LTC 290-2021 Key Personnel AppointmentsM IAM I BEACH O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY MA N A G ER N O . LTC# LETTER TO COM MISSION TO : FRO M : D A TE: H ono rab le M a yor D a n G e lbe ~be rs of the City C om m ission A lina T. H ud a k, C ity M ana ge{JA V\ July 14, 202 1 SU BJECT : Key Personnel Appointments T he pu rpo se of th is L T C is to update the C omm issio n on the status of key personnel appointm ents. A s yo u kno w , a cou p le of depart m ent directors recently left the City to begin new chapters in their live s w hile m y ap po intm en t as C ity M a nage r created an additional vacancy fo r the position of A ss istan t C ity M ana g e r. I w a nt to re iterate to ea ch of you that recruiting sen ior level positions is a process and decision th a t re q uire s tim e an d ca reful ana lysis to find the rig ht m atch fo r our team . Follow ing a vigorous sea rch , I am excited to an n ou nce the se le ctio n of M r. Jose (Joe) Gom ez, P.E as the next Public W o rks D ire ctor of the C ity of M ia m i Bea ch. M r. G om e z ha s yea rs of experience in both the pub lic and private sector as a civil engineer w ith spe cific expe rt ise in tran sp ort ation , infr astructure , planning and design as w ell as construction m a n ag em ent. A s the D irecto r of O pe ratio ns fo r the Florida D epart m ent of T ransport ation District 6 , he w as re sp o nsib le fo r lead ing a staff of m ore tha n 600 em ployees and a construction contract va lu e of ap pro xim a te ly $25 0M . H e ha s sign ificant experience in the areas of public and com m unity in vo lve m en t and inte r-ag en cy coo rdinatio n. H is m any years of experience in the private sector has a ls o give n him a sign ifica n t po rtf olio of direct pub lic pro ject experience. I am confident that M r. G om ez w ill brin g fr e sh an d outstand ing leadersh ip to our team . T h e P u b lic W orks D irecto r is argua bly one of the m ost im port ant positions in defining and im p lem enting the future vision and im po rt ant infr astructure priorities fo r the City of M iam i Beach. O v e rse ein g m u ltip le area s, incl ud ing U tilities Infr astructure, Sanitation, and Streets & Green S p a ce , req uires a can d ida te w ho is expe rie nced , innovative and w illing to think outside the box w h ile w o rkin g clo se ly w ith C ity staff and residents to create pioneering solutions to the m any issues fa cin g our city. Jo e po sse sse s all of tho se att rib utes. Please join m e in w elcom ing Joe. H is a ppo in tm ent w ill be pla ce d on the upcom ing C ity C o mm ission agenda fo r consent on July 28 and he w ill beg in his ten u re w ith us in A ug ust. S in ce start in g w ith the C ity over a yea r ago, I ha ve ha d the pleasure of getting to know so m any of o u r am az in g pro fessional staff m em bers and ha ve learn ed m uch fr om them . Operationally, I am a b solu te ly privile ge d to ha ve an outstand ing senio r leadership team w orking alongside m e. I am pro u d, at this tim e, to app oin t A ssistant C ity M ana ge r Eric C arpenter to a new ly reclassified position o f D ep u ty C ity M a n a g er. T his ap pointm ent allow s m e to properly position the City fo r the ch a llen ge s of the future . It creates a cl e ar path fo r succession planning and appropriate chain of com m a n d w he n the M ana g er is una vaila ble. 290-2021 E r ic h a s b e e n a s te a d fa s t p a rt o f th e E x e c u tiv e T e a m in th e C ity fo r a p p ro x im a te ly e ig h t y e a rs . H e h a s h e ld th e ro le s o f P u b lic W o r k s D ire c to r a n d A s s is ta n t C ity M a n a g e r. R e c e n tl y h e h a s h e ld b o th p o s itio n s c o n c u r re n t ly . E r ic h a s o v e rs e e n a w id e ra n g e o f d e p a rt m e n ts a n d d iv is io n s , in c lu d in g P u b li c W o r k s , P a r k s a n d R e c re a tio n , C a p ita l Im p ro v e m e n t P ro je c ts , P a rk in g , B u ild in g , P la n n in g , C o d e C o m p lia n c e , T ra n s p o rt a tio n , P ro p e rt y M a n a g e m e n t, E n v iro n m e n ta l a n d E c o n o m ic D e v e lo p m e n t. E r ic 's le a d e rs h ip a n d k n o w le d g e in th e a re a s o f in fr a s tru c tu re , s e rv ic e d e liv e ry a n d c o m m u n ity b u ild in g a r e k e y to th e s u c c e s s o f th e C ity a n d I a m h o n o re d to h a v e h im b y m y s id e . H e a n d I w o r k e x tre m e ly w e ll to g e th e r a n d o u r ta le n ts a n d s k ill s c o m p le m e n t e a c h o th e r. P le a s