FY 2023 Proposed Budget North Beach CRANORTH BEACH COMMUNITY
North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency
1755 Meridian Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Board of Directors
Dan Gelber, Chair
Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, Board member
Alex J. Fernandez, Board member
Steven Meiner, Board member
Ricky Arriola, Board member
David Richardson, Board member
Sally A. Heyman, Board member
Executive Staff
Alina T. Hudak, Executive Director
Rafael Paz, General Counsel
Rafael Granado, Secretary
Ad Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Committee
Jose Smith, Chair
Betsy Perez, Vice Chair
John Bowes
Ronnie Issenberg
Romina Orozco-Encio
Manning Salazar
David Sexton
The executive team, with input from the Ad Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Committee, has identifi ed early short- and long-
term strategies, initiatives and programs based on the approved Redevelopment Plan, that should enhance the area and lay
the foundation for future economic investment. While all are buoyed by the recent growth and immediate opportunities for en-
hancement, the proposed budget recommends a prudent set aside of approximately 48% of tax increment fi nancing revenue
for future projects such as affordable and workforce housing and infrastructure that are essential to the community.
The North Beach CRA district and North Beach community are at an infl ection point with the completion of the Beachwalk and
Rue Vendome Plaza renovation, progress on public improvements on Ocean Terrace and several other approved projects in
the North Beach Town Center zoning district. The area is poised for signifi cant economic investment which may include the re-
development of the former Deauville Beach Resort site, development of the 72 Street Community Complex and major resiliency
projects. We are confi dent that the tax increment revenue will be accelerated by direct and indirect economic development
resulting from North Beach CRA programs and investments.
The proposed operating budget and work plan for fi scal year 2023 herein, commencing on October 1, 2022 and ending
on September 30, 2023, is the fi rst budget for the North Beach CRA, succeeding the preliminary budget information that
was provided at the City of Miami Beach budget workshop on July 15, 2022. The proposed budget contains allocations for
a beautifi cation program, including — but not limited to — commercial façade and private property improvement programs;
enhanced services, including community policing, code compliance and sanitation; arts and culture-related branding; commu-
nications and marketing; small business development programs and services as well as administrative expenses, including the
establishment of a North Beach CRA offi ce within the redevelopment area and administrative fees as required by Miami-Dade
Creating a solid organizational and fi scal foundation for the North Beach CRA is essential to long-term success. I would like
to thank the greater Miami Beach community, led by Chair Dan Gelber, North Beach CRA Board of Directors and the Ad
Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Committee, not only for their efforts to secure the creation and approval of the North Beach
CRA, but also for continued leadership and guidance in the budget and planning process for one of the City’s most unique
and promising areas. It is our collective collaboration, innovation and fi scal conscientiousness that will elevate and invigorate
North Beach.
In addition to the Board of Directors and Advisory Committee, the North Beach CRA appreciates the contributions of Eric
Carpenter, Deputy City Manager; John Woodruff, Chief Financial Offi cer; Rickelle Williams, Economic Development Director;
David Martinez, Capital Improvement Projects Director; Tameka Otto Stewart, Budget Director; Richard Ajami, Budget Offi cer;
Fernando Pestana, Senior Management and Budget Analyst; and Luis Wong, Administrative Services Manager.
Respectfully submitted,
Alina T. Hudak
Executive Director
Honorable Chair Dan Gelber and Board of Directors:
I am pleased and honored to present for your consideration the inaugural proposed
budget for the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency.
Following a tremendous collective effort to obtain Miami-Dade County approval of the
North Beach CRA on July 20, 2021, we are encouraged by the tremendous growth in
the Redevelopment Area in the fi rst year following the 2021 base year. The combined
tax increment revenue (TIF) from the City of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County
totals approximately $1,035,000. We are also hopeful that the 11.6% growth in
taxable values (from $1.42 billion to $1.58 billion) is indicative of the potential for
the area.
The City of Miami Beach is recognized and admired regionally,
nationally, and internationally as a dynamic and vibrant destination.
Between the warm climate, sprawling beach and various cultural and
lifestyle amenities, Miami Beach has distinguished itself as a thriving
hospitality and tourism mecca. The City’s signifi cant investment in
the arts, culture, aesthetics, recreation, public safety and climate
resiliency, coupled with the depth and quality of residential and
educational offerings, have made the City an ideal live-work-play
environment. With tremendous quality of life characteristics and
strategic, measured development and preservation over the years,
the City has, overall, maintained and improved its status as a major
driver of the Miami-Dade County economy and brand.
