Resolution 2020-31436R E S O L U T IO N N O . 2020-31436
WHEREAS, the cities of Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah (Participating Cities) each operates its
own independent radio system; and
WHEREA S, the Participating Cities are desirous of continuing to monitor and transmit in each other's
law enforcement and fire rescue radio frequencies/talkgroups for emergency and/or mutual aid purposes,
which capabilities have existed for more than a decade; and
WHEREA S, each Participating City shall manage the day-to-day operations of their own Host Agency
Infrastructure and User Equipment operating on their "APCO P-25 System"; and
WH EREA S, improvements or maintenance of a Host Agency" APCO P-25 System," and any added
common components, shall be made by the manufacturer, manufacturer certified technician or other
contractor approved by that respective Host Agency; and
WHEREA S, the Participating Cities are desirous of linking their independent radio systems through a
core to core and/or Inter-RF Subsystem Interface (iSSi) connection; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends approving the Memorandum of Understanding by and
among the Participating Cities, incorporated herein by reference and attached hereto as Exhibit "1".
CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City commission hereby approve and authorize the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among the City of Miami, City of
Miami Beach, and City of Hialeah (Participating Cities); said MOU implementing a cooperative system for the
joint use of the municipal radio systems (including Police and Fire Departments), to ensure uninterrupted
communication capabilities for each Participating City, while traveling outside of their respective home
system coverage area during regular operations or joint relief operations.
PASSED and ADOPTE D his _"_ day r October,go2o.
Dan Gelber, Mayor
Resolutions-C7 D
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission
Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
October 14, 2020
The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Resolution.
The initial goal of the cooperative effort was to design the three Host Agency's radio systems,
Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah, in a manner that would allow police officers and firefighters
the ability to maintain communications (voice and data) in their respective municipal system after
they had traveled outside of their home system coverage area without the need to change
channels on their portable or mobile radios.
Hanis Corporation proposed a design that will require the Miami "APCO P-25 System" cores
(main and backup) to function as the primary cores while the Miami Beach cores (main and
backup) and the Hialeah cores (main and backup) continuously function as the backups for their
respective P-25 Systems. This design requires for each Host Agency Radio System
Administrator to access the Miami's Unified Administrative System (UAS) database which
functions as the primary core for all three Host Agencies. Therefore, in the event Miami's
primary and backup core cease to function or the microwave connection and backup connection
is lost from Miami to Miami Beach and/or Hialeah, Miami Beach cores and Hialeah cores take
over and their respective dispatch centers and radio subscribers continue to operate as
standalone P-25 Systems. The only core to core feature that could be lost by Miami Beach or
Hialeah during a rare (if ever) event of loss of connectivity to the Miami APCO P25 system
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wo u ld be th e se am l e ss ro am ing of th e p ub l ic saf ety sub scr ib er radi o s from all of the, cities or
the city impacted, by the connectivity loss, and the ability to perform administrative updates.
The three Host Agencies agree to fund and coordinate all radio system software and hardware
upgrades to assure that all voice and data interoperability communications between each Host
Agency is not degraded.
All Host Agencies agree to not implement any additional feature to their respective P-25
System or subscriber units that degrade the seamless roaming capability between the three
Host Agencies as defined in this MOU. The Host Agencies are allowed to implement any
feature in their respective APCO P-25 System or subscriber units that do not degrade any of
the features defined in this MO U without restriction.
There is no fiscal impact.
The goal of the proposed MOU is to implement a cooperative effort between the cities of
Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah (Participating Cities) public safety (Police and Fire) and
general government agencies radio systems to provide interoperability, inclusive of radio
system voice and data, location information and seamless/automatic roaming capabilities,
through each of their radio systems during regular operations, mutual aid events, and disaster
situations. The City Manager recommends the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding
by and among the Participating Cities, incorporated herein by reference and attached to the
Resolution as Exhi bit "1".
ls this.a "Residents Right
to Know" item , pursuant to
City Code Section 2-14?
Legislative Tracking
Fire Department
Does this item utilize G.O,
Bond Funds?
