Miami-Beach-Commission-Expands-Assistance-For-Miami-Beach-Residents-with-LinkCity of Miami Beach,
October 29, 2020
Miami Beach Commission Expands Housing Assistance for Residents
Who Lost Jobs Because of COVID-19
— The city will continue to help residents through the end of the year under this action—
Miami Beach, FL — The City of Miami Beach Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to
expand assistance for residents who have been adversely impacted by COVID-19 and are at
risk of losing their housing.
“COVID-19 has made it difficult for many in our community to pay their bills, even as it poses
serious health challenges,” explained Mayor Dan Gelber. “Our City is doing everything it can to
support our residents and ensure our City comes out of this virus more resilient than ever.”
The city has already helped 229 Miami Beach households through four rental assistance
programs totaling $610,172.68 since the start of the pandemic.
“We voted to open an ongoing assistance registration process for this program through the end
of the year,” said Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Góngora, who sponsored the measure.
“Hopefully, our action will prevent Miami Beach families from becoming homeless as a result of
the pandemic.”
Much of the funding for the program comes from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic
Security (CARES) Act. Qualifying Miami Beach residents earning up to 80% of the Area
Median Income who are in danger of becoming homeless for failing to pay their monthly rent,
mortgage or utilities are eligible to apply. Under program guidelines, assistance will be payable
directly to the landlord, mortgage holder or utility upon verification of eligibility and financial
The assistance program is open to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of Miami Beach who
live in households earning less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) or $51,200 per year
for a household of one. Applicants must be able to demonstrate need as a result of income loss
related to COVID-19 and housing payments must have been current as of March 2020.
Applicants can register online via the city’s COVID-19 help portal here.
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