Notwithstanding, in comparison with other areas of the City, the North
Beach area has trailed in the level of redevelopment, revitalization,
economic growth, and investment. Substantial commercial vacancy,
obsolete housing stock, limited new development, environmental
and resiliency challenges, as well as depressed household income
levels are among the challenges facing North Beach.
There have been several efforts by the City of Miami Beach to
encourage growth and investment in North Beach, including but not
limited to the North Beach Revitalization Plan, the North Beach Master
Plan (Plan NoBe), the West Lots Plan and other initiatives focusing
on climate resiliency, environmental sustainability, transportation,
economic development, affordable housing, historic preservation,
and land development regulations. The residents, Mayor and City
Commission have also approved General Obligation Bond (G.O.
Bond) funding for major improvement projects in the North Beach
On July 17, 2019, the City Commission adopted Resolution No.
2019-30892, accepting a preliminary report concerning a fi nding
of necessity for the redevelopment of a certain area of North Beach,
and requesting that Miami-Dade County delegate redevelopment
powers to the City. On July 8, 2020, the Miami-Dade County
Board of County Commissioners (“BCC”) approved Resolution No.
R-619-20, delegating authority to the City to create the North Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (North Beach CRA), including
direction to draft the North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan and
negotiate an Interlocal Agreement among the City, North Beach
CRA, and Miami-Dade County to govern the redevelopment process.
Chair and Board of Directors
(City Clerk)Executive Director
(City Manager)
General Counsel
(City Attorney)
Finance Director
CIP, Procurement,
Planning, Building,
Public Works,
Management and Budget
Pursuant to the county’s delegation of authority, the City undertook a
signifi cant public engagement effort to prepare the Redevelopment
Plan. Simultaneous with the City’s preparation of the Redevelopment
Plan, in order to delineate their respective areas of responsibility
with respect to the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area, the
City, North Beach CRA and county administration negotiated an
interlocal cooperation agreement (the “Interlocal Agreement”).
On February 10, 2021, by adopting Resolution No. 2021-31596,
the Mayor and City Commission offi cially created the North Beach
CRA pursuant to section 163.357, Florida Statutes and declared the
Mayor and City Commission to be the governing body of the North
Beach CRA.
On May 12, 2021, pursuant to Resolution No. 003-2021, the
chairperson and members of the North Beach CRA Board adopted the
Redevelopment Plan and transmitted the Plan to the City Commission
for approval, as required by Section 163.360(5), Florida Statutes.
Additionally, pursuant to Resolution No. 004-2021, the chairperson
and board members approved the Interlocal Agreement, authorized
the chairperson and secretary to execute the Interlocal Agreement
and further, authorized the transmittal of the executed Interlocal
Agreement to the BCC for its consideration and approval.
Likewise, on May 12, 2021, pursuant to Resolution No. 2021-31709,
the Mayor and City Commission approved the Redevelopment Plan
for the North Beach CRA and authorized its transmittal to the county.
Contemporaneously, pursuant to Resolution No. 2021-31710, the
Mayor and City Commission approved the Interlocal Agreement,
authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Interlocal
Agreement, and further, authorized the City Manager to transmit the
executed Interlocal Agreement to the BCC for its consideration and
On July 20, 2021, the BCC approved Ordinance No. 21-70
establishing the North Beach CRA Trust Fund and Resolution No.
R-696-21 approving the Redevelopment Plan and the fi nal, negotiated
Interlocal Agreement, as amended. On July 28, 2021, the North
Beach CRA Board adopted Resolution No. 005-2021 accepting
the Interlocal Agreement. The City Commission also approved the
Interlocal Agreement via Resolution No. 2021-31817. The North
Beach CRA’s governing documents and legislation may be accessed
at its website: https://www.miamibeachfl .gov/northbeachcra.
The North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan envisions a vibrant,
resilient community with a Town Center, increased housing density,
preservation of historic structures, access to recreational amenities,
available public parking and additional restaurant and retail
offerings to support new and current residents. The Redevelopment
Plan concepts and approaches cover a range of project types across
several implementation dimensions such as scale, scope, cost,
time duration and potential impact outcomes. The Redevelopment
Plan presents goals and strategies which may be implemented
using funding from tax increment revenue derived from within the
designated boundary over the 30-year life of the North Beach CRA.
