LTC 378-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of September 20 - 24, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 378-2021 TO : FROM : DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk m September 13, 2021 LETTER TO COMM ISS ION SUBJECT : Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of September 20 -24, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of September 20 -24, 2021 published on September 12, 2021. See insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityc lerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES September 20 -24, 2021 MONDAY, September 20 8:30 a.m. Neighborhood and Quality hllps://miamibeachfl- of life Committee** gov .zoom .us/j/87833352956 Hybrid Meeting l .3 12.626.6799 or 1.888.475 .4499 Access ID 87833352956# (it_y Hall Co mmission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3,J FL 6:00 p.m. Health Advisory Commi tte e Zoom Meeting https //us02web.zoom us/j/841 56099 37 1 ?pwd -YXfloC9XozQ I RXZoc2c0WI NubWxQZz09 1.3 12.626.6799 or 1.646 .558.8656 Access ID 84156099371 # Passcode 495279# TUESDAY, September 21 10:00 a.m. Black Affai rs Advisory https ·//us02web zoom us/j/8999)003 Committee I 16?pwd-NEtleUNUaE5HU k9oNk91Z Zoom Meeting 3:30 p.m. Disability Access Committee Microsoft Team M ee tin g 5:00 p.m. Animal Welfare Committee Zoom Meeting 5:30 p.m. Parks and Recreational Facilities Com mittee Microsoft Team M eeting I ROSTVLUT09 1.30 1.715.8592 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 89991003116# Passcode 483835# I .786.636. 1480 Access ID 964935829# hllps : //us02web. zoom. us/j /83 869466 739?pwd•dUlmNUdk SmZISUdXUjNWe mY5enB4UT09 1.301.7 15 .8592 or 1.31 2.626.6799 Access ID 83869466739# Passcode 123# 1.786.636. t 480 Access ID 308080441 # WEDNESDAY, September 22 l 0 :00 a.m. Visitor and Convention t 130 Washington Avenue Authority IMBVC A) LGB T Vi sitor Ce nter THURSDAY, September 23 9:00 a.m. Special M agistrate City Holl Commission Chamber Hearings* 1700 Conven ti on Cen ter Drive , 3"1 FL 3:00 p .m. Transportatio n/Ocean Drive MBCC, Su nset Ballroom , So lan A and Washingto n Avenue 190 1 Conven tion Cen ler Drive Commi ssio n Works ho p 4:00 p .m. Mayor's 41 '' Street Committee hllpd/zoom.us/j/917098435) 7?pwd Zoom Meeting •l2pSSTNiRHIETjhDcm56Q0dqWGRoUJ 09 4 :30 p .m. G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Zoom Meeting 1.30 1.7 15.8592 or 1.312 .626.6799 Access ID 91709843517# Passcode 950697# https · //us02web zoom us/j/83437939 7742pwd -bGh fMmY zRz liU 21j M1 IEV091 .5EJ.l!.!IQ9 t.929.205.6099 or t.30 1.715 .8592 Access ID 83437939774# Passcode 070565# FRIDAY, September 24 CHANGED TIME 10 :00 a.m . ~ Finance and Economic Res i liency Committee** Hybrid Meeting 11 :00 a.m . Mayor's Art Deco Cu ltura l District Panel Zoom Meet ing hllps ://miomibeachfl- gov zoom us/j/86360595462 1.30 1.7 t 5 .8592 or 1.888 .475 .4499 Access ID 86360595462# City Holl Commis sion Chamber 1700 Conven tion Center Drive, 3"1 FL. hups-//zoom us/j/943245039162pwd • WWl2QkplN0F 5RUc5cHdjY0hzTnNW UI09 1.646 .558 .8656 or 1.30 1 .7 15.8592 Access ID 94324503916# Passcode 929350# Frn any and/or all of lh e above meetin gs, o ne o r mo 1e members of lhe Miami Beach City