LTC 349-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of August 30 - September 3, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 349-2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City mmission FROM : Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE : August 23, 2021 SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of August 30-September 3, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Ne ighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of August 30 -September 3, 2021 published on August 22, 2021. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673 .7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live , work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community 9:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m . 9:00 a.m. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES August 30 -September 3, 2021 MONDAY, August 30 Sen ior Affairs Committee https ://miomibeochn- Zoom Meeting gov zoom .us/i/89996245365 1.301.715.8592 or l .877.853.5257 Access ID 89996245365# Mondays with Micky: Back to School/Ed ucatio n in MB/ Commissioner Steinberg TUESDAY, August 31 Miomi Beoch Golf Club/ Outdoor Patio Area 230 l Alton Rood Vi rtu a l Clean Campaign https-//migmidode .zoom .us/j/93350 Class llilli l .786.635. l 003 Zoom Meeting Access ID 9335035855 I# WEDNESDAY, September 01 No Meetings Scheduled THURSDAY, September 02 Special Magistrate City Holl Commission Chamber Hearing s* 1700 Convention Cen ter Drive , 3'0 FL. FRIDAY, September 03 Board of Adjustment* https ://migmibeachA- Hybrid Meeting gov .zoom.us/i/82869615309 1.30 1.715 .8592 or 1.877.853.5257 Access ID 8286961 5309# Cily Hall Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3 "1 FL Frn any and/ o r all of !he above meetings, one o r more members o f lh e Miami Beach Cily Commission, and or City bornd/commillee members may be in aUendance and participate in discussions. · Ai·,;d Jr,,;tr ,,~3:'>! ;.1r.w, k•oodbn I C6Q Af/1,.J I~·>= ;9 H,1 .• ,,.,i~on m iOtfQIHl> 1G'i t s'Qfl J,i-'Yt'"'S '<'l Pf(:; TV • · Co<wn,~&;;.·, (O"TI 1•,11;,.e . .l.Jte,-J l1~~ 0 1 M3.1'\' /ID N o. 0822202 1-0 l M A !isling of all formal compe titive solicilotions issued by the Cily of Miami Beach, Florido is available at https · //www migmibeqchfl gcy/cily:ho11/pscx:mement/city:conlrgcrs/. To access any formal compel ilive solicitation issued by lhe Ciry, a, to receive any addendum issued lo a formal competitive solicirorion, you may also visit bttp:i' //prod bidsync mm/Mtami-Beocb-Public meeting nolices con be found on lhe P,ocurement Calendar at bups · /lwww migrnibeocbO gcw/city-bgll/mocuremen1/calender /. MIAMI BEACH We ma comminad lo p1oviding a;,,cel!enl public 5ervica ond safety to of/ who live, work, ond ploy in 001 vibrant, tropical, hiJ/orica/ community. Members of Iha public moy p ,-anl audio/viwol {AV) ma/arials relating lo Agomdo hems ol Cily Commi,iion Ma.,ting s by utilizing Iha City's AV iJquipmanl, provided that materials are submitted la the Deporlmenl of Mortleling ond Communications by 8:30 o.m., ona / 1 / businws doy prior lo the meeting. Advance wbminal of a prtMnlation will allow Iha Communicolio,u Departmem to plan lo1 the u;a ol 1/,a appropriate AV equipment. AV mnleriols muJ I ha submitted via email o/ communicorionJ@miomihaochH.gov. rha body of the amoi/ mus/ include a nololion /isling the name or 9rO<Jp, conlocf person, daytime telephone number, amail addre», dascription/lit/a of the p,-nlorion, ond Agenda Item TMe as wall os 1he Agando Item N!.,mbar. Please ,at-nee -Audio/Viiual Malarial ~ in ,ha em ail wbied line. Accaptab/a lormari for alaclronic submission ore .pdf. .ppl, pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .wmv, .ovi, ond .mov. /Nole !hot .pdf is the p,efertad fo,mal for PowerPoint prNentolion!.} City Holl is loco:ed ol 1700 Convenhon Canter Dfl~e, ond Iha M,omi Beoch Convention Cante, is located al 1901 Convention ~:~1dj'.i;~·r:;Ja5~~h;'!n~o7e~;o!7n ~i:;n8o~e0t~~m~t 1!;~tn~:!;:1~~;~~=-~'(i~:i:~';;i,c:d1~~i~i~=~i'.e~t'::!~~n:~ :~~e~ for parso,u with disob,lineJ, ond/o, ony occommodo!m11 to 1eview 011y document 01 pcutic,po1e ,n any C,ty-,po11sored p,ocN dings colt 305.604.2A.89 and ~le<:I ! for English. than ophon 6; TTY ui,en moy coll Yio 71 l {floudo Relay Serv"e) A meeting no! noticed in the Weekly Meeting Notice od ond d&1ermir,ed lo be on emergency meering w,11 be posled on the b..ille!m boards th1oughout C,ty Holl ond will be ovo,lob!a tha C,ty's weblile ol : bttp·//wel> mi9mibcs<b6 eorldtw;/eck{drlgult a-1pxlkt.JU6 Pu,suonl lo Saclion 286 0 105, Flo . Slol, !he C,ty hereby odYiS«I 1he public tho1 if o parson dK1d11s to oppeol ony dacuion ~eo~e ~::,r'of'to~e;c;;d~~;~:~tt;/f~~ ::h~:~~:' he0 :; 1sh~n~~;:ad1 ~tehn:: 1 •,~~1°~ :~i:,?~ ~:C:d~r ;~ p,oce-edings is mode, wh,ch 1ocord ,11Clud&s 1he !es!imony end evidenc1:1 upon which rhe oppeol ,s 10 ba bosed.