LTC 220-2022 AUGUST 23, 2022 SPECIAL ELECTION BALLOT QUESTIONS TRANSLATED INTO SPANISH AND CREOLE.MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NO. 220-2022 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ~ DATE: June 7, 2022 SUBJECT: AUGUST 23, 2022 SPECIAL ELECTION BALLOT QUESTIONS TRANSLATED INTO SPANISH AND CREOLE. Attached for your information are the August 23, 2022 Special Election ballot questions translated into Spanish and Creole. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411. Attachment F:\CLER\CLER\000_ELECTION\000000 2022 Primary Election & Special Elections\L TCs\Ballot Questions Translation L TC.docx Miami Beach Special Election Elecciones Especiales de Miami Beach Eleksyon Espesyal Miami Beach Official Special Election Ballot August 23, 2022 Miami Beach, Florida Boleta Oficial de las Elecciones Especiales 23 de agosto del 2022 Miami Beach, Florida Bilten Vot Ofisyel Eleksyon Espesyal 23 dawout 2022 Miami Beach, Florid Referendum 1 Referenda 1 Referandom 1 Naming Park Between Alton Road/West Avenue, From 6th to 8th Street as "Canopy Park" In April 2022, the City took ownership of a 3.0-acre public park generally located between Alton Road and West Avenue, from 6th Street to 8th Street, constructed by TCH 500 Alton, LLC as part of a development agreement, at no cost to the City. The new park includes a botanical garden, dog park, a play and fitness area, and other elements around a central lawn. Shall the new public park be named "Canopy Park"? Nombramiento del parque entre Alton Roady West Avenue, desde la calle 6 hasta la calle 8, como "Canopy Park" En abril del 2022, la Ciudad tom6 posesi6n de un parque publico de 3.0 acres, ubicado de modo general entre Alton Road y West Avenue, desde la calle 6 hasta la calle 8, construido por TCH 500 Alton, LLC como parte de un acuerdo de urbanizaci6n, sin costo alguno para Ciudad. El nuevo parque incluye un jardin botanico, un parque para perros, un area de juegos y acondicionamiento fisico y otros elementos alrededor de un area verde central. lDebera el nuevo parque publico llamarse "Canopy Park"? Nonmen Pak Ant Alton Road/West Avenue, Soti 6th rive 8th Street kom "Canopy Park" Nan mwa avril 2022, Vil late vin pwopriyete yon pak piblik 3.0-kawo ki jeneralman lokalize ant Alton Road e West Avenue, soti nan 6th Street rive nan 8th Street, ke TCH 500 Alton, LLC te konstwi nan kad yon ak6 devlopman, san Vil la pat peye anyen. Nouvo pak la gen ladan yon jaden botanik, pak pou chen, yon z6n amizman ak kondisy6nman fizik, ak lot eleman alantou yon gazon santral. Eske yo ta dwe rele nouvo pak piblik la "Canopy Park"? Yes/Sf/Wi No/No/Non XXX XXX PRINT NAME: _'R_I\_B_~...;cE._L_..;;..e_.__,~-......,..,...__,~'--'O"--· __ _ DATE: ~/-if z.~'-2.. APPROVED BY: ------MW~;_·----. H. ~1-C_l _k ---- urnc1pa er TITLE: c \ r., e (. (z(l\( Referendum 2 Referenda 2 Referandom 2 RSA Article I: Board of Adjustment -Changing "Architecture" Membership Category from Permissible to Required Membership City's Related Special Acts Article I, establishes a Board of Adjustment ("BOA") appointed by City Commission, composed of two citizens at-large and five persons each representing one of these professions: Law, architecture, engineering, real estate development, certified public accounting, financial consultation, general business. Article I thus permits, but does not require, appointment of architect to BOA. Shall Article I be amended for limited