Condo Electric Motor RepairCONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, INC. 3615 E. 10th Court l:[ialeah, Florida 33013 Tel. (305-691-5400 / ]Fax (305) 691-6564 3anua~ 12, 2004 City of Miami Beach 1700 Conv~tion Ceuter Drive Miami Beach, FI 33139 Attn: Mr. Jorge M. Gonzalez- City Manager Dear Mr. Jorge M. Gonzalez We are submitting our protest of the recommendation to award Bid No. 47-02/03 titled EIectric Motor Rewind And Repair Service to Electdx U.S.A. at the January 14, 2004 Mayor and City Commission meeting. As per Special Conditions in section 2.17, page 34 and Addendum No. 2 dated September l 1, 2003 of bid states that the method of award to be as follows: In section 2.17 titled Warranty states that the successful bidder will be required to warranty all work performed for a minimum of one year (1) year. On page 34 in section 3.0 Minimum Specifications number 17 titled Warranty states that the warranty shall include all parts and labor for a minimum of one (1) year from date of installation. The bidder Electrix U.S.A. took exception to both of these on page 44 by stating that 90 days on .recondition motors even though it clearly states that a minimum of one year warranty is required. Addendum No. 2 dated September 11, 2003 states the Contract award(s) will be made by the City Commission to the lowest and best bidder(s) pursuant to section 2-369 of the Miami Beach City Code, The bidder Electrix U.S.A. was fifth (5*) highe~ bidder aut of six (6) bidders by their bid of $45.00 per hour as compared to $11.50 per hour by Condo Electric Motor Repair Inc. and $15,00 per hour by TAW Miami Service Center, 0{/12/2904 14:05 3055~16554 C~NDD ELECTRIC PAGE 02 CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, INC. 3615 E. 10th Court ]tialeah, .Florida 33013 Tel. (305-691-5400 / ]Fax (305) 691-6564 We are prote~ting on the following grounds: The bidder Eleetrix U.S.A. does not meet the minimum warranty requirementn of Bid No. 47-02/03 by have an exception stating 90 days on recondition motors on their bid submittal attached. The bidder Electrix U.S.A. is 3.9 times higher than Condo Electric Motor Repair Inc. and 3 tJme.n higher than TAW Miami Service Center with their bid of $45.00 per hour as per their attached bid. Tl~is would not qualify them as a lowest bidder as per Addendum NO. 2 dated September Il, 2003 attached. It does not appear to be in the best interest of the CJW of Miami Beach to recommend Electrix U.S.A. for award considering there are 2 bidders being recommended that are at least: 3 times less expensive and meet warranty requirements. Also there are 2 bidders below Elecrrix U.S.A. to consider. Why have a bid if one o~' the highest bidders who do not meet minimum warranty requirements is recoromended for award, what is thc incentive to offer n lower bid and meet the City of ?vfiami Beach minimum requirements if this is allowed. Sincerely,. Jose G. Espinofa Vi ce President Ce: C~-y Clerk Robert Parcher First Assistant City Attorney Raul Aguila Procurement Director Gus Lopez, CPPO Assistant Ci.ty Manager Robert C. Midda.u.gh Public Works Director Fred Beckman ~ill Ullman. Attorney 8i/!272804 14:85 3055916564 CONDO ELECTRIC PAGE CITY OF MIAMI 17C~F; f:on~, ~Jon C~intar Dp, Miami Beach, FL 33139 htt~A\a.mh BEACH T~ ~ephone (~0~) 673.7490 F?lc$lmllo (305) 5'73-7851 2004 NIL ]-]'e(~ or h.. Goraez, Presid~l~l Cond.o ~ lect-fic Motor Kep,~.r, ~e. 3615 Ea ~t 10~ CouN Iqialeah, FIo dda, 33013 VIA F ,:,.CSIMIT E Fa~: 3C.5.69L656d ~ub. jgct: BID NO. 47-02/03 ELECTRIC MOTOR PJ~WIND AND REPAIR SERVICE Dear Mr Gomaz: Thc Cib Mmmger will rccommm4 l'o tl~e Mayor and City Commie.don at :mt Jm~ 14, 2004 meeting, ~.t im awa.~d cfa con.act 1o Co~do El¢cmc R~afl'~c., TAW Miam~ So.dee C~t:a~ and Eb(mSx' iSA, ~nc. in th= amount of~300,000 pt~nt to ~e above ~ubja~BiL. t~e City racov~ nd.~tiou is sch=eluled to bg presented to the Mayor ~d CiV Co~iss!