LTC 434-2021 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 19434-2021 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : FROM : DATE : Honorable Mayor Dan Gelbe~mbers of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Manag \)/'''} October 12, 2021 SUBJECT : G.O. Bond Program -Project Implementation Update No. 19 The purpose of this Letter to the Commission ("L TC") is to advise you on the status of the implementation of the 42 General Obligation Bond (G.O. Bond) Projects approved by the City Commission for the first tranche of funding (Tranche 1) in the amount of $152,466,449 including issuance costs. Refer to Exhibit A for the meeting agenda which took place with the G .O. Bond Oversight Committee ("the Committee") on September 23, 2021. The following information includes excerpts from that meeting. For complete meeting agendas, handouts, minutes, presentations, and audio recordings, visit the website www.GOMBinfo.com and click on the Oversight Committee tab to see Meeting Records. Note: The GO Bond Oversight Committee accepted staff's recommendation to hold future Oversight Committee meetings every other month. Monthly internal department meetings with staff and the OIG shall continue. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS Project Dashboard and Program Progress Report As of September 23, 2021 , a total of 32 out of 42 Tranche 1 projects are in some form of "Active" status and 8 projects are completed. Chart 1 below shows the full breakdown by Category . PROJECT STATUS PROJECT ACTIVITY Trarche 1 42 PROJECT CATEGORY Partcs C-0mp~ 6 Activ,e 12 Pendift9 2 Fut\D'e 10 AU 30 Chart 1 Complete a Active 32 Pending 2 Infrastructure g 0 4 u -Future 15 Pub ic Safety 11 0 l3 All 8 32 2 1 S 57 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 19 October 12, 2021 Page 2 of 5 Approximately $40.9 million dollars have been expended and another $21.3 million are encumbered for a total of $62.2 million out of the $151.1 million of available Tranche 1 funds. Chart 2 below shows the full breakdown of the expenditures broken down by Category. Chart 2 Tranche 1 Progress Most of the 42 projects in Tranche 1 have different components which are considered distinct projects, or “subprojects”, that are tracked separately and have separate budgets, procurement, and implementation schedules. The Tranche 1 Subproject Activity Summary depicted in Charts 3 and 4 summarize the subproject activity into Status, Category and Funding amount. Subproject Tracking Summary by Phase The tracking summary indicates that 33 (39%) of the 84 total Tranche 1 subprojects have been completed, 10 (12%) are under construction, 19 (23%) are in a design phase, 18 (21%) are in a planning phase, and 4 (5%) are pending to become active. Chart 3 shows the status of all subprojects broken down by Phase and Category. PROJECT EXPENDITURES PROJECT CATEGORY Parks PROGRAM s.,..,1 S19,128.S70 FUNDS EncumtJ.ml S 12.067,314 Anilable SSS,537.066 firtutt S81. 167.0§0 To tal $167.900,000 Spent S.IO..IIIM Encumbered U1.llM Ava il able S88.94M lnfnostructu r@ S9,688.1S6 S6.1 12.199 S12.199.62S S 168.000,020 S 196,000.000 Future $283.98M Publk SU.ty Sll.062.608 S3.139,SSA S21.20l.806 134.ll09.0l2 $71,215,000 Total S..0,171,334 Sl l ,319,067 S88,t40.ffl $2&3.976.102 $,!JS, 11 S,000 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 19 October 12, 2021 Page 3 of 5 Chart 3 The expenditures summary indicates that as of September 23, 2021, the 33 completed subprojects equate to $17.5 million of the budget (12%), $36.9 million (24%) equate to subprojects under construction, $45.8 million (30%) equate to subprojects that are in the design phase, $43.2 million (29%) equate to subprojects that are in the planning phase, and a total equating to $7.5 million (5%) are for subprojects which are pending to become active. The total funding expenditures for each of the sub-project categories is indicated on Chart 4 below. For a full breakdown, by project, refer to Exhibit B. Chart 4 TRANCHE1 SUBPROJECT ACT IVI TY Sl!I SPROJ ,ECT Complf!t. STATU S ComtNction D-t:n P~n!ng Pend ng All Tranc he 1 100% SIJBPRO JECT CATEGO RY P: des 21 l 1 8 SUBPROJECT EXPENDITURES SUBPROJECT Com plete FUN DS Const tuctiOfl Dl!5i gn ~lanning Pending To tal Tranche 1 100% SU BP ,ROJE□ CATEGO R"I' Palib $12. 719.9'!9 $6.,499,,999' n 1.sol,!Jl'.n 'S-28.512.997 ST.4~6,000 $86. 7ll,9'82 nfrilmuct ,- 2 5 6 3 0 16 Infrastructure $1,10<2,999 $19,239,49-8 S3,.it60,496 S,4,397,000 S(I $.27.9909,993 10 3 6 1 0 26 Pab ic Safety S3.72.s.&42 ~11,i55,674 $ -.1 1,999 UG.3 un so $~6,405 ,!Jl!g2 All 33 10 19 18 4 84 Totall $17.S-4-il.Ho $36,995,171 W ,87,6,492 s.o.m_ ... ,. ... $7,496,000 $15i,1l8,967 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 19 October 12, 2021 Page 4 of 5 Chart 5 below compares the status of projects from previous months to the current month, going back to October 2019. Chart 5 TRANSFERRED SAVINGS Staff created an updated sheet, refer to Exhibit C, showing saved funds that have been transferred via Commission action during the budget process. Exhibit C shows a total of $1.2 million transferred from different project savings within the Parks Category over to GOB#10 Maurice Gibb Park project. There remains over $2 million in project savings. FIRE STATION No. 1 On September 23 Staff and design consultant Wannamaker Jensen presented a video and power point presentation unveiling the future design of Fire Station No. 1 at the site of the South Shore Community Center on 833 6th Street. The 20-minute presentation was followed by 10 minutes of public comment and 15 minutes of discussion by the Oversight Committee members. Residents from the Flamingo Park neighborhood addressed the Committee during public comment. After the discussion the Committee made a motion to support the project as presented and recommended that it move forward as quickly as possible due to the poor condition of the existing fire station and the importance and urgency of the project to the South Beach area. To view the design presentation and video click here. Clarification: LTC #411-2021 dated September 29, 2021 stated that the Committee had made a motion to support the “design” as presented, when in fact, it was the “project” as presented that was supported. The audio recording of the meeting confirmed this fact, which was brought to the attention of staff by a Committee member, since the purview of the Oversight Committee is not over the project design. This will be rectified during the next Committee meeting on November 18, 2021. GRANTS STATUS Staff provided an update to the Committee on all grants that have been awarded, as well as current grants being applied to for G.O. Bond projects. These awarded grants will help expand scopes of projects, fund funding gaps, and cover cost escalations. Exhibit D summarizes the list of grants awarded (on sheets 1 to 3) and grants applied to on the last page. A total of $12.6 million in grants have been awarded and an additional $15.1 million have been applied for and submitted. On September 30, 2021 the City was notified that one of the submitted grants, the Florida Inland Navigation District (F.I.N.D.) grant, was awarded for the Maurice Gibb Park project in an amount of $1.25 million. TRANCHE 1 PROJECTS UPDATE The following Tranche 1 project updates were discussed at the September 23 meeting. Refer to Exhibit E for further details and information for each of the following: SUMMARY SUB-PROJECTS 10/17/19 1/23/20 7/16/20 12/17/20 3/25/21 7/28/21 9/23/21 VARIANCE No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % % ACTIVE/COMPLETE 44 40 % 56 49 % 66 57 % 69 59 % 69 59 % 80 72 % 80 72 % 0% CON S1RUC110N 16 15% 13 11 % 8 7% 9 8% 8 7% 8 7% 10 9% 2% PLANNING / DESIGN 23 21 % 26 23% 30 26% 31 27% 29 25% 39 35% 37 33% -2 % CLO SEO / COMPLETE 5 5% 17 15 % 28 24% 29 25 % 32 28% 33 30% 33 30% 0% REMAINING 65 60 % 59 51 % 49 43 % 47 41 % 47 41% 31 28 % 31 28 % 0% I TOTAL SUB-PROJECTS 109 115 115 116 116 111 111 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 19 October 12, 2021 Page 5 of 5 #01 72nd St. Community Complex #05 Flamingo Park Masterplan #10 Maurice Gibb Park #12 North Beach Oceanside Beachwalk #15 PAR 3 / Bayshore Park #24 Middle Beach Beachwalk #39 Seawalls & Shorelines #40 41st St. Corridor Improvements #45 Fire Station #1 #49 Public Safety Radio System #54 Marine Patrol Facility PROJECT CHALLENGES TRACKER The Project Challenges Tracker, Exhibit F, was updated to include current projects which continue to have issues that are critical to the schedule and/or budget. Some