LTC 421-2022 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of October 17 - 23, 2022MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 421-2022 TO: FROM: DATE : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk m October 10, 2022 LETTER TO C OMMIS SION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of October 17 -23, 2022 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of October 17 -23, 2022 published on October 09, 2022. See insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id =1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES October 17 -2 3, 2022 MONDAY, October 17 5:00 p.m. Audit Committee Microsoft Team Meeting httos ·//bit lv /3EoeG77 Meeting ID 249286781991 Passcode eptGLH l .786.636. 1480 Access ID 38115157# TUESDAY, October 18 9:00 a.m. Historic Preservation Board* Hybrid Meeting 9:30 a.m. Art in Public Pieces Committee Microsoft Team Meeting l 0:00 a.m . Ca nva ssing Board: 2:30 p .m. 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Vote on preliminary Canvassing Board duties and procedures ADDED Comm iss ioner Rosen Gonzalez & Comm iss ioner Fernandez meeting with Congresswoman Fredericka W ilson Disability Access Committee Microsoft Team Meeting Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Zoom Meeting b11ps · //miornibeac hfl - gov zoom us/i/817 48347 488 1.312.626 .6799 or 1.888.475.4499 Access ID 81748347488# Cit_y Halt Commission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd Fl . http s://bit ly/3e3KSBV Meeting ID 256798279259 Passcode 8QqYhR 1 .786.636. 1480 Access ID 645189329# Miami.Pode Elections Department 2700 NW 87'" Avenue Miomi, FL 331 72 Mayor 's Conference Room 1700 Conven tio n Center Drive, 41h Fl . http s//bit ly /3H iqDc6 1 .786.636. 1480 Access ID 964935829# htt ps://us06web.zoom .us/i/84824081 7 18Zpwd -SjRTS iNLM GF0c I E4U GZUNV FQUzRGQT09 1.646.876 .9923 Access ID 84824081718# Passcode 826091 # WEDNESDAY, October 19 l 0:00 a.m. Ca nva ssing Board: Log ic and Accuracy Test of the tou ch screen and optica l scan voting systems to be used for vo te-by-mai l, early voting, precinct ballots, and the independent audit system 3:00 p.m. Public Safety and Neighborhood Qual ity of Life Committee** Hybrid Meeting Miami -Dod e Elections Department 2700 NW 87'' Avenue Miomi, FL 33 172 http s://miamib eac hfl . gov zoom us/j/87833352956 1.3 12 .626.6799 or 1.888 .475 .4499 Access ID 87833352956# City Holl Comm ission Chamber 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd FL. THURSDAY, October 20 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 o.m. Canvassing Board: Public inspection of vote-by- mail ballots (8:00 a .m. to 8:300.m .} Daily opportun ity for candidates, political party officials, political committee o ffi cia ls, or authorized designees lo inspect vole-by- mail ballots and ballot materials (only provided if a written request is received no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled inspection} (8:30 a.m. lo 9:00 a.m.} City Pension Fund for Fir efighters & Police Offi cers in the City of Miami Beach Hybrid Meeting Specia l Magistrale Hearings Miami -Dade Elections Department 2700 NW 87'1• Avenue Miami, FL 33 172 http s·//us06web zoom us/i/84764909 497 1.646.931 .3860 or 1.929.205.6099 Access ID 84764909497# Fire & Poli ce Pension Offi ce 1691 Michigan Avenu e, Sui te 355 City Hgll Commission Chambe r 1700 Convention Center Drive , 3,J FL . 