e jo in m e in c o n g r a tu la tin g E r ic in h is n e w ro le . C o m m u n ic a tin g w ith re s id e n ts is a n o th e r o n e o f th e m o s t c ru c ia l ro le s in m u n ic ip a l g o v e rnm e n t fr o m k e e p in g s ta k e h o ld e r s in fo r m e d , re s p o n d in g to m e d ia a n d re la y in g a p le th o ra o f c ity m e s s a g in g . T h e D ir e c to r o f M a r k e tin g a n d C o m m u n ic a tio n s is a v ita l p a rt o f m y E x e c u tiv e T e a m w h o w o r k s c lo s e ly w ith e v e ry d e p a rt m e n t in th e C ity to e n s u re a c o n s is te n t v o ic e a c ro s s o u r o r g a n iz a tio n . T h is p e r s o n m u s t b e s o m e o n e w h o is fa m ilia r w ith o u r c o m m u n ity , th e c h a ll e n g e s w e fa c e a n d w h o h a s th e a b ility to c o m m u n ic a te th a t in a cl e a r a n d c o n c is e w a y . M e lis s a B e rt h ie r c o n tin u e s to d o a n e x c e lle n t jo b in fu lfi ll in g b o th h e r p re v io u s ro le a s A s s is ta n t D ir e c to r a n d a c tin g in th e c a p a c ity o f D ire c to r . I w a n t to e s p e c ia lly h ig h lig h t a n d th a n k M e li s s a fo r h e r c o m m itm e n t d u r in g th e S u rf s id e tra g e d y . W e 'v e h a d m a n y a p p lic a n ts fo r th is p o s itio n , a n d I a m in th e p ro c e s s o f re v ie w in g th o s e . I w ill k e e p y o u a p p ris e d o n th e s ta tu s . T h e A s s is ta n t C ity M a n a g e r p o s itio n is a n o th e r k e y ro le o n m y E x e c u tiv e T e a m . It is e x tre m e ly im p o rt a n t to m e th a t th is p e r s o n n o t o n ly h a v e th e q u a lifi c a tio n s to d o th e jo b , b u t a ls o p o s s e s s th e d r iv e , d e d ic a tio n a n d e th ic s th a t a re re q u ire d to b e s u c c e s s fu l. I c o n tin u e to p e rs o n a lly re c ru it fo r th is p o s itio n . W h il e I in te n d to re o r g a n iz e a n d re s tru c tu r e th e C ity M a n a g e r's o ffi c e , I w ill n o t fi n a liz e m y p la n s u n til a ll o f th e m e m b e r s o f th e te a m h a v e b e e n a p p o in te d . F o r n o w , th e c u rre n t T a b le o f O r g a n iz a ti o n re m a in s in p la c e . I w a n t to th a n k a ll o f y o u fo r y o u r c o n tin u e d s u p p o rt a n d e n c o u ra g e m e n t th ro u g h w h a t h a s b e e n a d iff ic u lt a n d c h a lle n g in g tw o m o n th s a s y o u r C ity M a n a g e r. I a m c o n fi d e n t th a t to g e th e r, w ith o u r te a m , th e r e a r e b r ig h te r d a y s a h e a d . T h a n k y o u a g a in . C C : E x e c u tiv e S ta ff M a n a g e m e n t T e a m JOSÉ JOE) L. GÓMEZ, PE, F. FES 50 MI N OR C A AVEN UE , A PT. 708 C OR.A L G ABLES , FL 33134 June 18, 2021 Alina T. Hudak City Manager City of Miami Beach l 700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RE: Position of Public Works Director Dear Mrs. Hudak: It is my distinct honor to submit my résumé for your consideration to the above referenced position of Public Works Director. As a practicing professional engineer with over 43 years of experience in infrastructure and transportation projects, this opportunity is one that I have progressively groomed myself for. I am licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Florida with extensive experience in the public sector. For almost l O and a half years, I worked for the Florida Department of Transportation in District Six as a proud public servant, in various responsible positions and ascending to Director of Transportation Operations. This position was responsible for all construction, maintenance and traffic operations for Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. This position oversaw a workforce of approximately 600 employees and a construction contract value of approximately $250M. After Hurricane Andrew struck South Florida in August of 1992, I was part of the team that led the District's disaster and recovery efforts where an estimated 95% of all traffic signals were severely impacted in Miami- Dade County. After departing FOOT in 1996, I returned to the private sector as a consultant working with various firms on major infrastructure and transportation projects. I have led offices and disciplines of l 00 employees and diverse mix of projects, including water and sewer infrastructure, transportation planning and design and construction. Most notably, I was the senior project manager for the $900M design-build 1-395/SR 836/1-95 project that is currently under construction. This project includes Miami's