Code Compliance MXE PowerPoint (2)Ordinance Roadmap (3/15/2017 –3/14/2018) 4/26/2017 Ordinance 2017-4084 Section 142-1112 Package Liquor Store Design 5/17/2017 Ordinance 2017-4096 Section 142-336 Lincoln Road Interior & Exterior Speaker Location Requirement Ordinance 2017-04092 Section 82-385 Sidewalk Application (Permit) –Requirement to attend hospitality training Ordinance 2017-4101 Section 6-3 Alcoholic Beverage Hours of Sale 7/26/2017 Ordinance 2017-4113 Chapter 18 - Human Trafficking Public Awareness Signs 01 02 03 10/31/2017 Ordinance 2017-4085 Section 142-546(b) Ocean Drive Exterior Speaker Location Ordinance 2017-4100 Section 82-370 Sidewalk Cafe – Increased penalties, City Manager ability to suspend permit 5/27/2017 6/7/2017 Ordinance 2017-4114 Section 146-152 Noise Exemption Ordinance 2017-4117 Chapter 82 Sidewalk Café Single Use Carry Out Plastic Bag Ordinance 2017-4131 Section 6-3 Alcoholic Beverage Hours of Sale 9/13/2017 10/18/2017 10/18/2017 Ordinance 2017-4139 Section 10-19 Cruelty to Animals Ordinance 2017-4140 Section 10-13 -Removal of Animal Defecation and Removal of Waste Associated with Animal Feeding Ordinance 2017-4144 Chapter 82 Sidewalk Café Permit Fee Exception North of 63rd Street Ordinance 2017-4151 Section 6-3 Alcoholic Beverage Hours of Sale 2Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked 03/15/2017 -03/14/2018 Ocean Drive During the period 03/15/2017 –03/14/2018 Code Compliance responded to 2003 calls of service and proactive inspections including noise complaints on Ocean Drive between 5th street through 16th Street. Some of the complaints were for illegal vendors, sidewalk café issues, business tax receipt issues, selling alcohol after hours, graffiti, property maintenance issues and sanitation. Code Complian ce issued a total of 421 violations. Source: EnerGov City Code Other include flyers, not complying with the delivery hours posted, litter, artist vendors, and not maintaining the sidewalk clean in front of the business. Sanitation Other includes overflowing roll off and biohazardous. Zoning Other includes cigar vendor, speakers, parking lots, and store front coverings. 6 29 24 1 15 15 13 12 25 41 2 6 27 13 69 9 65 6 6 4 8 25 A L C O H O L B U S I N E S S P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T ( S H O R T T E R M P E R M I T T E D ) C I T Y C O D E O T H E R G R A F F I T I P O L I C E - C A N N A B I S R E S O R T T A X R I G H T - OF - W A Y ( C O D E / P O L I C E ) S I D E W A L K C A F E S S I G N P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y S P E C I A L E V E N T N O I S E V I O L A T I O N P R O P E R T Y M A I N T E N A N C E - E X T E R I O R D U M P S T E R F O R T H W I T H I L L E G A L D U M P I N G S A N I T A T I O N O T H E R C E R T I F I C A T E O F A P P R O P R I A T E N E S S C O N D I T I O N A L U S E P E R M I T S I G N P R I V A T E Z O N I N G O T H E R CITY CODE NOISE PM SANITATION ZONING OTHER 03/15/2017 -3/14/2018 TOTAL VIOLATIONS OCEAN DRIVE, 421 3Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked 03/15/2017 -03/14/2018 Collins Avenue During the period 03/15/2017 –03/14/ 2018 Code Compliance responded to 1899 calls of service and proactive inspections including noise complaints on Collins Avenue between 5th street through 17th Street. Some of the complaints were for illegal vendors, sidewalk café issues, business tax receipt issues, selling alcohol after hours, graffiti, property maintenance issues and sanitation. Code Complian ce issued a total of 444 violations. Source: EnerGov City Code Other include flyers, not complying with the delivery hours posted, litter, artist vendors, and not maintaining the sidewalk clean in front of the business. Sanitation Other includes overflowing roll off and biohazardous. Zoning Other includes cigar vendor, speakers, parking lots, and store front coverings. 