LTC 411-2022 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of October 03 - 07, 2022MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 411 -2022 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM , Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ~ DATE: September 26, 2022 SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of October 03 -07, 2022 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in The Miami Herald for the week of October 03 -07, 2022, published on September 25, 2022 . The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miam ibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live , work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES Oc~ber03-07, 2022 MONDAY, October 03 9 :00 a.m. Short Term Rental & Sidewalk Cily Holl Commission Chamber Cafe Hearings 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3,J FL . 3:30 p.m. Transportation , Parking & Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee Hybrid Meeting 4:00 p.m. Human Rights Committee Microsoft Team Meeting https //bit.ly /3BltBVP l .7B6.636. l 4B0 Access ID 877325220# Parking Dept Conference Room 1755 Meridian Avenue , 2nd FL. https · //bit ly/3A2oFMG 1.786.636 .1480 Access ID 119747429# TUESDAY, October 04 9:00 a.m. Design Review Board* Hybrid Meeting l 0:00 a.m. Black Affairs Advisory Committee Microsoft Team Meeting b11ps · //miam ib eoc hfl - gov zoom us/j/8227394 1924 1.301.715.8592 or 1.888.475 .4499 Access ID 82273941924# City Holl Commiss ion Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd Fl. blips · //bit ly /3 LC I c9m Meeting ID 235909986834 Passcode XQCCSn I .786.636.1480 Access ID 915999434# WEDNESDAY, October 05 No Meetings Scheduled THURSDAY, October 06 9:00 a.m. Specia l Magistrale Hearings City Hall Co mmission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3,J FL 9: 15 a.m. Nautilus Middle School PTSA Sc hool Auditorium 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. LGBTQIA+ Advisory Committee/Subcommittee on Advocacy Cultural Arts Council Zoom Meeting Youth Commission Ad Hoc Committee FLC Video Committee Zoom Meeting 4301 N . Michigan Avenue hu ps · //bit.l y/39W I skU I .786.636. 1480 Access ID 721722374# bttps · //us02web zoom .us/i/81666684 8452pwd -cmG ro l QwbEZ0Zm lzK I ZHN 0lpYoY5UT09 1.301.715 .8592 or l .3 12 .626.6799 Access ID 81666684845# Passcode 067192# https · //us02web zoo m vs /i/57479691 0 J 2pwd -Ym9oRl hu TjdpczV4czR2K2kxa 1Y.J.UI.02 Access ID 5747969101 Passcode 2oyB5P 1.929 .2 05 .6099 or l.301.715 .85 92 Access ID 5747969101 # Passcode 401682# 5:00 p.m. Arts and Culture G.O. Bond hups ·//us06web zoo m us/j/83827540 Publi c Information Session # l 09.8. Zoom Meeting 6:00 p.m . Hispanic Affairs Co mmittee Hybrid Meeting FRIDAY, October 07 No Meetings Scheduled 1.312.626.6799 or l .833 .548 .0282 Access ID 83827540098# https ://bit.ly/350Dlm8 I .786.636. 1480 Access ID 131674590# Building Dept Conference Roo m 1700 Convention Center Drive, 2nd fl. Fo, any ond/ or all of lh e above mec~linns, o ne o r mo re members or lh e Miami Reach C ily Commission, and or Cily boord/co mmillee member s may be in attendance and parlic ipule in disc uss ions. Ai 1e<l l1ve ,:_;11 MBi\'. M1orc Hw,cHH x:md M\1 AT&T lh:1 •e 99 Hnlwi•AC.,mrt110 i<91if1 1\ 195 & R<2K ll 1k• ht1·n If(; IV • • Comrn is5'0 1 Comruillee 1~ired li,e, t:(l f./lSlV i\D No. 09252022-0lM A lisllng of all fom1 ol competilive solicl!oUons issued by lhe City of Miami Beach, Florido Is ovoilub1e ol l1111 1s· //www n1iomibe<1 chll goy/cilv·holl/proet11emeo1/city:roo11octs/. To access any for mal coo1petitive solici lolion issued by 1he City, or lo 1ecelve any oUdendum issued loo formal cornpel it ive solic itolion, you may also visit hltps · //prod hidsynr com/Mfomt·Deqrb . Public meeting notices con be fou nd 011 1he Procu1 e me nl Colendm al hUps · //www miomiheoc hfl qoy/city-holl/procu,emenl/cq lendei/. MIAMI BEACH We 01e commilfecl lo providing excelfenl public Jervice tmd solely lo all w/10 live, wo,.I:, 01rd ploy in our vib,cm/, lfopic<1 /, historicol commu11i1y. Memb,m ol /lie pvblic may pre um/ oudio/viiuol (AVJ lll(lle,ia/s ,eloling lo Age11<l0 /1em1 <1 1 Cily Commiuion Moorings by ulirizi11g Iha Cily 's AV equip111e11 I, p,ovid,xl Iha/ mti/elio/J me submillix/ lo the Depa,lmenl of Mmketin9 and Communiooliom by 8:30 o.m., one (I} busineu day prior to Iha mlNlling. Advcrnce submillal of a preienlolion will allow 1/1e Communicorions Depmlmen/ lo plan for Iha use of !lie app1opriale AV equipn1e nl. AV mote1io/J muJI 00 submilled via email al communicoliom@miomibeochll.gov. TOO body of /lie email must include a no /a/ion listing !he name or group, co11 ,a cf p1mou, daytime loleplione number, emui/ c1dd11J1s. deic,iptio,1/title of //1 0 p1eso11 talion, mid Agenda /tam Tille m well m 1l1e Age,ula Item Numlier. Please reference ~Audio/Visual Maler/a /~ in J/i e email subject line. Acceptable formals for e/9c/mnic 111 bminion nre .pd f, .ppl, .pp,x, .pps, .pp sx, .wmv, .avi, aucl .mov. {Noto 1h0 1 .pdf i1 1/ie /Jl elerrnd Formal for Powe1Paint pr,J1en/alions ./ Ciry Holl is loco!ed nl 1700 Convention Ce nl er Dr1vo, nncl Iha Miomi Beodi Conve11!ion Cen ter is located ut 190 1 Convention Cenler Drive . Any nieeting may be olie ned and con!inued , a nd u11de 1 suc h ci rcu rns!ances, addilional legal noli ce will nol be provided. To request this rnolefio l in o terno!e for mo l, sig11 languo9e mte1prele 1 (five.Jay 110hce requir9d). in forrno!ion on access for persoru with disob1l it1es, ond/or ony occomn1 ocfo !ron to re vi ew ony docu menl 01 por ticipole m <my Ci ly-s pouwred ~:,7:;i~tn:~i!!J~-~h~~::ki/~~:17~~,~~,\~~ ~j~~~ i1 1 :~;r~1~:d ,i·1~nu;~:;,;z:c;~e::i 1 n~ 1~l1~~1;~:1:d1 ~~ ~7;ti1~,.~ boords 1hroughou1 City Holl ond will lie uvoi!oble lhe City's website ut: bJtp•/Jweb mfam lbeachll aov/dtycledcldeloult a1px?ld• I 776 Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Flo . Slot ., the City hereby advises ~1e publ11; fhol ii o pe1~n decides to oppeol <my dec11ion ~:edde :>:e 1!:,:r::rt0 ~:c:~d~~;~~t1t: 1 1,i~~ ::h~~:~~:~ hi::;'1h:0 :~;,~:e~ :cehn:;: 1:h~,0 ~ ~:~~Tr:i ~~:r,;i:, 7h! pwceedin91 is mode, which record includes lhe !e1timony and evidence upon wh1th 1he oppeol 1s lo 00 bcued .