Resolution and MOU
Page 235 of 1576
THIS Memorandum of Und erstanding (MOU") is executed by and between the
City of Miami ("Miami"), the City of Miami Beach ("Mi ami Beach"), and the City of Hialeah
("Hialeah"), all Florida municipal corporations (individually a "Party' and jointly "Parties"),
this day of ,202O.
W I T N E S S E T H:
WHEREAS, Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah each operates its own
independent radio system; and
WHEREAS, Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah are desirous of continuing to
monitor and transmit in each other's law enforcement and fire rescue radio
frequencies/talkgroups for emergency and/or mutual aid purposes, which capabilities
have existed for more than a decade; and
WHEREAS, each Host Agency (City of Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah) shall
manage the day-to-day operations of their own Host Agency Infrastructure and User
Equipment operating on their "APCO P-25 System." All personnel and contractors
necessary to operate, improve and maintain each Host Agency's "APCO P-25 System"
shall be under the direction of that Host Agency and shall be responsible to the same.
Improvements or maintenance of a Host Agency "APCO P-25 System," an d any added
common components, shall be made by the manufacturer, manufacturer certified
technician or other contractor approved by that respective Host Agency; and
WHEREAS, Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah are desirous of linking their
independent radio systems through a core to core and/or Inter-RF Subsystem Interface
(ISSI) connection;
the benefits received by Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah and for other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, it is hereby agreed as follows:
1 I"
irae 237 or 1576
APCO Project 25 compliant radio system" or "APCO P-25 System" means a digital radio
system infrastructure and subscriber equipment that incorporates standards developed
by the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO) for technology
interfaces and communications interoperability between communications products
developed by multiple manufacturers.
"Host Agency" means each entity (Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah) operating an
APCO Project-25 compliant radio system having a radio network control center, i.e.
master site controller or control point, capable of managing one or multiple sites.
"Radio System" means the Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah radio communications
systems for public safety and general government services within their respective
"Inter-RF Subsystem Interface (ISSI)" provides P25 TIA-standardized network-level
communication between P25 radio systems, regardless of system manufacturer.
Its primary functions are to call management, entity tracking, and registration between
the local VIDA system and other RF Subsystems (RFSSs}. ln addition to inter-system
communication, the iSSi service also provides the interface that enables radios to roam
between systems.
The goal of this MOU is to implement a cooperative effort between Miami, Miami Beach,
and Hialeah public safety (Police and Fire) and general government agencies radio
systems to provide interoperability, inclusive of radio system voice and data, location
information and seamless/automatic roaming capabilities, through each of their radio
systems during regular operations, mutual aid events. and disaster situations.
The initial goal of the cooperative effort was to design the three Host Agency's radio
systems, Miami, Miami Beach, and Hialeah, in a manner that would allow police officers
and firefighters the ability to maintain communications (voice and data) in their
respective municipal system after they had traveled outside of their home system
coverage area without the need to change channels on their portable or mobile radios.
Harris Corporation proposed a design that will require the Miami "APCO P-25 System'
cores (main and backup) to function as the primary cores while the Miami Beach cores
(main and backup) and the Hialeah cores (main and backup) continuously function as
the backups for their respective P-25 Systems. This design requires for each Host
Agency Radio System Administrator to access the Miami's Unified Administrative
System (UAS) database which functions as the primary core for all three Host Agencies.
Therefore, in the event Miami's primary and backup core cease to function or the
microwave connection and backup connection is lost from Miami to Miami Beach and/or
Hialeah, Miami Beach cores and Hialeah cores take over and their respective dispatch
centers and radio subscribers continue to operate as standalone P-25 Systems. The
only core to core feature that could be lost by Miami Beach or Hialeah during a rare (if
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ever) event of loss of co nnectivity to the Miami APCO P25 system would be the
se a m le ss ro a m in g of the pu b lic safety su b scri b e r rad io s from all of the, cities or the city
im p a cte d , by th e co n n e ctiv ity lo ss, an d the ab ility to pe rf orm ad m in istrative up d a tes .
