088-1999 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci,miami-beach.fl.us oa_________________________________.___.__________.____.___.__________.__.____ ___ _______._ __________________________.________._.._________...____.....________________.____________....._.___________________......_________....... L.T.C. No. 88-1999 LETTER TO COMMISSION April 13, 1999 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C mmission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: AUTO THEFT STATISTICS FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH This Letter to the Commission is to advise the Mayor and City Commission of the auto theft statistics in the City. The auto theft statistics for 1998 reflect that there were 1, 736 motor vehicles stolen in the City. Of the 1, 736 motor vehicles stolen, 1,180 (68%) were recovered. An additional 312 motor vehicles stolen in other jurisdictions were recovered in the City. The Police Department made 91 arrests for auto theft. These statistics reflect a 5% decrease in the number of auto thefts from 1997. Moreover, auto thefts have decreased 35% since 1995. (See attached). This reduction in auto thefts can be attributed to the following efforts by the Police Department: 1. The assignment of a Miami Beach detective to the Miami-Dade County Multi-Agency Auto Theft Task Force since 1996. This Task Force is a cooperative effort involving local, state, and federal agencies as well as the National Insurance Crime Bureau to deal with the auto theft problem. One of the principal problems in combating auto thefts is the speed in which a violator can cross jurisdictional boundaries in a matter of minutes. This Task Force has no jurisdictional boundaries. 2. More "Lo-Jack" auto theft tracking devices have been placed in police vehicles. Thereby increasing the Department's ability to track stolen vehicles equipped with Lo-Jack devices. 3. The Police Department Auto Theft Squad has trained selected patrol officers as Vehicle Identification Officers. This training enables police officers to quickly identify vehicles with an altered vehicle identification plate. 4. The Police Department Auto Theft Squad has conducted an "Auto Theft Fair" over the last four years. This fair provides auto theft crime prevention information, free VIN etching, and free steering wheel locking devices. Over the years this fair has been held, hundreds of Miami Beach residents have had their vehicles etched with the vehicles VIN number and have received hundreds of steering wheel locking devices such as the "Club." (Flyer attached). 5. Auto Theft Squad detectives conduct weekly inspections of impounded vehicles at the local auto towing storage facilities. 6. An additional detective was transferred to the Auto Theft Squad in 1998. This has enabled the Auto Theft Squad to initiate a proactive detail once a week. This detail is determined based on the information obtained through the Department's crime analyst, who identifies developing trends and target areas. The Police Department has done an excellent job in reducing the number of motor vehicles stolen in Miami Beach. In addition, the Police Department will be submitting a request to the Mayor and City Commission for a new Auto Theft Prevention Grant from the Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Authority. This grant will enhance the Police Department in efforts to combat auto theft in our City. ~/t1fi/@U F:\POLI\TECHSERV\POLICIES\COM_MEMO\auto theft statistics. Itc.wpd Memorandum Criminal Investigations Unit Date: February 9. 1999 To: Chris Dee Serqeant CC: A/Chief Scarberry Major Robbins From: Stanton Berlinskv Crime Analvst Subject: Auto Theft Statistics for 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 The table below is a comparison of 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998, showing the continued reduction of "Auto Theft" for the City of Miami Beach. The most signifigant change is a 35% decrease from 1995 through 1998. The first row shows the number of reported auto thefts for each respective year. The second row shows the percentage of change from year to year. The third row shows the percentage of change using 1995 as the base year in comparison to the subsequent years. Year Reported Cri rre 0/0 of O1ange Year to Year 0/0 of O1ange 1995 to Year Auto Theft 1995 2 1996 2002 -2501< -2501< 1997 1 -801< -3101< 1998 1736 -50/0 -350/0 C:\MY DOCUMENTSIAUTO THEFT STATS 1995-1998 REVISED. DOC ~;.rf; ~!"III""",- ,',', '..",.,,',' ',,',' ,,','..."... " '".IOl, .',," ',.,,'....... : "" .: ',...""""",',", ,','. .,' --., ~', i~ '- '. ','" , , .';."...'; I;, .,::" .,!.". +" ,..;,;,,'< ">.,'-- .,' .'.,' -;..., ',-". ,'". .' ',' ..""...,.", k"".'~<" .,f .,,; ^' ,.,.,.,.,~"";. ....,-,..,,> ''',' ".. 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