challenges have been resolved and are indicated in bold type. Others continue to be tracked and prioritized to bring to conclusion. COMMUNITY INFORMATION AND OUTREACH The G.O. Bond program team continues to perform public information and outreach activities through various community meetings, constant contact emails, direct mailings, and social media platforms. Please see attached Exhibit G to view recent materials. Since the June Oversight Committee meeting, the G.O. Bond Program has been represented at several resident-led committees and neighborhood association meetings, including meetings held by the Mayor’s 41st Street Blue Ribbon Committee, the Ad Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Board, and the Flamingo Park Neighborhood Association. On August 6, the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce put out a 15-minute video interview of Allison Novack, Community Information Manager of the G.O. Bond Program. The video featured the G.O. Bond Program and its milestones to-date. In September, a new project page on Fire Station #1 has been added to the City website, where residents can locate project presentations and other materials, as well as a feedback form. On October 5, a virtual public meeting was held on Fire Station #1, which revealed the project design to the community. The public meeting was also available on MBTV and Facebook Live. A Q&A session followed the presentation. On October 6, a blog article was posted to the G.O. Bond website, which featured the Fire Station #1 project. The blog was shared with the public via social media and Constant Contact. The website, www.GOMBInfo.com, continues to be updated with the latest construction advisories, press releases, project photos, implementation updates, and more. For more information, please contact Maria Hernandez at mariahernandez@miamibeachfl.gov or via cellphone at (786) 371- 3168. Attachments: Exhibit A – GOB Oversight Committee Agenda for September 23, 2021 Exhibit B – Subproject and Project List by Phase Exhibit C – Current Savings Breakdown by Project and Category Exhibit D – Grants Status Update Exhibit E – Tranche 1 Projects Update – Dashboard Sheets Exhibit F – Project Challenges Tracker Exhibit G – Community Outreach Report ATH / MH F:\cmgr\$ALL\GO Bond Program\Commission & Committees\LTC Program Updates\2021\7 Oct 2021\G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No.19.docx ________________________________________________________ Legend: (P) Planning Phase, (D) Design Phase, (C) Construction Phase General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee City of Miami Beach Karen Rivo, Chair Maria Hernandez, Liaison AGENDA – VIRTUAL MEETING September 23, 2021 I.Roll Call and Introductions All 4:30pm II.Committee Business Karen Rivo 4:35pm •Adoption of Meeting Minutes from 06-17-21 •GOB Committee Meetings Calendar III.Community Outreach Allison Novack 4:40pm •Upcoming Public Meetings •Other Updates IV.Program General Status, &Maria Hernandez 4:45pm Sub-Projects Update, Closed Projects V.Fire Station 1 CIP/Planning/ Fire 4:55pm •Design Presentation & Path Forward VI.Public Comment Public 5:15pm VII.Fire Station 1 •Discussion G.O. Bond Committee 5:25pm VIII.Grants Status for GOB Projects Judy Hoanshelt 5:40pm IX.Tranche 1 Projects Update CIP/Public Works 5:55pm •72nd St. Complex (P), Marine Patrol (P), Flamingo Park Masterplan (P), NOBE Oceanside Beachwalk (C), Seawalls (C) X.Brief Updates CIP/Fire •41st Street Corridor (D), Bayshore Park (D), Maurice Gibb Park (D), MB Beachwalk (C), Public Safety Radio System (C) XI.Project Challenges Tracker Staff 6:15pm XII.Public Comment Public 6:20pm XIII.Adjournment 6:30pm Committee Charge The purpose of the General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee is to make advisory recommendations to the City Manager and City Commission from a macro perspective regarding the timely progress, overall goals, costs, including financial efficiencies, and the timely completion of General Obligation Bond Program projects approved by the voters in the City of Miami Beach Special Election held on November 6, 2018. The Committee shall have the following powers & duties: 1.Receive input from the public, the City Administration, City consultants, and the City’s Inspector General, as needed, to make recommendations relative to the overall timing, cost efficiencies, and prioritization of the G.O. Bond Program projects. 2.Provide general oversight to ensure that G.O. Bond Program project timelines, budgets (including cost efficiencies) are prioritized and achieved, and that the projects are completed in accordance with the scope of work approved by the voters. 3.Review City staff and G.O. Bond Program project manager’s progress reports and provide monthly reports to the City Commission. EXHIBIT A G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASE Active Phase Project Name Category Department Quick Win Tranche Anticipated End Date ↑Count % Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent % Spent $ Available Closed #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS Public Safety Police QW 1 07-31-2019 1 1%600,000 - 599,915 1.47%84 Closed #17 POLO PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 08-11-2019 1 1%493,673 - 493,673 1.21%- Closed #19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY Parks Tourism & Culture QW 1 09-30-2019 1 1%3,799,999 - 3,748,495 9.17%51,503 Closed #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT Parks Property Management QW 1 10-14-2019 1 1%130,300 - 130,210 0.32%89 Closed #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-14-2019 1 1%151,999 - 52,758 0.13%99,240 Closed #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-21-2019 1 1%86,999 - 41,780 0.10%45,218 Closed #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 10-21-2019 1 1%86,999 - 41,780 0.10%45,218 Closed #26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 10-24-2019 1 1%299,650 - 299,650 0.73%- Closed #21 STILLWATER PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 11-08-2019 1 1%142,440 - 142,440 0.35%- Closed #3 CRESPI PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 11-09-2019 1 1%184,920 - 184,919 0.45%1 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT Parks Property Management QW 1 11-12-2019 1 1%116,776 - 116,776 0.29%- Closed #47 MACARTHUR CSWY READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 11-28-2019 1 1%120,000 - 64,904 0.16%55,095 Closed #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation QW 1 12-02-2019 1 1%715,000 - 212,593 0.52%502,405 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC Parks Property Management QW 1 12-06-2019 1 1%137,303 - 137,302 0.34%- Closed #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 12-16-2019 1 1%375,000 - 374,722 0.92%276 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 01-05-2020 1 1%127,218 - 127,217 0.31%- Closed #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 01-15-2020 1 1%758,825 - 758,824 1.86%- Closed #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS Parks Property Management QW 1 02-04-2020 1 1%205,699 - 60,858 0.15%144,841 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW CAMERAS Parks Property Management QW 1 02-05-2020 1 1%250,000 - 110,659 0.27%139,340 Closed #32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects QW 1 03-25-2020 1 1%1,000,000 - 1,000,000 2.45%- Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS Parks Property Management QW 1 04-16-2020 1 1%699,999 - 194,601 0.48%505,396 Closed #26 FILLMORE ROOF Parks Property Management QW 1 05-15-2020 1 1%1,874,156 - 1,874,154 4.58%- Closed #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILION Parks Parks & Recreation 1 05-15-2020 1 1%50,000 - 35,044 0.09%14,955 Closed #2 COLLINS PARK Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 05-28-2020 1 1%557,287 - 557,286 1.36%- Closed #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR Parks Property Management QW 1 06-30-2020 1 1%524,999 - 503,861 1.23%21,138 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR Parks Property Management QW 1 06-30-2020 1 1%803,748 - 729,717 1.79%74,029 Closed #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL Parks Parks & Recreation QW 1 07-06-2020 1 1%977,998 - 977,104 2.39%893 Closed #47 71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 07-12-2020 1 1%240,000 - 31,582 0.08%208,417 Closed #47 JULIA TUTTLE CSWY READERS Public Safety Police QW 1 09-21-2020 1 1%200,000 - 89,185 0.22%110,814 Closed #57 LUMMUS PARK/OCEAN DRIVE CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 02-28-2021 1 1%824,845 - 824,845 2.02%- Closed #4 FAIRWAY PARK FENCE Parks Parks & Recreation 1 03-10-2021 1 1%209,999 - 205,917 0.50%4,082 Closed #40 41 STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES Infrastructure Public Works Department 1 03-13-2021 1 1%102,999 - 99,173 0.24%3,825 Closed #56 CAMERAS- BEACHWALK Public Safety Police 1 04-02-2021 1 1%700,000 - 693,218 1.70%6,781 Closed Sum 33 39%17,548,830 - 15,515,162 38%2,033,640 Closed Count 33 39%33 33 33 0.00%33 Construction #49 PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM Public Safety Fire QW 1 10-01-2021 1 1%9,700,000 1,764,316 7,870,569 19.25%65,114 Construction #50 DADE BLVD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 11-01-2021 1 1%165,674 77,779 44,905 0.11%42,990 Construction #42 NAUTILUS TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation QW a 1 11-12-2021 1 1%739,499 184,840 549,045 1.34%5,613 Construction #24 MIDDLE BEACH BEACHWALK PH3 Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 01-22-2022 1 1%4,500,000 663,569 3,488,875 8.53%347,553 Construction #12 N. BEACH OCEANSIDE BEACHWALK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 06-07-2022 1 1%1,999,999 1,833,141 142,657 0.35%24,200 Construction #39 SEAWALLS/SHORELINES - TRANCHE 1 Infrastructure Public Works Department 1 04-28-2023 1 1%4,999,999 958,297 574,874 1.41%3,466,825 Construction #47 OTHER READERS CITYWIDE Public Safety Police 1 04-30-2023 1 1%1,390,000 - 78,103 0.19%1,311,896 Construction #33 TREE PLANTING - TRANCHE 1 Infrastructure Environmental QW a 1 04-30-2023 1 1%2,500,000 1,186,494 1,138,816 2.79%174,689 Construction #37 SIDEWALKS - TRANCHE 1 Infrastructure Public Works Department QW a 1 04-30-2023 1 1%5,200,000 741,532 2,205,585 5.40%2,252,880 Construction #38 STREETS - TRANCHE 1 Infrastructure Public Works Department QW a 1 04-30-2023 1 1%5,800,000 2,415,901 3,217,933 7.87%166,165 Construction Sum 40 48%$36,995,171 $9,825,869 $19,311,362 47%$7,857,925 Construction Count 10 12%10 10 10 0.00%10 Design #50 71 STREET CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 10-01-2021 b 1 1%211,999 - 15,999 0.04%195,999 Design #53 CONVENTION CENTER BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 12-30-2021 b 1 1%775,000 19,858 27,651 0.07%727,489 Design #53 SOUNDSCAPE PARK BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 12-30-2021 b 1 1%375,000 19,858 26,587 0.07%328,553 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Page 1 of 2 9/20/2021 EXHIBIT B G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASE Active Phase Project Name Category Department Quick Win Tranche Anticipated End Date ↑Count % Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent % Spent $ Available Design #53 SOUTH POINTE PARK BOLLARDS Public Safety Public Works Department 1 12-30-2021 b 1 1%250,000 19,858 26,255 0.06%203,886 Design #18 SCOTT RAKOW GYM FLOORS Parks Parks & Recreation 1 12-31-2021 1 1%300,000 266,750 28,723 0.07%4,526 Design #9 MSD PLAYGROUND AND SIDEWALKS Parks Parks & Recreation 1 04-04-2022 1 1%553,999 423,856 14,825 0.04%115,317 Design #48 POLICE HEADQUARTERS FACILITY Public Safety Property Management 1,2 04-15-2022 b 1 1%5,500,000 338,385 907,127 2.22%4,254,487 Design #19 SOUNDSCAPE RESTROOMS/STORAGE Parks Parks & Recreation 1 05-01-2022 1 1%699,999 20,020 1,655 0.00%678,324 Design #43 ALTON ROAD SHARED USE PATH Infrastructure Transportation 1 06-29-2022 b 1 1%170,000 - - 0.00%170,000 Design #42 BAYSHORE SOUTH TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 10-15-2022 1 1%560,148 - 47,366 0.12%512,781 Design #42 PALM VIEW TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 10-15-2022 1 1%86,349 - 4,883 0.01%81,466 Design #42 NORMANDY ISLE TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation 1 11-30-2022 1 1%113,999 - 38,812 0.09%75,186 Design #30 SKATE PARK Parks Parks & Recreation 1 12-30-2022 1 1%750,000 73,818 - 0.00%676,182 Design #23 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 06-30-2023 1 1%9,000,000 7,538,506 1,282,805 3.14%178,687 Design #43 CHASE AVE/34 ST SHARED USE PATH Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects 1 09-19-2023 1 1%830,000 154,865 28,126 0.07%647,009 Design #43 23 ST. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects 1 10-13-2023 1 1%1,500,000 358,950 184,809 0.45%956,240 Design #15 PAR 3 / BAYSHORE PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 11-27-2023 1 1%15,699,999 30,232 744,066 1.82%14,925,700 Design #10 MAURICE GIBB PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 12-16-2023 1 1%4,500,000 - 37,714 0.09%4,462,284 Design #45 FIRE STATION #1 Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 07-17-2024 1 1%4,000,000 885,897 266,784 0.65%2,847,317 Design Sum 95 113%$45,876,492 $10,150,853 $3,684,187 9%$32,041,433 Design Count 19 23%19 19 19 0.00%19 Planning #52 FLAMINGO PARK LED LIGHTING Public Safety Parks & Recreation 1 10-01-2021 b 1 1%2,700,000 - - 0.00%2,700,000 Planning #57 COLLINS AVE/WASH AVE CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 10-15-2021 b 1 1%665,154 - 101,962 0.25%563,191 Planning #13 NORTH SHORE OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Parks Parks & Recreation 1 10-30-2021 b 1 1%795,000 - - 0.00%795,000 Planning #9 MSD PARK LIGHTING Parks Parks & Recreation 1 10-30-2021 b 1 1%128,000 - - 0.00%128,000 Planning #18 SCOTT RAKOW OTHER FLOORS Parks Parks & Recreation 1 10-30-2021 b 1 1%640,000 - - 0.00%640,000 Planning #50 ALTON RD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Police 1 11-01-2021 b 1 1%211,999 - 15,999 0.04%195,999 Planning #55 STREET LIGHTING - TRANCHE 1 Public Safety Public Works Department 1 11-15-2021 b 1 1%3,500,000 - 10,108 0.02%3,489,892 Planning #31 OCEAN DRIVE CORRIDOR Infrastructure Economic Development 1,2 02-28-2022 b 1 1%2,000,000 72,358 286,442 0.70%1,641,200 Planning #36 WASHINGTON AVE. CORRIDOR Infrastructure Economic Development 1,2 02-28-2022 b 1 1%1,000,000 38,962 154,238 0.38%806,800 Planning #5 FLAMINGO PARK MASTER PLAN Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 02-27-2023 1 1%15,150,000 - - 0.00%15,150,000 Planning #23 BAY GARDEN MANOR LINK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 03-06-2024 1 1%269,999 - - 0.00%269,999 Planning #23 BAYVIEW TERRACE LINK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 03-06-2024 1 1%169,999 - - 0.00%169,999 Planning #23 SOUTH BAY CLUB LINK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 03-06-2024 1 1%559,999 - - 0.00%559,999 Planning #54 MARINE PATROL FACILITY Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 09-13-2024 1 1%2,000,000 13,603 - 0.00%1,986,397 Planning #1 72 ST. COMMUNITY COMPLEX Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1, 2 03-06-2025 1 1%10,800,000 432,454 1,613,021 3.95%8,754,524 Planning #50 41 ST. CORRIDOR CAMERAS Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1 06-30-2025 1 1%235,324 - 17,999 0.04%217,324 Planning #40 41 ST CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 07-01-2025 1 1%1,397,000 - 158,054 0.39%1,238,946 Planning #46 OCEAN RESCUE NOBE FACILITY Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 07-16-2026 1 1%1,000,000 - - 0.00%1,000,000 Planning Sum 108 129%$43,222,474 $557,377 $2,357,823 6%$40,307,270 Planning Count 18 21%18 18 18 0.00%18 Pending #5 FLAMINGO YOUTH CENTER FACILITY Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 (blank)1 1%250,000 - - 0.00%250,000 Pending #8 LUMMUS PARK Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1 (blank)1 1%4,737,000 784,968 10,800 0.03%3,941,230 Pending #13 NORTH SHORE PATH & FIELDS Parks Capital Improvement Projects 1,2 (blank)1 1%1,509,000 - - 0.00%1,508,999 Pending #29 WEST LOTS - TRANCHE 1 Parks Economic Development 1 (blank)1 1%1,000,000 - - 0.00%1,000,000 Pending Sum 28 33%$7,496,000 $784,968 $10,800 0%$6,700,229 Pending Count 4 5%4 4 4 0.00%4 84 100%$151,138,967 $21,319,067 $40,879,334 100%$88,940,497 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Page 2 of 2 9/20/2021 Active Phase Category Project Name Tranche Count  Budget    Encumbered  Spent  Savings  Transferred   Revised  Budget  Available  Closed Infrastructure #32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING    1 1           1,000,000      ‐  1,000,000     ‐                ‐  1,000,000     ‐                 Closed Infrastructure #40 41 STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES 1 103,000         ‐  99,173           3,825          ‐  103,000        3,825           Infrastructure Sum 2           1,103,000      ‐  1,099,173     3,825          ‐  1,103,000     