We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
Tonya Daniels, E-mail:
Melissa Berthier, E-mail:
March 23, 2020
City of Miami Beach Issues “Safer at Home” Order
– Calling on residents to limit all activities outside of their homes beyond what is
absolutely necessary for essential tasks –
Miami Beach, FL – Minimizing contact through social distancing measures is critical in
avoiding the risk of COVID-19 infections. As such, the City of Miami Beach has issued a
“Safer at Home” Emergency Order, effective 12:01 a.m. on March 24, 2020, a link to which
is here, requiring all persons living in the city to remain in their homes to the maximum
extent possible, except to engage in essential activities as set forth in the Order. All public
and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a residence are
prohibited, except to engage in essential activities.
All residents and visitors may engage in the following activities:
• Essential retail and commercial activities, such as groceries; medical care;
restaurants; for pick up, take out or delivery; banking; and other activities listed
in the Order;
• Outdoor recreational activities in areas not otherwise CLOSED;
• Religious activities, subject to distance separation rules;
• Personal support activities, to care for family members or friends;
• Work in support of essential activities, including work to or from essential retail
and commercial businesses permitted to remain open by County Emergency
Order or City Emergency Order
At all times, residents and visitors shall adhere to social distancing practices, such as
• maintaining a distance of at least six feet away from others,
• washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds or using hand
• covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands),
• regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces, and
• not shaking hands.
Residents and visitors are strongly encouraged to limit all of their travel, except as
absolutely necessary. Persons at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and people
who are sick are strongly encouraged to stay in their residence to the extent possible,
except as necessary to seek medical care.
For additional information on the city’s efforts, including all emergency measures being
enforced, please visit
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participate in any city-sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanish, then option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service).