1. Provide economic development opportunities for businesses, property owners, and residents
2. Invest in climate resilience, sustainability, and infrastructure
3. Strengthen cultural arts, branding, marketing, and communication
4. Protect and enhance the neighborhood character
5. Improve the quality of life of residents and visitors
6. Leverage resources for community redevelopment
The adopted boundaries of the North Beach CRA Redevelopment
Area delineate the area within which tax revenue will be generated
and captured during the 30-year life of the North Beach CRA, for
expenditure on investments and projects identifi ed in the Redevelop-
ment Plan. As negotiated and approved, the Interlocal Agreement
provides for material fi nancial terms agreed upon by the City of
Miami Beach, the North Beach CRA and Miami-Dade County. The
Interlocal Agreement contains the following provisions governing the
use of TIF revenue:
• One member of the County Commission, or a County Commis-
sion designee, may be appointed to serve on the North Beach
CRA Board of Commissioners (in addition to the other members
appointed to the North Beach CRA Board of Commissioners
(i.e., the City Commission). Said County Commissioner, or des-
ignee, shall be vested with the same rights, duties and obliga-
tions as any other North Beach CRA Board member; and
• No more than 20% of the total tax increment funds deposited
annually into the Trust Fund by the City and the county shall be
used for total administrative expenses (including indirect and
overhead expenses which may not exceed 6% of the total con-
templated administrative expenses to be spent under the Rede-
velopment Plan); and
• The county shall charge, and the North Beach CRA shall pay
to the county, no later than March 31, an annual administrative
fee (“County Administrative Fee”). This County Administrative
Fee shall be 1.5% of the county’s payment to the North Beach
CRA. The County Administrative Fee shall not be included in the
20% limit on administrative expenses defi ned in this section;
• The City and the county hereby agree to contribute 60% of the
tax increment funds derived from the Redevelopment Area on
an annual basis; and
• The North Beach CRA budget for expenditures funded by tax
increment revenues shall be capped, so that an amount equal to
the TIF revenues paid into the Trust Fund by the county and the
City attributable to 10% of the incremental value in the area,
shall remain unappropriated and unexpended, except for the
purpose of funding projects associated with affordable and
workforce housing; and
• Commencing in the year in which the combined annual con-
tribution into the Trust Fund by the county and the City is, or
exceeds $1 million, this 10% shall only be used for the purpose
of funding projects associated with affordable and workforce
housing, including but not limited to, the construction, preserva-
tion, and rehabilitation of such housing; and
• The North Beach CRA shall not budget in any fi scal year more
than 10% of the value of the City and county tax increment
payment for that year on capital maintenance activities or com-
munity policing, respectively; and
• Beginning FY 2049-50, the county, North Beach CRA and the
City will negotiate an interlocal agreement to account for the
sunset of the North Beach CRA.
Ocean Terrace Proposed Rendering
The North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan Goals and Implemen-
tation Strategies include many initiatives derived from resident and
stakeholder suggestions during the Redevelopment Plan develop-
ment process, best practices and concepts recommended in previous
studies, reports, and master plans. Implementation strategies vary in
cost, duration, impact, complexity, and boldness. There are several
strategies that may require signifi cant costs to effect visible change.
The proposed immediate focus of the North Beach CRA during its
initial years concentrates on actions that can be implemented at
minimal cost, since long-term implementation strategies are typically
ongoing or are projects for which funding is not currently available.
Short-term strategies will include actions addressing, for example,
code compliance and marketing and branding initiatives, which in-
volve less expenditure but are visible and impactful, nonetheless.
The Fiscal Year 2023 operating budget recommendation prioritizes
six categories of expenditures:
• Section 6.2: Normandy Isles — The Normandy Fountain area,
also known as Vendome Plaza, serves as the community and
commercial center of Normandy Isle and could develop into a
vibrant, pedestrian-oriented shopping district with a strategic
combination of protection and enhancement.
• Section 8.3: Several initiatives, such as rehabilitation/
beautifi cation grants, will provide funding for businesses and
property owners in the CRA to make interior and exterior
improvements to their properties.
• Section 9.1.1: Business Attraction and Retention — Develop
incentive programs to help existing or new property and business
owners with aesthetics, repairs, rehabilitations, improvements,
land acquisition and resiliency modifi cations.
• Section 9.4.1: Normandy Isles — Fountain Area. Support
redevelopment of sites around the fountain to include retail,
Class A offi ce space and residential.
b. Residential Property Improvement Program: The North
Beach CRA will develop a residential property improvement program
(matching grant) available to residential property owners to promote
resiliency, beautifi cation, and historic preservation. The program
will fund renovation and rehabilitation of multifamily residential
properties to encourage sustainable features, housing affordability
and age-in-place opportunities for residents.