(:~,~ at its 3anum'y 2004 ~a :th:tS. ~y actual bidder, qu.al~ed propose, or int~ested pa~es ~m:;:Naf~cr collectively fciC=cd' o as th¢ "bidder") who ha~, a subst~aJ interest iv. ~d is ag~oved, in,;onnec, tion with propo;e~:' award may pmte~ in ~Iing to ~lc CiW Manager. The CilS' wSl] allow a bid prot=st to be submi~ed by noon on January 13, 201J:!. Any protest shall s;ate the panicula~ grounds on which it ia based and shaU ,include all pert-',znt documents add evidence Protests nottimely made shall be barred. Amybasis orgroun~l fo:: ?promstnot set fm~_h ' in the let er of protest shall be deemad waived. ~r~ ~h e er, a,U of a timely protest, the City shall not proc eld fu.rlher with the awm-,:L pm-suant to su~ eat bid tmJe~s; a written determina.fion is made by tke City Manag=r, that the award ~ur,mtmat ~o snail bid am.sst be; node without delay in order to protect a sabxta~,tial interest of abe If the bic.' protest is not resolved by mutual agreement, the City Manager and ~;,.~e City A~omey, or their res; et.rive dcsi.~ees, shall promptly issue ar dad sion in w~Sting. The deci.,,i [on shall speci.Ccally stale tile masons for fl~e action taken a=d inform the protes~or cf his or h~ rigkt to challcmge the derision. The detem~inmion of the City Manager and the Ci~.~o~.ey ~tlt r,5:i~d to allprocc~Ao'ol and/cch: ~icM matle~x ~halI be ~nxl. Tl'm CiB' may reguest reasonable refi-nbursemeni 'for expenses incurred in p-r,::'cessLng an3, protest wkicb el: ramses shall include, but not be limited to., ,mfftime, legal fees an'J e×penses (including expert ~: mass fees), reproduction of documenls and other out-of-pocket exj:,,maes. 0i/12/2~4 14:05 3055~16564 CONDO ELECTRIC PAGE 04 Should you ]lave ~=.y quemions or need ladditiona] information, p~eas¢ addre'~,~: said inquhJcs in v.,h~Jr~g ~'ith ~ copy to ~J~= City Clcr]c:s Ofllce. ~z,C.~n~ LOl cz,, CPPO "~r0ciir¢ r~.¢m Di'zact,or c: .lorg .~ NI. Gonzalez, City Manage, r P, ob :~:t N[idd,~:,,Bh, Assistz=.t C~ty Man,:ge~' Fre. d Beclm~a~ ?ublic Works Dizec~or R.oh ~r~ 7?azcbzr, Cit3~ Clerk ?,m~.~! A~zib., First Assb~.~.t Ciw Att-omey ,"r,n,'~nt, l~, k. triTPT~.T~ .T,I~"[~IqOO)~ g'~3 TgRZ fi, Ag gOC ,~,:T OT:E~T 8i/12/2804 14:85 3856916564 CONDO ELECTRIC PAGE 85 2.16 2.1.7 2.18 2.19 2.20 ELECTRIC MOTOR REWIND AND REPAIR SERVICE BID # 4%02/03 HOURLY RATE: The hourly rate quoted shall include full compensation for labor, equipment use, travel time, and any other cost to the bidder. Hourly labor rates are specified as follows: Hourly Labor Rate I - hourly rate for straight time repairs, i.e. from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday (rate is to include labor and tray'el, parts are not included). l-Ion fly Labor Rate H - hourly rate for overtime repairs, i.e. before 8:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m., or on weekends or holidays. (rate to include labor and travel, parts not included.) WARR AINTY: The successful bidder will be required to warranty all work performed for a minimum of one (1) year. Warranty shall be described in detail on the attached Bid Form. GUARANTEE: The successful bidder will be required to guarantee all items supplied fbr a minimum of one (1) year. PRODUCT/CATALOG INleORMATION: N/A REFERENCES (PROVIDE 8 REFERENCES, IN TI-EE CUSTOM]ER REFERENCE FORM ON PAGE 28) Each bid must be accompanied by a minimum of e{ght (g) references, of which four (4) separate contracts mu.