LTC 513-2021 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of December 13 - 17, 2021MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 513-2021 TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM : Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE : December 6, 2021 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT : Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of December 13 -17, 2021 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of December 13 -17, 2021 published on December 5, 2021. See insertions on page (3) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http ://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing exce llent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICE December l 3 -17, 2021 MONDAY, December 13 9:00 a.m. Hi stor ic Preservation Board* Hybrid Meeting 3:30 p.m. Transportati on, Parking & Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee Hybrid Meeting ht1ps ·//migmibeachfl- gov .zoo m.us/j/8l7 48347 488 l .312 .626 .6799 or l .888 .475 .4499 Access ID 81748347488# City Holl Co mmission Chamb er 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd Fl. l .786 .636.1480 Access ID 2595520# Parking Dept Conference Room 1755 Meridian Avenue , 2nd FL TUESDAY, December 14 7:30 a .m. Miami Beach Sen io r High htt ps-//us02web.zoom us/j/7624604 School PT SA 355 I 2pw d-N2krNko0NTdWcFZ2TzE3 Zoom M ee ting 9:00 a.m. Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority Zoom Meeting 10 :00 a.m. Miami Beach Employees ' Retirement Pensi o n Board Zoom Meeting 4:00 p.m. City Commission Committee of the Whole lo discuss Rules of Procedure & Related Issues for Commission Meetings 4:30 p.m. Committee on the Homeless Zoom Meeting 5:30 p.m. Miami Bea ch Commission Far Women Zoom Meeting WGZzcPcxdz09 Access ID 76246043551 Passcode MBSH l .30 1 .715.8592 or l .646.876.9923 Access ID 76246043551 # Passcode 755761 # http s· //us06web zoom us/i/8 164867 I 952 2pw d-cFhsQnB3bUVVVTRCcHRm c2pvU3F fdz09 l .301 .7 15 .8592 or l.312 .626.6799 Access ID 81648671952# Passcode 779456# hllps · //us02web zoom us/j/8428770 Q06Z l.646.558 .8656 or l.301 .7 15 .8592 Access ID 84287706067# City Manager's large Con f. Room 1700 Convention Cen ter Drive, 4th Fl . h11ps-//zoom us/j/9 l 2243 l 73472pw d-T I lt OGp 4dkNoblNWM2Z I WWxn ~ l .646 .876 .9923 or l .30 1.7 15 .8592 Access ID 91224317347# Passcode 090714# htt ps · //us02web.zoom us/j/8 165088 56 I 42pwd -Vn lPUTRnS 1 gvM2FKRV FVZ XVyZVQzQT09 l .929 .436.2866 or l .301.715.8592 Access ID 81650885614# Passcode 526357# WEDNESDAY, December 15 4:00 p .m. 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Ad Hoc North Beach CRA hIIp s-//zoom.us/j/92 l 7 449 l 9452pw Advisory Committee Zoom Meeting d~WV8sTnhnMHNUYW 5TRE9yOERrY 12.IJ.QIQ'l l .646 .558 .8656 or l .301.715 .8592 Access ID 92174491945# Passcode 802437# North Beach Elementary School hltps-//us02web.zoom us/j/8677 127 PTA /General Meeting 4723 2pwd -eWNSRm9No083ZWQw Zoom Meeti ng NINIS2RDoXNXQT09 Access ID 86771274723 Passcode NBEPTA 1.646.876.9923 Access 86771274723# Passcode 468883# THURSDAY, December 16 City Pension Fund for Firefighter•hllp s-//us06web.zoom us/j/8224376 & Police Officer's in th e CMB 4.!l.42 l.312.626.6799 or 1.929.205.6099 Access ID 82243764842# Fire & Police Pension O ffi ce 169 1 Michigan Avenue, Sui te 355 9:30 a.m . Lincoln Road BID/Executive Commillee hup s://zoom us/j/ 47 44 5470552pwd -YXo 1 T mlJr R0Z NMmlYNIVL ZVVEV jczZ zQ-9 Zoom Meeting 3:00 p.m. Sustainability Co mmillee Zoom Meeting l .30 1.7 15.8592 or l.31 2.626.6799 Access ID 4744547055# Passcode 808879# h1t p$· //rniarnibeachfl - gov zoom us/j/99665529350 l .3 12.626 .6799 or 1.929.205 .6099 Access ID 99665529350# 4:30 p.m. G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Zoom Meeting https ·//us02web zoom us/j/8343793 977 4?pwd -bG hF MmYzRz li U2liM I IFV 09zS FI I UT09 1.929 .205.6099 or 1.30 1.715 .8592 Access ID 83437939774# Passcode 070565# 5:30 p.m . Parks and Re c reational Facilities 1.786.636.1480 Advisory Board Access ID 954494352# Microsoft Team Meeting FRIDAY, December 17 9:00 a.m. Design Review Board * https-//miom