first signature bridge that will be a focal point for our community. As a consultant I have also worked on the Public-Private Partnership (P3) conversion of 1-75/ Alligator Alley from Broward County to Collier County, SR 836 Design-Build widening from NW 17/h Av to NW 57/ Av and the WAVE Streetcar project for the City of Ft. Lauderdale. Although I returned to private practice in 1996, my desire to be involved in public service was always present. I served for over 9 years at PortMiami as a member and ultimately Chair of Port of Miami Crane Management, the not-for-profit company responsible for purchasing and maintaining the gantry cranes for all cargo operations at PortMiami. Most recently I served for four years as the founding Chair of the Citizens Advisory Committee for the $820M General Obligation Bond program for Jackson Health System. All these opportunities have shaped me professionally and personally to be your next Public Works Director. The City has embarked on an aggressive capital improvement program that encompasses critical needs including addressing sea level rise, sustainability and resiliency, and right-of-way improvements. The GOB and W&WW Bond programs are key components of this. The successful delivery and completion of these programs will require senior leadership from an individual that has a strong background in design and construction projects, along with program and management and operational skills to effectively lead and execute this program. I believe that my skills as a professional engineer, senior program manager and a public servant makes me uniquely qualified to be your next Public Works Director. I look forward to continuing our dialogue and answer any questions that you may have regarding my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, José (Joe) L. Gómez, PE, F. FES cc: Naima De Pinedo, Assistant to City Manager PRO FESSIO N A L RESUM E of JOSÉ (JOE) L. GÓMEZ, PE, F.FES Mr. Gómez has over 43 years of diverse civil engineering, transportation planning and design, quality control plan reviews, as well as CEi and construction management experience. He has managed and directed large-scale transportation studies including major multi-level interchanges, arterial corridors and bridge replacements. Mr. Gómez is also a construction dispute resolution expert, having served on several Dispute Review Boards (DRBs) for the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) and Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX). He has significant experience in the areas of public and community involvement, inter-agency coordination and traffic management systems. Over the course of his career, he has been in responsible charge of major alternative delivery projects including Design-Build (DB) and Public Private Partnerships (P3). CURRENT EMPLOYERS KCI Technologies, Inc.- Miami, Florida Position: Associate, CM/CEi Practice Leader and Miami Office Manager From: December 2019 to Present University of Miami - Coral Gables, Florida Position: Guest Lecturer/ Part-time Adjunct Professor From: August 2020 to Present EXPERIENCE BY DISCIPLINE Years of Experience: 43 TIN: G52043256 Registrations/Certifications: PE / FL / 35526 Earthwork Construction Inspection Levels 1& 2 Final Estimates Level 1 QC Manager MOT Advanced FDEP Qualified Stormwater Management Inspector Nuclear and Safety Training Critical Structures Self-Study HAZMATTraining Auger Cast Pile MSE Wall Professional Affiliations: Florida Engineering Society, Fellow Florida Engineering Society, State Chapter, Director American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Member Construction Management Association (CMAA) of America, Member CONSTRUCTION, ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION (CEi) AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Broad Causeway Corridor Enhancements (FPID 439906-1-58-01), Town of Bay Harbor Islands, FL. Senior Project Engineer/Project Manager (03/2020 - 12/2020 expected completion). This is a LAP project consisting of widening on both sides of the 0.45-mile Broad Causeway to add buffered bike lanes, mill and resurface the existing pavement, and replace the existing handrail on the east bridge with new recessed LED lights. The project also includes mill and resurfacing of the existing pavement at the service station within the project limits which is used as a turnaround for vehicles. The project originally called for two one-inch lifts of Superpave SP-9.5 structural asphalt. However, due to addition of bike lanes and safety