~ have been for $25,000.00 or Higher. Reference shall include the nmne of the company, a. contact person and the telephone number. NO BID WILL BE CONSIDERED WITHOUT THIS LIST. COMPLETE PROJECT REQLrlR.ED: These specifications describe the various items or classes ofwork required, enumerating or defining the extent or,me necessary, but failure to list any items or classes under scope of the several sections shall not relieve the contractor from furnishing, installing or performing such work where required by any part of these specifications, or necessary to the satisfactory completion of thc project. COMPLETE PROJECT REQUIRED: The scope of these specifications is to insure the delivery of complete units, ready for operation. Omission of any essential detail from these specifications does not relieve the supplier from furnishing a complete working unit to the satisfaction of the City o£ Miami Beach. Workmanship of units will be inspected and approved by Public Works Director or tesignated representative. BID NO: No. 4%02/03 CITY' OF MItAI~I Bi, ACH DATE: 01 :t15103 22 ELECTRIC MOTOR REWIND AND REPAIR SERVICE BID # 4%02/03 16. RE( OR.DS: In fo~: ~ation indicated on the sample test reports Jn ATTACH2VEENT "B' (page 34-36) shall be maintained by th ~ contractor and provided to the CJly's designated representative, if requested. A final report shah be filled out for each motor repaired and returned with the motor and shall include thc information on ATT ~.CHMENT "C" (page 38). 17. WA]! :RANTY: Warr~mty shall include all parts and labor for a minimum of one (1) year from thc date of in.~ta] ation. In the event ora failure, the items covered by the warranty, which ultimately causes an cmert :ency repair, thc bidder shall repair the itarrl at no additional cost to the City. If the failure is covc~' .~d by the warranty and is due to the workmanship, the bidder will assume cost for crane servk e labor, repairs and installations. 18. REP] ,ACENIENTS UNITS: Thc b dder shall recommend to the City's designated repre~ntative if any transformer or motor replac..~ment exceeds the benefits of service requirements or the cost o£replacement.~ parts for an cxisth g unit. The bidder's recommendation shall include a complete description and justification with a cost b 'eakdown for repairs and replacements par~s. BID NO: No. 47-02/03 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: (l; 1115103 34 ~1./12/2804 1~:05 3055B16564 CDNDO £hECT~IC P~SE 87 CITY OF MIAMI 1700 C )NVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, http'\\ci '~iam143escl% fl.u~ PROCL REMENT DtVISION INVITATION T( ADDEN3 Scpteml: ELE(: TRIC MOTOR REWIND AND REPAI addr(~ ssed as follows: A BEACH FLORIDA 33139 BH) NO. 47-02/03 UM NO. 2 er 11, 2003 'rolophone (305) Facsimile (305'1 eJ Who will be the individuals decidi bidders (vendors)? The Contract award(s) wilt be made bidders(s) pursuant to section 2-36 relative to a bidder's responsivenes~ the City Attorney's Office, The decisi conducting reference checks, and Bidder's location. If there is a multiple award who ar The City reserves the right to make interest. Is the bid only for the City of Mia~ No. It's a City-wide bid whereby an purchase the goods or services may ~Ne have two (2) Condo Electric C¢ =ompanies sells new products 7.ompanies submit bids in order t :ompanies have different Federal .~ondo Electric Company or any other )id, which complies with the terms, c R SERVICES The following Questions the awarded responsive and ~esponsible by the City Commission to the lowest and best ~) of the Miami Beach City Code, The decision ; is conducted by the Procurement Division and on relative to responsible bidder wilJ be made by if warranted, a site visit may be made to the d how will jobs be awarded? multiple awards as deemed in the City's best i Beach Public Works? ! City department that may have the need to do so. ,mpanies in Miami-Dade County, one of the I the other company does repairs, can both :) provide repairs and new products? (The .D. numbers). bidder with multiple companies may submit one )nditions and requirements of this bid. 01,/12/2~04 14:85 3856916564 CONDO EL£C7~IC ~GE 88 Will the unusual or wrongful suspension of Condo Electric companies by Mr. Nathan Pope and Mike Alvarez have any bearing on how Condo companies are evaluated for this bid? Any and all bids will be evaluated in an open, fair and competitive process. Prop ~sers are required to acknowledge this addendum on page 45 of their proposals or may be d,;emed non-responsive. C~'T~, OF MIAMI BEACH Gus I. ~pez, CPPO Procu 'cment Dircctor ao ELECTllIC MOTOR REWIND AND REPAIR SERVICE BID # 47-02/03 3.1 ~ 1NIMUM SPECIFICATIONS (CONT.) Bid 'roposai Page 4 of 5 Cost not to exceed H, ,urly labor :mi for repairs (iz accordance with Section 2.16 of the Special Conditions) $ ~5 per hour De: [ivory. Days (ARO) W~rrantY....on~ .,,.