LTC 344-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of August 23 - 27, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 344-2021 TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the Ci Commission FROM : Rafael E. Granado , City Clerk DATE : August 16 , 2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of August 23 -27, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of August 23 -27, 2021 published on August 15, 2021. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http :/ /miami beach fl . gov/cityclerk/defa ult.aspx?id= 1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES August 23 -27, 202 l 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. MONDAY, August 23 Short Term Rental City Holl Commission Chamber Sidewalk Cafe Hearings* 1700 Conven tion Center Drive , 3'd FL. TUESDAY, August 24 Committee for Quality https://us02web.zoom.us/j/57 479691 Education in Miami Beach O l ?pwd-Ym9oRlhu TjdpczV4czR2K2kxo Zoom Meeting 3VJUT09 Access ID 5747969101 Zoom Passcode 2oyB5P l .929.205 .6099 or 1.30 1.715 .8592 Access ID 5747969101 # Passcode 401682# 4 :00 p .m. Youth Commission Zoom Meeting https://us02web .zoom .us/j/57 479691 0 1 ?pwd-Ym9oRlhu TjdpczV4czR2K2kxo ;ml.ITQ'l Access ID 5747969101 Zoom Passcode 2ayB5P l .929 .205 .6099 or 1.301.715 .8592 Access ID 5747969101# Passcode 401682# WEDNESDAY, August 25 2:00 p.m. Miami Beach Special Event https ://us02web.zoom .us/j/83401626 Sponsorship Program 87 42pwd-cXRVZ3VyolZncmprdl81NOpS Informational Meeting ~ 1.301.715 .8592 or 1.646.558 .8656 Access ID 83401626874# Passcode 853492# THURSDAY,August26 9:00 o.m. Special Magistrate Hearings* Ci ty Hall Com mission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive , 3 ,e FL 9:00 o.m. Other Post-Employment (OPEB) l 786 636 1480 Trust Board Access ID 157011954# Microsoft T eom Meeting FRIDAY, August 27 No Meetings Sc heduled Fo r any and/ o r all or the above meetin gs, o ne 0 1 mo,e rn embe,s of the Miami Beach C ily Commi ssio n, and o r City bornd /commiltee members may be in allendonce and porlicipole in discussions. A -.,,J , .~Cl ,,;3·v _.:.t~•Tr er, ... :dhnJ Ht) A-,q I._,.,.. .:9 ht\) _;~,.:Dl'l"f''' 1'} \-':)~ & ~:y1 1,,,,., er r ffC ry •• C,,.,rl'11i!hl (:_>"'1'.11Jt,;.e _.;reJ b,e 1." .... 3-y AD N o. 08 15?02 1-0lM A !isling of oil f01mol compelilive soliciloliOllS issued by the Ci ty of Miami Beoch , Florido is available al b11 ps · //www miamibeocbO goy/cily:ball/mocmement/clty;coof,gcts/. Ta access any lormol competilive soiicilation issued by the City, or to 1eceive any addendum issued too f01mol competitive solicl1alion, you moy o lso visit https · //prod bic»¥QC cpm/Miomt8eqcb . Public meeting nalices con be found on ~le P1ocu1ement Calendar a1 bt1ps · //www miamibeorhO QOY/dtidmll/procuremenl/coleode1 / MIAMI BEACH We a,e i;omm,ned lo providing excel/en/ pvblic se,v/ce and safety 10 or/ who live, worl:, ond ploy 1n our vibranl, lropi<;a/, historical commvm,y. Membe,s of !he pllblic may prnenl avclio/visvol (AV} mCJleriols 1;,/oring lo Agenda Items al City Commiwon Meelings by vt,/izing the City's A V 11qvipmenl, provided tho/ mo/e,io/J ore submitted lo the Depa,tmen f of Marl:e1in9 and Comrrn.micolions by 8 ·30 o.m., one /I/ bvJin1115 day prior lo 1/,e m-tmg. Advance submittal of o p1e,entolio11 will allow 1he Comm1111icotiar1J Depa,tment ro pion for the vse ol the approprio/8 AV eqvrpmenl. AV moterio/1 mv1/ be submitted vio email or commun,cariom@miamibeachll.gov. The body of the emml mvsl include o 110/otion liit,ng the name or group, contact person, daytime telephone number, email odd,~1. dacriplion/lirle of the pr9Mnlalion, and Agenda Item Tirle os well m the Agenda /1;,m Number. PH/Ota ,efesence •A,.,dio/Visuul Material" in the email 111bi«t line. Acceptable FormCJB Fo, e/Ktranic svbmiuron o,e .pelf, .ppt, ppbc, ppi, .ppsx, wmv, .av,, and mov. /Note 1h01 .pdf is Iha preferred format for PowerPoin l pr-nlalions./ Cily Holl,, loco1ed o l 1700 Convenhon Cenler Dnve, and the Miam i Beoc:h Convenhon Cenrer is locoted al 1901 Convenl1on Cenle1 Drive Any mliltm9 may be opened ond i:onl1nued, ond unde, s1.1Ch ciri:umslances. odd111onol legol no!tce will nol be provided To requ&sl this mo1er1ol m olternote Fo,mot, ,,gn language mlerp,ete, !live-doy nohce required), lnlo1molion on oci:eu for pe,:10111 with d1SC1bil111es. ond/or any occommodohon lo 11view any document er part1cipore in ony C1ry•sponwred proceedmg, coll 305.60.d 2-189 ond Jelecl 1 foi En9 l1 ~. then option 6, TTY uwir1 moy ,oil via 711 {florrdo Re!oy Se,v1ce) A meel!ng no1 not,c&d m !he W eekly Me.ling No!•~e od and d11erm1ned !o be an em119ency m•!•ng w1!1 be pou.d on the bullerm boards rh1oughoul City Holl ond will be avoilo ble on the C,ty', web1,te o! bttp..J/wd> miomibeochfl go ... /citrdedc/delault a1R&.1.lsWZ.lll Pu15uonl lo Sechon 286 0 105. Flo S10!. !he C,iy hereby odv1,es 1he public that ,Io pe,wn decides to oppeol ony decmon mode by lne board. agency, er comm1uion with rMp«I lo oi,y mone1 camide:-ed ol such meetm9 or hemmg. he or ,he will need o 111cord ol lhe p,oce11dmg,, ond rbo i, for such p,.u po:;,e. he 01 $he moy need lo en1u1e 1h01 o v81bol!m record of 1he proceedmgr; is mode, wh ich rec:01d 1ncluder; the testimony ond evidence upon which lhe oppeol 1s lo be based