Redevelopment Plan Goal 4: Protect and enhance the neighborhood
• Section 7.5.3: Building Adaptation — Resilient design can also
be implemented through residential, commercial, and business
façade improvement programs. The programs would aim to
help the Redevelopment Area to address façades and building
systems to properly anticipate and accommodate future extreme
weather patterns and natural events. This incentive-based pro-
gram could also encourage building owners to invest in green
• Section 8.3: Several initiatives, such as rehabilitation/beautifi -
cation grants, will provide funding for businesses and property
owners in the CRA to make interior and exterior improvements
to their properties.
• Section 9.1.2: Real Estate — Establish protective measures to
safeguard housing for existing residents within the CRA consis-
tent with federal requirements.
1. Beautifi cation
a. Commercial Façade Improvement Program: The North
Beach CRA will develop a commercial façade improvement program
(via matching grant) available to businesses located within the
Normandy Isles/Rue Vendome Plaza section of the Redevelopment
Area. The purpose is to substantially improve the visible appearance
and street presence of properties as well as enhance the functionality
and sustainability of businesses within this main commercial area.
The program will focus on cultivation of French-themed architecture
and aesthetics to leverage the history and infrastructure of the area
which includes French street names.
Redevelopment Plan Goal 1: Provide economic development
opportunities for businesses, property owners and residents.
• Section 9.2.1: Resiliency and Sustainability — Develop a
climate resiliency incentive program to assist residential
and commercial property owners with applicable capital
• Section 9.4: Develop incentive programs to rehabilitate and
preserve existing housing stock and/or develop new housing
stock; Create programs and incentives to mitigate the costs of
historic preservation and rehabilitation; and create programs
and incentives to promote age in place opportunities for existing
and new housing stock.
• Section 9.4.1: North Shore — Partner with multifamily property
owners to retain affordable and workforce housing offerings.
2. Enhanced Services
a. Community Policing: The North Beach CRA is empowered to
provide funding to support the development and implementation of
community policing innovations, subject to the budgetary limitation
set forth in the Interlocal Agreement. Through additional shifts/over
time, the Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) will augment and
promote relationship building and trust among offi cers and
residents to increase engagement and encourage the development
and effectiveness of crime watch groups and programs. Community
policing initiatives will include “park and walks” foot patrols to
increase visibility in parks and commercial corridors and proactive
police activities, including quality-of-life sweeps and drug and traffi c
Redevelopment Plan Goal 5: Improve the quality of life for residents
and visitors.
• Section 9.5.2: Safety — Work with the Miami Beach Police
Department or ambassador programs to develop and implement
community policing innovations.
b. Code Compliance: The North Beach CRA, in cooperation with
the MBPD, Miami Beach Fire Department and Code Compliance
Department, will work to create a safe, quality environment for
residents and businesses. The CRA will fund two additional 10-hour
Code Compliance Offi cer shifts per week to provide opportunities
for community engagement, education, outreach, and enforcement
Normandy Fountain Rue Vendome Plaza Ribbon-cutting February 27, 2022
Redevelopment Plan Goal 4: Protect and enhance the neighborhood
• Section 9.4: Work with the City to ensure property owners are
meeting code compliance standards and implement remedies.
• Section 9.5.2: Safety — Work with the Miami Beach Code
Compliance Department to highlight opportunities and address
code-related concerns.
c. Sanitation: Maintaining clean streets and public and private
spaces are critical elements for enhancing a community. The North
Beach CRA will supplemental sanitation services to keep corridors
vibrant, storefronts free of debris and sidewalks clear for pedestrians.
As the City plans for additional North Beach staffi ng for the Public
Works Department — Sanitation Division, the North Beach CRA
will provide support for waste processing fees associated with the
removal of solid waste attributed to illegal dumping within the district.
Redevelopment Plan Goal 5: Improve the quality of life for residents
and visitors.
• Section 9.5.1: Community Spaces — Work with the City to
ensure streets are maintained and cleaned regularly.
3. Arts and Culture
With cultural anchors and assets within the North Beach CRA,
there is an opportunity to promote arts and culture through cultural
tourism by leveraging these resources. Art galleries, the Miami
Beach Bandshell, Rue Vendome Plaza and other public spaces
attract tourists and improve quality of life of residents. The North
Beach CRA has already achieved some success in terms of branding
with the development of a logo. Further development of the brand
strategy is needed to propel the Redevelopment Area.
