PR 9-8-22 Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 8, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 1 Members in Attendance: Sean Smith, David Berger, Carolina Jones, Shannon Koonin, Joseph Hernandez, Jonathan Fryd, David Nguah. Janie Hayes and Joelle Gringarten Members not Present: N/A City Staff: Cindy Casanova (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation), Lissette Arrogante (Director, Tourism and Culture), Paul Di Muont (Athletic Manager, Parks & Recreation) and Javier Fulgueira (Parks Facilities Manager, Parks & Recreation) Meeting called to order at 5:18 p.m. • Approval of the June 9, 2022 Minutes o The June 9, 2022 minutes were approved. Motion Made by: Carolina Jones Motion Seconded by: Shannon Koonin Motion Passes: Unanimously • G.O. Bond Update o Carolina gave an update to the board. o Our last meeting was July 28th, we had August off. o The next meeting is September 22nd. G.O. Bond Oversight Committee was tasked with overlooking what is now known as the G.O. Bond Arts and Culture Bond that is going to be on the ballot in November. o The bond right now is for $159 million, eighteen projects, there was 7.6 million dollars in the original bucket that the board had recommended that we fund completely, which was for parks, artistic playgrounds throughout Miami Beach. Unfortunately, that got reduced when it went to Commission and they kind of cut it in half. But the bond does consist of $3.8 million for artistic playgrounds throughout the City. So that's like the Monstrum style. Maybe some nature inspired playgrounds, something other than the traditional playground. o 72nd Street Project, I mentioned that we're severely under budgeted and that the projects that are coming in, their RFP's are coming in much higher than what we had anticipated. The 72nd St being a design build, they had a number. They had somewhat agreed on 85 million and rounded up to 102 million with all the city fees. Haskell, which is the firm that was awarded the Biddy the winning bid, has been negotiating with the city ever since, but they have been negotiating in a climate where construction costs have been increasingly going up every month. There's a lot of volatility with this project. There's not a new number or a new cost that has been substantiated or spoken about openly with the board, but they're trying to come to an agreement. David Martinez from CIP said is that every option is on the table and those options include not pursuing this contract and starting to negotiate with the next vendor. Changing the scope of work, to get a requote or start a whole new RFP with a whole new criteria package. Or even agree to a new number and find new funding. Staff is working as hard as possible to come to terms with Haskell. If they do need a recommendation on the scope, it will likely come back to our board for our PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 8, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 2 recommendation, but this is something that we need to follow and keep an eye on. o Negotiations are with Haskell at this point. o A member stated that one of the possibilities is putting it off for six months and seeing if prices stabilized in the supply chain gets better because everyone expects prices to come down next year. o I'm not going to be able to attend the September 22nd meeting, but maybe Sean, you can or Jonathan if you want to also just listen as a member of the public, there's always public comment and those of you that have construction experience can chime in. That would be amazing. o There are two other projects that are also at the at the mercy of cost right now, Maurice Gibb and Bayshore. o Maurice Gibb went out for bid, and they only received two proposals. o Staff was trying to figure out why and instead of going forward with the two bids, they terminated the RFP process. They are interviewing the firms that bid and also the ones that they thought were going to bid and did not just to find out if the terms or the minimal qualifications or if some of the language on the RFP was too constrictive. If the builders were too busy, they are trying to figure it out. o Best case scenario, they'll come back to Commission in November and say we're going to reissue this RFP. Bayshore was a very similar story. They stopped short of issuing the RFP to revise their documents to make sure that what they put out on the street is something that is attractive and workable for the firms that are going to be bidding on the projects. Both of those projects are a little bit behind. o Ocean Drive Corridor/Lummus: They released an RFP on that. They expect the responses in August. It's for the design services of the Ocean Drive and Lummus Park design in accordance with the Sakovich plan. We have money to do Ocean Drive, but we're way underfunded for Lummus Park. It will be interesting to watch and see how we come up with the funding for that or how they change the design to make the maximum impact with the dollars that we have. But at least we're going to get some design services out of that, and we'll know more again in September when we have our meeting. • Recognition of Parks and Recreation Employee (Javier Fulgueira - Park Facilities Manager) o Cindy introduced Javier Fulgueira to the board. He is the Parks Maintenance Supervisor for the South End. o Jonathan Fryd had a comment about the Miami Beach Golf Club. Miami Beach golf course and maybe some of the other golf courses with driving ranges have no sun cover for anybody. I went over to La Gorce Country Club and they have a sun cover that's made for this, on