4 3 56 5 9 55 5 15 29 3 2 5 4 13 23 3 4 40 6 79 1 15 1 49 15 A L C O H O L B U S I N E S S P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T ( S H O R T … C I T Y C O D E O T H E R G R A F F I T I P O L I C E - P O S S E S S I N G 2 0 G R A M S C A N N A B I S R E S O R T T A X R I G H T - OF - W A Y ( C O D E / P O L I C E ) S I D E W A L K C A F E S S I D E W A L K C A F E S S I G N P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y S P E C I A L E V E N T N O I S E V I O L A T I O N P R O P E R T Y M A I N T E N A N C E - … D U M P S T E R S A N I T A T I O N O T H E R D U M P S T E R F O R T H W I T H I L L E G A L D U M P I N G S A N I T A T I O N O T H E R C E R T I F I C A T E O F A P P R O P R I A T E N E S S C O N D I T I O N A L U S E P E R M I T S I G N P R I V A T E Z O N I N G O T H E R CITY CODE NOISE PM SANITATION ZONING 03/15/2017 -3/14/2018 TOTAL VIOLATIONS COLLINS AVENUE, 444 4Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked 03/15/2017 -03/14/2018 Washington Avenue During the period 03/15/2017 –03/14/ 2018 Code Compliance responded to 1003 calls of service and proactive inspections includin g noise complaints on Washington Avenue between 5th street through 17th Street. Some of the complaints were for illegal vendors, sidewalk café issues, business tax receipt issues, selling alcohol after hours, graffiti, property maintenance issues and sanitation. Code Complian ce issued a total of 399 violations. 41 1 10 4 1 15 10 16 2 1 2 26 29 10 58 1 21 61 B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T C I T Y C O D E O T H E R G R A F F I T I P O L I C E - P O S S E S S I N G 2 0 G R A M S C A N N A B I S R E S O R T T A X R O W ( C O D E / P O L I C E ) S I D E W A L K C A F E S S I G N P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y S P E C I A L E V E N T N O I S E V I O L A T I O N P R O P E R T Y M A I N T E N A N C E - E X T E R I O R D U M P S T E R F O R T H W I T H I L L E G A L D U M P I N G C E R T I F I C A T E O F A P P R O P R I A T E N E S S S I G N P R I V A T E Z O N I N G O T H E R CITY CODE NOISE PM SANITATION ZONING 03/15/2017 -3/14/2018 TOTAL VIOLATIONS WASHINGTON AVENUE, 399 5 Source: EnerGov City Code Other include flyers, not complying with the delivery hours posted, litter, artist vendors, and not maintaining the sidewalk clean in front of the business. Sanitation Other includes overflowing roll off and biohazardous. Zoning Other includes cigar vendor, speakers, parking lots, and store front coverings. Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked Ordinance Roadmap (3/15/2018 –3/14/2019) 4/11/2018 Ordinance 2018-4181 Section 46-152 Noise Exemptions 5/16/2018 Ordinance 2018-4191 Chapter 138 Signs – Specific Use Signs Ordinance 2018-04195 Chapter 82 Sidewalk Café Uses in Public Right-of-Way Ordinance 2018-4200 Chapter 10 Animals –Amended Prohibitions, penalties and enforcement provisions regarding the keeping, stabling, harbouring or maintaining of animals 7/25/2018 Ordinance 2018-04205 Chapter 82 Sidewalk Café Single Use Carry Out Plastic Bag 01 02 03 1/16/2018 Ordinance 2018-4188 Chapter82 Sidewalk Café Uses in Public Right-of-Way 5/26/2018 6/16/2018 Ordinance 2018-4207 Chapter 62 Protection of hotel and hostel employees from assault button Ordinance 2018-4208 Section46-92 Prohibit single-use plastic straws on any beach, park, & city marina Ordinance 2018-4211 Section 102-386 Requiring property owners to display BTR and Resort Tax Certificate numbers on any listings advertising their property 9/12/2018 10/17/2018 11/14/2018 Ordinance 2018-4217 