3,825           Closed Parks #17 POLO PARK 1 1           499,998         ‐  493,673        6,325          (6,325)             493,673        ‐                 Closed Parks #19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY       1 1           3,799,999      ‐  3,748,495     51,503        ‐  3,799,999     51,503         Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT     1 1           130,300         ‐  130,210        89                ‐  130,300        89                 Closed Parks #26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF            1 1           300,000         ‐  299,650        350              (350) 299,650 ‐                 Closed Parks #21 STILLWATER PARK                1 1           144,999         ‐  142,440        2,559          (2,559)             142,440        ‐                 Closed Parks #3 CRESPI PARK 1 1           210,998         ‐  184,919        26,079        (26,079)          184,919        ‐                 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT              1 1           130,000         ‐  116,776        13,224        (13,224)          116,776        ‐                 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC               1 1           150,000         ‐  137,302        12,697        (12,697)          137,303        ‐                 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE ROOF               1 1           375,000         ‐  374,722        276              ‐  375,000        276               Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF               1 1           1,124,000      ‐  127,217        996,782      (996,782)        127,218        ‐                 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS            1 1           205,699         ‐  60,858           144,841      ‐  205,699        144,841       Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW CAMERAS            1 250,000         ‐  110,659        139,340      ‐  250,000        139,340       Closed Parks #26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF         1 760,000         758,824        1,175          (1,175)             758,825        ‐                 Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS            1 700,000         194,601        505,396      ‐  700,000        505,396       Closed Parks #26 FILLMORE ROOF 1 1,920,000      1,874,154     45,844        (45,844)          1,874,156     ‐                 Closed Parks #4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILION           1 50,000            ‐  35,044           14,955        ‐  50,000           14,955         Closed Parks #2 COLLINS PARK 1 640,000         ‐  557,286        82,713        (82,713)          557,287        ‐                 Closed Parks #13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR          1 524,999         ‐  503,861        21,138        ‐  524,999        21,138         Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR          1 816,000         ‐  729,717        86,281        (12,252)          803,748        74,029         Closed Parks #18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL               1 977,998         ‐  977,104        893              ‐  977,998        893               Closed Parks #4 FAIRWAY PARK FENCE 1 209,999         ‐  205,917        4,082          ‐  209,999        4,082           Parks Sum 21         13,919,989    ‐ 11,763,429   2,156,542   (1,200,000)     12,719,989   956,542       Closed Public Safety #53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS              1 1           600,000         ‐  599,915        84                ‐  600,000        84                 Closed Public Safety #52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING        1 1           151,999         ‐  52,758           99,240        ‐  151,999        99,240         Closed Public Safety #52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING       1 1           86,999            ‐  41,780           45,218        ‐  86,999           45,218         Closed Public Safety #52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING   1 1           86,999            ‐  41,780           45,218        ‐  86,999           45,218         Closed Public Safety #47 MACARTHUR CSWY  READERS        1 1           120,000         ‐  64,904           55,095        ‐  120,000        55,095         Closed Public Safety #52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTING 1 1           715,000         ‐  212,593        502,405      ‐  715,000        502,405       Closed Public Safety #47  71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS       1 240,000         ‐  31,582           208,417      ‐  240,000        208,417       Closed Public Safety #47 JULIA TUTTLE CSWY READERS 1 200,000         ‐  89,185           110,814      ‐  200,000        110,814       Closed Public Safety #56 BEACHWALK CAMERAS 1 700,000         ‐  693,218        6,781          ‐  700,000        6,781           Closed Public Safety #57 LUMMUS PARK/OCEAN DRIVE CAMERAS 1 824,845         ‐  824,845        ‐                ‐  824,845        ‐                 Public Safety Sum 10         3,725,842      ‐  2,652,560     1,073,272   ‐  3,725,842     1,073,272    Total Sum 33         18,748,831    ‐  15,515,162   3,233,639   ‐  17,548,831   2,033,639    EXHIBIT C G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST ‐ SAVINGS ~------------------------------------------------ GOMB Project Number GOMB Project Name Funding Agency/Program Scope Status Award Amount 10 Maurice Gibb Park Florida Inland Navigation District Construction of the dock/launch at Maurice Gibb Park Awarded November 2018 226,383$ 12 North Beach Oceanside Park Beachwalk Florida Department of Transportation North Beach Oceanside Park Beachwalk: Beachwalk from 79th Street to 87th Street Awarded August 2020 1,000,000$ 12 North Beach Oceanside Park Beachwalk Florida Department of Environmental Protection New playground, lightning and picnic area at North Beach Oceanside Park Beachwalk Awarded May 2019 250,000$ 13 New North Shore Park and Youth Center U.S. Department of Homeland Security/ FEMA Protecting North Shore Park Youth Center: Replace exterior windows and doors with impact resistant products Awarded August 2021 1,536,437$ 18 Scott Rakow Youth Center U.S. Department of Homeland Security/ FEMA Hardening Scott Rakow Youth Center: Replace exterior windows and doors with impact resistant products Awarded June 2019 1,037,215$ 24 Middle Beach Beachwalk Florida Department of Transportation: Transportation Alternatives Program Boardwalk: Construction of new on-grade accessible paver pathway, demolition of existing wooden Boardwalk Awarded January 2019 1,000,000$ 26 Roof Replacement for Cultural Facilities FEMA: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Bass Museum Doors: Replace exterior windows with impact resistant products and roof replacement Awarded October 2019 389,481$ 33 Street Tree Master Plan Florida Department of Agriculture: Urban Forestry Grant GIS Tree Inventory Update: Phase 1 Awarded April 2019 20,000$ 33 New Street Tree Master Plan Florida Department of Agriculture: Urban Forestry Grant GIS Tree Inventory: Phase 2 Mid Beach Awarded April 2020 20,000$ Grants and Contracts that Support GOMB2018 Projects Includes All Grant Awards from November 2018 to September 2021 Grants and Contracts Awarded for GOB Projects Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT D GOMB Project Number GOMB Project Name Funding Agency/Program Scope Status Award Amount Grants and Contracts Awarded for GOB Projects 33 Street Tree Master Plan Arbor Day Foundation Donor Planting Program: 35 Canopy Reforestation Trees in Allison Park Awarded March 2019 29,575$ 33 Street Tree Master Plan Miami-Dade County Street Tree Grant Fiscal Year 2019 101 High quality/salt tolerant trees along local roads to increase canopy coverage Awarded May 2019 40,000$ 33 Street Tree Master Plan Miami-Dade County Street Tree Grant Fiscal Year 2020 Miami Beach Reforestation Program: North Beach Area Phase 1 Awarded May 2020 50,000$ 33 New Street Tree Master Plan Miami-Dade County Street Tree Grant Fiscal Year 2021 Miami Beach Reforestation Program: North Beach Area Phase 2 Awarded May 2020 47,720$ 34 Neighborhood Above Ground Improvements (Citywide) Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Section 319 Grant Bioswales at 59th Street Awarded June 2019 100,000$ 39 Resilient Seawalls and Living Shorelines Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Florida Resilient Coastlines Program