T he three H o st A g e nc ie s ag ree to fund an d coo rd in a te all rad io syste m so ftw are a nd
ha rd w a re up g ra d e s to assu re that all vo ice and da ta interoperability com m un ica ti on s
be tw ee n ea ch H o s t A g e n c y is no t de g rad e d .
A ll H o st A ge nci e s ag re e to n o t im p le m e n t a ny add itio n a l fea tu re to th e ir respe ctive P -25
S yste m o r su b sc rib e r un its tha t de g rad e th e se a m le ss ro a m in g ca p a b ili ty be tw e e n the
thre e H o st A g e n c ie s as de fi ne d in this M O U . T h e H o st A g e n cie s are allo w e d to
im p le m e nt an y fea ture in the ir res pe ctive AP C O P -2 5 S y st em o r su b sc ri b e r un its tha t do
no t de g ra d e an y of the fe a tu res de fi n e d in th is M O U w itho u t re strictio n .
1. Mi a m i agrees as follows:
A . M ia m i he re b y ag ree s to on ly allo w /cre a te a m a xim u m of two pe rs o nn e l/use rs w ith in
th e ir m u n icip a lity as S yste m A d m in istra tors in the AP C O P -2 5 S yst em U n ifie d
A d m in istra tive S yst em ("U A S") da tab a se . T he sa m e tw o Mi a mi per s on n el/u ser s wi th
S yste m A d m in istra to r acc ess w ill o n ly be au tho ri z e d to cre a te R eg io n A d m in istrato rs
an d A g e ncy A d m in istrato rs use rs w ith acce ss to M ia m i re g io n s an d ag e n c ie s in the
"UAS" database.
• Al l Mi am i pe rs on n el /use rs wi th AP C O P -2 5 S yste m A d mi nist rat or s
permission, R e gion A dm inis tr at or s permission, and A gen c y A dm i nist rat or s
pe rm issio n to th e U A S da ta b a se w ill be as sig n e d an in d ivid u a l use rn a m e a nd
pa ssw o rd to th e syste m . N o g e n e ric o r gr o up username wi ll b e crea ted
a n d n o pe rs o n n e l are perm itted to sh are th e ir u s e r name an d pa s s wo rd .
B . M ia m i he re b y a g re e s to co ntin u e to a llo w M ia m i B e a ch a n d H ia le a h a cce ss to the ir
In te ro p e ra b ility ta lkg ro u p s zo ne for la w e n fo rce m e nt, fire rescue o p e ratio n s, a nd
cityw id e ra d io fa ilu re s co ntin g e n cy pla n s .
• T he fi rs t ta lkg ro u p in th is inte ro p e ra b ility zo n e sha ll be de d ica ted a n d la b e le d
a s M IA C A L L and w ill be m o n ito red by M ia m i P o lice d is p a tch e rs w h e n
po ssib le .
• T he re st of the zo n e sh a ll be la b e le d as MIA IO -1 th rou gh M IA 10 -15 o r as
m a n y ta lkg rou p s tha t ca n be pro g ra m m e d w ith in th e sa m e zo ne .
C . M ia m i he re by ag re e s to co ntin ue to allo w M ia m i B e a c h an d H ia le a h acce ss to th e ir
F ire D e p a rt m e n t op e ratio na l ta lkg ro up s fo r the pu rp ose of in te ro pe ra b ility .
O . M ia m i he re b y a g ree s to allo w a to ta l of tw el ve (12 ) M ia m i B e a c h P o lic e or F ire
D e p a rt m e n t cha n n e l/ta lkg ro u p s a n d a to ta l of tw e lv e (12 ) H ia le a h P o lice or F ire
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Department channel/talkgroups roaming capabilities into its system via a core to core
• Miami reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of Miami Beach
and Hialeah channel/talkgroups that are allowed to roam into its APCO P-25
System. Miami agrees to notify Miami Beach and Hialeah prior to decreasing
or increasing the number of channel/talkgroups that are allowed to roam into
its APCO P-25 System.
