beac h. The Administration concurs with their request. DATE C-."-' ~ ~'lb-Cf7 AGENDA ITEM COMMISSIOl'" 1\ IlEMO JUNE U" 1997 The Salvation Army, located at 1907 NW 38th Street, Miami, Fl 33142, provides shelter, meals, li lens, laundry facilities, education, case management assistance with permanent housing, medical and psychological referrals, nutritional counseling, child care, transportation, job placement and trainin~. ANALYSIS: In order to increase the scope of services of the Salvation Army, an amendment to the One-Year A.c jon Plan for FY 1996/97 is needed. Therefore, on Sunday, May 11, 1997, a "Notice oflntent to Am~nd" the One- Year Action Plan component of the City's Consolidated Plan for FY 1996/97 to increase the sc )pe of services for the Salvation Army was published for a 30-day public comment period. On May 13, 1~97, the proposed amendment was also presented to the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC), which passed an unanimous motion to accept this amendment. The thirty day public con ment period on the "Notice oflntent to Amend" concluded on June 10, 1997, and no public comments WI. re received by the City. By increasing the Salvation Army's scope of service for FY 1996/97 emergency shelter service~ w 11 be provided to include adult homeless males in addition to single homeless women and one homeless Jamily. This amendment does not change the priorities or the total amount of funding of the City's Emerge lCY Shelter Grant Program as outlined in the FY 1996/97 One-Year Action Plan. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the attached Resolllti m approving and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Amendment to expand the scop~ of services for the Salvation Army to include adult homeless males. JGP~/JH~r AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This Amendment to the Agreement, dated October 1, 1996, between the CITY OF MIAr,~1 BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, having its principal office at 1700 Convention Center Orive, Miami Beach, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and THE SALVATION ARMY, located at 1907 NW 38th Street, Miami, Florida 33142, hereinaft~r referred to as the "Provider," is entered into this 20tlday of Augus t , 1997. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on October 1, 1996, the Mayor and City Commission approvl.~d Resolution No. 96-22134, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreerne!nt between the City and the Provider, for provision of transitional housing (shelter beds) br up to seven homeless single women and one homeless family (of five) per nigllht (Agreement). Services to include: shelter, meals, linens, laundry facilities, education, ,:;aie management assistance with permanent housing, medical and psychological refelra s, nutritional counseling, child care, transportation, job placement and training; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement, the Provider received a total amount of thirty-five thousand six hundred twenty-five dollars ($35,625) from Federal CommJn ty Oevelopment Block Grant (COBG) Year Twenty-Two (22) funds for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the parties now wish to amend the Agreement to expand the scope of service to include single homeless men; and WHEREAS, the City's One-Year Action Plan for FY 1996/97 is currently bei 19 amended to reflect these changes; and WHEREAS, the Amendment would not affect the total dollar amount of the Salvati)n Army line item, as published in the City's One-Year Action Plan for FY 1996/97 or in t,e Ag reement. NOW, THEREFORE, the Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 1. SECTION I (SCOPE OF SERVICES), page 2, sub-section A, paragraph 1 (Emergency Shelter for Women & Families) is amended as follows: Emergency Shelter for Men, Women and Families 1. Provider agrees to provide Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Program servicE!s :or the homeless population in Miami Beach in accordance with the attached Budget, by providing transitional housing (shelter beds), for up to seven homeless sin!Jle men or women and one homeless family (of up to five) per night. Services to include: shelter, meals, linens, laundry facilities, education, case managerne!nt, assistance with permanent housing, medical and psychological referrals, nutritio1al counseling, child care, transportation, job placement, and training. 2. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement between the City and the Provid ,~r shall remain the same in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment tCI the Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officials on the day first abo\"e indicated. ATTEST: THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORI[:,A ~r f(AA~ CITY CLERK MAYOR WITNESSES: THE SALVATION ARMY, 1907 NW 3S,th Street, Miami, FL 33142 ~J 'Out i;:t AUTHORIZED SIGNA TOR MilitiJU fth~~) Arlit a(/}nrntU)[/ e/ PRINT OR TYPE NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED SIGNA TOR HSM/JH/jer APPROVED AS l() fORM & lANGUAC:;E & FOR EXECUTION ~: --ft.~2&7 IDcrie