LTC 083-2021 CITY OF HALLANDALE RESOLUTION NO. 2021-004M IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK No. 083-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ~ DATE: March 1, 2021 SUBJECT: CITY OF HALLANDALE RESOLUTION NO. 2021-004 Attached for your information is Resolution No. 2021-004, adopted by the Mayor and City Commission of City of Hallandale on February 3, 2021. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO ENACT LEGISLATION TO PROHIBIT THE SMOKING OF TOBACCO AND VAPING ON PUBLIC BEACHES AND PUBLIC PARKS, PROVIDE COUNTIES AND MUNICIPALITIES AUTHORITY TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTIES AND CITATIONS; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS NAMED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City of Hallandale Clerk has requested that a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Miami Beach Mayor, Commissioners and the City Manager. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411. REG/le Attachment F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\L TC's - Transmittal's\Hallandale Beach\Hallandale Beach Resolution No. 2021-004.docx 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2021- 004 2 3 A R E S O L UT IO N O F T H E MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE 4 C ITY O F HA L LA N D A LE B E A C H , FL O R ID A , U R G IN G T H E F L O R ID A 5 L E G IS LA T U R E T O E N A C T L E G IS LA T IO N T O P R O H IB IT T H E 6 S M O K IN G O F T O B A C C O A N D V AP I N G O N P U B LI C B EA C H E S A N D 7 P U B LI C P A R K S , P R O VI D E C O U NT IE S A N D M U N IC IP A LI T IE S 8 A U T H O R IT Y T O IS S U E C IV IL P E NA L T IE S AND CIT A TIONS; 9 DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRA NSMIT A COPY OF THIS 10 RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS NAMED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING 11 FO R A N E F F E C T IVE DATE. 12 13 W H E R E A S , according to United States Center for Disease Control the 14 combination of smoke from the burning of tobacco products and the smoked exhaled from 15 the smoker, referred to as secondhand smoke, exposes nonsmokers to thousands of 16 chemicals, hundreds of which are toxic and 70 known to cause cancer; and 17 18 W H E R E A S , as of 2018, nearly 14 of every 100 (14.0%) US adults aged 18 years 19 or older currently smoke cigarettes; and 20 21 W H E R EA S , cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the 22 United States; and 23 24 W H E RE A S, there is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure; even brief 25 exposure can be harmful to health; and 26 27 W H E R E A S , approximately 2.5 million nonsmokers have died from health-related 28 illnesses caused by exposure to secondhand smoke since 1964; and 29 30 W H E R E A S . prohibiting tobacco products that cause harmful smoke prevents 31 potential exposure to toxic and cancerous chemicals; and 32 33 W H E R E A S , according to the Ocean Conservancy, cigarette butts are the most 34 common waste item collected from beach cleanups; and 35 36 W H E R E A S , In January 2018, the National Academies of Science, Engineering 37 and Medicine released a consensus study report that reviewed over 800 different studies. 38 That report made clear: using e-cigarettes causes health risks. It concluded that e- 1 RESO 2021 004 FILE NO. 21-010 39 cigarettes both contain and emit a number of potentially toxic substances including 40 acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde. These aldehydes can cause lung disease, as 41 well as cardiovascular (heart) disease; and 42 43 WHEREAS, the inhalation of chemicals can cause irreversible lung damage and 44 lung disease; and 45 46 WHEREAS, a study from the University of North Carolina found that the two 47 primary ingred ients found in e-cigarettes-p ropylene glycol and vegetable glycerin-are 48 toxic to cells and that the more ingredients in an e-liquid, the greater the toxicity; and 49 5O WHEREA S, E -ci ga rett es a lso contain a cro le in, a he rbicide p rim a rily used to kill 51 w eed s. It can cause a cut e lung in jury a nd C O P O a nd m ay cause a sthm a and lung ca ncer; 52 and 53 WHEREAS, both the U.S. Surgeon General and the National Academies of 54 S cie nce , E nginee ring a nd M e dicin e h ave w arn e d abo ut the risks o f inhaling secondhand 55 e -ciga rett e em issions, w hich are create d w he n a n e-ciga rett e user exhales th e che m ical 56 cocktail crea ted by e-ci garett es; a nd 57 WHEREAS, the C ity w ould b ene fit from legislation that prohibits the smoking of 58 tobacco and vaping on public beaches and public parks within its jurisdiction; and 59 WHEREA S, the City Commission finds that this Resolution is in the best interest 60 of the City. 61 62 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 63 OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA: 64 65 SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Commission of the City of Hallandale Beach 66 hereby encourage the Florida Legislature to pass legislation prohibiting the smoking of 67 tob a cco a nd vaping on p ub lic b e a che s and p ub lic p a rks and p roviding en forcement 68 autho rity to coun tie s an d m unicip alitie s 69 2 RESO 2021-004 FIL E N O . 21-0 10 70 SECTION 3. That the City Clerk, or his/h er designee, is hereby directed to 71 distribute a copy of this Resolution to the Governor, the President of the Florida Senate, 72 the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, Broward County League of Cities 73 and to other lawmakers who have expressed interest in such legislation. 74 75 SECTION 4. Effective Date. That this Resolution shall become effective 76 immediately upon its adoption. 77 78 79 APPROVED AND ADO PTED THIS 3"" day of February, 2021 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 ,8Vj¡$PONS0RED BY: COMMI SSIONER ANABELLE LIMA-TAUB s%-"»e„A é' + "P¿"> • •· ,"- \. . 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