concerns, Mr. Gómez was successful in working with the FOOT and the Town to replace the final course as one inch of FC-9.5 friction course, which was approved as LAP reimbursement by FOOT D6. The project will be completed on time and within budget. Reference: Town of Bay Harbor Islands, Douglas P. Armstrong, Public Works Director, Phone (305) 866-6241 Norwegian Cruise Lines Terminal B New Construction, Miami, FL. Senior Project Engineer/ Project Manager (02/2019 - 01/2020). Mr. Gómez performed CEi services for drainage, water, sewer, electrical duct bank and paving infrastructure for a new $120 million state-of-the-art passenger terminal, replacing the obsolete existing Terminal B. He was responsible for all CEi inspections, inspection staff and performance of daily work reports (DWR). Reference: NCL Holdings, Alicia Cuervo, EI, GA/CA, Vice President, Construction, Phone: (305) 436-4055 NW 52nd Street/NW 102nd Avenue CEi Services, Doral, FL [Contract G0049]. Senior Project Engineer/Project Manager (10/2015- 04/2018). Mr. Gómez provided CEi services for this $3 million project for the City of Doral. The project, a Local Agency Program (LAP) off-highway system, includes the construction of a new French drain system, upgraded pedestrian improvements including Americans with Disabilities/Accessibility Education: BS / Civil Engineering Technology (CET)/ Florida International University AA/ Pre-Engineering / Miami Dade College José (Joe) L. Gómez, PE, F. FES Page[2 (ADA) detectable warning devices, pedestrian signal heads and solar powered rectangular rapid flashing beacons for added safety at crosswalks, milling and resurfacing and new bicycle lanes. Reference: City of Doral, Carlos Arroyo, CFM, Assistant Public Works Director/ Chief of Construction, Phone: (305) 593-6740 NE 13th Street CEi Services, Fort Lauderdale, FL [Contract 19196]. Senior Project Engineer/Project Manager (12/2016- 2018). The project entailed reconstruction of NE 13th Street from NE 8th Avenue to the Florida East Coast (FEC) Railroad (R/R). It included adding bike lanes, removal of existing traffic signal and construction of a new roundabout, bio-swales, new street lighting, milling and resurfacing. Reference: City of Fort Lauderdale, Christine Fanchi, PE, PTP!Transportation Project Manager, Phone: (954) 828-5526 Card Sound Road Toll Plaza SunPass Conversion, Monroe County, FL. Senior Project Engineer I Project Manager (10/2018- 09/2019). The project consisted of the $18 million conversion of the cash toll plaza to the SunPass cashless electronic system. Services included serving as owner's representative during the design phase and CEi services during construction. Project elements included demolition of existing toll plaza in two phases, pavement reconstruction (flexible and rigid), new drainage, toll gantry and electronic equipment. Reference: Monroe County Department of Public Works, Clark Briggs- Senior Project Manager, Phone: (305) 295-4329 Resurfacing from SR 151Sweat Road to SR 16A, Clay County, FL [FPID 432269-1-52-01]. Quality Assurance (QA) Officer (02/2017 - 01/2018). CEi services were provided for milling and resurfacing, shoulder treatment, highway signing, and other incidental construction. Mr. Gómez was responsible for all QA audits as per contract requirements. Reference: FOOT, Donald Devenny- Project Manager, Phone: (386) 312-4833 SR 201, New Road Construction, Baldwin Bypass, Jacksonville, FL. QA Officer (12/2016- 2018). KCI performed CEi services to provide a bypass around the Town of Baldwin, connecting SR 200 (US 301) at the 1-1 O interchange to the four-lane rural divided highway SR 200 (US 301) on the northeast side. Includes six Florida-I Beam (FIB) bridges (four at CSX crossings), embankment with surcharging, mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall and new asphalt and concrete roadway. Mr. Gómez was responsible for all QA audits as per contract requirements. Reference: FOOT, Robert Gurganious, Project Manager, Phone: (904) 360-5542 SR 84 Drainage Improvements, Milling, Resurfacing and Signalization, Collier County, Naples, FL [FPID 433173-1-52-01 (T1653)]. QA Officer (11/2016- 11/2017). KCI provided CEi services for this $3.8 million project for FOOT District 1 (D1). This project involved utility coordination of four drill shaft foundations for improved signalization at the intersection of County Barn Road, new sidewalk and closed flume inlets within the one-mile corridor. This project also added storage to existing turn lanes and is converting the existing swale median