Resilient Shoreline /Mangrove Planter: SR A1A (Design, permitting, public outreach) Awarded January 2019 34,965$ 39 Resilient Seawalls and Living Shorelines Florida Department of Transportation: Department Funded Agreement (City-Negotiated Agreement) Indian Creek Drive 25 - 41st Street Awarded October 2019 2,250,000$ 39 New Resilient Seawalls and Living Shorelines U.S. Department of Homeland Security/ FEMA Madeleine Affordable Housing Complex: Rebuild failing seawall Awarded August 2021 294,131$ 39 New Resilient Seawalls and Living Shorelines The Nature Conservancy Brittany Bay Improvements: Shoreline, Overlook, Park Renovations Awarded June 2020 150,000$ 42 Neighborhood Traffic Calming and Pedestrian-Friendly Streets Florida Department of Transportation Miami Beach Senior High School Pedestrian Enhancements: Crosswalk improvements, Pavement Markings, ADA ramps Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) 218,794$ Page 2 of 3 GOMB Project Number GOMB Project Name Funding Agency/Program Scope Status Award Amount Grants and Contracts Awarded for GOB Projects 42 New Neighborhood Traffic Calming and Pedestrian-Friendly Streets Florida Department of Transportation: 17th Street Bicycle Project City has received Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) 326,500$ 42 New Neighborhood Traffic Calming and Pedestrian-Friendly Streets Florida Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2023 23rd Street Complete Streets Project: Design City has received Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) 126,500$ 42 New Neighborhood Traffic Calming and Pedestrian-Friendly Streets Florida Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2025 23rd Street Complete Streets Project: Construction City has received Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) 1,389,500$ 42 New Neighborhood Traffic Calming and Pedestrian-Friendly Streets Florida Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2023 34th Street Complete Streets Project Shared Use Path: Design City has received Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) 75,035$ 42 New Neighborhood Traffic Calming and Pedestrian-Friendly Streets Florida Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2025 34th Street Complete Streets Project Shared Use Path: Construction City has received Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) 495,075$ 42 New Neighborhood Traffic Calming and Pedestrian-Friendly Streets Florida Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2027 Meridian Avenue Shared Use Path: Design and Construction City has received Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) 701,105$ 42 New Neighborhood Traffic Calming and Pedestrian-Friendly Streets Miami Dade County Pinetree Drive: Traffic Calming Awarded April 2021 500,000$ 47 License Plate Readers U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Urban Area Security Initiatives Grant Fiscal Year 2018 Regional License Plate Reader Program Awarded October 2019 139,284$ 47 New License Plate Readers U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Urban Area Security Initiatives Grant Fiscal Year 2019 Regional License Plate Reader Program Awarded October 2020 150,000$ TOTAL 12,597,700$ Page 3 of 3 Grants and Applications Submitted FY 2021 GOB #Project Grant Program Grant Request Amount 1 72 St Community Complex Resilient Florida 4,000,000$ 10 Maurice Gibb Florida Inland Navigation District 1,203,750$ 15 Bayshore Park Resilient Florida 1,250,000$ 45 Fire Station 1 Resilient Florida 8,414,000$ 47 License Plate Readers FEMA 275,000$ 15,142,750$ TOTAL Page 1 of 1 Th e t o p - r a n k e d D e s i g n - B u i l d F i r m , H a s k e l l , s u b m i t t e d a r e v i s e d G M P o n 7 / 1 3 . D i s c u s s i o n s re g a r d i n g t h e f u n d i n g s h o r t f a l l t o o k p l a c e d u r i n g t h e 7 / 1 6 & 7 / 3 0 F i n a n c e & E c o n o m i c Re s i l i e n c y ( F E R C ) C o m m i t t e e M e e t i n g s . F E R C ' s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w i l l b e d i s c u s s e d b y t h e Ci t y C o m m i s s i o n o n 9 / 3 0 o r 1 0 / 1 3 . F P L t r a n s m i s s i o n l i n e r e l o c a t i o n s h a s b e e n d e l a y e d u n t i l a t r e e p e r m i t i s i s s u e d . EX H I B I T E #1 72 ST . CO M M U N I T Y CO M P L E X Sc o p e Co n t a c t Project Details Bu i l d a ne w co m m u n i t y fa c i l i t y at 72 St r e e t be t w e e n Co l l i n s Av e n u e an d Ha r d i n g Av e n u e th a t in c l u d e s an Ol y m p i c - si z e d ro o f - to p sw i m m i n g co m p e t i t i o n po o l . a wa r m - u p po o l . a li b r a r y / m e d i a ce n t e r . a co m m u n i t y ro o m . an ac t i v a t e d li n e r . a fi t n e s s gy m wi t h ru n n i n g tr a c k . gr e e n sp a c e an d a m u l t i - l e v e l pa r k i n g ga r a g e . NO T E : Th e to t a l G. O . Bo n d bu d g e t fo r th i s pr o j e c t is $5 3 mi l l i o n . $1 0 . 8 mi l l i o n is to be al l o c a t e d in Tr a n c h e 1 an d $4 3 mi l l i o n is to be al l o c a t e d in Tr a n c h e 2 . Ph a s e Pl a n n i n g De p a r t en t : Ca p i t a l Im p r o v e m e n t Projects G. O . Bo n d Fu n d i n g Na m e : B u d g e : $1 0 . 8 0 0 . 0 0 0 Em a i l : En c u m b e r e d : $4 3 2 . 4 5 4 Ph o n e : Sp e n t : $1 ,61 3 . 0 2 1 Sp e n t % : 15 % Pr o j e c t Ti m e l i n e 1. Pl a n n i n g 2. De s i g n 5. Co n s t r u c t i o n 20 1 8 20 2 0 St a r t Da t e Or i g i n a l En d Da t e ... . 12 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 8 12 / 0 3 / 2 0 2 3 Up d a t e - Th i s pr o j e c t ha s ad d i t i o n a l so u r c e s of fu n d i n g - Fo r ad d i t i o n a l pr o j e c t de t a i l s re f e r to th e PR O G R E S S RE P O R T on th i s we b s i t e Ke v i n Pu l i d o ma i l t o : k e v i n P - u l i d o @ m i a m i b e a c h t l . g o v (7 8 6 ) 56 8 - 6 0 5 7 20 2 2 Ac t u a l En d Da t e 03 / 0 6 / 2 0 2 5 In d i a n Cr e e Vi l l a g e 2024 2026 I • R in ,. J Torm§ ~ Z O Z i ~ o m T o m , © 2021 Microsoft Corporation An a m e n d m e n t t o t h e A g r e e m e n t w i t h t h e D e s i g n f i r m w a s a p p r o v e d b y t h e C i t y C o m m i s s i o n o n 9/ 1 7 / 2 1 . T h e f i r m w i l l d e s i g n t h e s o f t b a l l f i e l d i n c o r p o r a t i n g u n d e r g r o u n d s t o r m w a t e r m a n a g e m e n t st o r a g e t a n k s , a n d u p o n c o m p l e t i o n , t h e p r o j e c t w i l l b e a d v e r t i s e d f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n . T h e d e s i g n o f th e b a s e b a l l s t a d i u m a n d f i e l d w i l l f o l l o w . C o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e b u t t e r f l y g a r d e n a n d r e n o v a t i o n o f t h e hi s t o r i c l o d g e i s o n h o l d p e n d i n g F P L c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e i r p r o j e c t a n d u s e o f t h e p a r k a s s t a g i n g ar e a , w h i c h i s a n t i c i p a t e d t o b e c o m p l e t e d b y M a y 2 0 2 2 . #5 FL A M I N G O PA R K MA S T E R PL A N Sc o p e Co n t a c t Project Details Co m p l e t e Fl a m i ng o Pa r k Ma s t e r Pl a n el e m e n t s to in c l u d e ba s e b a l l an d so f t b a l l fi e l d re n o v a t i o n s , ne w pa r k pa t h w a y s . a bu t t e r f l y ga r d e n . lo d g e fa c i l i t y up g r a d e s . an d im p r o v e m e n t s to la n d s c a p i n g . ir r i g a t i on . an d st o r m w a t e r / d r a i n a g e sy s t e m s . Ph a s e Pl a n n i n g De p a r t m e n t : Ca p i t a l Im p r o v e m e n t Projects G. O . Bo n d Fu n d i n g Na m e : Bu g : $1 5 ,15 0 . 