purpose of requiring appointment of one member from the architecture profession? Articulo I de las RSA: Junta de Ajuste -Cambia de la categoria de membresia de "arquitectura", de membresia permisible a membresia obligatoria El Articulo I de las Leyes Especiales Relacionadas (RSA, por sus siglas en ingles) de la Ciudad establece una Junta de Ajuste (BOA, por sus siglas en ingles), designada por la Comisi6n de la Ciudad y compuesta por dos ciudadanos en general y cinco personas que representen cada una de estas profesiones: derecho, arquitectura, ingenieria, desarrollo inmobiliario, contabilidad publica certificada, asesoria financiera, y negocios en general. Asi, el Articulo I permite, pero no exige, que se nombre a un arquitecto para integrar la BOA. lDebera enmendarse el Articulo I con el unico objetivo de exigir el nombramiento de un representante de la profesi6n de arquitectura? Atik I RSA: Ajisteman Konsey -Chanjman "Achitekti" Kategori Manm soti nan Admisyon Pemisib ale nan Admisyon Obligatwa Atik I Lwa Espesyal ki Gen Rape ak Vil la, etabli yon Ajisteman Kensey ("BOA") ke Komisyon Vil la nonmen, ki gen ladan de (2) sitwayen an jeneral ak senk moun kote yo chak reprezante youn nan pwofesyon sa yo: Lwa, achitekti, jeni, devlopman byen imobilye, kontablite piblik setifye, konsiltasyon finansye, biznis jeneral. Alo atik I pemet, men Ii pa egzije, nominasyon achitek nan BOA. Eske yo ta dwe amande Atik I an pou rezon limite pou egzije yo nonmen yon manm nan pwofesyon achitek la? Yes/Si/Wi No/No/Non XXX XXX PRINT NAME: R~~fiL 12. ~()() TITLE: G··q c.~(ll( ~ JATE C,{1 f UYL 1- APPROVED BY: 1/ ~, -----~,,__M_u_n~ic~ip_a_l_C_le_r_k ___ _ 2 Referendum 3 Referendo 3 Referand6m 3 Charter Section 6.03: Creating Additional Qualification Requirement for City Commission Candidates: Proof of Residency Documents Shall Charter Section 6 03 regarding "qualifying" for City elected office, be amended to create an additional qualifying requirement that candidates submit one (1) or more proof of residency documents upon which candidates rely to evidence their compliance with the Charter's existing requirement that candidates reside in the City for at least one year prior to qualifying for office? Secci6n 6.03 de la Carta Constitucional: Creaci6n de un requisito adicional relativo a cualificaci6n para los candidatos de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad -Documentos como prueba de residencia lDebera enmendarse la Secci6n 6.03 de la Carta Constitucional, relativa a la "cualificaci6n" para un cargo electivo en la Ciudad, a fin de crear un requisito adicional de cualificaci6n para que los candidatos presenten un (1) documento, o mas, como prueba de residencia, en el que los candidates se basen para demostrar su cumplimiento del actual requisite de la Carta Constitucional, que establece que los candidatos deben residir en la Ciudad durante un ano, como minima, antes de cualificar para un cargo? Seksyon 6.03 Konstitisyon an: Kreye Kondisyon Kalifikasyon Adisyonel pou Kandida Komisyon Vil: Dokiman Prev Rezidans Eske yo ta dwe amande Seksyon 6.03 Konstitisyon an konsenan "kalifikasyon" pou biwo moun ki eli nan Vil la, pou kreye yon egzijans kalifikasyon adisyonel pou kandida yo soumet youn (1) oswa plis dokiman prev rezidans ke kandida yo itilize pou pwouve konfomite yo ak egzijans aktyel Konstitisyon an pou kandida yo abite nan Vil la pou omwen yon ane anvan yo kalifye pou yon pos? Yes/Si/WI No/No/Non XXX