to a crowned median in preparation for future landscaping. Mr. Gómez was responsible for all QA audits per contract requirements. Reference: FDOT D1, Josephine Mak, Project Manager, Phone: (239) 985-7840 SR 826/Palmetto Expressway (from SW 8th Street to SW 32nd Street), Miami, FL. Project Principal (01/2006- 1212006). Mr. Gómez was responsible for overall commitment of engineering resources and was the client point-of-contact on this segment of the Palmetto Reconstruction Program. The project included widening of mainline, widening and realignment of interchange ramps, construction of noise walls and eight new bridges. Construction cost was $32 million. Reference: A2 (Prime Consultant) I FOOT District 6 (06) Construction Office, Mario Cabrera, PE, District Construction Engineer, Phone: (305) 640-7445 DESIGN-BUILD (DB) AND PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (P3) The Wave Streetcar DB Project, Downtown Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, FL. Project Director (01/2017-05/2018). Mr. Gómez was responsible for the DB pursuit of the $140 million Wave Electric Streetcar project. He led all of the firms' engineering resources in the development of the plans and quantities for the winning bid with contractor joint venture of Prince/Delta. Reference: WSP USA, Ronald Colas, PE, SI, Vice President/Senior Area Manager, Phone: (305) 514-3167 1-395/SR 836 (from Midtown lnterchange/1-95 to US 41/SR A1A MacArthur Causeway Bridge), Miami-Dade County, FL. Senior Advisor (02/2015- 01/2016). The 1-395 corridor improvements included developing 30% plans, criteria package and aesthetics manual for the project. Mr. Gómez assisted the project manager in various duties, including attending progress meetings and task assignments. Reference: FDOT D6, Raul Quintela, PE, Project Manager, Phone: (305) 470-5271 1-395/SR 836 (from Midtown lnterchange/1-95 to US 41/SR A1A MacArthur Causeway Bridge), Miami-Dade County, FL. Senior Project Manager (06/2011- 01/2015). The 1-395 corridor improvements included developing 30% plans, criteria package and aesthetics manual for the project. Tasks included setting geometry of mainline (three lanes in each direction) and ramps, typical section packages for mainline and surface streets within project right-of-way (ROW), exceptions and variations for mainline, drainage report for project which includes two pump stations and 38 gravity wells, master maintenance of traffic (MOT) plan, master signing and pavement marking plan and extensive utility coordination with utility master plan. Reference: FOOT 06, Vilma Croft, PE, Project Manager (now with HNTB), J o s é (J o e ) L. G ó m e z , P E , F . F E S Phone: (305) 551-8100 SR 836 from West of NW 57th Avenue to West of NW 17th Avenue, MDX, Miami, FL. Project Manager (01/2014 - 12/2014). The project entailed the design-build procurement phase for mainline widening of four miles of SR 836, including implementation of two diverging diamond interchanges at NW 57th Avenue and NW 27th Avenue. Also included was a new westbound (WB) flyover ramp from NW 37th Avenue interchange to SR 953/LeJeune Road. The plans also included accommodation of managed lanes from LeJeune Road/Miami International Airport (MIA) to SR 826/SR 836 Interchange. Component plans included roadway and geometry, signing and pavement markings, maintenance of traffic plans and new street reconstruction at SR 959/NW 57th Avenue and SR 9/NW 27th Avenue to accommodate new diverging diamond layouts. The plan set submitted was part of the successful proposal resulting in award of the contract to the contractor. Reference: Odebrecht USA, Mauricio González, PE (now with Lead Engineering Contractors), Phone: (305) 615-3272 Page[3 1-75 Alligator Alley (from Broward County Toll Plaza to Collier County Toll Plaza), Broward/Collier Counties, FL. Project Manager and Owner Representative (04/2008 - 12/2008). The 78-mile Public Private Partnership (P3) project consisted of the conversion of the existing tolled interstate facility. Mr. Gómez' responsibility included review of all documents, coordination and scheduling of team meetings, and setting up and attendance of all public workshops. Reference: FOOT Central Office, Gregory L. Schiess, PE, Project Manager, Phone: (850) 414-4146 HIGHWAY DESIGN SR 5/US 1 Overseas Highway (from Mile Marker [MM] 93 to MM 97), Tavernier, FL. Project Manager and Engineer of Record (04/2007 - 06/2009). The project included four miles of US 1in the Florida Keys. The project included milling and resurfacing, improving