• Miami will coordinate APCO P-25 System software and hardware upgrades
with Miami Beach and Hialeah for the purpose of preventing core to core
and/or Inter-RF Subsystem Interface (iSSi) connection roaming capabilíties
and interoperability functionalities from not operating as designed in this
E. In the APCO P-25 System, Miami hereby agrees that the APCO P-25 System ID
range 7040000-7049999 is reserved for the exclusive use of Miami Beach
subscribers as they were assigned to Miami Beach by the Regional Domestic
Security Task Force ("RDSTF") P-25 Subcommittee.
F. Miami hereby agrees to label in the APCO P-25 System the alias' of all APCO P-25
IDs that were assigned to the City of Miami by the RDSTF P-25 Subcom mittee as
• The first four (4) digits of the RDSTF P-25 IDs (7020000-7039999) alias'
assigned to Miami shall be "MIA-"
G. In the APCO P-25 System, Miami hereby agrees that the APCO P-25 System ID
range 7010000-7019999 is reserved for the exclusive use of Hialeah subscribers as
they were assigned to Hialeah by the RDSTF P-25 Subcommittee.
H. Miami hereby agrees to label in the APCO P-25 System the alias' of all APCO P-25
IDs that were assigned to any other agency outside of Miami Beach and Hialeah as
• The first few digits of the RDSTF P-25 IDs shall be a descriptive abbreviation
of the agency followed by a dash and then followed by the last five digits of
the seven-digit ID. (i.e. FBI-12345, ATF-12345, FWC-12345, CG-12345,
AVEN-12345, FTLAUD-12345, FHP-12345)
I. Once Miami Beach implements an APCO P-25 Phase-Il system, Miami hereby
agrees to only program Miami Beach talkgroups on APCO P-25 Phase-II ready
J. Once Hialeah implements an APCO P-25 Phase-li system, Miami hereby agrees to
only program Hialeah talkgroups on APCO P-25 Phase-Il ready radios.
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K. Miami hereby agrees to program/activate the Emergency function on all Miami
Beach talkgroups that are programmed in a Miami radio with a five (5) second open
microphone and no talkgroup revert feature.
L. Miami hereby agrees to program/activate the Emergency function on all Hialeah
talkgroups that are programmed in a Miami radio with a five (5) second open
microphone and no talkgroup revert feature.
M. Miami will provide any necessary training to Miami Beach and Hialeah to ensure
compliance with Miami Police and Fire Department radio procedures. For example,
Miami will define how their interoperability talkgroups will be utilized by other
agencies and will also abide by any Miami Beach and Hialeah operating procedures
that regulate the use of their talkgroups/frequencies.
N. Should Miami Beach or Hialeah withdraw any grant of permissions, Miami shall
remove Miami Beach and/or Hialeah frequencies/talkgroups from its radios upon
notice. Additionally, Miami assumes responsibility for the cost and effort needed to
bring its APCO P-25 System to normal operation in the event that Miami Beach or
Hialeah desire to disconnect their respective APCO P-25 S ystem cores from the
Miami APCO P-25 System. Nothing herein shall limit the ability of Miami to
alter/manage its frequencies.
2. Miami Beach agrees as follows:
A. Miami Beach hereby agrees to only allow/create a maximum of two (2)
personnel/users within their municipality as System Administrators in the APCO P-25
System Unified Administrative System ("UAS") database. The same two (2) Miami
Beach personnel/users with System Administrator access will o n ly be authorized to
create Region Administrators and Agency Administrators users with access to Miami
Beach regions and agencies in the "UAS" database.
• All Miami Beach personnel/users with APCO P-25 System Administrators
permission, Region Administrator permission, and Agency Administrators
permission to the UAS database will be assigned an individual username and
password to the system. No generic or group usemame will be created
and no personnel are permitted to share their user name and password.
B. Miami Beach hereby agrees to continue to allow Miami and Hialeah access to their
Interoperability talkgroups zone for law enforcement, fire rescue operations, and
citywide radio failures contingency plans.
• The first talkgroup in this interoperability zone shall be dedicated and labeled
as MB CALL and will be monitored by Miami Beach Police dispatchers when
• The rest of the zone shall be labeled as MB IO-1 through MB IO-15 or as
many talkgroups that can be programmed within the same zone.
