PR 4-14-22 Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE APRIL 14, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 1 Members in Attendance: Sean Smith, Carolina Jones, David Nguah, Janie Hayes, Shannon Koonin, Joseph Hernandez and Jonathan Fryd Members not Present: David Berger and Elizabeth Resnick City Staff: Cindy Casanova (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation), Jose del Risco (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation) and Vianca Peron-Sellan (Admin Services Manager, Parks & Recreation) Meeting called to order at 5:35 p.m. • Approval of the February 10, 2022 Minutes o The February 10, 2022 minutes were approved. Motion Made by: Jonathan Fryd Motion Seconded by: Carolina Jones Motion Passes: Unanimously • G.O. Bond Update o Carolina gave an update to the board about G.O. Bond projects. o 72nd Street received Commission approval of funding. Summer timeline for project to start. Electrical work, moving of transformers, will start in April 2022. o Flamingo Park PAL, current available $250 in this tranche, design will begin in the next few weeks. o Ocean Drive Corridor/Lummus, requesting permission form Commission to proceed with RFP, to hire design consultant. Lummus Park design will be included. June timeline to go to Commission for approval to release RFP. o DERM permits issued for Maurice Gibb. Within a week or so, releasing invitation to bid. Potential to bring award to Commission in July/August. o Bayshore is going out for RFP next month, May. Potential to bring award to Commission in July/August. o Marjory Stoneman Douglas Playground, contractor is on site as of March performing demolition work. Playground equipment has been delivered. Completion date is June 3. • Discussion on the Potential of Soccer Fields in the West Lots o Cindy updated the board on soccer fields and what was done in prior years. She shared with the board the presentation on available soccer fields. o Sean mentioned that he spoke with Commission Richardson and the discussion about West Lots is more general than just soccer, but the presentation will show the need for soccer fields. A lot of families, especially in the North area have to drive all over for soccer. o Cindy stated that there are a bunch of ideas for the West Lots, Economic Development has a vested interest in what goes into the West Lots. As do we as the Parks Department there may be a viable option there for Pickle Ball and Paddle. o Cindy presented to the board a Soccer Fields presentation. o She discussed the Flamingo Park Soccer Field and the programs that are held there. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE APRIL 14, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 2 This is a highly utilized used field for rentals. o She discussed the Fairway Park field. This may be a good option for Soccer Programs. Hopefully, eventually it can be turned into an artificial turf field and it could be used for Travel Soccer, 12 and under program and Recreational program league. o She discussed the Flamingo Park Memorial Field; this is a highly utilized amenity in Flamingo Park. It is an artificial turf field and we currently use it for our travel soccer team, we have five teams that play in the league. It is also used by the Miami Beach Senior High and Hebrew Academy for Football, Flag Football, Soccer and Track. This amenity is rented out frequently. Commercial shoots have taken place there, such as Nike, Under Armour and Kia. There have been Super Bowl Events and more. o Cindy identified the needs for Soccer fields. There is a need for one additional field for Travel Soccer (12 and under) and two additional fields for 13 and up. o Cindy discussed a potential location – The Biscayne Elementary field that was recently turned over to us. She discussed the potential of adding a baseball field and soccer field. o The other potential location is Polo Park. There is a spot that can be used for soccer. o Cindy discussed long term goals, the West Lots at 85th-86th Street and Collins Avenue is a preferred option. We can accommodate two multi-use fields and a multipurpose area. The multi-use fields can be used for the 12 and under Soccer program. The multipurpose area can be used for other sports and open community play. This is an expensive project when factoring in all the amenities needed such as lighting, bleachers, netting, etc. o Cindy discussed the last option in the same West Lots location. This would be adding four micro soccer fields. These fields are smaller than the competitive soccer fields. But this would alleviate the strain of folks trying to compete for space. The community would be able to come out here and play soccer games as needed. Cindy discussed the price for artificial turf and natural turf. o Cindy discussed the options as it relates to looking for viable space for expansion of soccer fields in the City. That is what we looked at as it pertains specifically to the West Lots. When we met with the Commissioner, he asked if we could maybe do some soccer and maybe pickle ball courts in the area. We would have to evaluate that but as it relates specifically for Soccer, that is what we have on the radar for short- and long-term plans for the future of soccer fields in the City. o Discussion ensued on any additional ideas for soccer fields. o Carolina met with County Commissioner Sally Heyman and she gathered a small group of people in North Beach to talk about the West Lots and the vision for that area. Some people were keen on the Recreational aspects – Carolina mentioned the Soccer Fields, Skate Park and North Beach Yard. Whatever economic development would happen around that should support those things. There are several conversations happening, there is the CRA conversation, there is the GOB conversation. It is great that the residents are started to pound their feet and say that we really need soccer. Commissioner Heyman has the power to close streets and she is willing to do that if there is a need. Like the big soccer field, we looked at and we would close one street and make 2 soccer fields plus the multi-use space is ideal. