OCEAN DRIVE SHORT TERM RECONFIGURATION OPTIONSOcean Drive SHORT-TERM RECONFIGURATION OPTIONS 1 Goals •Safety •Business Friendly •Elevated Resident/Visitor Experience •Avoid Congregation 2 Ocean Drive Option A Re-introducing Two-Way Traffic •Sidewalk cafés remain on sidewalks and parklets/sidewalk café extensions are eliminated •Reintroduces two-way traffic on the road •Valet and freight loading zones on west side •Two-way buffered bike lanes on east side •Requires bicycle detour at 10th Street •Easily convertible to Freebee operation •Implementation Costs - $60,000 •Recurring Costs - $20,000 3 VA V L E T / F L Z ( 8 ’ ) SB T R A V E L L A N E ( 1 0 ’ ) BU F F E R ( 2 ’ ) 2- W A Y B I K E L A N E ( 8 ’ ) NB T R A V E L L A N E ( 1 0 ’ ) N SD W K C A F É ( 8 . 5 ’ ) WE S T S D W K ( 6 ’ ) EA S T S D W K ( 1 0 . 5 ’ ) Ocean Drive Option B Reintroducing One-Way Traffic •Sidewalk cafés return to sidewalks and parklets/sidewalk café extensions are eliminated •One-Way southbound vehicular traffic •Valet and freight loading zones on west side •Two-way buffered bike lanes on east side •Easily convertible to Freebee operation •Implementation Costs – $60,000 •Recurring Costs - $20,000 VA V L E T / F L Z ( 8 ’ ) 4 SB T R A V E L L A N E ( 1 3 . 5 ’ ) BU F F E R ( 5 ’ ) 2- W A Y B I K E L A N E ( 1 1 . 5 ’ ) N SD W K C A F É ( 8 . 5 ’ ) WE S T S D W K ( 6 ’ ) EA S T S D W K ( 1 0 . 5 ’ ) Ocean Drive Association Preferred Option Pedestrianized •Sidewalk cafés return to sidewalks and sidewalk café extensions are included on west side •Pedestrian path on street with no protection •Freebee operation with 8 vehicles would cost $920,000 per year for 12 hours per day 365 days a year •Proposed bicycle lane is too narrow for two-way operation •Management of 100 blocks will present a challenge and will require additional cost •Implementation Cost: $785,000* •Recurring Costs: $1,265,000** *Assumes installation of planters to separate restaurant expansions from pedestrian path and planters on the side street **Includes operation costs of Freebee, maintenance of planters, and minor maintenance of pavement markings RE S T A U R A N T EX P A N S I O N ( 1 4 ’ ) 5 PE D E S T R I A N P A T H ( 6 ’ ) PL A N T E R B U F F E R ( 2 ’ ) FR E E B E E L A N E ( 1 0 ’ ) N BU F F E R ( 2 ’ ) BI K E L A N E ( 5 ’ ) SD W K C A F É ( 8 . 5 ’ ) WE S T S D W K ( 6 ’ ) EA S T S D W K ( 1 0 . 5 ’ ) Ocean Drive Pedestrianized – 100 Block Alternative No Valet Parking •Closed to vehicles east of 100 blocks •Movable barriers to at Ocean Court •Rigid barrier at Ocean Drive •Planters to improve aesthetics and reduce congregation •20 ft. clearance required for emergency vehicle operation PE D E S T R I A N Z O N E / EM E R G E N C Y V E H I C L E ST A G I N G ( 2 0 ’ ) 6N SD W K ( 6 ’ ) PL A N T E R Z O N E ( 9 ’ ) MOVABLE BARRIERS SD W K ( 6 ’ ) PL A N T E R Z O N E ( 9 ’ ) OCEAN CT. Ocean Drive Pedestrianized – 100 Block Alternative Valet Parking •Valet stand on Ocean Ct. to process vehicles •Valet operations assumes control of east half of 100 blocks •Rigid barrier at Ocean Drive intersection •Planters to improve aesthetics and delineate valet area •20 ft. min clearance required for emergency vehicle operation VA L E T A R E A / EM E R G E N C Y V E H I C L E ST A G I N G ( 2 2 ’ ) 7 SD W K ( 6 ’ ) VA L E T R A M P ( 8 ’ ) VALET STAND SD W K ( 6 ’ ) VA L E T R A M P ( 8 ’ ) N OCEAN CT.