¢,..,.- Years f°r Parts (Page 33)' g o days on recondition motors (A mlnimSm nf one year warranly) Warranty_oas year Years for Labor (Section 2.17). 90 days on recondition (A minirn~'m of one y¢~r vearr*~50 rao~ors NOTE: Fr'hen subn: itting your.Bid, you are not to exceed hourly labor ratez, a~d whe~; stating the number of home on your ?~; 'itten estimate, take #;to consideration the cost for pick-ujp and delivery, lear down, inspection. The City will nor flay a separate line item comisth~g of the mm;ber qf hours, and/or m; hourly lobor rate7 ~r few' down, inspection, pick-up and delivery. Vendor shall provide any/all required parts, at Vendor cost. "I~E CITYHA,.q THE OPTIOAt TO NEGOCIATE ALL OF THE ABOVE COSTS. BID NO: N,..I 7-111/03 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: 08/15/( 3 a4 81/12/2884 14:85 305G916564 CONDO ELECTRIC ELECTRIC MOTOR REWIND/LND R.EPAIR SERVICE BID # 4?-02/03 Bid Proposal Page 5 of 5 PAYMIi NT TERMS: NET 30. If other, specify here AN.%' LETTERS, ATTACHMENTS, Or{ ADDITIONAL INFOJ~AT1ON TO CONSI[ ER. ED PART OF TIIE BID MUST BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE. SUBM.I'] 'TED BY: ~v_e._C~/r'nfi_l '[ i a c COMPA NY NAME: Electrix USA, Inc (l~-c~if~ thaiI arnL,,~zed to execute this propo.~al and cnmmit the bidding firm) NAMEFI' TLE(Prin t): ADDR.ES g: CITY/ST. kTE: TELEPH, )NE NO: FACSIM]LE NO: Bidders !! mst acknowledge receipt of addendum (if applicable). At dendom No, l: f-~?-~3 Addendum No. 2i q-//-03 ln.qert Date lme~ Date BE BID NO: No. :7-02/03 CFI'Y OF MIAMI BEACI.! DATE: 08/15/13 45 ELECTRIC MOTOR REWIND AND REPAIR SERVICE BID # 47-02/03 3.1 MINIM'UM SPECIFICATIONS (CONT,) PRE QUAIL1FICATION OF SHOPS Bid I~roposal Page 1 of 5 YES Ability to trace, monitors, and log all repair work. x Bearings u~qed ,qhall be FAG or SKF only. VPI required on form coil jobs. Magnet wire type inverter ramd wire. Varnish to be solvent frec UL (United Listing) approved. Motor shop must be UL (United Listing) certified, x 2300/4160-volt test panel on site. x Motor shop must have Department Environmental R,gulatlot~ Management (DEKM) certified paint booth, x Motor shop must have DER. M certificated pollution control, x Motor shop must have DER.M certified wastewater treatment, x Fully crmlosed dust free sand blast facilities ~vith minimum of 350 cdbie feet. x ~cwind area must be a clean air-conditioned/good ,,entilated environment. ~.11 machines welding must be TIG or spray welding, x vlust have a lathe with at least 48" :wing 120" between cent*-rs. ._x..__ )ne year past history of varnish test certificates on file. x /Iotor shop must have dynamic balance and ,-ira balance capabilities. BID NO: i ~o. 47-02/03 DATE: 0ll 15/03 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 41 NO 01/12/2884 1~:~5 3056B16564 CONDD £hECT~IC ~6E 12 ELECTRIC MOTOR REWIND AND REPAIR SERVICE BID # 47-02/03 MOTOR REPAIR REQUEST Bid Prn)osal }'age 2 of 5 )airs Required: (Place an "x" next to the items that your shop can repair or rep[ace and provide blOT TO EXCEED" labor rate for each item, which the City reserves the fight to negotiate Cost not to exceed ,X' ~)ismantle, Inspect. & clean all Parts $ 45 per hour ._~ :lrushcrs- $ 45 .per hour X ~lrush-Holder- $ 45 per hour _.~ nsulator Bars- $ 4q per hour _k_' 7henual-Overloads- $ 4 5 per hour ..._~__l t'cat~- $ 45 _per hour X !;haft- $ .... 