0 0 0 Em a i l : En c u m b e r e d : $0 Ph o n e : Sp e n t : $0 Sp e n t % : 0% Pr o j e c t Ti m e l i n e 20 1 9 20 2 0 St a r t Da t e Or i g i n a l En d Da t e 11 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 8 02 / 2 7 / 2 0 2 3 Up d a t e - Fo r ad d i t i o n a l pr o j e c t de t a i l s re f e r to th e PR O G R E S S RE P O R T on th i s we b s i t e La u r e n F i rt e l ma i l t o :l au r e n f i r t e l @ m i a m i b e a c h f l . g o v (3 0 5 ) 98 6 - 6 4 0 3 20 2 1 2022 2023 Ac t u a l En d Da t e 02 / 2 7 / 2 0 2 3 I • R in ,. J Tu.rm§. ~ t o 2 1 ~ o m T o m , © 2021 Microsoft Corporation #10 MAURICE GIBB PARK Scope Contact Project Details Construct new walking paths. provide fishing piers. a dog park and a large bay overlook; replace the current playground with a custom­made music-themed play structures: increase park resiliency with soil remediation, irrigation and natural landscaping fixes. The existing seawall will be raised to elevation 5.7' NAVO. and the existing living shoreline shall be expanded towards the south property line. with the planting of additional mangroves and native plantings. Phase Design Department: Capital Improvement Projects G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $4,500,000 Encumbered: $0 Spent: $37,714 Spent%: 1% Project Timeline 1.Planning2.Design 3.Contractor Selection 5.Construction 100% 2016 Name: Email: Phone: 2018 Start Date Original End Date 02/16/2016 03/14/2022 Update DERM Class II & FDEP permits have been issued. The Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) and DERM Class I permits have received preliminary approval. The City is coordinating the documentation required for issuance of the final permit. The DERM Class VI for soil remediation is still under review. The funding gap of $1.2 million was approved through a Capital Budget Amendment at the July 28th City Commission meeting. -This project has additional sources of funding -For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website Lauren Firtel mailto:laurenfirtel@miamibeachfl.gov (305)986-6403 - 2020 2022 Actual End Date 12/16/2023 2024 Mlami Beach 1 •• �h ,.,I Tu.rm§_ �'20�1'�QD1Tom, ©i 20gJ Mi cro spft �9r p0ratio n #12 N. BEACH OCEANSIDE BEACHWALK Project Details Scope Contact Construct an on-grade, ADA accessible and decorative paver pathway from streets 79 to 87. completing the final link of the city's entire beachwalk system. Redevelop the Beachwalk to expand path networks and dune systems. new landscaping and wayfinding signage and turtle-friendly lighting. Phase Construction Department: Capital Improvement Projects G.O. Bond Funding Budge: $1,999.999 Encumbered: $1.833, 141 Spent: $142.657 Spent%: 7% Project Timeline Name: Email: Phone: 1. Planning Ditl.f•:!P:~11 2. Design 3. Contractor Selection 5. Construction 100% Dexter Peralta mailto: -------------,.....--------.---------''sl,C 2016 Start Date Original End Date 08/13/2015 04/28/2021 Update BrightView Landscaping Services was issued NTP # 2 on August 9. 2021 and construction of the beachwalk has commenced. Earthwork and electrical underground activities are currently underway. Access to the beach are located at 79. 81 . 83, 85 and 87 Streets. -This project has additional sources of funding -For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website 2018 2020 Actual End Date 06/07/2022 Surfside Indian Creek Village 0 2022 Normandy I. Rin~ lc:ltck 93-' Terms ~ 1t:i2J ~o'rflThm , © 20 21 Microsoft Corporetior,i #15 PAR 3 / BAYSHORE PARK Scope Contact Project Details Develop a brand new 19+ acre park space with environmental remediation and resiliency components: construct an outdoor amphitheater, walking trail with lake overlooks. tennis courts and restroom facility. a pavilion shade structure. dog park. v i ta course. playground. and butterfly garden. Phase Design Department: Capital Improvement Projects G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $15.699 .999 Encumbered: $30.232 Spent: $744.066 Spent%: 5% Project Timeline Name: Email: Phone: Vanessa Vazquez mailto:VanessaVaz~uez@miamibeachfl.gov (786) 599-6543 1. Planning 2. Design 3. Contractor Selection 0111M ---------------'!'. -5. Construction .--------.------....---------,.------JIL-1~~~~ 2016 Start Date Original End Date 08/12/2015 07/28/2021 Update Permitti ng in progress. A fina l report has been submitted to □ERM and approval was received on July 22. 2021. Construction drawings are being revi ewed by □ERM and Miami-Dade County Public Works for approval and permi tting. Coordination is underway with Public Works for upgrades to the water & force-main. -This project has additional source·s of funding -For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website 2018 2020 2022 2024 Actua l End Date 11 /27/2023 I"'" Rin,...1 M ia m i Rea ch ~ ~202-r ~omTom, @·2021"'M1crosoft Corporation #24 MIDDLE BEACH BEACHWALK PH3 Project Details Scope Contact Replace the current wooden boardwalk structure that exists between 23 Street and 45 Street with an on-grade pedestrian pathway that connects Mid Beach with South Beach and North Beach Beachwalk portions -providing one seamless oceanside pathway that stretches from 1st Street to 87th Street. Phase Construction Department: Capital Improvement Projects G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $4,500,000 Encumbered: $663.569 Spent: $3.488 .875 Spent%: 78% Project Timeline mm! Name: Email: Phone: I I ·, Vanessa Vazquez mailto:VanessaVaz~uez@m iamibeac hfl.gov (786) 599-6543 1. Planning 2. Design 3. Contractor Selection m ==-----1'--. 5. Construction .-----.---------.------~-':!!.:!::' ====~Ii=;!..----, 2016 Start Date Ori ginal End Date .... 10/22/2015 02 /13/2021 Update The section between 24th St & 46th St is open to the public. The completion of the street ends has been impacted by the shortage in production of material. unforeseen site conditions and the weather (rain days). The contractor submitted a time extension request change order which has been evaluated by the consultant and discussions with the contractor are on-going. Some of the street ends will be completed in September 2021. -This project has additional sources of funding -For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website 2018 2020 2022 Actual End Date 01 /22 /2022 I,... Rin,..J Terms ~~z,,'"'~mTomJ @8 2021 Microsoft Corporat ion 1v11am, eacn 81 0 0 H a w t h o r n e A v e a n d B r i t t a n y B a y c u r r e n t l y u n d e r c o n s t r u c t i o n . M a u r i c e G i b b t o b e g i n i n 20 2 2 . D e s i g n i s 1 0 0 % c o m p l e t e , a n d p e r m i t t i n g i s u n d e r w a y f o r J e f f e r s o n a v e n u e , L e n o x Co u r t , G a r d e n A v e n u e , B o n i t a A v e n u e , R u e N o t r e D a m e , T r o u v i l l e E s p l a n a d e , a n d 7 1 5 0 In d i a n C r e e k . # 3 9 SE A W A L L S / S H O R E L I N E S - TR A N C H E 1 Project Details Sc o p e Co n t a c t Im p l e m e n t pa r t 1 of pu b l i c se a w a l l an d sh o r e l i n e re s i l i e n t in f r a s t r u c t u r e . Ph a s e Co n s t r u c t i o n De p a r t en t : Pu b l i c Wo r k s De p a r t m e n t G. O . Bo n d Fu n d i n g Bu d g e t : $4 . 9 9 9 , 9 9 9 En c u m b e r e d : $9 5 8 . 2 9 7 S p e n t $ 5 7 t 8 7 4 S en t %: 11 % Pr o j e c t Ti m e l i n e Na m e : Em a i l : Ph o n e : Ke v i n Pu l i d o ma i l t o :ke v i n P - u l i d o @ m i a m i b e a c h f l . g o v (7 8 6 ) 56 8 - 6 0 5 7 2. De s i g n r = = = = = = = = r = = = = = = = =I I F = = = ; : = = = = = = = = = ; : = = : : : : ! . . . . _ __, 20 2 0 20 2 1 St a r t Da t e Or i g i n a l En d Da t e 01 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 0 04 / 2 9 / 2 0 2 2 Up d a t e - Th i s pr o j e c t ha s ad d i t i o n a l so u r c e s of fu n d i n g - Fo r ad d i t i o n a l pr o j e c t de t a i l s re f e r to th e PR O G R E S S RE P O R T on th i s we b s i t e 20 2 2 2023 Ac t u a l En d Da t e 04 / 2 8 / 2 0 2 3 Miam· each I . R in , . . J ~ TomJ.§ ~: l r J Z f ~ o m T o m , © 2021 ~soft Cor;poration §¨¦395 §¨¦195 F l a m i ngo S o u t h E ndE v a l u a t i ng C o nd i t i o n F l a m i ngo a t 2 9 S TE v a l u a t i ng C o nd i t i o n J ef f er s o n A v eE s t . C o s t : $ 2 7 5 , 0 0 0L engt h: 8 2 f tC o ns t : F Y 2 1 L eno x C tE s t . C o s t : $ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0L engt h: 2 3 f tC o ns t : F Y 2 1 7 1 5 0 I nd i a n C r eek D rE s t . C o s t : $ 2 1 5 , 0 0 0L engt h: 6 0 f tC o ns t : F Y 2 1 B r i t t a ny B a y P a r k L i v i ng S ho r el i ne ( C I P )E s t . C o s t : $ 5 9 5 , 0 0 0L engt h: 4 6 5 f tC o ns t r u c t i o n: 0 6 / 2 0 2 1 – 0 4 / 2 0 2 2 T r o u v i l l e E s p l a na d eE s t . C o s t : $ 2 3 8 , 0 0 0L engt h: 7 0 f tC o ns t : F Y 2 1 G a r d en A v eE s t . C o s t : $ 2 3 4 , 0 0 0L engt h: 6 3 f tC o ns t : F Y 2 1 Ma u r i c e G i b b P a r k ( C I P )E s t . C o s t : $ 2 . 