LTC 528-2021 Town of Hillsboro Beach Resolution No. 2021-57M IA M I BEAC H OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N o . 52 8 -2 0 2 1 LE T T E R T O C O M M ISS IO N TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of~ ¡f mmission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk '- I i)\ December 16, 2021 TO W N O F H IL L S B O R O B EA C H R E S O L U T IO N NO . 2021-57 Attached for your information is Resolution No. 2021-57, adopted by the Mayor and Commission of the Town of Hillsboro Beach on December 7, 2021. A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF HILLSBORO BEACH, FLORIDA, EXPRESSING SUPPORT OF THE BEAGLE FREEDOM PROJECT CALLING ON DR. ANTHONY FAUCl'S ORGANIZATION, THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEAL TH, TO IMMEDIATELY STOP FUNDING ANY RESEARCH THAT USES ANIMALS; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Town Clerk of Hillsboro Beach has requested that a copy of this Resolution be provided to the Miami Beach Mayor and Commissioners. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411. REG/le Attachment F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\L TC's - Transmittal's\Hillsboro Beach\Resolution 2021-57 Town of Hillsboro Beach.docx State of Florida Brow ard C ounty T ow n of H ill sboro Beach l RESOLUTION NO. 2021-57 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF 4 HILLSBORO BEACH, FLORIDA, EXPRESSING SUPPORT OF THE 5 BEAGLE FREEDOM PROJECT CALLING ON DR. ANTHONY 6 FAUCI'S ORGANIZATION, THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF 7 HEALTH, TO IMMEDIATELY STOP FUNDING ANY RESEARCH 8 THAT USES ANIMALS; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; 9 PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE 10 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH; PROVIDING FOR 11 CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR 12 AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 13 14 WHEREAS, the Town of Hillsboro Beach (the "Town"), and the Town 15 Commission are deeply committed to the welfare of animals; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the Town Commission is in support of H.R. 2565, the FDA 18 Modernization Act, a bi-partisan bill introduced on Ap ril 15, 2021, to end an 19 outdated FDA mandate that experimental drugs must be tested on animals before 20 they are used on humans in clinical trials; and 21 22 WHEREAS, on October 26, 2021, Shannon Keith, President and founder of 23 the Beagle Freedom Project, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) animal advocacy and rescue 24 organization based in the United States, wrote a letter calling on Dr. Anthony Fauci 25 and the National Institute of Health to immediately stop funding any research that 26 uses animals, particularly beagles; and 27 28 WHEREAS, the National Institute of Health, published an article by 29 respected M.D., M.P.H., Aysha Akhtar about The Flaws and Human Harms of 30 Animal Experimentation. Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 2015 0ct; 24(4): 407-419. In 31 short, it states: "... animal experimentation often significantly harms humans 32 through misleading safety studies, potential abandonment of effective 33 therapeutics, and direction of resources away from more effective testing 34 methods. The resulting evidence suggests that the collective harms and costs to 35 humans from animal experimentation outweigh potential benefits and that 36 resources would be better invested in developing human-based testing methods."; 37 and 38 39 WHEREAS, the National Institute of Health, is one of the largest funders of 40 research that uses animals in preclinical trials, however, 51%-89% of preclinical 41 research is faulty and it is estimated that $14 billion to $25 billion in animal 42 research is wasted. [Source: Herrman, K. (2019) Animal Experimentation: 43 Working Towards a Paradigm Change]; and 44 {00482905 1 118 2-06064 9 0 / Page 1 of 3 TOWN OF HILLSBORO BEACH 1210 HILLSBORO MILE HILLSBORO BEACH, FL 33062 1 WHEREAS, the B eag le Freed