LTC 300-2022 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of August 01 - 07, 2022MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 300-2022 TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM, Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk "'74 DATE: July 25, 2022 LETTER TO COMMISSION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of August 01 -07, 2022 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in The Miami Herald for the week of August 01 -07, 2022, published on July 24, 2022. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl .gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICE August 01 -07, 2022 MONDAY, August 01 No Meetings Schedu led TUESDAY, August 02 8:30 a.m. "Fight the Flood" Private htt p.-//bil .ly /PPAwork shop2 Property Adaptation Program 1.646.876.9923 or 1.833.548.0282 Informational Virtual Workshop Access ID 85385612882# l 0:00 a.m. GSAF Contract Negotiations Session 5 Ci ty Manager's Large Conf Room 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4111 Fl. 10:00 a.m. Canvassing Board: Miami-Dade Elections Department Vote on Preliminary Canvassing 2700 NW 87'" Avenue Board duties and procedures Miami, fl 33172 WEDNESDAY, August 03 10:00 a .m. Canvassing Board: Miami-Dade Elections Departm en t logic and Accuracy Test of the 2700 NW 87'" Avenue touch screen and optical scan Miomi, FL 33172 voling systems lo be used for Vote-by-Mail, early voting, precinct ballots, and the independent audit sys tem THURSDAY, August 04 8:00 a.m. Canvassing Board: Migmi -Dade Elections Department (Barn -830am) Publi c 2700 NW 87'" Avenue 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to completion 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m . 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Inspection of Vote-by-Mai l Miami, fl 33172 ballots (8 30am -9am) Daily opportunity for candidates, poli ti cal party officials, political committee officials, or authorized designees to inspect Vote-by-Mai l ballot and ba ll ot materials (only provided if written request is received no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled inspection) Special Magistrate Hearings Zoom Meeting Canvassing Board: Vote-by-Mail ballot opening and processing (as needed) Duplication of ballots (as needed) Canvassing Board: Canvassing of presumed invalid Vote-by-Mail ballots (as needed) Concession Agreement Informational Session 4 of 4 Zoom Meeting Human Rights Committee/ December Expo Ad Hae "Fight the Flood " Private Property Adaptation Program Informational Virtual Workshop: FEMA FMA Grant FRIDAY, August 05 Canvassing Board: (Barn -830am) Public Inspection of Vote-by-Mail ballots (830am -9am) Doily opportunity for candidates, political party officials, pol itical committee officials, or authorized designees to inspect Vote-by-Mail ballot and ballot materials (only provided if written request is received no la ter than 48 hours prior to the scheduled inspection) Canvassing Board: Vote-by-Mail ballot o pening https · //us02web .zoom us/w/88921 I .lAAJ.5. 1.929.205 .6099 or 1.888.475 .4499 Access ID 88921114435# Miami-Dade Elections Deportment 2700 NW 87'1' Avenue Miomi, fl 33172 Miami-Dade Elections Department 2700 NW 87'" Avenue Miami, FL 331 72 https ·//us06web zoom us/j/8302643 ZQQ2. 1.312 .626 .6799 or 1.833 .548 .0282 Access ID 83026437002# http,· //bit.ly/3cbBYo9 I .786.636. 1480 Access tD 441062085# htt ps-//bil ly /PPAworks hop3 1.646 .931.3860 or 1.877 .853 .5257 Access ID 86397515657# Miami-Pode Elections Department 2700 NW 87'1' Avenue Miomi, FL 33 172 Miami -Dade Elections Department 2700 NW 87"' Avenue Miami, FL 33172 and processing (as needed) Duplication of ballots (as needed) 10:00 a.m. Canvassing Board: to completion Canvassing of presumed invalid Vote-by-Mail ballots (as needed) Miami-Dade Elections Deportment 2700 NW 87'• Avenue Miami , fl 33172 SATURDAY, August 06 8:00 a.m. Canvassing Board: Miami-Dode Elections Department (8am -830am) Public 2700 NW 87'" Avenue Inspection of Vote-by-Mail Miami, fl 33172 9:30 a.m . 