LTC 007-2023 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of January 16 – January 20, 2023MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L TC No. 007-2023 TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM , Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ~ DATE: January 09, 2023 LETTER TO COMM ISS ION SUBJECT : Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of January 16 -January 20, 2023 Attached please find meetings that were noticed in The Miami Herald for the week of January 16 - January 20, 2023 , published on January 08, 2023. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/defau lt.aspx?id = 1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES January 16 -20, 2023 MONDAY, January 16 Marlin Luther King Jr . Day -City Hall Clos ed Holiday Observed TUESDAY, January 17 9 :30 a .m. Convention Center Advisory MB CC Main Offi ces Board Roo m Board 190 l Convention Center Drive 9 :30 a .m. Art in Public Places Co mm i ttee Hybrid M ee ting 2:00 p .m. FDOT Alton Road Proi ec t Sunsh ine Meeting Betwee n Commiss ioners Ro se n Gonzalez and Fern a nd ez 3 :30 p.m . Disability A ccess Committee Microsoft Team M ee ting 5 :00 p .m. Affordable Ho using Adv isory Committee Zoom Meeti ng 5 :00 p .m. Animal W elfare Co mm ittee Zoom Meeting htt ps·//bit ly/3e3KSBY Meeting ID 256798279259 Passcode 8QqYhR 1.786 .6 36 .1480 Access ID 645189329# TC P Co nference Room 175 5 Meridi an Avenu e, 5th FL. Mayor's Con ference Room 17 0 0 Conve ntion Cente r Dri ve, 4 1h Fl. https · //bit.ly /3 HiqDc6 1.7 86 .636 .1480 Access ID 964935829# https · //us06we b zoo m.us/j/8809632 20462pwd -6W twVzZPb kNF SHNRYm5 ISII KYmpldz09 1.301 .7 15.8592 or 1.31 2.626 .6799 Access ID 88096322046# Passcode 915868# bt1ps ·//us02web.zoom .us/j/832 I 347 1038?pwd:QWlyZO RzN2FLN2d6eE R NcWZQUT IUdz09 1.305.224.1968 or 1.31 2.6 26 .6799 AcceH ID 83213471038# Passcode 710767# WEDNESDAY, January 18 No Meetings Scheduled THURSDAY, January 19 8 :30 a .m. City Pen sion Fund for https ·//us06web zoom us/j/8520 192 Fi refighlers & Poli ce Office rs 42.6,5: in th e City of Miami Beach I 305 22 4 1968 or 1.30 1 715 8592 Hybrid M ee ting Access ID 85201924265# 2 :00 p .m. Special Ev ent s Community Review Mi crosoft Team s M ee ting 5 :30 p .m. Parks and Recreati o nal Foci lilies Advi sory Board Meeting Microsoft Tea ms M ee ting FRIDAY, January 20 No Meetings Scheduled Fire & Po lice Pensio n Offi ce Suite 355 16 91 Mic hi gan Ave nu e http, //bit ly/JuR dMKi Meeting ID 283647485214 Passcode XWC6F9 1.786.636 .1480 Access ID 318818052# bit ly /3 1koi lo Meeting ID 262885546249 Passcode cwRU25 1.786.636 .1480 Access ID 549366768# For any and/or ell of th e above meetings , on e or mo re members of the Miami Beach C ity Comm iss ion , and or City board/comm ittee members may be In attendance and participate in discuss ions . • Aita! love o" MBTV B•enc1ine 660 AT&T lJ.mnu 99 t·k>;wu o Cowr un1tn 1 1<1□> 39'.i & QQi(lJ devcrn PO Pi"G JY • ' C om m11s;o,, Cornmi1 •ee Ai :ed Live Of\ MBlV AD No. 01082D23-0lM A IJsting of all formal campettllve sallcltallons Iss ued by the Ct ty of M iami Beach , Florida Is avarlable al bttps·/(w,>N,J mlamibeacbA gov/crty:ball /procuremeot/ctf¥:confra cts/. To access any formal competitive solfcllal!on Issued by 1he City, or to receive any addendum Issued lo a formal compelllive sohd tati on, you may al so vlsll bttm · //prod brdl)ll)c com/Mlaml:Beach -Public meeting notices can be found on the Procurement Calendar at bttps · /(w,>N,J mlo mlbench A gov/clly-b aU/pmcure men t/calen de r/. MIAMIBEACH Wo oro i;ommillcd lo providing 01<co//enr public Jervice ond sofoty lo o/1 who live, work, or,d ploy ir, ovr vibror,,, lropicol, hisloricol commur,ity. Membors of ,ho public moy prewnl audio/visual {AVJ molorio/1, roloting lo Agonc/o //oms o, City Commission Meeting, by ulilizing tho Ciry', AVoqvipmonl, provided 1ho, more,io/J ore submiltad lo Iha Doporlmen/ of Marketing and CommunicorionJ by 8:30 o.m., one {IJ business day ptior lo lhe mealing. Advonco wbmillol ol o pre,onlotion will ollow /he CommunicolionJ Doporlmenl lo pion for lhe uJo ol lho oppropriolo AV oquipmern. AV moloriols muJ/ be wbmillcd vio omoil of communicolionJflmiomibeochR.gov. Tho body ol 1ho omoil muJI includo o no/ofion /iJling /ho nome or 9tO<Jp, conlocl pcr,on, doylimo 10/ophono numbor, emoil oddrou, deicriplion/lillo of tho ptesonlolion, ond A9ondo lrom Tirlo OJ wo/1 OJ 1he AIJondo /Jom Number. Pleoro ,oforonce "Audio/ViJuol Motorio /• in /ho omoil wb;ec1 fine . Acceploblo formats for efoclronic Jubminion ore .pd/, .ppl, .pplx, .ppJ, .ppu, . wmv, .ovi, and .mov. (Noto 1h01 .pdf is /ho proforrod furmol for PoworPoinl preJenlolionJ.J City Hol l is localed ot 1700 Convenlion Cenlor Drive ; ond 1ho Miomi Booch Convention Con!or is locolod o! 1901 Convention Contor Drive . Any mootiog moy be opened and conlinuod, ond under such circumstances, odditionol logo1 nolico will not be r;~v~;:~n: o :~iu~;l:~~1:!~r~~;i;1o;~teo~o:::~~t!~n~io!:i~=r~r:;od~~::::i :1i~~i~~;1,i~nl;~;o~~;.5;~~~~:d procoodin9s coll 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English, thon oplion 6; TTY users moy coll via 71 1 (Florido Roley Sorvico). A mooting no t noticed in tho Wookly Mooting Notice od ond dotorminod to bo on omorgoncy mcoli ng will be posted on the bulletin boards throughout Ci ty Holl and will be ovoiloblo on tho C ity's wobsilo o!: bttp·/Jwch mlomUz muhO govl,ityderk /delault a,pKZid -1776 Pursuant lo Socl ion 286.0 105, Flo. Stal., tho City horo by odvisos the public that ii o po n on docidos to o ppool ony decision modo by 1ho board, ogoncy, or comminion wi th rospec! to any moHor considorod ol suc h mooting or hearing, ho or 1ho will nood o record of the prococding1, and 1h01, /or such purpose, ho or 1he may ncod 10 ensure that o verbolim record ol tho proceodings is mode, whi ch rncord indudos tho lostimony ond evidonco upon which lho oppool i1 lo be based.