PR 2-10-22 Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 1 Members in Attendance: Sean Smith, Carolina Jones, David Berger, David Nguah, Jonathan Fryd and Joseph Hernandez Members not Present: Janie Hayes, Elizabeth Resnick and Shannon Koonin City Staff: Cindy Casanova (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation), Elizabeth Estevez (Parks & Rec Project Coordinator, Parks & Recreation), Colette Satchell (Sr Cap Project Coordinator, CIP), Ariel Guitian (Sr Cap Project Coordinator, CIP) and David Gomez (Division Director, CIP) Meeting called to order at 5:35 p.m. • Approval of the January 12, 2022 Minutes o The January 12, 2022 minutes were approved. Motion Made by: David Berger Motion Seconded by: David Nguah Motion Passes: Unanimously • G.O. Bond Update o Sean gave an update to the board about G.O. Bond projects. The last meeting was January 27, 2022. o The G.O. Bond website is up to date with all the information. o The 72nd Street Complex is fully approved, and we will be moving forward with this project. o Discussion ensued on the budget for the 72nd Street Complex. o The Flamingo Park project has been delayed for four months. Sean gave an update on the softball field; it will be changed to artificial surface. This project will be taking a long time due to the drainage and underground work. The baseball field will also be changed to artificial surface. All our active use fields will be changed to synthetic grass. o Maurice Gibb had some additional funding that came through a grant. The extra funding will cover the new sea wall, living shoreline and additional furnishings. o An additional grant was received for the dock and launch at Maurice Gibb park. o The budget for the Skate Park was discussed. Grants have been applied for with the Tony Hawk Foundation and Reef Line Foundation. o There was an update on the Bayshore Park/Par 3, the project is delayed because of DERM. o David from CIP gave an update on Bayshore Park. The permitting process has been difficult. We are looking at preparing the invitation to bid simultaneously with Maurice Gibb so we are looking at the same April 2022 time frame, more or less to issue the ITB and then proceed with award and construction. • Selection of Board Chair and GOB Committee Member o Carolina spoke to the board and thanked them for all their support. It is time for her to step down from the Chair position. o Sean volunteered to be the Board Chair and the board members all are in support. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 2 o Sean Smith is the new Chair for the Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board. o Sean told the board to reach out to Cindy as often as possible to give ideas to be discussed at the meetings. o David Berger is the new Vice-Chair of the board. • Selection on Board Chair and G.O. Bond Committee Non-Voting Member Selections o The new G.O. Bond Committee Non-Voting member is Carolina Jones. o The board members are all in support. • Discussion on CIP Park Projects Based on Recent Updates (CIP) o Ariel from CIP discussed the approved budget for the 72nd Street Complex project. In the January 20th Commission meeting they approved the project for about $85 million dollars. We are currently in the contract phase. The design phase will be next. CIP met with FPL to relocate the transmission lines, tentatively, the relocation will begin in late Spring, beginning of Summertime. Once we have a better idea or timeframe regarding parking and the impact, we will release an advisory to everyone letting them know what we are doing. We will be having meetings with FPL and Haskell team because one of the poles on the south side of the property is too close to the proposed entrance to the complex to make sure that the transmission pole that will be put in is in accordance with the entrance. Haskell is already talking to their sub-contractors and consultants to start building this together as a team. One thing they are doing now is talking to their sub-contractor that will be relocating the utility lines. One thing that we are exploring is to bring down the cost without affecting the design or any of the aesthetics of the building. o A suggestion is to change the elevated turf up on the 3rd level from natural turf to artificial turf. This would bring some savings. Alian wanted to get the board’s input on having artificial turf. o Alian discussed the differences in pricing for natural turf and artificial turf. Natural Turf is more expensive since the structure must be reinforced due to the soil, water, and irrigation system. By changing to artificial turf, the structure itself does not have to be heavy since the artificial turf is less weight per pound. The design will stay the same. o Discussion ensued on the differences of the natural turf and artificial turf. o Discussion ensued on the trees and irrigation needed for the design. o Discussion ensued on the removable floor for the pool. o Discussion