1 3 ML engt h: 5 5 0 ftC o ns t : 1 1 / 2 0 2 1 – 0 6 / 2 0 2 3 B o ni t a D rE s t . C o s t : $ 2 0 8 , 0 0 0L engt h: 6 0 f tC o ns t : F Y 2 1 I 195 WB CO L L I N S A V E PR A I R I E A V E 17TH ST BO A R D W A L K WE S T A V E OC E A N D R 8TH ST 10TH ST EU C L I D A V E 11TH ST 16TH ST N B A Y R D BAY D R WA S H I N G T O N A V E 7TH ST S SHORE D R SH E R I D A N A V E 4TH ST N SHORE DR BY R O N A V E FAIRWAY DR 6TH ST 77TH ST 85TH ST RO Y A L P A L M A V E L E N O X A V E 2ND ST FL A M I N G O D R 3RD ST W 47TH ST 13TH ST MAR S E I L L E D R 12TH ST PAL M A V E DAYTONIA RD N M E R I D I A N A V E 78TH ST 75TH ST BIAR R I T Z D R CH A S E A V E CALAIS D R 20TH S T CLEVELAND RD A L T O N R D P E N N S Y L V A N I A A V E PO S T A V E 76TH ST 21ST S T 72ND ST E D I L I D O D R ME R I D I A N A V E NA U T I L U S D R W D I L I D O D R 14TH ST DI C K E N S A V E 69TH ST AB B O T T A V E CR E S P I B L V D S HI B I S C U S D R N HI B I S C U S D R 22ND S T N M I C H I G A N A V E W 28TH S T 18TH ST 1ST ST W 51ST ST CA R L Y L E A V E A L L I S O N R D 74TH ST BA Y R D H A R D I N G A V E H A W T H O R N E A V E W 34TH ST STILLWATER DR FO U N T A I N S T W 41ST ST W 27TH ST W 37TH ST LAKEVIEW DR LINCOLN LN W 40TH ST ESPANOLA WAY S POINTE DR W 50TH ST JA M E S A V E 86TH ST W 44TH ST 84TH ST N A D A M S A V E 83RD ST 82ND ST W 49TH ST 5TH ST W 45TH ST 23RD S T AL T O N R D S B 81ST ST W 42ND ST N VIEW DR E R I V O A L T O D R W R I V O A L T O D R W 30TH ST W 31ST ST PU R D Y A V E W 29TH ST LA GORCE C I R N LINCOLN LN 9TH ST 38TH ST 39TH ST W 47TH CT S T A R I S L A N D D R BR I D G E R D 36TH ST 37TH ST GA R D E N A V E 80TH ST NO R E M A C A V E W 22ND ST 15TH ST N J E F F E R S O N A V E 43RD ST 35TH ST G A R Y A V E 19TH ST W 21ST ST SU N S E T D R N C O C O N U T L N R U E N O T R E D A M E E S A N M A R I N O D R 87TH TER W S A N M A R I N O D R W A Y N E A V E 15TH TER TAT U M W A T E R W A Y D R PA R K A V E R U E B O R D E A U X D R E X E L A V E W 4 8 T H S T S B I S C A Y N E P O I N T R D S C O C O N U T L N W 46TH ST N BISCA Y N E P O I N T R D W I N D S O R L N P I N E T R E E D R MAIMONIDE S S T W 43RD ST W 62ND S T W 39TH ST W 63RD ST D E L A W A R E A V E 71ST ST ED S U L L I V A N D R BA Y A V E C O A S T G U A R D B A S E R D W 25TH ST LINCOLN RD L A G O R C E D R ISLAND AVE 79TH ST 73RD ST 24TH S T A T L A N T I C W A Y M I C H I G A N A V E W 6 0 T H S T LA K E A V E R U E V E N D O M E B R E V I T Y L N W 57T H S T W 59 T H S T W 61ST S T LINCOLN LN R A Y S T W 24TH ST W 33RD S T NA U T I L U S C T W 58TH ST C E C I L S T COMMERCE ST W 23RD S T S A R A Z E N S T MONAD TER J E F F E R S O N A V E M I T C H E L L S T F A R R E Y L N SH E L T E R A V E 87TH ST JO N E S S T SHORE L N LINCOLN TER ME R I D I A N C T MIA M I B E A C H D R C E N T U R Y L N 40TH ST 4 6 T H X O V R WASH I N G T O N C T R U E V E R S A I L L E S 1ST DI LIDO TER 7TH DI LIDO TER 9TH ST B A Y D R S U N S E T D R 4TH ST W 4 3 R D S T 80TH ST B I A R R I T Z D R N B A Y R D AT L A N T I C W A Y 6TH ST 20TH ST N BA Y R D 15TH ST 9TH ST W 28TH ST W 42N D S T B A Y A V E W 45TH S T 18TH ST N BA Y R D W 27TH ST 84TH ST WE S T A V E W 21ST ST 16TH ST LA K E A V E 19TH ST 14TH ST W 42ND ST PE N N S Y L V A N I A A V E 83RD ST W 23RD ST W 43RD ST R U E V E R S A I L L E S CO L L I N S A V E W 4 4 T H S T W 46TH ST W 40TH ST B A Y R D M I C H I G A N A V E 18TH ST MI C H I G A N A V E LA K E A V E 86TH ST 12TH ST 82ND ST B A Y A V E 13TH ST N M E R I D I A N A V E A B B O T T A V E 81ST ST 82ND ST A L T O N R D W 29TH ST W 40TH S T D R E X E L A V E L E N O X A V E W 46TH ST Miami BeachMiami-Dade County, FL Seawalls within the City of Miami Beach M: \ $ C MB \ GI S \ P r o j ec t s \ 2 0 _ P u b l i c _ S ea wa l l s \ E xp o r t \ s ea wa l l _ o wner s hi p _ 2 4 x3 6 . p d f Note: Total Length of Seawall within the City (53 miles) Seawalls within City ROW (1.82 Miles) Seawalls within City properties (2.33 Miles) S C A L E RE QU E S T E D F I L E N A ME D RA W N D A T ES H E E TN O . T r a c k i n g N u m b e r 1 1 1/29/2021 WORKVerA Not To Scale Nestor Navarro MiamiBeachGIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 µ Mi a m i Bea c h GI S • 1 7 0 0 C o nv ent i o n Cent er D r i v e • Mi a m i B ea c h, F L 3 3 1 3 9 • 3 0 5 . 6 7 3 . 7 0 0 0 • gi s @m i a m i b ea c hf l . go v • www. m i a m i b ea c hf l . go v M: \ $ C MB \ GI S \ P r o j ec t s \ 2 0 _ P u b l i c _ S ea wa l l s \ Ar c Ma p \ s ea wa l l _ o wner s hi p _ 2 4 x3 6 . m xd L egend Private Seawall (48.85 miles) Public Seawalls (4.15 miles) Seawall To Be Constructed (0.31 miles)Citywide Seawall Survey Identifying Funding Citywide Master Plan and Prioritization to Follow After Seawall Survey I\ I=-; I C I -I----r I_ J I I ~- I I I I --, '1~~1 I i---'1 ' 1-1 r ~1 \_-_j ' -1_! c,] 0 I I I I _1~--1 I I ~ I -LI I I I I I --r---,I I I I I I I I 1/ I__ _, I I ~ I -I I ~ -T -I/ '__ ,j -'-~~\' ' ~ -1----/ I --\~--/ I II ~ ~ --,--I -I\ I I I, I II\ i-----\'/\ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i i ,I 11 " 'i'1 I I I I I , I 1 ---r ' I I I I I I I I I I GIS ™ Co n c e p t u a l s t r e e t s c a p e d e s i g n w a s a p p r o v e d b y t h e C i t y C o m m i s s i o n o n J a n u a r y 1 3 , 2 0 2 1 . A R e q u e s t fo r Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s ( R F Q ) f o r a f i r m t o e x e c u t e t h e d e s i g n w a s r e l e a s e d o n M a y 1 4 , 2 0 2 1 . T h e A g r e e m e n t wa s a w a r d e d b y t h e C i t y C o m m i s s i o n o n S e p t e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 2 1 . T h e R F Q f o r a C o n s t r u c t i o n M a n a g e r a t Ri s k w a s r e l e a s e d o n J u n e 2 5 , 2 0 2 1 . O n l y o n e p r o p o s a l w a s r e c e i v e d o n A u g u s t 9 , 2 0 2 1 . C i t y Ma n a g e r ' s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n t o b e p r e s e n t e d a t t h e 1 0 / 1 3 / 2 1 C o m m i s s i o n m e e t i n g . #4 0 41 ST CO R R I D O R IM P R O V E M E N T S Project Detai l s Sc o p e Co n t a c t Re v i t a l i z e th e 41 st St r e e t Co r r i d o r wi t h ne i g h b o r h o o d la n d s c a p i n g an d in f r a s t r u c t u r e im p r o v e m e n t s . in c l u d i n g an ex p a n d e d sh a d e d tr e e ca n o p y an d ne w st r e e t s c a p e de s i g n s fo r be t t e r pe d e s t r i a n mo b i l i t y . NO T E : Th e to t a l G. O . Bo n d bu d g e t fo r th i s pr o j e c t is $ 1 4 .8 mi l l i o n . $1 .3 mi l l i o n is to be al l o c a t e d in Tr a n c h e 1 an d $1 3 . 5 mi l l i o n is to be al l o c a t e d in Tr a n c h e 2. Ph a s e Pl a n n i n g De p a r t m e n t : Ca p i t a l Im p r o v e m e n t Projects G. O . Bo n d Fu n d i n g Bu d g e t : $1 , 3 9 7 . 0 0 0 En c u m b e r e d : $0 Sp e n t : $1 5 8 . 0 54 Sp e n t % : 11 % Pr o j e c t Ti m e l i n e 1. Pl a n n i n g l 2. De s i g n 4. Pr o c u r e m e n t ,. . _ . . . . . . _ _ _ ~•- - - - ' Na m e : Em a i l : Ph o n e : Va n e s s a Va z q u e z ma i l t o :Va n e s s a V a z ~ u e z @ m i a m i b e a c h f l . g o v (7 8 6 ) 59 9 - 6 5 4 3 5. Co n s t r u c t i o n r - - - - - - , 1>- - ~ - - - - - - . - - - = = = : : : : : ; : : : = = = = = = = = = 20 2 1 20 2 2 St a r t Da t e Or i g i n a l En d Da t e 01 / 0 4 / 2 0 2 1 05 / 0 9 / 2 0 2 5 Up d a t e - Th i s pr o j e c t ha s ad d i t i o n a l so u r c e s of fu n d i n g - Fo r ad d i t i o n a l pr o j e c t de t a i l s re f e r to th e PR O G R E S S RE P O R T on th i s we b s i t e 20 2 3 20 2 4 2025 Ac t u a l En d Da t e 07 / 0 1 / 2 0 2 5 I" " ' Ri n , . J Terms ~ ~ 2 1 ~ o m T o m , © 2021 Microsoft Corporation #45 :FIRE STATION #1 Scope Contact Project Details Replace the deteriorated Fire Station #1 facility with a new and larger building 1n a location that expands emergency coverage m South Beach. NOTE: The total G.O. Bond budget for this project is $10 million. $4 million is to be allocated in Tranche 1 and $6 million is to be allocated in Tranche 2. Pha se Design Dc':11 ~-~ • nt: Capital Improvement Projects G.O. Bon d Funding u get. Encumbered: Spent t;; Q +'¥• $4.000.000 $885,897 $266,784 7% Proj e ct T i m en ne Name: Email: Phone: Lauren Firtel mailto:laurenfirtel@miamibeachfl.gov (305) 986-6403 i. Planning E]u~❖rlt], -~--------ll ___ ____ 2. Design 5. Construction 2018 2020 Start Date .... Ori gi na l End Dat e 11/06/2018 03/30/2023 Update This project is being developed at 833 6th St. Estimates of construct ion cost at the 30% documents phase indicate that the project is over budget. At the July 16 Finance Committee meeting. the Admin1strat1on recommended re-evaluating the budget in the summer of 2022. A presentation was given to the GO Bond Oversight Committee on September 23. 2021 and was favorably accepted. A presentation to the community was held on October 5. 2021. Presentation to the Historic Preservation Board in December 2021 or January 2022. -For addit ional p r oject det a il s ref e r to the PROGRESS REPORT on this w ebsite I\ V 2022 2024 Ac t ual End Date 07/17/2024 I...., Rj na Terms ~ta21 =romTom,.