Chapter 46 Noise Exemptions Ordinance 2018-4218 Section 70-2 Sale of Nicotine Vaporizers and liquid nicotine to minors and possession by minors prohibited Ordinance 2018-4222 Section 82-466 through 82-470 regarding prohibiting watercraft in restricted swim area and non-restricted swim areas Ordinance 2018-4232 Section 70-70 Regulations for responsible persons or businesses providing rentals or leases of mopeds, motorcycles, and motorized bicycles Ordinance 2018-4234 Section 6-3 Hours of Alcohol Sales/Violations 2/13/2020 Ordinance 2019-4243 Section 142-546 (b) Ocean Drive Speaker Location Ordinance 2019-4245 Section 102-387 Hosting Platforms that integrate geofencing within their online platforms must comply with provisions in subsection 102-387 (A) Ordinance 2019-4248 Section 70-70.1 Regulations for responsible persons or business providing rentals or leases of mopeds, motorcycles, and motorized bicycles Ordinance 2019-4251 Section 6-3 Hours of Alcohol Sales Violations 3/4/2019 3/13/2019 6Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked 03/15/2018 -03/14/2019 Ocean Drive During the period 03/15/2018 –03/14/ 2019 Code Compliance responded to 1829 calls of service and proactive inspections including noise complaints on Ocean Drive between 5th street through 16th Street. Some of the complaints were for illegal vendors, sidewalk café issues, business tax receipt issues, selling alcohol after hours, graffiti, property maintenance issues and sanitation. Code Complian ce issued a total of 527 violations. Source: EnerGov City Code Other include flyers, not complying with the delivery hours posted, litter, artist vendors, and not maintaining the sidewalk clean in front of the business. Sanitation Other includes overflowing roll off and biohazardous. Zoning Other includes cigar vendor, speakers, parking lots, and store front coverings. 1 34 1 36 6 25 25 3 6 10 11 3 15 2 34 39 11 3 4 10 7 12 1 26 13 A L C O H O L B U S I N E S S P U B L I C B U S I N E S S P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T … C I T Y C O D E V I O L A T I O N G R A F F I T I P O L I C E - P O S S E S S I N G 2 0 … R E S O R T T A X R I G H T - OF - W A Y ( C O D E / P O L I C E ) S I D E W A L K C A F E S S I G N P U B L U C P R O P E R T Y S P E C I A L E V E N T N O I S E V I O L A T I O N N O I S E V I O L A T I O N S P R O P E R T Y M A I N T E N A N C E - … D U M P S T E R F O R T H W I T H I L L E G A L D U M P I N G C E R T I F I C A T E O F A P P R O P R I A T E N … C O N D I T I O N A L U S E S I G N P R I V A T E Z O N I N G O T H E R CITY CODE NOISE PM SANITATION ZONING 03/15/2018 -3/14/2019 TOTAL VIOLATIONS OCEAN DRIVE, 527 7Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked 03/15/2018 -03/14/2019 Collins Avenue During the period 03/15/2018 –03/14/ 2019 Code Compliance responded to 611 calls of service and proactive inspections noise complaints on Collins Avenue between 5th street through 17th Street including. Some of the complaints were for illegal vendors, sidewalk café issues, business tax receipt issues, selling alcohol after hours, graffiti, property maintenance issues and sanitation. Code Compliance issued a total of 383 violations. Source: EnerGov City Code Other include flyers, not complying with the delivery hours posted, litter, artist vendors, and not maintaining the sidewalk clean in front of the business. Sanitation Other includes overflowing roll off and biohazardous. Zoning Other includes cigar vendor, speakers, parking lots, and store front coverings. 