LTC 100-2023 Planning Board Recommendation - Affordable and Workforce Housing and FAR.M IA M I B E A C H City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florido 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY C LERK LTC No. 100-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor Dan G elber a~/bers of the City Com m ission Rafael E . G ranado, City Clerk / d February 28, 2023 Planning Board Recommendation - Affordable and Workforce Housing and FAR. O n D ecem ber 20, 2022, the Planning Board held a discussion regarding Affordable and W orkforce Housing. A s part of this discussion the Board unanim ously appro ved the follow ing motion with seven (7) mem bers present: • Transmit a recommendation to the City Commission for the following: i. undertake an analysis of using publicly owned land for affordable housing prior to the issuance of future request for proposals (RFP) for the use of the land. ii. Consider incentives such as increased height and floor area ratio (FAR) for affordable and workforce housing. T he P lanning B oard unanim ously appro ved a second motion as part of the sam e discussion item with seven (7) mem bers present as fo llow s: • Transmit a recommendation to the City Commission to review and consider incentives for attainable housing and general housing for the missing middle, and planning around building certification and funding requirements that will arise after the 2025 when the Florida Statutes related to the Building Safety Act take effect. For reference, the Building S afety Act (Florida Senate Bill 4-D) w as appro ved by the Florida Legislature in May of 2022 in response to the Cham plain Tow er South building collapse in the Tow n of Surfside. T he A ct contains pro visions that require buildings to undergo recertification pro cesses (milestone inspections) sooner and more frequentl y than previously required. Additionally, it requires buildings to fully fund their reserv es to cover the costs of m ajor future repairs and replacem ent of common areas. It is expected that this w ill raise costs fo r condom inium ow ners, w hich could potentially impact the ability fo r people to rem ain in their units. RE G /T RM/RA M C: A lina T. Hudak, City Manager Rafael Paz, City Attorn ey Joseph C entor ino, Inspector G eneral RECEIVED FEB 27 2023 CITY O F M IAM I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F:\PLAN\$ALL\CM_RESP\2023\DRAFT - L TC-PB Recommendation - Affordable and Workforce Housing and FAR.docx Gran ad o , Rafa el From: Se nt: To: Cc: Su bje ct: A ttach m ents: Mooney, Thomas Monday, February 27, 2023 5:50 PM Granado, Rafael Madan, Rogelio; Williams, Rickelle; D'Agostin, Charles LTC-PB Recommendation - Affordable and Workforce Housing and FAR LTC-PB Recommendation - Affordable and Workforce Housing and FAR.docx Hi Ralph See attached; for publication. TY , Tom Thomas R. Mooney, AICP Planning Director Planning Department 1700 Convention Center Drive - 2a Floor, Miam i Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7000 x6191/ tmooney@miamibeachfl.gov www.miamibeachfl.gov It's easy being Green! Please consider our environment before printing this email. 1