9:30 a.m. to completion Canvassing Board: Vote-by-mail ballot opening and processing (as needed} Duplication of ba ll o ts (as needed} Miami-Dade Elections Deportment 2700 NW 87'' Avenue Miami, Fl 33172 10:00 a.m. lo completion Canvassing Board: Miami -Dade Elections Departm ent 2700 NW 8711' Avenue Canvassing of presumed Miami, Fl 33 172 invalid vote-by-mail ballots (as needed} 4:00 p.m. Youth Commission Ad Hoc Committee FLC Video Comm ittee Zoom Meeting hllps://us02web.zoom.us/j/57 479691 0 I ?pwd = Ym9oRlhu TjdpczV4czR2K2kxo 3VlUT09 Access ID 5747969101 Passcode 2oyB5P 1.929.205.6099 or l.301.715.8592 Access ID 5747969101 # Passcode 401682# 6:00 p.m. Aris and Cultu re G.O. Bond Normandy Isle Golf Club Public Information Session #3 240 1 Biarritz Drive 6:00 p.m. Miami Beach Feeder Pattern Zoom Meeting FRIDAY, October 21 8:00 a .m. Canvassing Board: 9:30 a.m. lo co mpletion Public inspection of vote-by- mail ballots (8:00 a.m. lo 8:30a.m.} Daily opportun ity for candidates, pol it ica l party officials, political com mittee officials, or authorized designees lo inspect vote-by- mail ballots and ballot materials (only provided if a written request is received no later th an 48 hours prior lo the scheduled inspection} (8:30 a.m. to 9:00a.m.} Canvassing Board: Vote-by-mail ball o t opening and processing (cs needed} Duplication of ba ll ots (cs needed} Canvassing Board: hllps · //us02web zoom us/i/61584476 8 S?pwd = Ni92Yk04UXf PVlcwU3dYc0p4 cl.ill.,,0.2 1.301.7 15 .8592 or 1.309.205.3325 Access ID 6158447685# Passcode 539119# Miami-Dade Elections Deportment 2700 NW 87• Avenue Miami, Fl 33172 Miami-Dode Elections Deportment 2700 NW 871h Avenue Miami, fl 33 172 Miami-Dode Elections Peparfmeot 2700 NW 87'1' Avenue 10:00 a.m . lo comp letion Canvassing of presumed Miami, fl 33172 invalid vote-by-mail ballots (as needed} SATURDAY, October 22 8:00 o.m. Canvassing Board: 9:30 a.m. lo co mpletion Pub lic inspection of vote-by- mail ballots (8:00 o.m. lo 8:30a.m.} Daily opportunity for candidates, political party officials, politica l committee officials, or authorized designees lo inspect vote-by- mail ballots and ballot materials (on ly provided if a written request is received no later than 48 hours prior lo the scheduled inspection} (8:30 a.m. to 9:00a.m.} Canvassing Board : Vote-by-mail ballot opening and processing (as needed} Dup lication of ballots (as needed} Miami-Dade Elections Deportment 2700 NW 87'' Avenue Miami, Fl 33172 Miqmi -Dade Elections Deportment 2700 NW 87'' Avenue Miami, Fl 33172 SUNDAY, October 23 8:00 a.m. Canvassing Board: Public inspection of vole-by- mail ballots (8:00 a.m. lo 8:30a.m.