2 36 1 8 34 4 6 2 6 8 14 37 78 5 10 6 3 3 24 6 B U S I N E S S P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T ( S H O R T … C I T Y C O D E O T H E R G R A F F I T I R E S O R T T A X R I G H T - OF - W A Y ( C O D E / P O L I C E ) S I D E W A L K C A F E S S P E C I A L E V E N T Z O N I N G O T H E R N O I S E V I O L A T I O N P R O P E R T Y M A I N T E N A N C E - … D U M P S T E R F O R T H W I T H I L L E G A L D U M P I N G S A N I T A T I O N O T H E R C E R T I F I C A T E O F A P P R O P R I A T E N E S S S I G N P R I V A T E Z O N I N G O T H E R CITY CODE NOISE PM SANITATION ZONING 03/15/2018 -3/14/2019 TOTAL VIOLATIONS COLLINS AVENUE, 383 8Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked 03/15/2018 -03/14/2019 Washington Avenue During the period 03/15/2018 –03/14/ 2019 Code Compliance responded to 708 calls of service and proactive inspections including noise complaints on Washington Avenue between 5th street through 17th Street. Some of the complaints were for illegal vendors, sidewalk café issues, business tax receipt issues, selling alcohol after hours, graffiti, property maintenance issues and sanitation. Code Compliance issued a t otal of 493 violations. 1 61 3 16 50 1 13 8 4 8 1 73 38 15 64 7 2 1 73 54 A L C O H O L B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T ( S H O R T T E R M P E R M I T T E D ) C I T Y C O D E O T H E R G R A F F I T I P O L I C E - P O S S E S S I N G 2 0 G R A M S C A N N A B I S R E S O R T T A X R I G H T - OF - W A Y S I D E W A L K C A F E S S I G N P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y Z O N I N G O T H E R P R O P E R T Y M A I N T E N A N C E - E X T E R I O R D U M P S T E R F O R T H W I T H I L L E G A L D U M P I N G S A N I T A T I O N O T H E R C E R T I F I C A T E O F A P P R O P R I A T E N E S S C O N D I T I O N A L U S E P E R M I T S I G N P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y Z O N I N G O T H E R CITY CODE PM SANITATION ZONING 03/15/2018 -3/14/2019 TOTAL VIOLATIONS WASHINGTON AVENUE, 493 9 Source: EnerGov City Code Other include flyers, not complying with the delivery hours posted, litter, artist vendors, and not maintaining the sidewalk clean in front of the business. Sanitation Other includes overflowing roll off and biohazardous. Zoning Other includes cigar vendor, speakers, parking lots, and store front coverings. Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked Ordinance Roadmap (3/15/2019 –3/14/2020) 5/8/2019 Ordinance 2019-4261 Chapter 82 Article IV Uses in Public Right-of-Way penalties amended 6/5/2019 Ordinance 2018-04269 Chapter 142 Division 11 Tabacco/Vape Dealers locations prohibiting the sale of tabacco and vape products 9/11/2019 Ordinance 2019-4263 Section 82-468 include Kiteboard operator permits, distance separations, and kiteboard lessons Ordinance 2019-4281 Section 82-382 & 82- 383 Extend Abatement of Sidewalk Café Permit Fees 7/17/2019 Ordinance 2018-4294 Section 82-366 through 82- 388 Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct Ordinance 2018-4295 Chapter 46 Single- Use Plastic Straws 10/16/2019 Ordinance 2019-4308 Chapter 46 Tree Trimming Permits and enforcement Ordinance 2019-4309 Chapter 12 Ambient Entertainment Permit Program Ordinance 2020-4309 Chapter 12 Ambient Entertainment Permit Program Ordinance 2020-4323 Chapter 82 Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct 1/15/2020 2/12/2020 Ordinance 2019-4264 Section 82-1 Conducting business on streets, parks, or other public property Ordinance 2019-4265 Chapter 6 Alcoholic Beverages – Patron Age Restrictions Ordinance 2019-4266 Chapter 82 High Impact Events on Beach Property; Expand Authority of City Manager 5/8/2019 Ordinance 2019-4267 Chapter 82 City Manager’s Right to Remove Sidewalk CafesOrdinance 2019-4268 Chapter 102 Promoter BTR during High Impact Periods Ordinance 2019-4273 Chapter 138 Signs – Specific Use Signs