shoulders, adding drainage and the addition of a new northbound 10-foot emergency shoulder. Mr. Gómez provided support during the construction phase. Reference: FOOT 06, Chris Tavella, PE, Project Manager, Phone: (305) 470-5484 SR 5/US 1 Overseas Highway (from MM 103 to MM 106), Key Largo, FL. Project Manager and Engineer of Record (04/2007 - 06/2009). The project consisted of three miles of US 1 in the Florida Keys. The project included milling and resurfacing, improving shoulders, adding drainage and the addition of a new northbound 1 O-foot emergency shoulder. Mr. Gómez provided support during the construction phase. Reference: FDOT D6, Chris Tavella, PE, Project Manager, Phone: (305) 470-5484 SR 5/US 1 Brickell Avenue (from SE 25th Road to SE 5th Street), Miami, FL. Project Manager and Engineer of Record (06/2007 - 06/2009). The project consisted of 1.8 miles of Brickell Avenue in the downtown Brickell area for FOOT D6 Consultant Management, and included concrete pavement replacement, milling and resurfacing of existing flexible pavement, a new state-of-the-art drainage pump station with triple pumps, and approximately 700 linear feet of force main connected to an existing outfall to relieve existing flooding at the intersection of Coral Way and Brickell Avenue. Reference: FDOT D6, Judy So/aun-González, PE, District Consultant Management Engineer, Phone: (305) 470-5343 Pedestrian Bridge over SR 5/US 1/South Dixie Highway at Mariposa Drive, Miami-Dade Transit, Coral Gables, FL. Senior Project Engineer and Engineer of Record (03/2013 - 10/2014). The project entailed the development and overall design of complex MOT plan which included nighttime closures of US 1 for the erection of pedestrian bridge beams, rerouting of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, extensive signage, signal modifications and lane closure analysis. Reference: Miami-Dade Transit, Albert Hernandez, PE, Assistant Director, Phone: (786) 469-5447 NW 2nd Street (from NW 24th Avenue to NW 22nd Avenue), Miami, FL. Project Manager and Engineer of Record (06/2008 - 05/2009). The project involved 0.8 miles of NW 2nd Street in the City of Miami, and included milling and resurfacing, improving drainage swales using impervious concrete and landscaping. Reference: City of Miami Office of Capital Improvements, David Mendez, PE, Assistant Director of Capital Improvements (now with CAP Government), Phone: (305) 513-8711 NW 1st Street (from NW 27th Avenue to NW 22nd Avenue), Miami, FL. Project Manager and Engineer of Record (06/2008 - 0512009). The 1.2-mile NW 1st Street project, located in the City of Miami, included reconstruction of 500 feet, milling and resurfacing, improving drainage swales using impervious concrete and landscaping. Reference: City of Miami Office of Capital Improvements, David Mendez, PE, Assistant Director of Capital Improvements (now with CAP Government), Phone: (305) 513-8711 SR 923/NE 125th Street Safety Improvements, North Miami, FL. Project Manager (02/2004- 06/2005). Mr. Gómez was responsible for safety improvements to a 1.8-mile section of NE 125th Street. Project elements included a new sidewalk, curb and gutter, tree removal, new landscaping, and a new lighting system. Reference: FOOT 06, Elsa Riverai, PE, Project Manager, Phone: (305) 470-5105 US 1 Busway Segment II Design and Post Design Services (from SW 264th Street to SW 344th Street), Miami, FL. Project J o s é (J o e ) L. G ó m e z , P E , F . F E S P a g e [4 Principal (01/2006 - 12/2006). Mr. Gómez' responsibility was for all post-design services activities, client contact and commitment of resources. This segment was the last of three segments of an exclusive busway parallel to US 1in South Miami-Dade County. This eight-mile segment included an exclusive bikeway, multiple covered bus shelters, and complex signalization timing with US 1 intersections. Reference: Miami-Dade Transit Agency, Albert Hernandez, PE, Assistant Director, Phone: (786) 469-5447 SR 5/US 1 Lower Matecumbe Key, lslamorada, FL. Project Director (01/2002 - 01/2004). The project included turn lane and safety improvements on a $500,000, 24-month project development and environment (PD&E) study of various turn lane improvements to a four- mile section of US 1in Lower Matecumbe Key within the Village of lslamorada. Reference: FDOT D6, Vima Croft, PE, Project Manager (now with HNTB), Phone: (305) 551-8100 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING, TRAFFIC I PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENT City of Homestead