LTC 280-2021 North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency legislative update/\1\l!-\/\!\I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 280-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Mana� July 9, 2021 SUBJECT: North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency legislative update The purpose of this Letter to Commission ("L TC") is to provide a legislative update as it relates to the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency ("North Beach CRA") and the Miami-Dade County approval process. Yesterday's Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners meeting agenda included three (3) items pertaining to the North Beach CRA as follows: Item SE (Deferral Requested) Sally A. Heyman, Prime Sponsor RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND APPROVING, AFTER A PUBLIC HEARING, THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN RELATED TO THAT CERTAIN GEOGRAPHIC AREA OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA KNOWN AS THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDE VELOPMENT AREA, WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERALLY BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY 87TH TERRACE, ON THE SOUTH BY 65TH STREET, ON THE EAST BY THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, AND ON THE WEST BY RUE NOTRE DAME; AND APPROVING OF AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MAYOR OR THE COUNTY MAYOR'S DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, AND THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AND TO EXERCISE TER MINATION PROVISIONS CONT AINED THEREIN [SEE AGENDA ITEM NOS. 5F AND 11 A 15](Office of Management and Budget) Item SF - 2 nd Reading (Deferral Requested) Sally A. Heyman, Prime Sponsor ORDINANCE RELATING TO REDEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA GENERALLY BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY 87TH TERRACE, ON THE SOUTH BY 65TH STREET, ON THE EAST BY THE ATLANTIC OCEAN , AND ON THE WEST BY RUE NOTRE DAME; CREATING A REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 163.387, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS AND CALCULATION OF INCREMENT FOR DEPOSIT INTO SUCH TRUST FUND; SETTING FORTH OBLIGATION TO APPROPRIATE TO TRUST FUND AND DURATION OF SUCH OBLIGATION; PROVID ING FOR LIMITED COUNTY APPROVAL OF DEBT; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF FINANCIAL RECORDS AND RIGHT OF AUDIT; PROVIDING FINDING OF PUBLIC PURPOSE; AND PROVIDING SEVERABILITY, INCLUSION IN THE CODE, AND N o rth B e a c h C R A L e g isla tive Up d a te P a g e 2 o f 3 A N E F F E C T IV E D A T E [S E E A G E N D A IT E M NO S . 5E A N D 11A 15](O ffi ce of M a na g em en t a nd B udg et) Item 11A15 Sally A. Heyman, Prime Sponsor Eileen Higgins, Co-Sponsor R E S O L U T IO N A M E N D IN G R E S O L U T IO N N O. R -619-20 TO EX T E N D T HE TIM E F O R T H E BO A R D O F C O U N T Y C O M M IS S IO N E R S T O A P P R O V E AN IN T E R L O C A L C O O P E RA T IO N A G R E E M E NT BET W EE N M IA M I-DA DE C O U N T Y , T H E C IT Y O F M IA M I BE A C H, A N D T HE N O R T H BEA C H C O M M U N IT Y R E D E V E LO P M E N T A G E N C Y , A N D A CO M M U N ITY R E D E V E L O P M E N T PLA N FO R T H E N O R T H BEA C H CO M M U N IT Y R E D E V E L O P M E N T A R E A [S E E A G E N D A IT E M N O S . 5E A N D 5F] Background O n Ju ly 8, 20 2 0, the B o a rd of C ounty C o m m issioners (B C C ) approved Resol ution 619- 20, de le ga tin g au tho rity to the C ity of M iam i Beach to create the N ort h Beach CRA . A dditio na lly, the R e so lutio n pro vide s tha t the N ort h Beach C RA shall cease to exist w ithin 12 m o nths fro m the ado ptio n of the resolutio n if: (1) th e C ity has not approved a re deve lo p m ent pla n a nd interlo cal ag ree m ent acceptable to the C ounty; and (2) the C o u nty ha s no t a p p ro ved the sa m e. O n M a y 12 , 20 21, the C ity C om m ission and N o rt h Beach CR A Board appro ved the R e deve lo p m en t Plan a nd lnterlocal A g ree m ent and authorized tra nsm ission to the C ounty fo r ap p ro va l. Current Situation Ju ly 8, 20 21, m a rke d th e 12-m o nth perio d by w hich the R edevelopm ent Plan and ln terlo ca l A g re e m ent ne e de d to rece ive ap p roval by the C ounty. A s such, item 5E (a p p ro v al of R e d eve lop m ent Pla n and lnterlocal A greem ent) and com panion item 5F, (c rea tio n of R e d eve lo p m e nt T rust Fund ) w ere scheduled to be heard at yesterday's BC C m e e tin g . H o w e ve r, du e to the ab sence of C o m m issioner Heym an, Prim e Sponsor of both ite m s , a re q u e st to de fe r each item w a s m a de and unanim ously appro ved by the BC C . A lo ng sid e the de ferra l req ue st, C om m issio ner H eym an sponsored item 11A 15, requesting a n am e n d m en t to R e sol ution 619-20 to authorize an extension to the 12-m onth time period fo r the B C C to co n sid er and ap pro ve the R edevelopm ent Plan and lnterlocal A greem ent. Esse n tia lly, w ithou t ap p ro val of the tim e extension, considera tion and appro val of the R e de v elop m en t Pla n an d lnterlo cal A g ree m ent could not occur at a later date due to the pro v isio n s of R e sol u tion 6 19 -20. A lthoug h the de fe rral re q u e sts fo r ite m s 5E and 5F w ere approved on consent, item 11A 15 to am end R e sol u tion 6 19-20 w as pulle d fo r discussion by V ice Chairm an Oliver Gilbert a n d C o m m ission er Joe M a rt inez. C om m issioner H iggins highlighted the linkage betw een the three (3) ite m s and discussion ensued . V ice Chairm an G ilbert m entioned his un c e rt a inty ab ou t w he the r N o rt h Be ach ne e ded a C R A or if the area could redevelop on its ow n. A dd itio nally, V ice C ha irm a n G ilbe rt also raised concern s about M iam i Beach's pa rt icip atio n in the fundin g of the H om e less T rust via a percentage of fo od and beverage R e so rt Tax. W h ile C o m m issione r So sa off ered som e cl arifying rem arks regarding the C ity's inv e stm e nt in ho m ele ss se rvice s and sup p ort of the Hom eless Trust, V ice C hairm an G ilb e rt re q ueste d tha t the to pic be discusse d furt her w ith the C ity in consideration of the N o rth B e a c h C R A L e g isla tive Up d a te P a g e 3 o f 3 CRA's proposed impact on the County's General Fund. Commissioner Higgins also noted that she is requesting changes to the items to ensure there is strengthened language to provide for a dedicated funding source for affordable housing. Ultimately, after limited discussion, item 11A 15 passed (10-1), with Commissioner Martinez voting against. Commissioners Heyman and McGhee were absent. Next Steps The deferred items, 5E (approval of Redevelopment Plan and lnterlocal Agreement) and companion item 5F (creation of Redevelopment Trust Fund), will be heard at the July 20, 2021 BCC meeting. If there are changes made to either of the items, it will return to the Miami Beach City Commission for acceptance of the changes. Questions about the foregoing may be directed to Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager at ericcarpenter@miamibeachfl.gov or Rickelle Williams, Economic Development Director at rickellewilliams@miamibeachfl_goy. 4RO A TH /É S/RW