} Miami-Dade Elections Department 2700 NW 8711' Avenue Miami, fl 33172 9:30 a.m . lo comp let ion Daily opportun ity fo r candidates, politica l party officia ls, political comm ittee officials, or authorized designees to inspect vote-by- mail ballots and ballot materials (only provided if a written request is received no later than 48 hours prior lo the sc heduled inspection) (8:30 a.m . lo 9:00a.m.) Canvassing Board: Vote-by-mail ball ot open in g and processi ng (o s needed) Duplicati o n o f ballots (os needed) Miami -Dad e Elections Department 2700 NW 87'" Avenue Miam i, fl 33 172 Fo r any and/ 0 1 a ll o f lh e above mee tin gs, one or mo,e memb e1s of th e Miami Beach C ily Commi ssion, and o r C ily board/comrnitl ee members rn oy be in a ttendance and por li c ipole in disc uss io ns. • Ai ied l,veon t,"3T\I. Aibrt'ic Bvdl·;or,d Mr) A[&[ l)\.,,s.:, 99 H"~Nirf Cr,rom"f rq-ir,1& 395 & E0:<:1 1 dfr:kern PfQ !Y • • Comt11i)~1,;f1 Cl,)'n111i11ee Aired Li~& ,o MBTV i\D No. 100920220 1M A li sling of oll fo,mo l compe111ive solicitations issued by lhe City of Miami Beach, Flo,ido is ovoi loble ot hnru · IIWWff mimniboodtO gm/dtv-lmll/rnoc;iuementlrlly:conlmrls/. To access any formal compelilive solicilolion issued by the City, Of lo receive any addendum Issued too fom1ol compeli1ive solid1ul!on, you muy also vlsil hllp:r //prod b!dsync com/Miom l·Beach-Public meeting notices cun be found on lhe Pmcu,emenl Calendar al hll ps · //www minmibeqchfl qoy/dty-hnll/procuccnm111/calende1/. MIAM I BEACH We ore i:ommiltOO lo providing excellent public se1vi,;e and safety lo nl/ wlio liva, wo1k, ond ploy in oor vibrunl, lropit:u /, /iis/orii:ol community. Mamba,s of Iha 1,vblic may p1esenl uudio/visuo/ {AV} malariols rolot/119 lo Agem:lo Items uf City Commiuio11 Mee lings by ulilizing 1he City't AV equipm~ml, provid.xl that mo/erio/J ore submillad lo Iii& Depo1/me11f ol Ma,keli1tg and Communii:olions by 8:30 o.m., one (I/ businau day prior lo the meeling. Advance submittal of a presanlolion will a/law lho Communii:olions Depa,1menl lo plan for the t11e of lite opp,opriole AV oqvipmenl. AV mo/eriols mull he svbmi"ecl via email al commun it:oliom@miomibaachff.gov. Tire body of Ilia email mvsl include o nolalion li1ting Ilia name or group, conlm:t peu~1, daylime te/epltone number, email odd1eu, deKriplion/lille of the presentation, and AgendCf Item Title OJ well OJ tit& Agenda /lem Number. Please reference "Audio/Viwol Malaria/• in the em(Ji/ whie<:l lin11. Ace11 ptnbla formal! for eleClronic suhmiuion nro .pd/, .pp!, .pplx, .pps, .ppix, . wmv, .ovi, a11d ,mov. /Note 1hat ,pd( is Iha prefarred fornml for PowerPoi11t presen/afoni.j C ity Holl is loculed ol 1700 Convention Center Oriva; and tha Miumi Beach Conventioo Ceuler is locolad o1 1901 Convenlion ~r:~ida~'.i;~·r:;~e~~l~il!n~o~:~ral~~ ~r:;~8 c~e 0r:~::t 1 !~;:;~n~:~.~;1~~;~~8~8~i(li~::i 1 ;~~:;i,:dl~~i;i~:~i, 8 ~f~t::~ii;n~~~ :~!e~ ;:J:d~;s ;~;~ 3it;g~1 .;s.ia9"~~r s:i~t t1:f;Jts~'.~ha~ 0 o~~i~~";,; ~ :':r~":~; :~11 ~~!i~ft;1~\d:nia~~ty-S!~~s:i~8t meeting nol noticed in !he Weelly Meeting Nolice ~ ond determined lo be on emargenc.y m,eting will be posled on the bull,1in boards lh1ou9l1ovl City Hall ond will be avoiloble the City's websile al: hff.P•llweb mlam/bcachO qo y/cftyclerJcldefault aspx?ld• 1776 Pursuon1 la Seclion 286.0105, Flo. Slut., lhe City h111eby advise, lhe pttblic lha t ii u parson decides lo appeal ony dac1sioo ~:a~i :~o~1:r~)O;rt a~=~d~;l;S~n:~~ 1ih~\i~~ ::h:~:~~~: t:.t:;r sh~n~~;r~~flj ~i(.~1:::1:h~r°~ ~=~~1T~ ~:c:i:1 ~~: proceodings is mode, whi ch record mdudos tho leslimany and evidence upon which lho appeal is lo be bmad