Redevelopment Plan Goal 3: Strengthen cultural arts, branding,
marketing, and communication.
• Section 9.3.1: Cultural Tourism — Leverage arts and culture
as a key community development strategy and a core sector
of comprehensive community planning and development;
Encourage and support the recruitment of cultural partners
and performing arts organizations; Invest and assist in
cultivating, preserving and enhancing the artist community;
Explore opportunities to partner or collaborate with cultural
organizations with emphasis on those based in Miami Beach;
and promote hotels, restaurants and retailers with area cultural
tours and food fairs or other similar programs.
Miami Beach Beachwalk Ribbon-cutting – June 29, 2022
• Section 9.3.2: Branding — Develop a logo, campaign strategy
and signage, including for outreach and relationship-building to
multilingual stakeholders and residents.
4. Small Business Development
The North Beach CRA business community is strengthened by
the various small businesses and entrepreneurs operating within
commercial and residential districts. Small business development
programs and services will enhance business success and provide
resources to encourage business attraction, retention and creation.
North Beach CRA business development programs will directly
service businesses in North Beach and develop events and other
efforts to spread awareness of the cultural vitality and attractiveness
of the community to businesses, investors, and the general public.
Redevelopment Plan Goal 1: Provide economic development
opportunities for businesses, property owners and residents.
• Section 9.1.1: Business Attraction and Retention — Inventory
existing businesses to identify complementary businesses for
attraction to fi ll the retail gap identifi ed in the market analysis;
Engage with existing business owners to assess and support
small business needs, including marketing, rehabilitation,
resiliency improvements, labor needs and employment training;
Work with the City to allow temporary uses, pop-up activations,
retail and restaurants, whether in vacant storefronts or on vacant
lots; Implement a “shop local” program and host banker/
broker/developer events to highlight available land, retail and
offi ce space.
5. Administration
Administrative expenses for the North Beach CRA are limited by
the Interlocal Agreement which stipulates that no more than 20% of
TIF revenue may be used for such costs. The Interlocal Agreement
also provides for and Administrative Fee to Miami-Dade County in
the amount of 1.5% of its TIF contribution to the Trust Fund. Other
administrative expenses include a corresponding 1.5% contribution
to the Miami Beach General Fund to cover general costs for internal
services. The North Beach CRA will also contribute to the Miami
Beach Building Department’s lease of commercial offi ce space to
allow for a physical presence within the district. The North Beach
CRA administration will:
• Manage the day-to-day operations including developing and implementing programs;
• Assist in monitoring and revisions to the Redevelopment Plan;
• Prepare all required annual reports as required by state law;
• Assist with the development and management of the annual budget, work plan, and fi nancial reports;
• Assist in the development of grant applications;
• Coordinate data and information tracking for verifi cation of economic impact of North Beach CRA initiatives and private sector activities;
• Assist in the preparation of solicitations and coordinating small and large-scall purchases;
• Monitor contracts, agreements, engagements, partnerships and projects;
Miami Beach Bandshell
• Monitor the operation and performance of projects and programs;
• Provide staff support to the Ad Hoc North Beach CRA Advisory Committee;
• Assist private parties in helping to implement Redevelopment Plan goals;
• Conduct technical research and prepares studies, reports, and other materials on community redevelopment and economic development related issues for Board of Directors, various committees, as well as community/advisory groups;
• Develop and maintain strong working relationships with business associations;
• Attend public meetings of various boards, organizations, and committees;
• Provide professional technical advice to development
• Interpret, apply, and enforce the provisions of environmental
regulations and other applicable federal, state, and local codes,
laws, rules and regulations, specifi cations, standards, policies
and procedures;
• Assist in the enforcement of local ordinances and in interpreting
City codes and master plans relevant to the North Beach CRA;
• Attend professional development workshops and conferences to
keep abreast of trends and developments in the fi eld of community
redevelopment, planning, public-private partnerships.
6. Affordable and Workforce Housing
The Interlocal Agreement stipulates that the North Beach CRA must
dedicate at least 10% of TIF revenue for affordable and workforce
housing. The funding may be used for renovation, construction or
preservation efforts. The 10% set aside for fi scal year 2023 will serve
as a foundation for funding housing-related projects and initiatives
in future years. Although funding is not slated to be expended
in fi scal year 2023, planning efforts will focus on preservation
and renovation of naturally occurring affordable housing units,
development of new multifamily affordable and workforce housing
inventory and homeownership opportunities.