Comm iss io n, and o r Cily bomd/commillee members may be in o llendonce and porli cipo le in discussio ns. • Anal 1,,-e on MSW Alkrn1r flrmlil,cmd MO AT&J 1h e,,.,99 tiom·ueC11nJ1JJ1n·mha>s 395 & €05 !1de,ire co PFC TV • • Co,wrn ~ c 11 Commill~ Ai ,00 L,~e un l,'\9,l l/ AD N o. 09 12202 1-0IM A l!s llng of oil founol compelilive solicilolions issued by Iha C ity ol Miami Beach, Flrnida Is ovalloble ol hUps· //www mlqm lbencbfl qoy/rjty·hqll/moc111ement/c!ty-conlfnc 1s/. To access ony formal compe1ilive sollci1otl on issued by lhe City, or to 1eceive ony o<ldend um lssue<l 10 o formol competitive solicirotion, you moy also visil h1IPS' //prod bldsync com/Mlmn/:Beqrh -Public meel ing nolices con be fou nd 0 11 lh e P1 ocu1emen1 Colendur at hnos · //www mlorniheod1fl qpy/clty:lu 1ll/proq lf emen t/cqlende 1 /. MIAMI BEACH Wa ora commilt/W lo providin9 axcallanl pvblic JfJlvica und sofoty lo all wlio /iv ,:,, woil,, ond ploy in oo r vibmut, tropicnl, li iilori~n/oommunity M1.m1ber5 of 1/1e public may pre1enl audio/visual {AV) mo,e,iulJ wlotin9 lo Agenda ltemJ al Ci/y CommiHion M88lingJ by ulili:ing the City', AV aquipmenl, provided 1/iat moterio/J me wbmitted lo 1/10 Deparlmenl of Mmkt1tin9 m,d Communicolion1 by 8:30 o.m., one [I} !wsines1 day prior lo the meeting. Advance submiflol of a pTt11e11/olio11 will allow 1/10 Communicolions Dopmlmenl lo pkm for 1/10 uJe of the opprap,iolo AV equipmen/. AV mc,lerio/J muit be 11.1Lmillec/ via emoil (II comm1.micolions@miomibecu:hfl.gov. rhe body of /he email muJ/ inducle a 110/olion /iJ/ing !he l)Offle or group, coulocl pa1J<J11, doy,ime telephone nvmber, email add1tm, d115'1iplion/lill11 of llt11 pre,e11/o/io1t, and A9e11do //em Tille oJ well m 1/10 Ageuclo Item Number. Please ref,mmce "Audio/Visual Moter,o/" in the emoi/ wbiocl lin1:t. Act;ep1oble fo,mols lo, electronic submiuion ore .pd(, .ppl, .pplx, .pps, .ppsx, .wmv, .ovi, and .mov. (Nole dm1 .,xl( is 1he pm(eued formal (01 Powe1Poinl p111senlolions.J City Hnll 1s lncoled ol 1700 Convenlion Center 011ve ; ood lhe M1orm Bench Convenhon Cenler is located ut 1901 Convenlion Cenlef Drive . Any mealing may be oponed and continued. and under such ci1cumslances. addifonal le9al no1ice w11! nol be provided. To request lhis ~aleriol in altemale lormol, sion lar9u<1ge inkup,et11r (live-day notice 1equirndJ, inlo,mali?n on occeu lo, persons wilh dimbil1hes, and/or any accommodot1on lo review ony document 01 porlic1pole in any C1ty-spon~red prnceedings coll J05.60-4 .2'1 89 nnd select I for English, then option 6 ; TTY usen may coll via 711 (Flo,ida Relay Se,vice) A meeling not noliced in the Weekly Meeting No!ice od and dolerm i11(1d lo be (lrl emorgoncy meeting will be posted on 1h11 bulletin UOOrds throughou l C1 1y Holl und will be ovo1!oblo on tho City's webiire at: bttp •/Jweb m/omfbeachll govlc/tvcler/cldefoulf.su~ Pursuant lo Sec1ion 286 .0I05, Flo . Slot ., lhe City hereby odv11e1 the fl!Jblic !hnl if o person dec1dos lo oppool ony docisio11 ~o 0e~f ~)~e~:rr:rt 0 i ~o":J;d~~;;i:~1 11\~:t1~~ ;:~1:~~;~o~~~ 1: 0 ~; 1 sh~n~~;r~~ed' ::c~:;:1i1h;1°~ ~=~i:1r~1 ~:.::rd:, 7h: proceodings ii mode, wh ich ,ecord indvdes tho les!imon y on d ev1do nco u1,on which the a ppeal i$ to bo bmed.