wheels. It doesn't look like it's very expensive and because it's on wheels it would be very easy to mobilize and put away. I think this would be a tremendous amenity for the golf program to be able to have people in the shade knowing how strong the sun is and I just wanted to bring this up and see if we can address this. o Cindy spoke with Jose del Risco and they are actively looking into it. If it does not require any sort of infrastructure work; we are going to look into it. o Sean had a question about the current Golf project that is happening now. This is an PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 8, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 3 FPL project. FPL is undergrounding their utilities. • Discussion on Pickleball o Cindy updated the board on Pickleball. o The Miami Beach Golf Club Pickleball Courts have opened. We kicked off the opening of the courts with two free clinics at the beginning of August with the number one ranked women's pickleball player in the world. o We opened one dedicated Pickleball Court at Polo Park. Two dual courts opened at Palm Island. o Miami Beach Tennis Center also has four dual courts that are now open. Their Pickleball programming has taken off. o For future locations, in the South we are looking into Flamingo Park between the baseball and handball courts. In the North, we are looking at the Normandy, the grassy area between the playground and basketball courts. Nothing has come to fruition, but we are exploring those options. o Discussion ensued on the loss of the three tennis courts due to Pickleball. o Discussion ensued on the Par 3 location for Pickleball Courts. • Discussion on Tourism and Culture Department’s Health and Wellness Initiatives (Tourism and Culture Department) o Lissette introduced herself to the board and discussed the events that the Tourism and Culture Department produces and oversees. o Tourism and Culture has two divisions: Special Events and Cultural Affairs. o Special Events handles permitting for anything from small wedding ceremonies, team buildings, large scale events like Air and Sea Show and South Beach Wine and Food. o The Cultural Affairs Division overseas the Culture Affairs Council and Art and Public Places o We also produce our own events with Miami Beach On Stage throughout all the public spaces and parks. o We are also the contract administrators for the Miami Beach Convention Center and the Greater Miami visitors and Convention Bureau. o Lissette discussed that they were tasked with programming for the month of March at Lummus Park. She discussed the events that happened at Lummus Park in March. o Lissette discussed that even though the events were successful, it still did not take care of the issues to get more visitors in March. o Lissette discussed to make March the official fitness month in Miami Beach. o She discussed the list of events that are being proposed (but not approved yet) for 2023 and 2024 to bring bigger events. For example, the 305 Marathon that happens the first Sunday in March. o Discussion ensued on the Tennis event proposed. o Discussion ensued on the locations of the events proposed. o Discussion ensued if fitness events for the month of March would be able to be held at different parks or if this is Lummus focused. o Discussion ensued on Lummus Park proposed events and the support from the PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 8, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 4 board. o Discussion ensued on a tag line for marketing and branding. o These events, if approved, will be under Miami Beach Live branding. o Discussion ensued on having more consistent fitness events. This topic will be discussed next month. o Discussion ensued on fitness events for Parks and Recreation. o There will be a Pull Up Jam event at Muscle Beach on October 23rd. o Discussion ensued on the Pull Up Jam Event. o Cindy informed the board that there will be an LTC going out in the next couple of weeks with all the information on the Pull Up Jam and some of the other initiatives for October. • Public Input / Open Discussion o Cindy stated that when we sent the Commission memo out for upcoming items that are going to be on either Commission or committee meetings, we had not yet received the Commission agenda and it was sent out after we sent you the memo. There is a Commission meeting next Wednesday the 14th. We do have an item on the agenda as it relates to accepting the recommendation of the City Manager pursuant to the RFP regarding the management of the Miami Beach Tennis Center and negotiating with the top ranked proposer, which was Van Dalen Tennis. o Board members must be available for the meetings via video and phone. o Commissioner Samuelian was acknowledged and recognized. There will be a chess tournament on November 20th in memory of the Commissioner. There will be a permanent homage to him by placing a nice chess boards within the Botanical Gardens. o Discussion ensued on the upcoming board meetings. Keeping them monthly or changing them to bi-monthly. o Discussion ensued on keeping the meetings virtually or having in person meetings. o The board agreed with keeping the meetings virtually and monthly. o The board decided on the following upcoming meeting, dates listed below. Attachments Submitted with Agenda: o Upcoming City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meeting Parks and Recreation Items o Parks and Recreation Updates and Upcoming Events o Parks and Recreation Capital Project Updates Meeting Adjourned at 6:48 p.m. UPCOMING 2022 MEETING DATES October 12, 2022 November 10, 2022