Ordinance 2019-4278 Section 142-336 Speaker Regulations Ordinance 2019-4282 Section 82-385 Sandwich Boards Ordinance 2019-4283 Section 62-206 Protection of Hospitality Employees –Safety Button Ordinance 2019-4310 Chapter 70 Prohibition Smoking Cannabis on public property signage requirements, penalties and enforcement Ordinance 2019-4301 Chapter 46 Amend Hours prohibiting Power tools and landscaping equipment Ordinance 2019-4300 Chapter 82 Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct; prohibition of pedestrians on public ROW (Lincoln Rd & Espanola Way) Ordinance 2020-4310 Section 82-385 Establishing a requirement for SWC to stack and secure SWC furniture 10Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked Ordinance Roadmap (3/15/2020 –11/18/2020) 5/13/2020 9/26/2020 10/31/2020 Ordinance 2020-4369 Section 70 -70.1 Rental Prohibition of Certain Motor Vehicles 11/18/2020 Ordinance 2020-4338 Chapter 142-310 Sunset Harbour Alcoholic Beverage Establishment Ordinance 2020-4345 Chapter 58 Division I Abandoned and Vacant Properties Registry 7/29/2019 Ordinance 2020-4356 Section 70 –70.1 –Rentals of motorcycles and mopeds Ordinance 2020-4360 Chapter 142 Zoning Districts & Regulations –STR Fine Amounts within Statutorily- prescribed limits set forth in Ch. 162 Florida Statutes 11Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked 03/15/2019 -11/29/2020 Ocean Drive During the period 03/15/2019 –11/29/2020 Code Compliance responded to 4,257 calls of service and proactive inspections including noise complaints on Ocean Drive between 5th street through 16th Street. Some of the complaints were for illegal vendors, sidewalk café issues, business tax receipt issues, selling alcohol after hours, graffiti, property maintenance issues and sanitation. Code Complian ce issued a total of 843 violations. Source: EnerGov City Code Other include flyers, not complying with the delivery hours posted, litter, artist vendors, and not maintaining the sidewalk clean in front of the business. Sanitation Other includes overflowing roll off and biohazardous. Zoning Other includes cigar vendor, speakers, parking lots, and store front coverings. Facial Covering Violations –Code and Police 12 12 6 2 15 8 47 9 29 1 9 6 1 7 56 2 15 21 1 78 5 40 2 32 2 4 3 7 B U S I N E S S P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T ( S H O R T T E R M P E R M I T T E D ) C I T Y C O D E O T H E R D E C L A R A T I O N O F E M E R G E N C Y F A C I A L C O V E R I N G - G R A F F I T I P O L I C E - P O S S E S S I N G 2 0 G R A M S C A N N A B I S R E S O R T T A X R I G H T - OF - W A Y ( C O D E / P O L I C E ) S C O O T E R S I D E W A L K C A F E S S I D E W A L K C A F E S C O D E O F C O N D U C T S P E C I A L E V E N T N O I S E V I O L A T I O N P R O P E R T Y M A I N T E N A N C E E X T E R I O R P R O P E R T Y M A I N T E N A N C E I N T E R I O R D U M P S T E R F O R T H W I T H I L L E G A L D U M P I N G S A N I T A T I O N O T H E R C E R T I F I C A T E O F A P P R O P R I A T E N E S S C I T Y C O D E O T H E R C O N D I T I O N A L U S E P E R M I T S I G N - S I G N P R I V A T E CITY CODE NOISE PM SANITATION ZONING 03/15/2019 -11/29/2020 TOTAL VIOLATIONS OCEAN DRIVE, 843 Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked 03/15/2019 -11/29/2020 Collins Avenue During the period 03/15/2019 –11/29/2020 Code Compliance responded to 3,689 calls of service and proactive inspections including noise complaints on Collins Avenue between 5th street through 17th Street. Some of the complaints were for illegal vendors, sidewalk café issues, business tax receipt issues, selling alcohol after hours, graffiti, property maintenance issues and sanitation. Code Complian ce