ensued on the amenities of the complex. o Discussion ensued on the seating around the pool. o Discussion ensued on preventing balls going onto the street. o Discussion ensued on the green area hiding the parking lot. o Discussion ensued on where the artificial turf will be located. o Motion [00:28:14]: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board motions to hereby endorse City staff to move forward with the synthetic athletic field option for the 72nd Street Complex project consistent with its motion from May 1, 2019 as stated below: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board recommends that the most natural form of artificial turf for fields identified for organized sports play and multi-use PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 3 purposes be considered and that the Parks and Recreation Department makes the professional decisions on turf selection based on needs and usage. The Board also recommends that natural grass be the preferred consideration when appropriate. Furthermore, the Board supports the Parks and Recreation Department’s ability to implement a care and maintenance policy for natural turf fields which includes closing fields as necessary. Motion made by: Jonathan Fryd Motion seconded by: Sean Smith Motion passes: unanimously Members Present by phone for Motion: Sean Smith, Carolina Jones, David Berger, David Nguah, Jonathan Fryd and Joseph Hernandez Members Not Present: Janie Hayes, Elizabeth Resnick and Shannon Koonin o Colette from CIP updated the board on the Maurice Gibb project. Raising the seawall by a minimum of two feet, replacing the playground equipment and adding a dog park. As part of the remediation work that is required by the contaminated soil that is on site. We are raising the site by two feet. Everything in the park will be new. We are hoping to finalize the permits in the City within the next 30 days. We are hoping that by the end of March we have it out to bid and we should have a contractor on board by June of 2022. We are anticipating starting construction somewhere in August or September 2022. o Alian updated the board on the North Beach Ocean Side Park project. The Commission already approved the budget, and we are moving forward with the project. We are moving forward with the contract, Legal has the draft contract. We will reach out to the lowest bidder and finalize the contract. If everything goes well, the project can start in the middle or late Spring. o Colette spoke on the Brittney Bay Park project. It is under construction and it has been under construction for about five months. The contractor had a slow start. We have an estimated completion date of June 2022 and we are concerned with that and we are working with them to see how we can help them recover from the delay. o Alian updated the board on the 600 Alton Park project. Tomorrow morning there is a walk through since the project is pretty much complete. The developer is finalizing the final inspections. We will be meeting with Legal and Risk Management Department so that we can start turning over the project. The objective is to turn over the project from the developer to the City in the next month or so. o Cindy updated the board with the naming of the 600 Alton Park. The City sent out a community survey asking the community on their choice of name. The top on the list was Sunset Park. The Sunset Park name will require a referendum. Based on that it will have to go through a process. We would have to take it to the Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee in March, based on what comes from that it would go to the April Commission meeting, based on what comes out of that in May we would have a public hearing to formally approve the recommendation for the referendum. The election would be August 23, 2022. o Discussion ensued on the 600 Alton Road Park. Alian will have a discussion with the PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 4 developer on how they will minimize dust and dirt while work is being done by the park. • Public Input / Open Discussion o Discussion ensued on upcoming meeting dates and how often meetings should be held. o The March meeting was updated to March 16th. A joint meeting will be held between the Parks Board and the Convention Center Advisory Board to discuss Pride Park o The April meeting was changed to April 14th. To discuss the potential of more soccer fields. o Discussion ensued on the members and meeting attendance. You cannot miss more than 33% of meetings. o Discussion ensued on the expansion of soccer fields and the West Lots. This will be discussed at the April 14th meeting. Attachments Submitted with Agenda: o Upcoming City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meeting Parks and Recreation Items o Parks and Recreation Updates and Upcoming Events o Parks and Recreation Capital Project Updates Meeting Adjourned at 6:40 p.m. UPCOMING 2022 MEETING DATES March 16, 2022 April 14, 2022