LTC 212-2021 Parks & Recreational Facilities Advisory Board MotionsDocuSign Envelope ID: C6AD06704-A1F9--4127-B84E-0E1E824DAD08 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 212-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO FROM DATE: Alina T Hudak, City Mana May 14, 2021 the City Commission SUBJECT. P AR K S & R E C RE A TI O N AL F A CILI TI E S AD VI SORY BOARD MOTION S The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to inform the Mayor and Commission of the motion passed by the Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board at its meeting on May 13, 2021: MOTION 1: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board motions to support the Parks and Recreation Department's FY 2022 Budget Requests as presented by Departm ent staff. Motion_made by. Jonathan Fryd Motion seconded by; David Berger Motion passes; unanimously Members Present by phone for Motion; Stephanie Rosen, David Berger, Shannon Koonin, Joseph Hernandez, Sean Smith and Jonathan Fryd Members Not Present: Carolina Jones, David Nguah, Elizabeth Resnick and Paul Stein Should you have additional questions, please contact Cindy Casanova at (305) 673-7730. A ar r r r JR r (@#!