issued a total of 479 violations. Source: EnerGov City Code Other include flyers, not complying with the delivery hours posted, litter, artist vendors, and not maintaining the sidewalk clean in front of the business. Sanitation Other includes overflowing roll off and biohazardous. Zoning Other includes cigar vendor, speakers, parking lots, and store front coverings. Facial Covering Violations –Code and Police 13 2 19 6 3 7 12 0 30 4 2 6 4 1 6 2 15 41 71 9 6 71 5 13 6 2 21 7 B U S I N E S S O N P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T ( S H O R T … C I T Y O T H E R D E C L A R A T I O N O F E M E R G E N C Y F A C I A L C O V E R I N G S G R A F F I T I R E S O R T T A X R I G H T - OF - W A Y R I G H T - OF - W A Y ( C O D E / P O L I C E ) S I D E W A L K C A F E S S I G N O N P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y S P E C I A L E V E N T Z O N I N G O T H E R N O I S E V I O L A T I O N P R O P E R T Y M A I N T E N A N C E - … D U M P S T E R F O R T H W I T H I L L E G A L D U M P I N G I L L E G A L D U M P I N G S A N I T A T I O N O T H E R C E R T I F I C A T E O F A P P R O P R I A T E N E S S C O N D I T I O N A L U S E P E R M I T F E N C E S I G N P R I V A T E P R O P E R T Y Z O N I N G O T H E R CITY CODE NOISE PM SANITATION ZONING 03/15/2019 -11/29/2020 TOTAL VIOLATIONS COLLINS AVENUE, 479 Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked 03/15/2019 -11/29/2020 Washington Avenue During the period 03/15/2019 –11/29/ 2020 Code Compliance responded to 5,073 calls of service and proactive inspections includi ng noise complaints on Washington Avenue between 5th street through 17th Street. Some of the complaints were for illegal vendors, sidewalk café issues, business tax receipt issues, selling alcohol after hours, graffiti, property maintenance issues and sanitation. Code Compliance issued a total of 488 violations. 14 2 27 1 6 1 18 77 53 1 16 21 3 5 3 8 31 10 4 14 53 15 1 20 8 B U S I N E S S P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T B U S I N E S S T A X R E C E I P T ( S H O R T T E R M P E R M I T T E D ) C I T Y C O D E O T H E R C I T Y O T H E R D E C L A R A T I O N O F E M E R G E N C Y F A C I A L C O V E R I N G G R A F F I T I P O L I C E - P O S S E S S I N G 2 0 G R A M S C A N N A B I S R E S O R T T A X R I G H T - OF - W A Y S I D E W A L K C A F E S S I G N P U B L I C P R O P E R T Y S P E C I A L E V E N T N O I S E V I O L A T I O N P R O P E R T Y M A I N T E N A N C E - E X T E R I O R D U M P S T E R F O R T H W I T H I L L E G A L D U M P I N G S A N I T A T I O N O T H E R C O N D I T I O N A L U S E P E R M I T S I G N P R I V A T E Z O N I N G O T H E R CITY CODE NOISE PM SANITATION ZONING 03/15/2019 -11/29/2020 TOTAL VIOLATIONS WASHINGTON AVENUE, 488 Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked Source: EnerGov City Code Other include flyers, not complying with the delivery hours posted, litter, artist vendors, and not maintaining the sidewalk clean in front of the business. Sanitation Other includes overflowing roll off and biohazardous. Zoning Other includes cigar vendor, speakers, parking lots, and store front coverings. Facial Covering Violations –Code and Police Citywide Comparison Calls For Service and Violations 15 MARCH 15, 2017 –November 29, 2020 The Entertainment District (Ocean Drive, Collins Avenue and Washington Avenue) calls for service including noise complaints accounted for approximately 17 % of all citywide calls for service over a three-year period. The Entertainment District (Ocean Drive, Collins Avenue and Washington Avenue) violations including Noise complaints accounted for approximately 19 % of all citywide violations over a three-year