C. Miami Beach hereby agrees to continue to allow Miami and Hialeah access to their
Fire Department operational talkgroups for the purpose of interoperability.
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D. M iam i Beach hereby agrees to allow a total of tw el ve (12) Mi a m i Police or Fire
Departm ent ch an nel/talkg roups and a total of tw el ve (12) Hia leah Police or Fire
Depa rtm ent ch annel /talkgro ups roami ng ca pabilities into its system via a core to core
co nnection.
• M iam i Beach reserv es the right to increase or decrease the num ber of M iam i
and Hialeah channel/talkgro ups that are allow ed to roam into its A PC O P-25
System . M iam i Beach agrees to notify M iam i and Hialeah prior to decreasing
or increasing the num ber of channel/talkgroups that are allow ed to roam into
its AP CO P-25 System .
• M iam i Be ach will coordinate AP CO P-25 System softw are and hardw are
upgrades with M iam i and Hialeah for the purp ose of preventing co re to co re
and/or Inter-RF Subsystem Interface (iSSi} connection roam ing ca pabilities
and interopera bility functionalities from not operating as designed in this
M O U.
E. In the AP CO P-25 Syst em , M iam i Beach hereby agrees that the AP C O P-25 System
ID ran ge 7020000-7039999 is reserv ed for the exclusive use of M iam i subscribers as
they were assigned to M iam i by the RDS TF P.-25 Subcom mi ttee.
F. M iam i Beach hereby agrees to label in the AP CO P-25 System the alias' of all A PC O
P-25 IDs that were assigned to M iam i Beach by the R DSTF P-25 Subcom m ittee as
• The fir st three (3) digits of the RDS TF P-25 IDs (7040000-7049999) alias'
assigne d to Miami Beach shall be "MB-"
G. ln the APCO P-25 System, Miami Beach hereby agrees that the APCO P-25 System
ID range 7010000-7019999 is reserved for the exclusive use of Hialeah subscribers
as they were assigned to Hialeah by the RDSTF P-25 Subcommittee.
H. Miami Beach hereby agrees to label in the APCO P-25 System the alias' of all APCO
P-25 IDs that were assigned to any other agency outside of Miami and Hialeah as
• The first few digits of the RDSTF P-25 IDs shall be a descriptive abbreviation
of the agency followed by a dash and then followed by the last five digits of
the seven-digit ID. (i.e. FBI-12345, ATF-12345, FWC-12345, CG-12345,
AVEN-12345, FTLAUD-12345, FHP-12345)
l. Once Miami implements an APCO P-25 Phase-ll system, Miami Beach hereby
agrees to only program Miami talkgroups on APCO P-25 Phase-Il ready radios.
J. Once Hialeah implements an APCO P-25 Phase-Il system, Miami Beach hereby
agrees to only program Hialeah talkgroups on APCO P-25 Phase-I I ready radios.
K. Miami Beach hereby agrees to program/activate the Emergency function on all
Miami Police talkgroups and all Miami Interoperability talkgroups that are
programmed in a Miami Beach radio with a five (5) second open microphone and no
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talkgroup revert feature. At the same time, Miami Beach hereby agrees to
program/activate the Emergency function on all Miami Fire talkgroups that are
programmed in a Miami Beach radio a with a five (5) second open microphone and
the talkgroup revert feature activated to the MAYDAY talkgroup.
L. Miami Beach hereby agrees to program/activate the Emergency function on all
Hialeah talkgroups that are programmed in a Miami Beach radio with a five (5)
seco nd open microphone and no talkgroup revert feature.
M. Miami Beach will provide any nece ssary training to Miami and Hialeah to ensure
compliance with Miami Beach Police and Fire Department radio procedures. For
example, Miami Beach will define how their interoperability talkgro ups will be utilized
by other agencies and will also abide by any Miami and Hialeah operating
proced ures that regulate the use of their talkgroups/frequencies.
N. Sh ould Miami or Hialeah withd raw any grant of perm issions, Mi am i Beach shall
remove Miami and/or Hialeah frequencies/talkgroups from its radios upo n notice .
