We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
Tonya Daniels, E-mail:
Melissa Berthier, E-mail:
April 3, 2020
City of Miami Beach Mandates Employees and Customers
Cover their Noses & Mouths
– At Grocery Stores, Pharmacies and Restaurant Facilities –
Miami Beach, FL – As the coronavirus continues to claim lives across the State of
Florida, the City of Miami Beach has added a requirement in today’s Emergency Order,
effective April 7, 2020, for all employees and customers of grocery stores, pharmacies
and restaurant facilities to wear a form of covering over their nose and mouth at all times
when inside these establishments. The same requirement applies to individuals
providing delivery services.
Acceptable coverings may include a face mask, homemade mask or other cloth
covering, such as a scarf, bandana or handkerchief, and should complement — not
substitute for — social distancing practices. Medical and surgical face masks, such as
“N95” masks, are in short supply and should be reserved for health care personnel and
other first responders with the greatest need for such personal protective equipment.
As to all other essential retail and commercial establishments permitted to remain open,
employees and customers are strongly encouraged to wear a form of covering over the ir
nose and mouth. All establishments are strongly encouraged to implement policies for
employees to use other personal protective equipment, such as gloves, subject to the
availability of such items.
The city has also revised its “Safer at Home” Emergency Order through April 9, 2020.
For additional information on the city’s efforts, including all emergency measures being
enforced, please visit
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