period. Total violations issued in the Entertainment District 3,637 Total calls for service in the Entertainment District 21,072 Total violations issued City wide 20,941 Total calls for service City wide 109,861 Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked Sidewalk Café Code of Conduct 16 Total Code of Conduct Violations issued on Ocean Drive: 56 (10/01/2019 –Present) ❑Sidewalk Café Shutdowns(22) 1.OCEAN RESTAURANT CORPORATION DBA BOULEVARD RESTAURANT, 740 Ocean Drive 2.SPICE ART RESTAURANTS, INC./DBA JALAPENO MEXICAN KITCHEN, 530 Ocean Drive 3.SOBE USA LLC D/B/A OCEANS TEN, 960 Ocean Drive 4.ROMINA @ THE BEACH, LLC DBA THE FRITZ, 524 Ocean Drive 5.NEWS CAFÉ INC, 800 Ocean Drive 6.DOWN & DIRTY TACOS & TEQUILA BAR OCEAN DRIVE LLC, 1144 Ocean Drive 7.OCEAN RESTAURANT CORPORATION DBA BOULEVARD RESTAURANT, 740 Ocean Drive 8.834 OCEAN DRIVE LLC D.B.A. KANTINA, 834 Ocean Drive 9.CAFFE MILANO, LLC, 850 Ocean Drive 10.1250 OCEAN DRIVE LLC D/B/A THE CARLYLE CAFÉ,1250 Ocean Drive 11.OCEAN DRIVE RESTAURANT LB, LLC,1052 Ocean Drive Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked Sidewalk Café –Code of Conduct 17 Total Violations issued on Ocean Drive: 56 (10/01/2019 –Present) ❑Sidewalk Café Shutdowns(22) 12.Il Giardino, LLC dba Il Giardino,1236 Ocean Drive 13.1250 Ocean Drive LLC DBA The Carlyle Café , 1250 Ocean Drive 14.834 OCEAN DRIVE LLC D.B.A. KANTINA, 834 Ocean Drive 15.IL GIARDINO LLC,1236 Ocean Drive, 1236 Ocean Drive 16.1400 Ocean Drive, LLC dba Il Bolognese, 1400 Ocean Drive 17.524 Ocean LLC DBA Cuba Libre, 524 Ocean Drive 18.Spice Art Restaurants, INC. dba Jalapeno Mexican Kitchen, 530 Ocean Drive 19.CAFFE MILANO, LLC, 850 Ocean Drive 20.660 Ocean Drive LLC DBA On Ocean 7 Café, 660 Ocean Drive 21.1250 Ocean Drive LLC DBA The Carlyle Café, 1250 Ocean Drive 22.Il Giardino, LLC dba Il Giardino,1236 Ocean Drive Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked Entertainment District Business Shutdowns 18 ❑Business Shutdowns Since 10/01/2019 –Present (including emergency shutdowns) (25) 1.1343 COLLINS AVENUE, LLC C/O COGENCY GLOBAL INC., 1343 Collins Avenue 2.US ROTON DE FSB, LLC DBA SUNNY'S c/o Fiducial Jade INC., 1058 Collins Avenue 3.Harats Pub Miami, LLC, 1248 Washington Avenue 4.Deco Walk Hotel & Golf Club LLC D/B/A VooDoo Lounge, 928 Ocean Drive 5.TGI Fridays, 5020 Ocean Drive 6.NYM MANAGEMENT, INC dba PIZZA DE MIAMI, 601 Collins Avenue 7.HNS PARTNERS LLC # 58064 dba Subway 58064, 847 Washington Avenue 8.Piola South Beach, 701 Washington Avenue 9.HOT SOBE LTD DBA GRAFA PIZZA, 1367 Washington Avenue 10.SOBE TATTOO LLC, 861 Washington Avenue 11.VMSB, LLC dba El Sole Miami, 1116 Ocean Drive 12.S&B HOSPITALITY GROUP SOBE LLC dba Spitfire, 1437 Collins Avenue Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked Entertainment District Business Shutdowns 19 ❑Business Shutdowns Since 10/01/2019 –Present (including emergency shutdowns)(25) 13.HALAL BROTHERS LLC DBA AL BASHA GRILL, 1319 Washington Avenue 14.Miami LLC DBA Taj Mahal Food Market & Indian Spices, 1319 Washington Avenue 15.FRIENDZ FOOD MARKET LLC, 901 Washington Avenue 16.MIAMI GROCERIES LLC C/O RAWAT, RAKESH, 1535 Washington Avenue 17.SOUTH BEACH FOOD MARKET & CAFE, INC., 1493 Washington Avenue 18.FIVE GUYS PROPERTIES LLC , 1500 Washington Avenue 19.PALACE BAR LLC DBA PALACE, 1052 Ocean Drive 20.MARJIM ENTERPRISES, CORP. DBA Chalan On The Beach, 1580 Washington Avenue 21.Regan Hospitality LLC, 918 Ocean Drive 22.A and B Consultants DBA Blaze Smoke Shop, 207 11TH ST 23.CLEVELANDER OCEAN, LP DBA CLEVELANDER HOTEL, 1020 Ocean Drive 24.DYAL CORP DBA Exchange Night Club, 1532 Washington Avenue 25.MLB FAIRWINDS LLC, 1000 Collins Avenue Uncontrolled in hard copy unless otherwise marked