Additionally, Miami Beach assumes responsibility for the cost and efforts needed to
bring its AP CO P-25 System to nonn al operation in the event that Miami or Hialeah
desire to disconnect their respe ctive AP CO P-25 System cores from the Miami
Be ach AP CO P-25 System. Nothing herein shall limit the ability of Miami Beach to
alter/manage its frequencies.
3. Hialeah agrees as follows:
A. Hialeah hereby agrees to only allow/create a maximum of tw o (2) person nel/users
within their municipality as System Administrators in the AP CO P-25 System Unified
Adm inistrative System ("UAS") datab ase. Th e same tw o (2) Hialeah personnel /users
with System Administrator acc ess will only be authorized to create Region
Administrators and Agency Administrators users with access to Hialeah regions and
agencies in the "UAS" database.
• All Hialeah personnel/users with APCO P-25 System Administrators
permission, Region Administrator penn ission, and Agency Administrators
perm ission to the UAS database will be assigned an individual usemame and
password to the system. No generic or gro up usernam e will be crea ted
and no pe rsonnel are pe rm itted to share their user nam e and pa ssword.
B. Hialeah hereby agrees to con tinue to allow Miami and Miami Beach acc ess to their
interop er ability talkgroups zone for law enforce ment, fire rescue operations, and
cityw ide radio failures co ntingency plans.
• The first talkgroup in this interopera bility zone shall be dedica ted and labeled
as HIA CALL and will be monitored by Hialeah Police dispatch when
• The rest of the zone shall be labeled as HIA IO-1 through HI A IO -15 or as
many talkgroups that can be programmed within the same zone.
C. Hialeah hereby agrees to continue to allow Miami and Miami Beach access to their
Fire Department op eration al talkgr oups for the purpose of interoperability.
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D. Hialeah hereby agrees to allow a total of twelve (12) Miami Police or Fire Department
channel/talkgroups and a total of twelve (12) Miami Beach Police or Fire Department
channel/talkgroups roaming capabilities into its system via a core to core connection.
• Hialeah reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of Miami and
Miami Beach channel/talkgroups that are allowed to roam into its APCO P-25
system. Hialeah agrees to notify Miami and Miami Beach prior to decreasing
or increasing the number of channel/talkgroups that are allowed to roam into
its APCO P-25 System.
• Hialeah will coordinate APCO P-25 System software and hardware upgrades
with Miami and Miami Beach for the purpose of preventing core to core
and/or Inter-RF Subsystem Interface (iSSi) connection roaming capabilities
and interoperability functionalities from not operating as designed in this
E. In the APCO P-25 System, Hialeah hereby agrees that the APCO P-25 System ID
range 7020000-7039999 is reserved for the exclusive use of Miami subscribers as
they were assigned to Miami by the RDS TF P-25 Subcommittee.
F. Hialeah hereby agrees to label in the APCO P-25 System the alias' of all APCO P-25
IDs that were assigned to Hialeah by the RDSTF P-25 Subcommittee as follows:
• The first four (4) digits of the RDSTF P-25 IDs (7010000-7019999) alias'
assigned to Hialeah shall be "HIA-"
G. In the APCO P-25 System, Hialeah hereby agrees that the APCO P-25 System ID
range 7040000-7049999 is reserved for the exclusive use of Miami Beach
subscribers as they were assigned to Miami Beach by the RDSTF P-25
H. Hialeah hereby agrees to label in the APCO P-25 System the allas' of all APCO P-25
IDs that were assigned to any other agency outside of Miami and Miami Beach as
• The first few digits of the RDSTF P-25 IDs shall be a descriptive abbreviation
of the agency followed by a dash and then followed by the last five digits of
the seven-digit ID. (i.e. FBI-12345, ATF-12345, FWC-12345, CG-12345,
AVEN-12345, FTLAUD-12345, FHP-12345)
l. Once Miami implements an APCO P-25 Phase-Il system, Hialeah hereby agrees to
only program Miami talkgroups on APCO P-25 Phase-Il ready radios.
