LTC 274-2003 IncompleteMiami Parking Authority
December 9, 2003
Arthur Noriega, V.
Executive Diredor
190 N.E. Third Street
Miami, Florida 33132
Phone (305) 373-6789
Fax (305) 371-9451
Mr. Jorge Gonzalez
City Manager
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Dear Mr. Gonzalez:
The Miami Parking Authority has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to redevelop
Municipal Garage No. 1, located at 40 NW 3rd Street in Downtown Miami. The new
project will replace the current garage and be redeveloped with a 1000+ space garage.
The Authority will fund the development of the portion of the garage that does not
service the parking requirements of the mixed-use development. The second component
is a mixed-use development that may include residential, retail, hotel, educational,
cultural and office uses. This new project is one of the largest undertaken by the
Authority in recent years and will no doubt add to the current development boom taking
place in the downtown business core.
I am asking for your support in requesting that you submit a candidate to serve on the
RFP selection committee. The involvement of community members who have
substantial expertise working on a development &this nature would be most beneficial to
the success of the entire process. Please forward the name of your nominee to me at your
earliest convenience. The responses to the RFP are due on December 18, 2003 and
review will begin in early January, 2004. The time needed to participate in this project
will not be substantial, other than to review the responses and meet and rank them
I appreciate your willingness to assist us on this project and look forward to hearing from