Transportation and Traffic Consultant, Homestead, FL. Project Manager (05/2004 - 01/2006). Mr. Gómez was responsible for the development of an overall transportation master plan for the City of Homestead. The work also included review and recommendations on developer-submitted traffic studies perform signal warrant analysis and other traffic related duties. Reference: City of Homestead, Julio Brea, PE, Director of Public Works, Phone: (305) 224-4770 Miami-Dade Transit General Engineering Services, Miami-Dade, FL. Project Manager (11/2001- 01/2004). The $1.75 million, 24- month contract included performing miscellaneous engineering services for various improvements countywide to Miami-Dade Transit facilities. Reference: Miami-Dade Transit Agency, Albert Hernandez, PE, Assistant Director, Phone: (786) 469-5447 Ludlum Trial Non-Motorized Corridor Study, Miami, FL. Project Director (01/2003- 12/2003). Mr. Gómez was responsible for 8.4- mile Rails to Trails Corridor Study along FEC RIR ROW. The project included extensive public involvement program and presentations to various state and local agencies. Reference: FDOT D6, Ken Jeffries, Project Manager, Phone: (305) 470-5445 SR 112/LeJeune Road/NW 36th Street Alternatives Evaluation Study, Miami and Hialeah, FL. Project Director (06/2000- 03/2001 ). Mr. Gómez was responsible for analysis of existing conditions, traffic analysis and modeling and interim improvement evaluations including opinion of costs and feasibility rankings for presentation to various agencies including the FOOT 06, MDX, and Cities of Miami Springs and Hialeah. Reference: FDOT D6, Kouroche Mohandes, PE, Project Manager (now with KMEC), Phone: (786) 586-7779 EXPERIENCE DURING TENURE WITH FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DISTRICT 6 Golden Glades Interchange (GGI) Reconstruction, Miami-Dade County, FL. Project Manager (08/1986 - 08/1988). The PD&E study consisted of a five-level interchange reconstruction to replace existing obsolete GGI. The study included analyzing over 69 different movements available at this directional interchange and prepared an existing conditions report and alternatives recommendations. Alternatives included adding missing movements and splitting 1-95 mainline NB and SB to different levels. Components included an Existing Conditions Report, Traffic Report, Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact (EA/ FONSI), 30% plans and ROW maps. Due to the complexity of this interchange, Mr. Gómez directed a Geometrics Committee that was comprised of FOOT Central Office, FOOT 06, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and consultant to approve the recommended geometrics. SR 874 New SB Exit Ramp at SR 94/North Kendall Drive, Miami-Dade County, FL. Assistant District Design Engineer (10/1985 - 10/1996). Mr. Gómez led the design of the new SB exit ramp at North Kendall Drive. The project included complex geometry with mainline spiral curves and limited ROW due to railroad ROW. All plans were prepared in-house including geometric studies, roadway mainline, and new ramp design and reconstruction of a portion of North Kendall Drive. The plans also included new drainage system, signing and pavement markings and signalization plans at the ramp intersection with North Kendall Drive. SR 974/Bird Road Reconstruction from SR 953/LeJeune Road to SR 5/US 1/SW Dixie Highway, Coral Gables, FL. Assistant District Design Engineer (10/1985 - 10/1986). Mr. Gómez was in charge of reconstruction of a five-lane urban section. The scope included full reconstruction of roadway, pavement, design, drainage design consisting of exfiltration trenches (French drains), sidewalk, curb and gutter and commercial driveway reconstruction. Component sets included roadway, signing and pavement markings. CEi Experience FOOT D6 (D6 Construction Engineer and D6 Director of Operations) SR A1A/General Douglas A. MacArthur Causeway Reconstruction - $43 million SR A1A/General Douglas A. MacArthur High Level Bridge Replacement - $75 million Brickell Avenue Bridge Replacement - $22 million 1-95 Widening and Pavement Reconstruction from NW 8th Street to NW 151st Street - $110 million 1-95 High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Flyover at Golden Glades Interchange - $42 million José (Joe) L. Gómez, PE, F. FES Page]5 US 41/Tamiami Tr ai l from SR 826 to SW 127th Avenue Widening and Reconstruction - $60million SR 826/Palmetto Expressway Section 1 from US 1to SW 66th Street Widening and Reconstruction - $82 million SR 826/Palmetto Expressway