J. Once Miami Beach implements an APCO P-25 Phase-ll system, Hialeah hereby
agrees to only program Miami Beach talkgroups on APCO P-25 Phase-Il ready
K. Hialeah hereby agrees to program/activate the Emergency function on all Miami
Police talkgroups and all Miami Interoperability talkgroups that are programmed in a
Hialeah radio with a five (5) second open microphone and no talkgroup revert
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feature. At the same time, Hialeah hereby agrees to program/activate the Emergency
function on all Miami Fire talkgroups that are programmed in a Hialeah radio with a
five (5) second open microphone and the talkgroup revert feature activated to the
MAYDAY talkgroup.
L. Hialeah hereby agrees to program /activate the Emergency function on all Miami
Beach talkgroups that are programmed in a Hialeah radio with a five (5) seco nd open
microphone and no talkgroup revert feature.
M. Hialeah will provide any nece ssary training to Miami and Miami Beach to ensure
compliance with Hialeah Police and Fire Department radio proce dures. For example,
Hialeah will define how their interoperability talkgro ups will be utilized by other
agencies and will also abide by any Miami and Miami Beach operating proce dures
that regulate the use of their talkgroups /frequenci es.
N. Should Miami or Miami Beach withdraw any grant of perm issions, Hialeah shall
remove Miami and/or Miami Beach frequencies/talkgroups from its radios upon
notice . Additionally, Hialeah assumes responsibility for the cost and efforts needed
to bring its AP CO P-25 System to norm al operation in the event that Miami or Miami
Beach desire to disconnect their respective AP CO P-25 cores from the Hialeah
APCO P-25 Syst em. Nothing herein shall limit the ability of Hialeah to alter/m anage
its frequencies.
VI. Com mencement:
This MO U shall commence on the date that it is fully executed by the Parties and shall
continue in full force and effect unless and until term inated by either Party as provided
VII. Term ination Clause:
A. Either Party may terminate this MO U upon thirty (30) day written notice to the
other Parties.
B. Either Party may terminate this MOU immediately upon breach of any regulations
by another Party upon written notice to the other Parties.
C. Upon term ination, each Party will be individually responsible for any cost
resulting from the separation of the core to co re connectivity and to re-establish
their own independent radio system functionality.
VI II. Mod ifica tions:
Any amendments and/or modifica tions to this MO U must be in writing and executed by
the Parties. The City Manager of Miami Beach, on behalf of Miami Be ach, shall be
authorized to execute any amendment to the MOU.
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IX. Notices:
Any notices required or provided by the terms of this MOU shall be in writing, addressed
in accordance with this Paragraph and shall be sent by U.S. mail or email as to the
following contact individuals for each Party:
To Miami:
Arthur Noriega V
City Manager
444 S .W. 2dn Avenue
Mi am i, Florida 33130
To Miami Beach:
Jimmy L. Morales
City Manager
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
To Hialeah:
Carlos Hernandez
501 Palm Avenue
Hialeah, Florida 3301 O
X. Indemnificat ion:
A . Pursuant to Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, Miami assumes any and all risks of
personal injury, bodily injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts
or omissions of Miami and the officers, employees. servants. and agents thereof.
Miami warrants and represents that it is self-funded far liability insurance, ar has
liability insurance, both public and property, with such protection being applicable to
Miami officers, employees, servants and agents while acting within the scope of their
employment with Miami.
B. Pursuant to Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, Miami Beach assumes any and all
risks of personal injury, bodily injury and property damage attributable to the
negligent acts or omissions of Miami Beach and the officers, employees. servants.
and agents thereof. Miami Beach warrants and represents that it is self-funded for
liability insurance, or has liability insurance, both public and property. with such
protection being applicable to Miami Beach officers, employees, servants and agents
while acting within the scope of their employment with Miami Beach.
C. Pursuant to Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, Hialeah assumes any and all risks of
personal injury, bodily injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts
or omissions of Hialeah and the officers, employees. servants, and agents thereof.
Hialeah warrants and represents that it is self-funded for liability insurance, or has
liability insurance. both public and property, with such protectìon being applicable to
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Hialeah office rs , em ployees, serv ants and agents while acting within the scope of
their em ploym ent with Hialeah.