<§)12021 Microsoft corporation I-I ~ 'l.:lo #49 PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM Scope Contact Project Details Replace the city's outdated Motorola analog radio system with a new Harris Corporation satellite radio system. giving first responders access to a state-of-the-art emergency communications technology network with high tech functions such as seamless interoperability and encrypted data. Phase Construction Departn ent: Fire G.O. Bond Funding Budget: $9.700.000 Encumbered: $1. 7 64.316 Spent: $7,870.569 Spent %: 81 o/o Project Timeline Name: Email: Phone: Kevin Pulido mailto:kevinP-ulido@miamibeachfl.gov (786) 568-6057 5. Construction ;==========;===========::;:========il~ 2019 2020 Star t Date Or iginal End Date .... 01/01 /2019 02/28/2020 Update All rad io frequency/microwave antenna sites are complete. and testing of the system is currently underway. Installation completed in 133 of the 400 PD vehicles. -For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website 2021 Actual End Date 10/01 /2021 Miam~each I. Bin,.J ~ Th.rm§ ~2Jl4.;l ~omTom, © 2021 ~osoft Cor poration #54 MARINE PATROL FACILITY Scope Contact Project Details Renovate the existi ng marine patrol facility with a larger building that can accommodate parking. storage and service needs for both fire and police departments. like the relocation and re-homing of the city's fire patrol boat. Phase Planning Department: Capital Improvement Projects G.O. Bond Funding Name: Vanessa Vazquez Budget: $2,000.000 Email: mai lto:Vanessa Vaz~ uez@mia m ibeachf l.gov Encumbered: $13.603 Phone: (786) 599-6543 Spent: $0 Spent%: 0% Project Timeline 1. Planning 2. Design 3. Contractor Selection 5. Construction .-----m---.-------------========- 2022 Start Date .A Original End Date 06 /14/2021 09/26 /2022 Update The project scope has been defined through meetings with the Fire and Police departments. A proposal for professional architectural and engineering services was rece i ved on July 2.2021 and a service order has been negotiated by staff. The Service Order is being processed. -For additional project details refer to the PROGRESS REPORT on this website 2023 2024 Actual End Date 09/13 /2024 t\e3 mi Beach l •• g;.n,..J ~ Terms ~~,t ~tm1 Tom , © 2021 Microsoft~mporation ~ EXHIBIT F PROJECT CHALLENGES TRACKER No.Project Procurement Method*Challenges Budget Impact Schedule Impact Action Items Responsible Party Target Date For Resolution 1a. Negotiate with top ranked firm to bring the project into budget. If not possible, negotiate with second ranked firm, and so on. 9/30/2021 1b. City staff to identify additional funding sources and seek Commision approval.9/30/2021 1.1 Finalize DERM approval associated with the Bayshore Park contamination. Resolved on 07/22/2021 1.2. Finalize the permitting process with DERM/County.11/18/2021 2. Probable Cost of Construction is over estimated budget. 2. City staff to identify additional funding sources, and continue with value engineering efforts. Resolved on 07/28/2021 1. ACOE Permit pending National Marine Fisheries Service approval.1. Obtain Final ACOE Permit.9/30/2021 2. DERM Soil Remediation Permit issuance 2. Obtain DERM Permit.11/4/2021 3. Probable Cost of Construction is over estimated budget. 3. City staff to identify additional funding sources, including grants, as well as continue with value engineering efforts. Resolved on 7/28/2021 1. Probable cost of construction is over the estimated budget.Yes Yes 1. City to identify additional funding sources, including grants, as well as continue with value engineering efforts. CIP Next Fiscal Year 2. Relocation of existing tenants at the SSCC site.Yes Yes 2. City Administration is investigating all options.Prop Mgmt TBD No Yes 3.1 Set Public Hearing for Waivers 9/30/2021 No No 3.2 Waivers Public Hearing TBD No TBD 3.3 HPB Design Approval 12/13/2021 5 #8 Lummus Park ITB 1. Approval of ADCD Plan Yes Yes 1. Commission approval of ADCD Plan CIP 2/28/2022 6 #48 Police Headquarters CMAR 1. Facility Program Decision Yes Yes 1. Meeting with CM/PD/Fire Prop Mgmt 9/30/2021 *Legend: DB: Design Build Contract ITB: Invitation to Bid Contract CMAR: Construction Manager at Risk Contract 4 CIP 3. Waiver of numerous development regulations and Design Approval CMAR#45 Fire Station No. 1 CIP 3 #10 Maurice Gibb Park Yes YesITB 2 ITB CIP1#1 72nd Street Community Complex Proposals received from all 3 ranked Design-Build Firms came in over budget. Yes YesDB CIP 1. DERM Permit delay. Yes Yes#15 PAR 3 / Bayshore Park Page 1 of 1 BLOG/SOCIAL 1 EXHIBIT G A\ City of Miami Be~ch Government 0 'W/ October S .1110:03 AM 0 Please Join us for a vrrt1Jat publ ic meeting on Fire Station lf1 tonight. Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 6 PM Join the mei!ting here: us06web.2oom.usN83122649S72 ... See More G.O Fire Station 1 Rebuild to the Rescue Did you know that the City of Miam i Beach is worki ng on a project to replace its South Beach fire station? Fire Stat ion 1, which is currently loc ate d at 105 1 Jefferson Ave., will be relocated to a centralized property within the South Beach service area that will allow for expanded emergency coverage and reduced response t i mes ... City of Miami Beach O @MiamiBeachNews · Oct 4 Please join the City of M iami Beach tomorrow for a virtual public meeting on Fire Station #1 , Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 6 PM Jo in the meeting here: us06web,zoom ,us/J/83122649572 t .646,876.9923 or t .888.475.4499 Webinar ID: 831 2264 9572# NEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 Construction Notice: Streets & Sidewalks on Pennsylvania Ave. Sep 30, 2021 The City of Miami Beach w ill start sidewalk, roadway , cu rb and gutter restoration work on Pennsylvania Avenue from 11 Street up to Linco ln Road to improve ... Read More - Inspector General 5th Quarterly Report of G.O. Bond Program Aug 13, 2021 This report is written in compliance with Section 2-2560) of the City of Miami Beach Code, which requi res the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) ... Read More -+ Press Release: Miami Beach Continues to Grow its Urban Tree Canopy Ju l 19, 2021 Miam i-Dade County's Neat Streets Miami Program has awarded the City of Miami Beach $34,500 to f und the planting of canopy trees in the No rmandy Shores neighborhood. Leveraging matching funds from the city's General Obligation .. Read More - G.O Project Update: Midd le Beach Beachwalk Sep 23, 2021 The City of Miami Beach is working diligently to open the remain ing 11 street-ends between 24 and 45 streets as soon as it is safe to do so. This week, the street-ends located at 25 and Read More - What's Good Miam i Beach' Video Interview: Allison Novack, G.O. Bond Program Aug 9, 2021 President and CEO of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce.Jerry Libbin, interviews Allison Novack of the G.O. Bond Program .. Read More - Project Implementation Update No. 18 Ju l 7, 202 1 The G.O. Bond Dashboard has been updated to incorporate all changes associated with the revised imple mentation plan, approved by the City Commission on April. Read More - Virtual Pub li c Meeting Invitation: Fire Station #1 Sep 21, 2021 Please join the City of Miami Beach for a virtual public presentation on the design of Fire Station #1 .. Read More - Con struction Advisory : North Beac h Beachwalk Aug 9, 2021 The city is commencing the improvements to North Shore Open Space Park with construction of the new North Beach Beachwa lk from 79 Street to 87 St r eet. This addition is the final link in the citywide network ... Read More - Par 3 / Bayshore Park Project Upda te Jun 28 , 2021 The project is in the permitting phase with Miami-Dade County Environmental Resources Management (DERM) and the City of Miami Beach Building Department. Final. .. Read More - MEETINGS 1 Upcoming: Passed: G.O September 2021 G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Sep t ember 23 @ 4:30 p m -6:30 pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83437939774?pwd=bGhFMmYzRzJiU2IjM1JFV09zS Fl1 UT09 Dial in: 1.929 .205.6099 Access ID: 83437939774# Passcode: 070565# SEE AGENDA Find out more » November 2021 G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Novem ber 18 @4:30 p m -6:30 pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83437939774?pwd=bGhFMmYzRzJiU2IjM1JFV09zSFl1 UT09 Meeting ID: 834 3793 9774 Passcode: 070565 Find out more » December 2021 G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Meeting December 16 @ 4:30 p m -6:30 pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83437939774?pwd=bGhFMmYzRzJiU2IjM1JFV09zSFl1 UT09 Meeting ID: 834 3793 9774 Passcode : 070565 Find out more » ✓