XXX DATE ::=: APPROVED BY: --'~-=-i---------- Municipal Clerk 3 Referendum 4 Referendo 4 Referandom 4 RPS1 District I RPS2 District FAR Incentive to Convert Remaining Apartment Hotel Uses to Residential Use City Charter requires voter approval before increasing a property's floor area ratio ("FAR") (City's method of regulating building size). In certain residential zoning distri cts south of 5th Street, apartment-hotels are now prohibited, but previously approved properties may continue such uses. Shall City increase FAR from 1.25 to 1.50 in RPS1 District, and from 1.50 to 1.75 in RPS2 District, to provide bonus FAR incentive only for properties converting apartment hotel uses to residential use? lncentivo del FAR en el Distrito RPS1 / Distrito RPS2 para convertir los apartamentos restantes de uso de hotel a uso residencial La Carta Constitucional de la Ciudad exige la aprobaci6n de los electores antes de incrementar el coeficiente de utilizaci6n del suelo (FAR, por sus siglas en ingles) (la manera en la que la Ciudad regula el tamario de las edificaciones) de una propiedad. En estos mementos, en determinados distritos de zonificaci6n residencial, al sur de la calle 5, se prohiben los hoteles de apartamentos, pero las propiedades aprobadas anteriormente pueden continuar con tales usos. lDebera la Ciudad incrementar el FAR, de 1.25 a 1.50 en el Distrito RPS1 , y de 1.50 a 1.75 en el Distrito RPS2, para proporcionar un incentive adicional del FAR solo a las propiedades que conviertan el uso de hotel de apartamentos a uso residencial? Ensitatif FAR Distrik RPS1 / Distrik RPS2 pou Konveti ltilizasyon Apatman Otel ki Rete yo an ltilizasyon Rezidansyel Konstitisyon Vil la egzije apwobasyon vote yo anvan ogmantasyon rape sipefisi planche yon pwopriyete ("FAR") (meted Vil la pou kontwole dimansyon bilding). Nan seten zonaj distrik rezidansyel nan Sid 5th Street, yo entedi apatman otel kounyeya, men pwopriyete ki te deja apwouve yo kapab kontinye itilizasyon sa yo. Eske Vil la ta dwe ogmante FAR soti 1.25 rive 1.50 nan Distrik RPS1 an, epi soti nan 1.50 rive 1.75 nan Distrik RPS2, pou bay bonis ensitatif FAR selman pou pwopriyete ki ap konveti itilizasyon apatman otel an itilizasyon rezidansyel? Yes/Si/Wi No/No/Non XXX XXX PRINTNAME: R~&L ~ Gn..,........,,,._"9--e TITLE: Ct-17 ( \._Q"(l..'-,. DATE: G:,/ ,[ lt,1.,." APPROVED BY, '±al, Lm1c1pal Clerk 4 Referendum 5 Referenda 5 Referandom 5 Alton Road Gateway Area Increase Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) from 2.0 to 2.6 City Charter requires voter approval before increasing a property's floor area ratio ("FAR") (City's method of regulating building size). The Alton Road Gateway Area, located between 5th and 8th Streets, from Alton Road to West Avenue, has maximum FAR of 2.0. Shall City increase maximum FAR in above area from 2.0 to 2.6, only if existing community health center at 71 O Alton Road is relocated to another site, with new health facilities and public library? lncremento del coeficiente maximo de utilizaci6n del suelo (FAR) de 2.0 a 2.6 del area de Alton Road Gateway La Carta Constitucional de la Ciudad exige la aprobaci6n de los electores antes de incrementar el coeficiente de utilizaci6n del suelo (FAR, por sus siglas en ingles) (la manera en la que la Ciudad regula el tamario de las edificaciones) de una propiedad. El area de Alton Road Gateway, ubicada entre las calles 5 y 8, desde Alton Road hasta West Avenue, tiene un