047-1998 LTC CITY- OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LETTER TO COMMISSION TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 L.T.C. NO. 47-1998 DATE: April 21 , 1998 SUBJECT: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Sergio Rodriguez & City Manager /~ VENETIAN CAUSEWAY / EAST BASCULE BRIDGE TO: FROM: The Venetian Causeway bridge replacement / rehabilitation project has been under construction since December 1995. From the beginning of construction, the east bascule bridge has been inoperable, and a temporary bridge has been utilized to maintain access to the Venetian Islands. Presently, the east bascule bridge is scheduled to be operational in May 1998, and the west bascule bridge is expected to be completed in May 1999. In response to concerns expressed by the residents of the Venetian Islands, the City Commission, on April 15th, adopted a resolution urging the United States Coast Guard to maintain the east bascule bridge in a closed position until the west bascule bridge is operational. On Friday, April 17th, at approximately 7:40 p.m., the east bascule bridge malfunctioned while in the open position and the bridge operator was unable to lower the bridge. The project engineers were summoned and the necessary corrections made, allowing the bridge to be lowered and operational at approximately 9:50 p.m. Following this incident, City staff contacted the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) seeking assurances that the bridge would not be raised over the weekend, pending a meeting this week, scheduled on an emergency basis, to address the City's concerns. The Miami Beach Police Department was alerted to provide immediate assistance by assigning a police officer to block the possible opening of the bridge, except for emergencies, thus preventing a repeat occurrence. On Monday, April 20th, FDOT informed the City that the east bascule bridge would only be opened for testing purposes, which would take place only during the contractor's regular working hours, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (see attached letter dated 4;20/98) To review the events of Friday, April 17th, and discuss the bridge's future operating procedures, a meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 21 st, at City Hall, with representatives of the Florida Department of Transportation, Miami-Dade County Public Works, the United States Coast Guard and the City of Miami. The City Attorney has been requested to be ready to initiate legal action if the negotiations do not result in the actions desired by the City to guarantee safety and convenience for the residents of the Venetian Islands. I will keep you advised of future developments in the City's efforts to maintain the east bascule bridge of the Venetian Causeway in a closed position until the west bascule bridge is operational. \-. li.k ~~~2~{:o~~~~EBA5CUlElTC Attachment c: Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Robert Dixon, Deputy City Attorney Julio Grave de Peralta, Public Works Director Michael Alvarez, Superintendent of Public Works FDOT-D6-CONST TEL:305-470-5822 Apr 20 98 13:04 No.009 P.Ol LAWTON' CUILB8 QOVIWIOI. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FLORIDA 1IIp:'/WWAOl.-a... TlJ()A,^~ 1'.1Io\JUl\\ I.. idCutAKY Dilltrict COostruOtiOD Offioe 1000 NW Illth AvCl1ue MiAmi, Florida 33172 April 20, 1998 Julio Grave de Peralta, P,E. Public Works Director City of Mi8Il1i Beach Public Works Department 1700 Convention Ccnlcr DriVQ Miami &ach, Florida 33139 Project: Venetian Causeway F..ast Bascule Historieal Rehabilitation Project State Project No.: 81100-3603 W.P.I. No.: 6123196 PAP. No.: SE-6186,,(lO) ContrllCt No.: 19,281 County: Miami-Dade Subjccl: East Baseule Failure.AIJuI17, 1.228. Dear Mr. Grave de Peralta: As you life IlWllle, at. approximat.cly 7:40 p.m. 011 Aprill7, 1998, the C8St bascule bridge sufforcd llIl error reading due: to ~ nWfunctioning limit switch on the fQt letd'. The opcl'ator was not IIble to successfully bypass the error and could not lower the lellf. Tho Resident Bngincer made the ~~ corrections making the bridge fully operational at approximately 09:50 p.m. The current schedule of operations for the bridge ill for testing purposes only, on 30 minutes interVal. during the Contractor's regular working hours betwCCll 9:00 a.m. IUld 4;00 p.m. This testing fwu:tion will be performed under the CMeful supervision ofthc COflUactor'5 skilled bridb'C tcclwicians and the Engincx:r. It is axpc:~ thtll UiliI project will be complc;tcd on June 1, 1998 at which time tho rehabilitated bridge ",-in be returned to Metropolitan Miwni-D;lde County Cor (l.pcration and maintenance. We regret that this instance occurred, especially when the bridge operators have been trained on the safe operation ofthe bridge and hove been instnJct.ed not to open the bridge ana lhc Contractor" s working hours. The importance of folloWing this procedure hIlS been reinforced to the contractor to ensure that this docs not reoccur. J have requested Mr. Gus QuCS4da, tho Resident Engineer on thi6 project, to schedule a meeting with your o~, the US Coast Guard, Qnd Melropolitan Miami.Dade County to discuss the events which have tran'Pircd and the bridge's future operating proccdmes. ~ @u~ . = M:~~'P~ District Construction Engirieer ce. G. pego, M. Croft, S. Smith. G. Ques4da. . (i) R;evcLCD p,r.PIOR