LTC 036-2021 - MBPD FINAL ADCD POLICING PLAN DECEMBER 2, 2020 - JANUARY 24, 2021DocuSign Envelope ID: EA5O28CF-6339-4 714-BDAC-2C4AEDA4C420 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 036-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Interim City Manager Raul J. Aguila DATE: January 26, 2021 r--: OocuSigned by: e.e SUBJECT: MBPD Final ADCD Policing Plan December 2, 2020 - January 24, 2021 I am respectfully submitting this Letter to Commission to provide a cumulative summary update of the MBPD's Art Deco Cultural District's (ADCD) Safe Plan covering December 2, 2020 through January 24, 2021. This L TC is the final cumulative report of the results of eight weeks of an eight-week plan aimed at addressing crime and the unsafe behavior and disregard of the COVID-19 Emergency Orders. The intent of the plan is to further enhance our abilities to address the challenges of the ADCD by providing additional proactive enforcement measures throughout the ADCD and include the following: • Enhanced the current staffing plan with up to an additional 28 officers, all from our Specialized Units and Investigations Division, that wíll be specifically deployed during the ADCD on peak days, and hours, to address crime and COVID related issues. • MBPD Command Staff will also be worked into the midnight shift hours and be there to provide additional leadership and guidance. The following is the final update on the last eight-week totals for the ADCD Safe initiative: • Four-hundred-one (401) arrests have been made in the ADCD over the eight- week period, an increase of twenty-four (24) arrests from Week 7. • Thirty-five (35) of those arrested reside in Miami Beach, an increase of three (3) arrests from Week 7. • Fifty-four (54) of those arrested reside in Miami, an increase of three (3) arrests from Week 7. • Sixty-nine (69) of those arrested reside in other parts of Florida, an increase of three (3) arrests from Week 7. One hundred-seventy-two (172) arrestees reside out of the state, an increase of ten (10) arrests from Week 7. Seventy-six (76) arrestees self-reported to be homeless from Miami, an increase of five (5) arrests from Week 7. e One hundred-eleven (111) of the total arrests have been drug related, an increase of three (3) arrests from Week 7. • Eighty-seven (87) of the total arrests have been alcohol related, an increase of one (1) arrest from Week 7. DocuSign Envelope ID: EA5D28CF-6339-4714-BDAC-2CA4AEDA4C420 • Th ere hav e bee n e ighteen (18 ) arrests w here a firearm w as recovered that had a ne xu s w ith a crim e. T here have bee n a total of tw enty-tw o (22) firearm s seized, (3 rifle s an d 19 han d guns ) during this op e rational plan. • T he re ha ve bee n eig hteen (18 ) reck l e ss driving citations issued, an increase of on e (1) from W e ek 7 . • Th ere ha ve bee n a tota l of se ve n-hu nd red -eighty-tw o (782) U nifo rm T raffi c C ita tion s issu e d w ith in the A O C O du ring ou r enhanced staffing effort, an increase of th irt y-se ve n (37 ) fr o m W e e k 7. • Th ere ha ve bee n o n e hundred-fo rt y-tw o (142) vehicl es associ ated w ith a crim inal in c id e n t, tha t ha ve bee n im po u nd ed du ring our enhanced staffi ng effort , an in cre a se of th re e (3) from W ee k 7. • M BP D un d erc o ver person nel ha ve seized tw elve hundred tw en t y-four (1244) gra m s of m ariju a n a, an incre a se of one -h und red-ei gh t y (180) gram s fr om W e ek 7, th irt y-fo ur (34.83) gram s of coca in e, and seven (7.4) gram s of M O M A d urin g th is se ve n -w e ek period of en ha n ced staff ing that occurs each w eek. In a d dition to these la w e n fo rcem e nt actio n s, durin g this seven-w eek period, the M B P D a n d C o d e w e re invo lved in the closing of tw enty-tw o (22) area businesses in violation of th e am b ien t no ise re g u la tion s or cu rf ew /em ergency order violations. Of these tw enty- tw o (22 ) cl osin g s, sixte en (16 ) w er e fo r lo u d m u sic and six (6) w ere fo r violating the cu rf ew /e m e rg en cy o rde rs. T he bu sinesse s are as fo llow s: • V ita R e sta u ra n t 19 06 Collins A venue • H aro ld's S h rim p & C h icke n R esta uran t 13 11 W ashingt on A venue • D o N o t S it On Th e Fur nitur e R e sta uran t 423 16 Stre et • U n cut LL C B ar 124 Collins A venue • T a p e lia R e sta u ra n t • C a ta lina H o te l/R estaurant • C la rem on t P a rt ners R e sta u ra nt/H o te l • EI S o le R e sta ura nt/H o te l • E x ch an g e M iam i/B ar • Di vi n e /M er chan t S ales • Cl ar id ge H o te l/R e sta u rant • R P H o tel H old ings/R e sta u ra nt/H otel • E sp an ola C ig ar/R esta u rant • A l Ba sh a G rill/R e sta u ra nt • C aff e M ila n o /R e sta u ra nt • Cl e vel and er H o te l/R estaurant • P ala ce /R e sta u ra n t • S w e e t Lib ert y/R estau rant • C lub M ad on n a /A d ult Ente rt a in m en t • M iam i Li ve /R e stau ra nt • Ch a rl o tt e B aker y (2 %" N ot ice) • Vi lla A zu r R e sta ura n t 551 Li ncoln Road 17 20 C olli ns A venue 1700 C ollí ns A venue 11 16 O cean Drive 1532 W ashington A venue 1437 Collins A venue 35 00 Collins A venue 1545 C ollins A venue 40 9 Espanola W ay 15 33 W ashington A venue 850 O cean Drive 1020 O cean D rive 10 52 O cean D rive 237 20" A ven ue 1527 W ashington A venue 912 71 S tre et 14 99 W ashington A venue 309 23" Stre et T o date, a n d o ve r th e e igh t-w e ek op erational period, M B P D personnel have handed out 16,720 pro te ctive m asks, in te nde d to help lim it the spread of the CO V ID V irus. RJA/RMC/PP rv