Stuart Grossman 01/28/04City of Miami Beach Office of the Ob/Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Email: dtyclerk@d.miami-beach.fl.us LOBBYt'ST REGZSTRATZON FORM (City of Miami Beach, City Code Chapter 2, Division 3, Section 2-481) O Check Box if an Amendment NAME OF LOBBYIST: (Last) (First) BUSINESS ADDRESS: ('NumbEr afld Street) (City) O ' TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: (M.I) DATE QUALIFIED AS LOBBYIST (St'ate) (Zip CodE) ~L: I, LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: NAME OF P~NOPA~C~ENT: BUSINESS ADDRESS: (Number and Street) (Ci~) (S~te) ~LEPHONE NUMBER: F~ NUMBER: (Optional) (Zip (::ode) EMAIL: (Optional) Fill out this section if principal is a Corporation, Partnership or Trust [Section 2-482 (c)] · NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PA°,TNER, OR BENEFiCiARY: ~ · I]ST ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A 5 ¥o OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP ORTRUST: II, SPECIFIC LOBBY ISSUE: Issue t~ I~ Iobbied~Describe in det~J): III. CI'I'Y AGENCIES/INDMDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A) Full Name of Individual/TiUe B) Relationship U 01-1~-zn04 ln:~3AM FROM-TEW CARDENA$ REBAK +~055551115 T-7'E8 P.O0~/O03 F-1lg B) PRINC~PAU$ DISCLOSURE ('OF LOBBYIST CONPENSAI'~ON): ~. I ~ ~ / It~4,'~- l) 2) . Pursuant to Ordinanc~ Nh. 2003-3393 Amendincl Miami Beach Ciw Code Ch~lpter 2, Article VT[. Division ', Thereof Eq~;]l~led-Campaign FinaB~ ReR~rm" Via T11e Addition Of Code Camoaian Cor~tribution$ Bv Lobbyists On procurement I~U¢,.~" Are you Iobbvin~ on a r~resent ar pendin~ bid for e00ds, eeuiament or services, or on a present or pending award for aood~, equipment or service? Pursuant to Ordinance No. 20~13-339S Amendina Miami B~.ach CjW Code Chapter 2, Article V~I Division 5 ~hereof Entitled "Campaiclri Financ~ Refor~il", Via The Addition Of Code .~.ctioil 2-4g0 Entitled ,~prehiDit~., Cam~aien Contributions BV Lobbyists On Real E-~.ate Drive o~r~ent Issues": Are you Iobbvin~ on a oendinq application for a Oevelooment Aqreement with the City ~, aonlication for change of zonine malLctesiqnation or chanqe to the Citv'~ ~uture Land Use Map? Yes No V. SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER 1s~ OF EACH YEAR~ EACft LOBBYZST SHALL SUBMIT TO TIdE (,~IY CLERK A SZGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, LZ'~'f~NG LOBByTNG EXPENDZTURES ZN THE C~TY OF MZAM! BEACH FOR THE PRECEDZNG CALENDAR YEAR. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct and that I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Section 2-4-82 of the Miami Beach City Code as amended, and ali reporting requirements, Signature of Principal/Client: 1~/~ .~ ~ ~ V~, LOBBYIST IDE NTZFZCATION: Produced ID Form of Identification SZGNATURE AND STM~IP OF NOTARY OR DEPUTY CLERK: State of Florida, County of MiamFDadez Sworn to apd subscribed before me (~Sig~ture'of P~blic Notary- State of Flor(da Prat, stam~ ~r ~pe name of No~ Public FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY Registraaofl: ED [ ] RE]ELl'ED DATE: I? rejected, state reason: /'/ ./ ,,~ / / Registration fee paid: [/%]-~es [~ ] No [ ] Cas~ . Revision 3/18/D3 / ! F;\CLE~HAff'L\Lobbyis[s\registratianaO3.doc FLAT RATE OR OTHER): A) LOBBYIST DISCLOSURE: B) PRINCIPAL'S DISCLOSURE (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION): 1) 2) Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-3393 Amendina Miami Beach City Code Chaoter 2, Article VII, Division S Theregf Entitled "Campaiqn Finance Reform" Via The Addition Of Code ~ction 2-488 Entitled "Prohibited Camoaian Contributions Bv Lobbyists On Procurement Issues": Are Y~U Iobbvina on a aresent or oendinq bid for aoods, euuioment or services, or on a oresent or pendinq award for qoods, e~uioment or service? Yes No Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-3395 AmendinQ Miami Beach City Code Chapter 2, Article WI Division 5 thereof Entitled "Campaiqn Finance Reform", Via The Addition Of (;ode Section 2-490 Entitled "Prohibited CamDaion Contributions Bv Lobbyists On Real Estate Develooment Issues": Are you Iobbvin= on a oendin= aoolication for a Develooment Aoreement with the City or application for chanqe of zoninq map desiqnation or chanqe to the City's Future Land Use Mao? Yes NO V. SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER IsT OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE C~ IY CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, L1S~NG LOBBYING EXPENDITURES IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct and that I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Section 2-482 of the Miami Beach City Code as amended, and all reporting requirements. Signature of Lobbyist: ~ ~. ~, Signature of Principal/Client: LOBBYIST IDENT~F~CATLON: [] Produced ID Form of Identification Personally Known WI. SIGNATURE AND STAMP OF NOTARY OR DEPUTY CLERK: State of Florida, County of MiamFDade Sworn to and subscribed before me . This c~,~/ct day of~ 200~.r -SignatUre of Pubii/~/N-otary - St~t~ ~)f Flodda Print, stamp or typ~ name of Notary Public Registration: [ ] ACCEPTED If rejected, state reason: Registration fee paid: [ ] Yes [ ] No DATA ENTRY DATE: 2nd Revision 3/18/03 FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY [ ]RE]ECTED DATE: [ ]Cash [ ]Check MCR# ,2003 ENTERED BY: F: \CLER\HATL\Lobbyists\regislzationa 03.doc