ibeach fl - Hybrid Meeting gov zoom.us/i/8227394 1924 1.301.7 15.8592 or I .88 8.475.4499 Access ID 82273941924# 10:00 a .m. 10 :00 a .m. 11:008.ffi. Visitor and Convention Authority (MBVCA) TIME & LOCATION CHANGE M ayor's Art Deco Cultura l Distr ict Pan el Hybrid Meeting 2:00 p.m. FOP Contract Negotiations - Session 2 City Hall Comm ission Chambe r 1700 Co nven tion Center Drive, 3 rd FL. JCD Co nference Room 511' Floor 1755 Meridian Avenue https //zoom us/i /943245039 I 6?pw d-WWl2Qkp l N0F 5RUc5cHdiY0h z T n N WUT09 1.646 .558 .8656 or 1.301 .7 t 5.8592 Acc e ss ID 94324503916# Passcode 929350# Car lton Ho te l 143 3 Coll in s Avenue City Manager's Large Conf. Room 1700 Convention Ce nter Drive, 411, FL. for a ny o nd/o , all o f lh e above meelin~JS, o ne 01 mo1e members of 1he Miami Beach C ity Comrni ssio n, and or Cily board/commi11ee members may be in ollen dance and pmlicipale in discussions. • Ai reJ /iv<1 ,:;n MBTV. Albnr ic Ba1rllrnd 660 AT&! l b'f!l ie 92 H·)fwi1eCc·mm1 1oirn!i@ 395 & F()!((J d"',icern Pf(; JV • • Commi ~sion Cumrnille,e Ai1W li>'ii (.)I) lv',BTV AD No. 1205202 1-0 IM /1. lisling of all for mal comp eHlive soli ci tations issued by the City of Miami Beach, Florido is ovoiloble at hll~lS' //www miomibenchU qpy(rjQ(·ho U/proqnemeo t/dQ,'-coal rncts/. To access any frn mol compelitive soli ciloti on iss ued by the City, or to receive any addendum issued le> o frnmo l cornpe1il ive soli cilolion, you may also visi l htr[lli ' //mod bidsync com /Miomi·Bem;h. Public meet ing r1 01ices ca n be found on llte Pr ocu,eme nl Calendar at blips· //www miamibeuchft goy/cjQ(·ball/procwemeol /cqlen der/. M IAM I BEACH Wa oro commillad to providing axcallanl public sa,vica ond sofaty lo all who live, work, oud play in 001 vib,an/, tropical, historical community. Mambo1s of !he public may pral!ml audio/vistml (AV} mole,iols relaling to Agenda /lams al City Commission Meetings by utilizing Iha City's AV equipment, ptovidad 1/iol moleriols ora wbmittad /o !lie Dopmlmanl of Mor/rating and Comrnunicoliom by 8:30 a.m ., ona {I/ bus/nan day prior to 1/ie mealing. Advance wbmittol of o prasan,otioll will of/ow ilia Communicoliom Dapmlmonl lo pion for tho usa of tho appraprialo AV B<JUipmenl. AV malariols mus/ be svbmillad vio email ol communicotiom@miomibeochfl.gov. r/,e body of tlia email mus t include o nololion /i,1i11g Iha noma or groop, cantoc / parson, daytime telopl1ona number, amoi/ uddrass, daicriplion/litla of Ilia prasanlation, and Agenda /lam Title m we/Im Iha Agendo /tom Number. P/eosa rafarenca NAudio/Visuol Moloriol~ in 1/ia email subject lina. Accaptob/a formals for elaclronic submiision ore .pdf, .ppt, .pplx, .pps, .ppsx, . wmv, .avi, and .mov. (Noto tho/ .pdf ii Ilia preferred for mot for PowarPoin t prasan/ations .J City Holl is located al 1700 Convention Center Drive; and !ha Miami Booch Convontio11 Cenlor ii localed ot !901 Ca11vo11 tio n Canlar Ot iv e. Any mealing may be opened ond co11ti11uad, ond under such ci1eumst □ncoi, odditionol 1ogol nolico will not be provided . To r~quest lhis ~o1ariol in oharnote lormot, sign l □nguoga _interpreter (five-day notice r~4uired!, informati on on ocean for parsons w11h disab1lit1es, ond/or ony occommodotion to rav1ew or1y documenl or porlicipoh3 in ony C1ty•sponsored proceedings call 305.604.2489 and select l for Eng li sh, lhan oplion 6; TTY usars may coll via 7 1 1 (Florido Relay Service). A meeting no! noticed m the Weakly Mealing No1ica od ond determined to 6a 011 emergency meeting will be posted on the bulle lin bomds throughou l City Hall and will be avoilobla !he City's wabsilo o1 : hHp·//web mlamlbeachO gov/cltvderlcldefauff asp~ Pursuant lo Section 286.0105, Flo . S101 ., Iha City hereby odvjsas tho pu blic lhat ii a pe1so11 decides to appeal any decision mode by Iha board, agency, or commi$5ion wi lh respect to ony mailer comidered ot such mealing or hearing, ha or $he will need a record of rhe procaodi11gs, and ~m t, for soc h purpose, ha or she moy oaod lo enwre lhot a verbatim 10<:ord of lhe proceedings is mode, which recmd includes tho rastimany ond evidence u1xm wh ich the appeal is 10 bo based