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. ballots (830am -9am) Daily opportunity for candidates, political party officials, political committee officials, or authorized designees to inspect Vote-by-Mail ballot ond ballot materials (only provided if written request is received no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled inspection) Canvassing Board: Vote-by-Mail ballot opening and processing (as needed) Duplication of ballots (as needed) SUNDAY, August 07 Canvassing Board: (8am -830am) Public Inspection of Vote-by-Mail ballots (830am -9am) Daily opportunity for candidates, political party officials, political committee officials, or authorized designees to inspect Vote-by-Mail ballot and ballot materials (only provided if written request is received no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled inspection) Canvassing Board : Vote-by-Mail ballot opening and processing (as needed) Duplication of ballots (a s needed) Miami-Dade Elections Department 2700 NW 87'" Avenue Miami, fl 33172 Miami-Dade Elections Department 2700 NW 87'" Avenue Miami, fl 33172 Miami-Dade Elections Department 2700 NW 87'" Avenue Miami, fl 33172 For any and/or all of !he above meelings, one or more membe,s o f 1he Miami Beo ch Ci ly Commission, and or City bomd/cormnill ee members may be in a 11endance and pmlicipote in discussions. ' Ai1e,J heu1 t,~BTV: AlbrJ"c B,nd!xmd C16Q Al&[ lbe1w 99 H·1tu 1ce t·c'mmHO lrntr:m 395 & RQKI J d"ktt n 1 If(; IV • • Wn111i~~io11 C(;irrnillee Aiie<l li,"::! on W.B IV AD No . 072~2022-0IM A !Isling ol all formal compe1itive so li d toll ons lssueU by lhe Cily of Miami Beach, FlmiUo is available al h1tps·/fwww miomibeochll goy/city·hall/p,cx-umment/clty-contm c1s(. To access any formal compe1ilive so licilotion Issued by lhe City, or to receive any oUdenclum lssul.>d loo formal compelilive solicilolion, you may also visil bUps ·//prod bidw1c-com /Minml·IWocb. Publrc meeting notices can be found or1 the Pmcu,ernenl Calendar ot ht1ps· //www miomiheur hfl gov/city:ho ll/procuremen 1/colender /. MIAMI BEACH We Clf& committed lo ptovidin9 8){Cefle11/ public $efvice aud Ja fely lo all who live, work, and ploy in 01Jr vibrant, lropicol, /1/1/oricof communily. Membe1:1 ol lhe pvblic may pre1enl audio/viwa/ (AV, mo/&1io/J ,elaling lo Agenda ltem:1 al G I)' Comminion Moeli,19:1 by u/i/;zing /lie Cily':1 AV equipmenl, ptovided Iha/ ma/eriols me iubmillad lo 1/1e Oeporlmemt of Mo,ketin9 and Communicaliom by 8:30 o .m., one ( I/ busi11eu day prio, lo /ho moolir19. Adwmce wbmillal ol a pteJenlolion will allow /lie Communications Oeparlmenl to plan for //1e 1/Je of fire approp,iote AV eq11ipnw11I. AV materials m111/ be wbmilled via email al com,rnmicotiom @miamibeachfl.gov. Tlie body of the email must indvde o no/olion li1li119 /he name or 9101Jp, conlacl f)6UOII, daytime lefeplione number, e11KJif addreu, deK,iplion/li//e o f 1/te p,e1e11lolia11, ond A[Jenclo //em Tille m welt m /lie Agenda flem Nvmber . PleaJe refereoco "Avdio/Viwal Mote,ia/• in /lie email 1111,jed line. Acceptable formal! lo, eleclronk wbmiuion o,e .pdl, .ppt, .pptx, .ppl, .ppsx, . wmv, .ovi, and .mov. (Noto Ibo, .pelf iJ the prefoued format fcu PowarPoint pre1enlolian1.J City Holl is lo,oled o l 1700 Convention Center Duve; and lho Mio mi Boach Convention Cenlor iJ loco led ul 1901 Conventi on Conl or Odvo . Any mooling may bo openod and contin11ed , or1d 11nde r 111ch circ1.1 1111lonco1, additional logol no!ico will nol be provided . Ta reqveJt this moleliol in altornola larmal, 1igr1 language mterpreler {live-day notice r~qv ired). inlorm oli on on uccess !or porsons with di1obilit1e1, ond/a r any occommadot1on to reviow an y docvmenl or pml1c ipato in any Ci ty-sponsored proceedings col ! 305.604.2489 and select 1 far Engli sh, thon aplion 6; TTY vsors may coll via 711 (Fl ori do Roloy Servi ce) A mee!ing no! noti ced in the Weekly Mootin g Notice od ond determined lo be on emergency meeting will be posted on the bulletin boards throughovl City Holl a nd will be cm1iloble on the City's web1i!o al: http•/Jweb m/qm/&ea,hfl.qov/cltyderklciefaulf qs_~ . Pvnuonl lo Soclion 286.0105, Flo . Stat., the Ci ty hereby a dvi ses the public lhal if a person decid111 to appeal any demion ;a:~e !>~e~:rcT°ofr~;oo!ea".:'J~d~~;t:~~s;h:/f~ 1r' ::h~:~~;: h~o~~rJf1:nr~~;r~~ecJ :~hn~~~: 1 :h~to~ ~:~i:~?~ 1 ::,:rl:1 ~~ proceodings is modo, which r&<:ord mdude$ !he tes ti mony ond evidence 11por1 which the appeal ts lo be bosed.