LTC 050-2004 Cops in Shops Program CITY OF MIAMI BEACH
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No. 0 o-2oo4
Mayor David Dermer and
Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. Gonzalez (~ . ~-~
City Manager
Date: February 23, 2004
This Letter to the Commission is to provide information on the COPS IN SHOPS Program. This
program targets underage drinking by building a partnership with local businesses that sell
alcoholic beverages. In the COPS IN SHOPS Program, an undercover police officer would
periodically be behind the sales counter of businesses selling alcoholic beverages. The
undercover officer would be present to identify underage persons when they would try to purchase
alcoholic beverages illegally. The officer would then take the appropriate legal steps should the
underage person try to violate the law by purchasing the alcoholic beverage. By placing "cops in
shops," the hope is to instill in a fear of apprehension in those underage persons that purchase
alcoholic beverages illegally and endanger their lives.
Since first learning of the program in June 2003, the Miami Beach Police Department's Strategic
Investigations Unit has worked with the Legal Department to draft a Memorandum of
Understanding for businesses participating in the program. In December of 2003, promotional
material and paperwork for business partnerships were distributed to twelve businesses in Miami
Beach. Presently, some Miami Beach businesses are already displaying the promotional material
from this program. Already, underage drinkers are being put on notice that undercover police
officers may be watching them. Further implementation of this program is dependent upon the
businesses signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the MBPD.
Underage drinking has killed thousands yearly and is an epidemic that requires a program like
COPS IN SHOPS to deter those that put themselves and others in danger. By building
partnerships with the business community, the Miami Beach Police Department will have a
positive impact on this issue.
C: Chief Donald W. De Lucca
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