PR 6-9-22 Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE JUNE 9, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 1 Members in Attendance: Sean Smith, David Berger, Carolina Jones, Janie Hayes, Shannon Koonin, Joseph Hernandez and Joelle Gringarten Members not Present: Jonathan Fryd and David Nguah City Staff: Cindy Casanova (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation), Jose del Risco (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation), Paul Di Muont (Athletic Manager, Parks & Recreation) and Lucinda Alonso (Recreation Program Manager) Meeting called to order at 5:32 p.m. • Approval of the April 14, 2022 Minutes o The April 14, 2022 minutes were approved. Motion Made by: Carolina Jones Motion Seconded by: Joseph Hernandez Motion Passes: Unanimously • G.O. Bond Update o Carolina gave an update to the board. o The Parks projects have fallen behind by about seven months. o Infrastructure and Safety are also behind. o Forty-two out of the fifty-seven projects are in tranche one and the first part of the projects are planning and design and permitting, and it takes a lot of time. You also add Covid and the supply chain issues, therefore things have moved back a little bit. o The impact that is having is that a lot of the bids that we are expecting are going to come much higher. Due to supply chain issues and labor and material cost. o Bayshore Park was flagged and are anticipating coming in $7 million dollars higher than expected. o Maurice Gibb may also come in much higher. o The Skate Park is going to be more expensive even though we haven’t gone to RFP yet. o It was recommended that we don't fund any new projects for next year. So that we have a cushion to backfill some of these Geo bond projects if they are to come in much higher than expected. o Discussion ensued on the interest rate of the bowered money. o 72nd Street still in final negotiations. Final negotiations have nothing to do with the change of scope or change of cost. These are just terms and conditions, penalty fees, dates, things like that. o Discussion ensued on the FPL work in progress. o Flamingo Park is at 90% design. Both the softball and baseball fields are being renovated. They're going to start with the softball field and then once that's complete, the baseball field will be done. This way we don't have both fields down at the same time. o Brittany Bay Park is going to be completed in August, this includes the seawall, the living shoreline, and the paths. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE JUNE 9, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 2 o Lummus and Ocean Drive corridor are being done as one project. o Discussion ensued on the Lummus Park and Ocean Drive corridor park design. o The bids for Maurice Gibb should be in June. Potential award could be August, September timeline. o The North Beach Oceanside Beach Walk opened. o Marjorie Stoneman Douglas should have been complete in June but concrete delays, supply chain issues. Now they are looking at a completion of July. o Discussion ensued on the Flamingo Park project. • Recognition of Parks and Recreation Employee o Sean Smith wanted to implement an employee recognition every month. He wanted to introduce an employee to the board members every month. Sean left it in Cindy’s hands to highlight an individual that has done something extraordinary in the Parks’ Department or someone that has a big undertaking in Parks. o Cindy Casanova has chosen Lucinda Alonso this month. o Cindy introduced Lucinda to the board. o Lucinda is one of our Recreation Program Manager. She is responsible for overseeing all our programs with the other Recreation Program Manager. o Lucinda introduced herself to the board members and spoke about her responsibilities. • Discussion on Mini-Golf at Lummus Park o Jose del Risco gave an update on mini golf. o He spoke to the board on the mini golf concept for Lummus Park. o Some proposals have been submitted for mini golf. We went to Commission with the idea. There is no commitment yet with any firm. The concept of mini golf for Lummus Park is being considered. o Exhibit C was shared with the board. The areas that are being considered for mini golf. o A discussion ensued on the proposed space for mini golf. o The Rockefeller Sports & Games mini golf presentation was shared with the board. o Board members commented on the mini golf idea. o Discussion ensued on Adam, the resident who presented the mini golf idea to the board. o Discussion ensued on the bidding process. o Discussion ensued on using locals to implement this idea. o Discussion ensued on activations needed for mini golf. Such as skating, pickleball, more fitness ideas. o Discussion ensued on health and wellness activations. o Discussion ensued on what other ideas are there for Lummus Park. o Discussion ensued on the potential location for mini golf. o Discussion ensued on the history of the bidding process for various activations at Lummus Park. o We did not get a lot of responses, we had to reach out to vendors again. We met with several vendors on the mini gold idea. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE JUNE 9, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 3 o Discussion ensued if there would be a charge to get balls and club to play. o Discussion ensued on having a Parkour Ninja Warrior activation. o Discussion ensued on other more appropriate activations for Lummus Park. o Discussion ensued on what was asked of the vendors for ideas at Lummus Park. o Board members discussed ideas for Lummus Park and other locations. o Discussion ensued on the amount it will cost to pay for someone to man it versus creating an activation that is independent. o Discussion ensued on having a splash pad at Lummus Park. o Discussion ensued on the holes that will be included in the mini golf course. o Discussion ensued on maybe this activation only being a pop up instead of having it long term. o Discussion ensued on the bidding process and who was asked, did they ask the residents. o Discussion ensued on the solicitation process. Board members commented on the solicitation process. o A discussion was had on why this topic was not brought up to the board for their input. o Sean asked the board members if they are for the mini golf idea at Lummus Park. Four members were opposed to the idea. o Discussion ensued on having Ninja Warriors at Lummus Park or other ideas, like CrossFit. Bigger opportunities for Lummus Park. o Motion [00:42:30]: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board strongly motions for the Parks and Recreation Department to continue to vet overall health and wellness and family friendly activations at Lummus Park and further motions that any proposals received be reviewed by the Parks Board in order to give the City Commission its recommendations. Motion made by: David Berger Motion seconded by: Carolina Jones Motion passes: unanimously Members Present by phone for Motion: Sean Smith, David Berger, Carolina Jones, Janie Hayes, Shannon Koonin, Joseph Hernandez and Joelle Gringarten Members Not Present: Jonathan Fryd and David Nguah • Discussion on Health and Wellness Initiatives o Cindy updated the board with the health and wellness initiatives. o A free Yoga class at Lummus Park. o We health our first jingle jog 2k run in December, over 70 participants. We have another one planned for Thanksgiving. o During the month of January, we offered free entry into our fitness centers at SRYC and NSPYC. o We held our first Citywide step challenge where we had the community log their steps and the total number of cumulative steps from the challenge were 6,672,848. o We started a new competitive swim team program at SRYC. It is doing very well. o We partnered with a couple of Soccer contractors to teach soccer to kids. o We also started a Senior Soccer program. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE JUNE 9, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 4 o We are providing a skating program. We will have a skating summer camp as well. o We held our first free CPR class. o We have been hosting programs at some of our City garages. We started hosting free technical boxing and fitness classes at our adults at the Collins Park garage. We are also starting Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling camps for youth and adults in North Shore. o We got connected to a couple of local fitness influencers and working on an end of September event called battle of the gyms. A competition at Lummus Park. Kelly Williams is the local influencer and she wants to give back to the community. o We are working with a vendor to put together an open water swim competition on the beach. o David Nguah connected us with someone that has a lot of followers on Instagram that works out at Muscle Beach and he wants to give back to the community. We are working on having an October event for the community to come out and having this person teach. o Discussion ensued on sports tourism ideas. We were connected to a fast-paced Beach Volleyball Tournament called King of the Courts, it is a sport and an event that was created in the Netherlands. This would potentially be held in March 2023 at Lummus Park and will bring the world’s the top best volleyball players for about four days. We are in conversations with Tourism and Cultural, the Manager’s Office and the organizers of the event. More details will be provided soon. o We have met with an event production company and we are looking to explore these sand x-challenges, big obstacle courses on the beach. o We are in conversations with the Boucher Brothers to partner up to leverage opportunities for paddle, pickle, yoga, and fitness cycling at Lummus Park. o Discussion ensued on having big events brought to Miami Beach. o Discussion ensued on having a vendor come in to present to the board. o Discussion ensued on how to get the information out to the residents. • Public Input / Open Discussion o Sean Smith introduced Joelle Gringarten to the board. Joelle introduced herself to the board. o The July meeting was cancelled for the Summer. o The September meeting will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2022. o The October meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. o Cindy informed the board that the City Clerk’s office said that we can continue with virtual meetings, but all webcams must be on. Attachments Submitted with Agenda: o Upcoming City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meeting Parks and Recreation Items o Parks and Recreation Updates and Upcoming Events o Parks and Recreation Capital Project Updates Meeting Adjourned at 6:55 p.m. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE JUNE 9, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 5 UPCOMING 2022 MEETING DATES September 8, 2022 October 12, 2022