o m Pro ject, has n o ted thro ugh its inspection s 2 in side of anim al research laborato ries, the pain fu l scream s of dogs w ho languish in 3 pain and th e sil ent soun ds of th ose w ho have n o v o ice because their vocal co rds 4 ha v e been cu t. A laborato ry tech n ici an stated to the Beagle Freedom Pro ject 5 fo under, "T h at they do this so that th e scream in g does not disturb the laboratory 6 w o rk e r.s w h il e they p erfo rm th eir ex perim ents; and 7 8 WHEREAS, th e Beag le Freedom Pro ject also concl uded that dogs' vocal 9 cord s are cu t so that the b eag les canno t co m m u n icate w ith one another; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Beagle Freedo m Pro ject, has rescued beagles w ho are so 12 w e ak fr o m years of being in a cag e that th ey cou ld n ot even stand. The beagles are 13 tre ate d as ob jects, th ey are given p ainfu l tatt oo s and only know n by that very 14 nu m b er tatt o oed in their ear, Federal ID # X . A nu m ber the N ational Institute of 15 H ea lth m ak es sure th e b eag les h ave so that they have no identity , no nam e, so that 16 n o bo dy in th e outside w o rld kno w s they exist; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the T ow n C om m issio n dem an ds that D r. A nthony Fauci an d the 19 N atio n al Institu te of H ealth im m ediately ce ase the use of an im als in research, end 20 fu ndin g of th ose using anim als, and release those anim als w ho are currently in 21 la b o ra to ries to the B eagle Freedom Pro ject. 22 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COMMISSION OF THE 24 TOWN OF HILLSBORO BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: 25 26 SECTION 1. T he fo rego ing "W H E R E A S" cl ause is tru e and correct and 27 h ereby ratifi ed and co nfir m ed by the T ow n Co m m ission. A ll exhibits att ached 28 h e reto are h ereby inco rporated h erein. 29 30 SECTION 2. Support. T hat the T ow n Com m ission hereby dem and s that 31 D r. A ntho n y Fauci and the N atio n al In stitu te of H ealth im m ediately cease the use 32 of anim als in research, end fu nding of tho se using anim als, and release those 33 anim a ls w ho are cu rrently in laborato ries to the B eag le Freedom Pro ject. 34 35 SECTION 3. T ransm itt al. T hat the T o w n Clerk is directed to transm it a 36 co py of th is R esolutio n to D r. A ntho ny Fau ci an d the N ation al Institute of H ealth, 37 Sh an n o n K eith, Esq., Presid ent and Fo under of B eagle Freedom Pro ject, the 38 Flo rid a State Legislature and City C lerks th ro ug h out the State of Florida. {00482905.1 1182-0606490/ TOWN OF HILLSBORO BEACH 1210 HILLSBORO MIZE HILLSBORO BEACH, FL 33062 Page 2 of 3 SE C T IO N 4 . The appropriate Town officials are authorized and directed 2 to execute the necessary documents to comply with this Resolution. 3 4 SECTION 5. All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith, 5 be and the same are repealed to the extent of such conflict. 6 7 SECTION 6. If any clause, section or other part of this Resolution shall be 8 held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such 9 unconstitutional or invalid part shall be considered eliminated and will in no way l O affect the validity of the other provisions of this Resolution. 11 12 SECTION 7. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its 13 passage and adoption. 14 15 ADOPTED by the Town Commission of the Town of Hillsboro Beach, Florida this « T aa or be4 201 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 : " al. kas l do- 28 Sherry D. Henderson, CMC 29 Town Clerk TOWN OF HILLSBORO BEACH, FLORIDA b.4±7....f. Deborah L. Tarrant, Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 2021-57 RECORD OF TOWN COMMISSION VOTE: YES NO MAYOR DEBORAH I. TARRANT u □ VICE MAYOR IRENE KIRDAHY Molio e □ COMMISSIONER VICKY FEAMAN Secd f □ COMMISSIONER BARBARA BALDASARRE d □ COMMISSIONER JANE REISER u □ passe4 5-0 TOWN OF HILLSBORO BEACH 1210 HILLSBORO MILE HILLSBORO BEACH, FL 33062 004829051 1182-0606490; Page 3 of 3