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE APRIL 14, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 3 o Sean asked what a real major need for the department on what is would work best for them and the second question was about the budget. Where would the money come from. o At this point, we do not have funding for these projects. But it is in the our 5-year master capital plan. o Discussion ensued on field space and programs that are running at this moment, for example 13 and up and 13 and under. o Discussion ensued on locations and current programing right now. o Paul discussed programming and areas. People like to stay in their area. The residents in the South like to stay in the South, etc. o Discussion ensued on the presentation. Paul and Sean had a discussion on what the additional fields would offer. Sean stated that a lot of families that are leaving the beach to go to private or club level type teams. A lot has to do with limited field space. If we were able to have additional programming up that way and hire more staff to support it, this should be something we should be considering. o Staff should work on this further to come up with a plan that can then get in front of Commissioners, it is important that we continue to drive Parks related ideas because if we don’t, they will be taken for other uses. A lot of people are looking at the West Lots. o Discussion ensued on the desire to continue down this path in the West Lots. o Motion [00:20:05]: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board motions to recommend to have staff continue exploring options for the West Lots and the best use for recreational amenities and programming including soccer fields, and to explore financing options for these projects such as the North Beach CRA. Motion made by: Carolina Jones Motion seconded by: Sean Smith Motion passes: unanimously Members Present by phone for Motion: Sean Smith, Carolina Jones, David Nguah, Janie Hayes, Shannon Koonin, Joseph Hernandez and Jonathan Fryd Members Not Present: David Berger and Elizabeth Resnick • Presentation on the Fiscal Year 2023 Parks and Recreation Budget Requests o Vianca Peron-Sellan discussed the fiscal year 2023 budget and the Capital Projects that will be purposing for FY 23. o Vianca stated the Capital Projects request for fiscal year 2023. Such as Citywide Pickleball and Padel Courts Development, Beachview Fitness Course Replacement, Flamingo Playground Replacement, SRYC Gym Bleachers and Padding, New ADA Pool Lifts, Miami Beach Golf Club Pickleball Court Lighting and more. o Discussion ensued on the Beachview Fitness Course (Sabrina Cohen Project). There is some funding for the project now, but it underfunded, this is the funding gap. The request will most likely be less because of a grant. We are looking to get federally funded. o Sean mentioned that the Miami Beach Golf Club Pickleball Courts are fully functional, and he commends that staff for turning this project around quickly. It is a great amenity to the City. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE APRIL 14, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 4 o Discussion ensued on the lighting for the Miami Beach Golf Club Pickleball Courts. Jose stated that when it comes to lighting the number one component is safety, durability and longevity. Discussion ensued on the quality of the lighting that will be used. o Carolina asked about the 1.8 million for the Skate Park. o We also applied for a grant for the Skate Park and that number may be lower. That accounts for landscaping, lighting, and amenities but it will not have anything beyond that from a sustainability point. o Carolina asked about the Normandy Isle Pool’s deck. The project was refunded to us this year because it was on hold due to COVID. The deck, the Diamond Brite will all be done. We are asking for money to make sure that we can do everything done in the pump room. When this project is done, it will be completely done. o Carolina asked about the North Shore Park Baseball Field Scoreboard and Infrastructure. What is the infrastructure? The infrastructure is to secure and to hoist the scoreboards. Being on a barrier island and having all the stringent South Florida building codes we need to make sure that everything is sufficiently sturdy enough to meet all the building code requirements. o Sean asked about the Normandy Artificial Turf installation. This was a CIP project that was transferred to Parks. The budget was not sufficient to meet all the needs. This October we will be getting $465 and the remaining $465 will be next October. o Discussion ensued on the current programs at Normandy Isle Park. o Motion [00:36:55]: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board motions to support the Parks and Recreation Department’s fiscal year 2022-2023 requests. Motion made by: Jonathan Fryd Motion seconded by: Carolina Jones Motion passes: unanimously Members Present by phone for Motion: Sean Smith, Carolina Jones, David Nguah, Janie Hayes, Shannon Koonin, Joseph Hernandez and Jonathan Fryd Members Not Present: David Berger and Elizabeth Resnick • Set Remainder of 2022 Meeting Dates o Discussion ensued on the dates for upcoming meetings. o Cindy gave the dates that will not work due to Commission and Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee. o Discussion ensued on in person meetings versus Teams meetings. o The May meeting is set for May 12 at 5:30 PM o The June meeting is set for June 9 at 5:30 PM o The July meeting is set for July 14 at 5:30 PM • Public Input / Open Discussion o Discussion ensued on Lummus Park Mini-Golf. o Carolina said that other recreational programs would be better suited such as a skate rink, Ninja Warrior and Paddle. We can find out where the item is going next so we can take a more in depth look at the project and make an informed decision and informed suggestion to Commission. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE APRIL 14, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 5 o Discussion ensued on Lummus Park and Health and Wellness and ideas to do Pop Ups. o Discussion ensued on ideas for Lummus Park. o Cindy gave an update to the board where we are in the process with Mini-Golf. o Discussion ensued on board members having reservations on Mini-Golf. Attachments Submitted with Agenda: o Upcoming City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meeting Parks and Recreation Items o Parks and Recreation Updates and Upcoming Events o Parks and Recreation Capital Project Updates Meeting Adjourned at 6:35 p.m. UPCOMING 2022 MEETING DATES May 12, 2022 June 9, 2022 July 14, 2022