Redevelopment Plan Goal 4: Protect and enhance the neighborhood
• Section 9.1.2: Real Estate — Identify priority areas for
redevelopment and associated property acquisition needs
related to replacement housing, infi ll redevelopment, parks,
greenspace, parking and resiliency efforts.
• Section 9.4: Develop incentive programs to rehabilitate and
preserve existing housing stock and/or develop new housing
stock; Create infi ll housing programs to increase residential
projects on existing residential sites; Support affordable
homeownership opportunities through fi rst-time homebuyer,
down-payment, and utility assistance programs; Create
programs and incentives to increase affordable and workforce
housing, mixed-income projects, mixed-use projects; Create
programs and incentives to mitigate the costs of historic
preservation and rehabilitation and partner with the Miami
Beach Housing Authority and the City’s Offi ce of Housing and
Community Services to protect existing residents and provide
affordable housing and homeownership opportunities.
7. Future Projects
The Redevelopment Plan contemplates projects of varying complexity
and costs. As TIF revenue grows, the North Beach CRA will be better
able to leverage resources to implement large-scale projects and
programs, including infrastructure, environmental, and parks and
recreation projects. Additionally, the North Beach CRA will be able
to use revenue to supplement grant-funded projects and have the
capacity to bond TIF revenue for even greater impact.
• $3,000 for a satellite offi ce within the North Beach CRA district,
of which lease and maintenance costs are shared with the
Miami Beach Building Department on a prorated basis
• $110,000 for a Commercial Façade Improvement Program
in the Normandy Fountain/Vendome Plaza area to embrace
French architecture and improve business attraction and
• $100,000 for a Residential Property Improvement Program
to promote the maintenance of naturally occurring affordable
housing stock and promote resiliency
• $100,000 allocated for MBPD community policing initiatives
to continue to provide enhanced levels of staffi ng and services
throughout the area
• $88,000 for enhanced Code Compliance services, including
additional levels of staffi ng each week
• $16,000 to cover cost for solid waste dumping fees to promote
additional cleanliness and beautifi cation
• $7,000 for the county’s administrative fees, which is equivalent
to 1.5% of the county’s respective TIF payment for FY 2023
• $9,000 corresponding contribution to the City’s General Fund,
which is equivalent to 1.5% of the City’s TIF payment for FY
• Adoption and adherence to the Redevelopment Plan and other
economic development and revitalization strategy plans for
various areas of the North Beach CRA district and the City as
a whole
• Enhance networking and communication opportunities with the
local community including, but not limited to, residents, property
owners, business owners/operators and visitors to gauge
interest in various economic development initiatives, programs
and incentives
• Progress on planned public infrastructure and facility projects
• Progress on approved private development projects
• Development of partnerships and opportunities for collaboration
with local, regional and national partners
• Ability to secure external funding sources, including grants
• Ability to network and interact with the business and
development communities to encourage new and expanding
private investment in the area
• Access to local/ZIP code level market information, especially
with respect to the real estate and job markets
• Improved website and data development to ensure more and
detailed information is instantly available to the public, site
selection consultants and potential business owners
Economic development and growth opportunities are found
throughout the Redevelopment Area. While early growth in property
values experienced since the 2021 base year suggests that the North
Beach CRA is on the fast track to overcoming the conditions that led
to its creation, e.g., blight, deterioration, and economic stagnation,
redevelopment efforts must be balanced with both aggressive and
measured initiatives. The Redevelopment Plan outlines bold, local
approaches that will raise community awareness of the CRA and
invoke visible change without the tremendous fi nancial expenditure
associated with many capital projects. Following the adoption of
an initial operating budget and work plan, the North Beach CRA
will develop a fi ve-year implementation strategy with corresponding
funding projections to help steer planning for the redevelopment
program. New development projects, economic revitalization
programs, and creative fi nancing for commercial and entrepreneurial
endeavors are critical to the pathway forward.
The implementation of short-term and immediate redevelopment
strategies should be followed by a critical mass of development
improvements in key commercial areas that are necessary to
accelerate revitalization and signal progress by the North Beach
CRA. These areas include Town Center, Normandy Isles/Rue
Vendome Plaza, North Shore and the West Lots. For redevelopment
to occur in these parts of North Beach, CRA program initiatives must
be accomplished with community participation and the leveraging
of available resources. Using the Redevelopment Plan as a guide for
strategies that preserve and enhance what residents value most in
their neighborhoods, the North Beach CRA will work to improve on
existing elements and create new elements essential for promoting a
vibrant community.