FAR maxima de 2.0. lDebera la Ciudad incrementar el FAR maxima de 2.0 a 2.6 en el area antes mencionada, unicamente si se reubica a otro lugar el centro medico comunitario en 710 Alton Road, con nuevas instalaciones medicas y una biblioteca publica? Ogmante Rapa Sipefisi Maksimom Etaj (FAR) Zon Alton Road Gateway soti nan 2.0 rive 2.6 Konstitisyon Vil la egzije apwobasyon vote yo anvan yo ogmante rap6 sipefisi planche yon pwopriyete ("FAR") (met6d Vil la pou kontwole dimansyon bilding). Z6n Alton Road Gateway, lokalize ant 5th e 8th Street, soti nan Alton Road rive nan West Avenue gen yon FAR maksim6m 2.0. Eske Vil la ta dwe ogmante maksim6m FAR nan z6n anwo a soti nan 2.0 rive 2.6, selman si sant sante kominote ki egziste deja nan 710 Alton Road la relokalize sou yon lot sit, avek nouvo etablisman sante ak bibliyotek piblik? Yes/Si/WI No/No/Non XXX XXX PRINT NAME: _:R ....... 1 -'--Ps-~---'--"''----t:_._G_----'-~---1:::::)-'---- TITLE: _G=-,-,-----"'c_=-u;-~_t....=-____ OATE: G/7/u.<L '\.. APPROVED BY: ___ To}_~--------- Municipal Clerk 5 Referendum 6 Referendo 6 Referandom 6 Charter Section 1.03(c): Voter Approval to Aggregate Floor Area When Vacating Streets/Conveying Public Property Charter Section 1.03(c) requires voter approval before increasing a property's ''floor area ratio" (how City regulates building size). The Charter has been interpreted to not require voter approval to aggregate (combine) the floor area of unified abutting parcels (adjacent properties touching/not separated by a lot under different ownership) arising from vacating a street or other sale/conveyance of public property. Shall the Charter be amended to require voter approval of such floor area aggregations? Secci6n 1.03(c) de la Carta Constitucional: Aprobaci6n de los electores para agregar un area de desarrollo al ceder la propiedad de una via/transferir propiedad publica La Secci6n 1.03(c) de la Carta Constitucional exige la aprobaci6n de los electores antes de incrementar el coeficiente de utilizaci6n del suelo (la manera en la que la Ciudad regula el tamar'io de las edificaciones) de una propiedad. Se ha interpretado que la Carta Constitucional no exige la aprobaci6n de los electores para agregar (combinar) un area de desarrollo en parcelas contiguas unificadas (propiedades adyacentes que colindan con/no estan separadas por una parcela de duer'ios diferentes), que se produce al ceder la propiedad de una via o al vender/transferir una propiedad publica. lDebera enmendarse la Carta Constitucional a fin de exigir la aprobaci6n de los electores para agregar tales areas de desarrollo? Seksyon 1.03(c) Konstitisyon: Apwobasyon Vote yo pou Rasanble Sipefisi Total Planche le w ap Kite Lari/Transmet Pwopriyete Piblik Seksyon 1.03(c) Konstitisyon an egzije apwobasyon vote yo anvan ogmantasyon "rap6 sipefisi planche" yon pwopriyete (fason Vil la kontwole dimansyon bilding). Yo te enteprete Konstitisyon an komkwa Ii pa egzije apwobasyon vote yo pou rasanble (konbine) sipefisi planche pasel adjasan inifye (pwopriyete adjasan ki touche/ ke yon teren ki pou yon lot pwopriyete pa separe) ki rive apati liberasyon yon ri oswa lot vant/transmisyon pwopriyete piblik. Eske yo ta dwe amande Konstitisyon an pou mande apwobasyon vote yo pou rasanble sipefisi planche sa yo? Yes/Si/Wi No/No/Non PRINT NAME: l Af-1) I;\, ·1:, TITLE: G-i1. XXX XXX ~ (_ LO'Lt, DATE: <:s:./7 / 1,c..,'L APPROVED BY: __ _,fil,__......,_,_ ________ _ Municipal Clerk 6