45 per hour ~' [leering Journals- $_ 45 per hour ~ ]icy-ways- $ 45 per hour ._X._I ,nd Bells- $ 4 5 per hour ._~._[ .opiate Slip-rings $ 45 per hour X [ .epair Slip-rings- $ 45 per hour .__,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.~_~ earing (Roller-Ball) $ 45 per hour ¥ 1! abbitt Bearings- $. 45 l~er hour _~L..tileztrieal Wiring- $. 4 5 per hour X [tewind Rotor- $_ zt~ per hour ¥ I:! ewind Stator- $ ,~ ~ per hour _~_.('. oils- $ 45. per hour l' 1:1 alance Rotor- $__ 4 ~ per hour ;( B .alance Rotor & Armature- $ zl 5 per hour g' B ~ke & Dip- $ a. q per hour _,r_A 5semble, Test and Refinish Unit- $ 45 per hour X BI ;w Falk Coupling (Type) $ 45 per hour _x_O ~crhead Bride, 1 to 5 tons $ 45 per hour x ¥i~or Crane $ 45 per hour K H ~rjzontal/Vertical presses, 5 ~o 120 tons $ 45 per hour _J( L; thcs, 24 to 72 inches swing $ 4._5 per hour _X_D ,namic Bal. machines, 0 to 12,000#s $ 4 5 per hour ._.K._~; ire and/or power gun met, alizing equipment $ 45 per hour ~ M llingMachines 6f~minimum $ 'as perhour X I..I~ liarc & rig Welding equipment $ 45 per hour _K._B,: aring Heater 5 to 15 inch,s 5; 45 .per hour J( Be aring Pullers, Hydraulic to 40 tons $ z~5 per hour __X_Pc -table Balancers $ 4~ per hour ~J~_VJ )ration Testers 5; 45.. eer hour J( La ter Aligners $ 90 per hour ~' Sa: tdblasfing Cabinets $ 45 per hour ,¥ W; ter Blasting Mac~ines 5; 45. per hour BID NO: No. 17-02703 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: 08/15/13 42 01/12/2804 14:~5 3856916564 CDNDO ELECTRIC PAGE ELECTRIC MOTOR REWIND AND REPAIR SERVICE BID # 47-02/03 3.I Bid Prol msal Page 3 of 5 ~ IINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS (CONT.) Repa. rs Required cont. MOTOR REPAIR REQUEST airs Required: (Place an '×" next to the terns thai: your shop can repair or replace and provide "A lOT TO EXCEED" labor rate/'or each item, which the City reserves thc right to negotiate. _y_l: utilities to produce Form Wound Coils _x? ir Conditioned isolated area for rewinding x ][~ ~inting (see #14 ofscctir>n3.0) ~. C ther repairs w/Il be negoti,ted. Cost not to exceed per hour per hour per hour NOTE: Items o£x, >rks that are not identified on this Bid Form, wi1.1 be negotiated by the Public Works Director, or desJgna ed representative. Cost not to exceed Emergenc:, Service Cost (See g6 of section 3.0) $ 7 5. Over time cost (Section 2.16) $ 75 per hoar per hour a) Cr~t~e Service $ 1 05/~in.~. 3 ~.r~;.~er hour b) Cra ~e Service for four (4) hours (Se://8 of section 3.0) $ 4 24 flat fee Regular ho ~rly rate for machine work (Sec #7 o£section 3.0) (not to inclu te shop labor hours) $ 6 5.00 Hr Vendor shall provide any/ali required parts, at Vendor cost. J' rt£ CITF II~IS THE OPTION TO N£GOCIAT£ ALL OF THE.4BOVE COSTS. ltlD NO: No. 4' -02/03 CITY OF MIAb~I BEACH DATE: 0Si15/0; 43 01/12/2004 14:~5 3056916564 CONDO ELEOTRIC PAGE 14 ELECTRIC MOTOR REWIND AND REPAIR SERVICE BID # d7-02/03 3.1 h [INIMUM SPECIFICATIONS (CONT.) ]lid [~roposal P.ge 4 of 5 Cost not t:o exceed Hi mrly labor rate for repairs (ii, accordancc with Section 2.16 of the Special Conditions) $ 45 ¢erhour D~: tivery Days (ARO) W~rranty On~ ,r~ar Years f or Parts (Page33), 90 days on recondition motors (A minim%m oran= yea; warren .ty) Wi~rranty_.~..~ar Years forLabor(SectioD2.17). 90 days on recondition (A minimum Of 0ne year w.~anU) motors NOTE: KZhen subm !tting your Bid, you are not to exceed hourly labor rates, cmd whe~ stat#~g the number of hog, rs on your w~ itten estimate, take into consideration the cost for pick-up a~d delivery, tear down, and h*~pection, rhe City will not pay a separate line item consisting qf the number of hours, and/or an hourly labor rated' ,r tear down. inspection, pick-up and delivery. Vendor shall provide any/all required parts, at Vendor cost. 'LIE CITY HAS THE OPTION TO NEGOCIA T.E ALL OF THE ABOVE COSTS. BID NO: No. 4' -02/03 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE; 08/15/01 44