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Miami-Beach-Lights-Up-Green-for-Mental-Health We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, OFFICE OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS, Tel: 305.673.7575 Press Release Melissa Berthier, Email: Matt Kenny, Email: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 20, 2022 Miami Beach Lights Up Green for Mental Health — The public is invited to participate in the Walk for Mental Health Awareness — Miami Beach, FL – The City of Miami Beach will light up green on Saturday, May 21 to commemorate May as Mental Health Awareness Month. Miami Beach City Hall will be bathed in green lights starting at sundown. “There shouldn’t be a stigma attached to any illness, particularly one that has touched so many families,” observed Miami Beach Commissioner Mark Samuelian, who said people who suffer from mental health issues often go untreated because they are embarrassed to ask for help. On Saturday morning, the public is invited to show their support by participating in the Walk for Mental Health Awareness from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. in downtown Miami at Maurice A. Ferré Park (formerly known as Museum Park). To register for the event or to make a donation, visit For more information on NAMI’s free mental health programs in Miami-Dade County, call 305.665.2540 or send an email to “We want people who suffer from mental illness to know they are not alone,” added Miami Beach City Manager Alina T. Hudak. “The pandemic left people feeling even more isolated and vulnerable but there are free services available in our community that can help.” WHAT: Miami Beach Lights Up Green WHEN: May 21, 2022 at Sundown WHERE: 1700 Convention Center Dr. ### To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanish, then option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service).