XI. Standard of Compliance:
A. The Parties, their employees, subcontractors, partners or assigns, shall comply with
any and all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations relating to
the performance of this MOU to which their activities are subject.
B. The Parties shall allow public access to all project documents and materials
maintained in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.
Should any Party assert any exemptions to the requirements of Chapter 119 and
related statutes, the burden of establishing such exemption, by way of injunctive or
other relief as provided by law, shall be both upon that Party asserting the
XII. Relationship between the Parties:
The Parties are public agencies. Neither Party shall be deemed an employee or agent of
any other Party. Nothing in this MOU shall be interpreted to establish any relationship
other than that of independent Parties, between the Miami, Miami Beach and Hialeah, or
between their respective employees, agents, subcontractors, partners, or assigns,
during or after the performance of this MOU.
XIII. Dispute Process:
If possible, disputes should first be resolved by informal discussion between the Parties.
The Parties will attempt to resolve their disputes and controversies arising under this
MOU by the procedural options afforded by the Florida Governmental Conflict
Resolution Act, Chapter 164, Florida Statutes, as amended. This will be a condition
precedent to any civil action between the Parties arising out of this MOU.
XIV. Headings:
The headings in this MOU are for the convenience of reference only and are not
substantive parts of this MOU nor shall they affect its interpretation.
XV. Severability:
In the event any provision of this MOU is determined to be invalid or unenforceable
under any controlling law, the invalidity or unenforceability of that provision shall not in
any way affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this MOU.
XVI. Assignment:
This MOU shall not be assignable by any Party, in whole or in part, without the prior
written consent of the Parties.
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XVII. Entire Agreement:
This MOU sets forth all the agreements and understandings between the Parties hereto
with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and terminates all prior
agreements and understandings between the Parties with respect to the specific subject
matter hereof. There are no other agreements or understandings with respect to the
subject matter hereof, either oral or written, between the Parties other than as set forth
herein. Except as expressly set forth in this MOU, no subsequent amendment,
modification or addition to this MOU shall be binding upon the Parties hereto unless
reduced to writing and signed by the respective authorized officers of all the Parties.
XVIII. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures:
This MOU and any amendments hereto may be executed in counterparts, each of which
shall be an original as against either Party whose signature appears thereon, but all of
which taken together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. An executed
facsimile or electronic scanned copy of this Agreement shall have the same force and
effect as an original. The parties shall be entitled to sign and transmit an electronic
signature on this Agreement (whether by facsimile, PDF or other email transmission),
which signature shall be binding on the party whose name is contained therein. Any
party providing an electronic signature agrees to promptly execute and deliver to the
other parties an original signed Agreement upon request.
XIX. Force Majeure:
A. Neither Party will be responsible or liable to the other Party for non-performance or
delay in performance of any terms or conditions of this Agreement due to acts or
occurrences beyond the control of the nonperforming or delayed party, including, but
not limited to, acts of God, acts of government, terrorism, wars, epidemics, riots,
strikes or other labor disputes, shortages of labor or materials, fires, and floods,
provided the nonperforming or delayed party provides to the other party written
notice of the existence of and the reason for such nonperformance or delay.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused their respective agents
to execute this instrument on their behalf, this __ day of , 2020.
"M iam i "
a Florida municipal corporation
Arthur Noriega V
City Manager
Todd Hannon
City Clerk
By: _
Jorge Colina
Police Chief
Joseph Zahralban
Fire Chief
Approved as to insurance requirements:
Ann-Marie Sharpe
Risk Management Director
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency:
Victoria Méndez
City Attorney
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"Miami Beach"
a Florida municipal corporation
Dan Gelber
Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
Richard M. Clements
Police Chief
Virgilio Fernandez
Fire Chief
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency:
'3 au5. @oñ
City Attorney
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a Florida municipal corporation
Carlos Hernandez
City Mayor
Sergio Velazquez
Police Chief
Willians Guerra
Fire Chief
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency:
Lorena Bravo
City Attorney
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