LTC 101-2021 City of Lauderhill Resolution No. 21R-02-31MIAMI B E A C H OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK No. LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Dan Gelber and Member~of the Cit~ Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk \ March 11, 2021 CITY OF LAUDERHILL RESOLUTION NO. 21R-02-31 Attached for your information is Resolution No. 21 R-02-31, adopted by the Mayor and City Commission of City of North Lauderdale on March 8, 2021. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LAUDERHILL, FLORIDA, URGING THE BAHAMIAN GOVERNMENT TO STOP ANY OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING EXPLORATION THAT MAY ALREADY BE UNDERWAY AND PERMANENTLY BANNING OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING ACTIVITIES IN THE BAHAMAS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE (REQUESTED BY CO M M IS S IO N E R SA RA I "RA Y " MARTIN . The City of North Lauderdale Clerk has requested that a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Miami Beach Mayor and Commissioners. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411. REG/le Attachment F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\L TC's - Transmittal's\Lauderhill\Resolution 21 R-02-31 City of Lauderhill.docx RE S O L U T IO N N O . 2 1 R-0 2 -3 1 A R E S O L U T I O N O F T H E C IT Y C O M M I S S IO N O F T H E C IT Y O F L A U D E R H I L L , F L O R I D A , UR GI N G TH E B A H AM IA N G O VE R N ME N T T O S T O P A N Y O F F S H O R E OI L D RI L LI N G E XP L OR A TI O N T H A T M A Y A L R E A D Y B E U N D E R W A Y A N D P E R M A N E N T L Y B A N N IN G O F F SH O R E O I L D RI LL I N G A C T IVI TI E S IN TH E B AH A M A S; PR O VI D IN G F O R T R A N S MI T T AL ; P R O VI DI N G F O R A N E F F E C T IV E D A T E (R E Q U E S T E D B Y C O M M I S S IO N E R S A R A I "R A Y " M A R T I N > WHEREAS, the Bahamas Petroleum Company ("BPC") has been granted an offshore oil drilling exploration license by the Bahamian government that allows them to construct exploratory offshore oil drilling wells 150 miles off the coast of Florida; and WHEREAS, exploratory and commercial drilling, extraction, and transportation of offshore oi l and gas resources by BPC poses a significant risk of oil spil ls and chronic leakage that may adversely impact the Bahamas and coastal communities in the Caribbean and Florida; and WHEREAS, offshore drilling activities pose threats to treasured vacation destinations in the Caribbean and along Fl or i d a's Coasts, which are of intrinsic economic value for numerous industries and countries, provide essential nursery habitats for recreational and commercially important fisheries, and act as natural buffers from storm surge and hurricanes; and WHEREAS, Members of the Congress of the United States have expressed their concern that the offshore drilling project agreement directly conflicts with the urgent call made at the United Nations just last year to protect and address devastating impacts to island nations such as the Bahamas; any continued drilling may put the Atlantic coast as risk of severe and even catastrophic impacts from any spills that may occur (See attached Exhibit "A"); and WHEREAS, the City of Lauderhill "City") is one of numerous communities in Florida and in the Caribbean whose local or nearby marine habitats, industries, and public health may be devastated by offshore drilling oil spills originating in the Bahamas; and WHEREAS, the City endeavors to protect the environmental health of all marine habitats, and, particularly, Biscayne Bay; and WHEREAS, exploration and development of oil and gas resources off the Bahamian coast may not effectively address the long-term Resolution No. 21R-02-31 Page 1 0 f 3 e c on o m ic d iv er si fic a tio n g o al s o f th e B ah am a s, an d w o ul d likel y sub s ta n tial ly d am a g e th e to u ri sm se cto r o f th e B a h am ia n e c on om y, wh ich m a k e s u p six ty p er c e n t o f th e co u n try's ec on om y; a n d W H ER E A S , th e Ci ty u rg e s th e B ah a m ian g o v er nm en t to sto p a n y o ffsh o re o il d rilli n g e xp l or a ti on th a t m a y al re ad y b e un d er w ay an d to p e rm an e n tl y b a n o ffsh or e o il drilling activities in the Bahamas, and further urges Miami-Dade County and the State of Florida to oppose such offshore oil drilling and work with the Bahamian government in such efforts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LAUD ERHILL, FLO RIDA, THAT: Section 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are made a specific part of this Resolution and incorporates the exhibits herein. Section 2. The City Commission respectfully urges the Bahamian government to stop any offshore oi l drilling exploration that may already be under way and further urges the Bahamian government to permanently ban all offshore oi l drilling activities in the Bahamas. The City Commission further urges Miami-Dade County and the state Of Florida to oppose such offshore oil drilling and to work wi th the Bahamian government in such efforts. Section 3. The City Commission hereby directs the City Clerk to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis, the Bahamian Ambassador to the U.S. Sidney S. Collie, the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners, Governor Ron Desantis on behalf of the State of Florida, all municipalities in Miami-Dade County, Florida, and Broward County, Florida, the Miami- Dade County League of Cities, the Broward County League of Cities, the Broward Delegation, U.S. Representative Alcee Hastings, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, U.S. Senator Rick Scott, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the media, and all other interested persons. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. DATED this s day of March ,2021. e o PASSED AND ADOPTED on first reading this March , 2021. 8 day of Re sol u ti on No . 21R-0 2-31 Pag e 2 0f 3 A T TES T: ht n lad C ITY C LER K , M O TIO N M. Dunn SEC O N D s. Martin M .D U N N Yes D . GR A N T Yes "e 3%i L. M A R TIN Yes S. M A R TIN Yes K. TH U R ST O N Yes W. Earl Hall City Attorney C ity o f L a u d e r h ill Attend via Computer. https://www.colvcm.com File Details City Commission Chambers at City Hall 5581 W. Oakland Park Blvd. Lauderhill, FL, 33313 www.lauderhill-fl.gov File Number: 21R-3973 File ID: 21R-3973 Version: Type: Resolution Reference: File Name: Object to future offshore oil drilling Status: Agenda Ready In Control: City Commission Meeting File Created: 01/26/2021 Final Action: Title: R E S O LU T IO N N O . 21R -02-31: A R E S O LU TIO N O F TH E C ITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LAUDERHILL, FLORIDA, URGING THE BAHAMIAN GOVERNMENT TO STOP ANY OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING EXPLORATION THAT MAY ALREADY BE UNDER WAY AND PERMANENTLY BANNING OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING ACTIVITIES IN THE BAHAMAS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE (REQUESTED BY COMMISSIONER SARAI "RAY" MARTIN). Notes: Sponsors: Attachments: RES-21R-02-31-Ban Oil Drilling.pdf, hastings_fights_to_put_a_stop_to_imminent_offshore_ drilling_project.pdf Contact: Drafter: apetti@lauderhill-fl.gov Related Files: Enactment Date: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Effective Date: History of Legisla tive File Ver- A cti ng B o dy: sion: Date: A ction: Sent To: Due Date: Return Result: Date: Text of Legislative File 21R-3973 R E S O LU T IO N N O . 21R-02-31: A R E S O L U T IO N O F TH E C ITY CO M M IS S IO N OF T H E C ITY O F LA U D E R H ILL , FLO R ID A , U R G IN G TH E BAHAMIAN GO V E RNM ENT T O ST O P A N Y O F FS H O R E O IL D R IL LIN G EX P LO RA TIO N TH A T M A Y A LR E A DY City of Lauderhill Page 1 Printed on 3/1/2021 Fi te D etails C on tin u ed 2 1R -3 973) BE UNDER WAY AND PERMANENTLY BANNING OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING ACTIVITIES IN THE BAHAMAS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE (REQUESTED BY COMMISSIONER SARAI "RAY" MARTIN). Request Action: Pass a Resolution to stop any exploratory drilling and permanently ban future offshore oíl drilling activities in the Bahamas. Need: To ban offshore oil drilling in the Bahamas. Summary Explanation/ Background: Commissioner Ray Martin has requested a Resolution to request that the Bahamian Government ban any further offshore oil drillling in the Bahamas. Attachments: Letter from U.S. Congress Cost Summary/ Fiscal Impact: Include projected cost, approved budget amount and account number, source of funds, and any future funding requirements Estimated Time for Presentation: Master Plan: Goal 1: Clean, Green Sustainable Environment [ ] Increase mass transit ridership [ ) Reduce City energy consumption [ ] Reduce water consumption Goal 2: Safe and Secure City of Lauderhill [ ) Crime in lower 50% in Broward [ ) Residents feel safe in neighborhood [ ] Reduce emergency fatalities Goal 3: Open Spaces and Active Lifestyle for all ages [ ] Increase participation in youth sports [ J Add new park land and amenities [ ] Increase attendance at cultural programs and classes Goal 4: Growing Local Economy, Employment and Quality of Commercial Areas [ ] Increase commercial tax base [ ) Increase employment in Lauderhill businesses [ ] Decrease noxious and blighted uses in commercial areas Goal 5: Quality Housing at all Price Ranges and Attractive Communities [ ] Neighborhood signs and active HOAs [ ) Housing & streets improved, litter reduced [ ] Increase proportion of single family homes and owner occupied housing City of Lauderhill Page 2 Printed on 3/1/2021 Fi lo D etails C on tin u ed 2 1R-3973) Goal 6: Efficient and Effective City Government, Customer Focused & Values Diversity [ ] Improves City efficiency [ ] Increase use of Information Technology [ ] Increases residents perception of Lauderhill as an excellent place to live City of La u d erh ill Pago 3 Prin ted on 3/1/2021 D ecem b er 17 , 20 2 0 Th e H o n o rab le D r. H u b er t A le x an d e r Mi nni s, ON, M.P. Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Office of the Prime Minister Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield Centre Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas The Honorable Romauld Sotario Ferreira Minister of the Environment and Housing Charlotte House, Second Floor Shirley & Charlotte St. Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas Vi a electronic corresp ondence. Dear Prime Minister Minnis and Minister Ferreira, We write regarding the Bahamas Petroleum Company's (BPC) offshore drilling project, the Perseverance No. 1 oil well, off the coast of The Bahamas. We believe you should reconsider the agreement established between your government and BPC to protect the beauty and longevity of our fragile and shared ecosystems, the economies that depend on them, and the future of our planet. As coastal and near-coastal Members of Congress, we have long fought to prevent oil spills, but the success of this work is directly dependent on the cooperation of other states, our federal government, and nearby nations. We and countless Americans remember the devastation and loss of life caused by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill,' for which Florida continues to require restoration funding.I That well, similar to that which BPC plans to bore, claimed 11 lives and spewed more than 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, destroying whole ecosystems and halting tourism and fisheries across the region. It has become clear that oil companies such as BPC have every intention to plow ahead despite red flags, which warn of the grave health, natural disaster, and environmental risks of drilling. Should BPC's project move forward, we will be justified in fearing that the Atlantic coast is at risk of severe, even catastrophic, impact from any spills that might occur - essentially undermining the recent offshore drilling ban extension from President Trump, and future offshore drilling restrictions. It is unclear whether BPC has the capacity to help mitigate a serious IN p ecp W at er H orizon . D am age A ssessm ent, R em edi ation , and R estorat ion Progr am. N ation al O ceanic an d A tm ospheric A dmi n istr at ion (N O A A ). Up dat ed: A ugust 17, 2020. N Florida receives additional $73 million from Deepwater Horizon settlement, K arl Schn ei der. N apl es Daily N ew s. U pdated : O ctober 29, 2020. disaster, let alone prevent one in the first place. Should a calamitous event occur, the Bahamian government and BPC's clean-up efforts will undoubtedly require financial assistance from neighbors, including the United States, to address any spill that would spread throughout domestic and international waters. For perspective, Deepwater Horizon cost an estimated $65 billion to clean up and the effects have yet to be fully alleviated."I What's worse, the ship that is set to begin drilling has a track record of safety issues on previous jobs, including incidents in March 2016,/ September 2016,°l and October 2017./6) Unfortunately, we believe the agreement reached between BPC and the Bahamian government is directly contrary to the urgent call made at the United Nations just last year."I In that speech, Prime Minister, you cited the contribution carbon emissions have made to the climate crisis and the devastating impacts this crisis continues to have on island nations like The Bahamas,"l including those wrought by Hurricane Dorian, rising sea levels, and natural barrier degradation. These events are felt deeply by Americans and communities around the world, and expanding offshore drilling is fundamentally against their interests. We stand ready to work with your government to fight the climate crisis, a looming mass- extinction event, and oil and gas interests that seek only to profit off activities that truly put our respective communities at great risk. The health of our constituencies, oceans, and planet hinges on what actions we take here and now. Sincerely, Alcee L. Hastings Member of Congress //s// Kathy Castor Member of Congress /Isl/ Darren Soto Member of Congress lis/I Charlie Crist Member of Congress Ils// Gerald E. Connolly Member of Congress 3) BP Takes $1.7 Billion Charge on Deepwater Horizon; Costs Now Ton $65B. Alex Lard ieri. U.S. N ew s & W orld R eport . Ja nuary 16, 2018. ) Shell of/shore team loses Srofoam pipe floats at sea. Brett R uskin. C B C. M ar ch 22, 2016. 5 Shell Canada o//shore drill [ell within 12 metres oy oil exploration well. Mic hal Tutton. C BC. Sep temb er 29, 2016 . (6l Scottish oil worker Colin Gillespie dies in Gran Canaria, B B C N ew s. O cto ber 23, 2017. 7) Teat climate crisis with 'greatest urgency' _Bahamas leader tells UN Assemb]. Th e U ni ted N atio ns. Septem ber 27, 2019. (8) N atio nal Statem en t at the 74th Session of th e United N ations' G eneral A ssem bl y. Th e M ost H on . D r. H uber t M innis P rim e M inister of th e C om m onw ealth of The B aham as. Septem ber 27, 2019. //sii D ebbie W assenn an Schultz M em ber of C ongress I/sii Lois Fra nkel M em ber of Congress I/sii N ydia M . V elázquez M em ber of Congress //sii Ted D eutch M em ber of Congress //sii A. D onald M cEachin M em ber of C ongress I/sii A l Law son M em ber of Congress lis/I A lan Low enth al M em ber of Congress Ils// A bigail D . Spanberger M em ber of Congress lis/I C helli e Pingr ee M em ber of Congress //sii D ebbie M ucarsel-Pow ell M em ber of Congress Ils// D avid Scott M em ber of C ongress I/sii Donna E. Sh al al a M em ber of Congress C C : Secretary M ike Pompeo U .S . D epart m ent of State 2201 C Street, N W W ashington, D C 20520 M s. Stephanie Bow ers C har g é d' A ffaires U .S . Em bassy in The B ah am as 42 Q ueen St. N assau, T he B aham as