Section 12 from NW 158th Street to NW 119th Street Widening and Reconstruction - $105 million DISASTER RECOVERY EXPERIENCE Hurricane Irma Disaster Recovery Project Manager (09/2017 - 05/2018). Mr. Gómez led disaster recovery efforts on multiple contracts with several firms, ensuring that all resources and equipment were made available in various geographic areas throughout the state including Palm Beach, Broward, Collier, Miami-Dade, and Monroe counties. He served as direct contact between various firms, FOOT and KCI. Client: FOOT, 01, 04 and 06 Hurricane Andrew Disaster Recovery Director of Operations for FDOT D6 (08/1992- 0211994). Mr. Gómez was responsible for all operational details of the clean-up in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew, one of the costliest disasters in US history. At the direction of the District Secretary and the Secretary of Transportation, Mr. Gómez led efforts to open all state highways beginning with the interstate and expressway systems. Due to the loss of 95 % of all traffic signals in Miami-Dade County, Mr. Gómez led coordination with the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCOOT) that provided signal heads to temporarily operate many of the intersections that were completely destroyed by Andrew. Based on emergency executive order issued by the Governor, four contracts were issued to replace the temporary signals to new upgraded mast arms. These contracts were for 18 months. Mr. Gómez also served as the direct liaison with FHWA and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) representatives in preparing the reimbursement applications for work that resulted from destruction by Andrew. Debris removal and disposal was also under his direct supervision. Client: FOOT 06 DISPUTE REVIEW BOARD (DRB) EXPERIENCE SR 836/Dolphin Expressway Widening and Toll Conversion, MDX- $120 million 1-95 Noise Abatement Wall Retrofit and Safety Improvements, FOOT D6-$75 million Districtwide ITS Improvements, FOOT D6- $52 million SR 826/Palmetto Expressway Section 3 Widening from SW 8th Street to SW 31st Street, FOOT D6 -$65 million US 1 Overseas Highway Jewfish Creek Bridge Replacement and Road Widening, FOOT D6 - $180 million US 1/SR 5/North Roosevelt Boulevard, FOOT D6 -$42 million CIVIC INVOLVE MENT Jackson Health System (JHS), General Obligation Bond Citizens Advisory Committee(CAC). Mr. Gómez was the Chair of CAC that oversees all projects associated with $800 million General Obligation Bond Program. (11/2014-01/2019) Port Miami Crane Management, Inc. Mr. Gómez served as Board Member, Secretary, and Chair for Board. He was responsible for operations and maintenance of all Gantry Cranes at PortMiami. Mr. Gómez also served on the Miami-Dade County Procurement Review Committee for acquisition of four gantry cranes from vendor. (2000 - 2009) AWARDS Fellow Membership: Florida Engineering Society-August 2020 Certificate of Appreciation, Service as Board Chair for the Jackson Health System General Obligation Bond (GOB), Citizen's Advisory Committee: Miami-Dade County, Board of County Commissioners - March 2019 Engineer of the Year: Florida Engineering Society, Miami Chapter - February 2017 "I am MDC Distinguished Alumni": Miami Dade College -April 2003 &April 2012 Certificate of Appreciation, 4th Odebrecht Highway Forum: Odebrecht USA - November 201 O Chairman's Award, Outstanding Leadership: Port of Miami Crane Management- March 2010 President's Award: Florida Engineering Society, Miami Chapter- August 2008 Outstanding Mentor Award: Florida Department of Transportation, District 6, PE Trainees - January 1996 Jay W. Brown Award for Outstanding Leadership Abilities: Florida Department of Transportation, District 6 - October 1992 José (Joe) L. Gómez, PE, F. FES Page [6 REFERENCES José Abreu, PE, F. ASCE - SVP Gannett Fleming (former FL Secretary of Transportation and Miami-Dade Aviation Director) o Ph: 305.978.9776 / Email: jabreu@gfnet.com Carlos Migoya -CEO Jackson Health System o Ph: 305.585.6754 / Emai l:. cmigoya@jhsmiami_org Javier Rodriguez, PE - Executive Director, Miami-Dade Expressway Authority o Ph: 305.951.1164 / Email: jrodriguez@mdxway.com Alvaro Piedrahita, PE - Chairman of the Board, T.V. Lin International o Ph: 305.962.6936 / Em ail:. alyaro.piedrahita@tylin.com Isa M. Nuñez, PE - Vice President, Facilities Design & Construction, Jackson Health System o Ph: 786.277.5087 / Em ail:. isa.nunez@jhsmiami_org Alicia A. González- President, Media Relations Group, LLC o Ph:786.280.6645 / Email: agonzalez@mrgmiami.com