PR 10-12-22 Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 12, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 1 Members in Attendance: Sean Smith, David Berger, Carolina Jones, Joseph Hernandez, Jonathan Fryd, David Nguah and Joelle Gringarten Members not Present: Janie Hayes and Shannon Koonin City Staff: Vianca Peron-Sellan (Admin Services Manager, Parks & Recreation), Jose del Risco (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation), Jackie Comptis (Recreation Program Manager, Parks & Recreation), Maria Hernandez (GO Bond Program Director, City Manager) and David Gomez (Division Director, CIP) Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m. • Approval of the September 8, 2022 Minutes o The September 8, 2022 minutes were approved. Motion Made by: David Berger Motion Seconded by: Jonathan Fryd Motion Passes: Unanimously • G.O. Bond Update (CIP & GO Bond Program Director, Carolina Jones) o Maria Hernandez from CIP discussed the supply chain and the cost of construction. o Maria Hernandez informed the board that we received eight bidders for the Maurice Gibb Park project, but she cannot give more details yet. She may be able to provide more information at the next board meeting. o Maria informed the board on the on the method used to get bidders for the Maurice Gibb and Bayshore Park projects. It is a procurement method called design bid build; this is the old fashion way of doing things. The whole purpose of this is to try to control and understand where your numbers are. But the real number doesn’t happen until the bids come in. It has taken a while to get to this point, we have had a lot permitting challenges with DERM. As you all may know both Maurice Gibb Park and Bayshore Park are on contaminated sites. o Our CFO, our City Commission and our Finance Committee have given us a pot of money to be able to take from when these bids come in. We have given them a heads up that these projects could potentially be a bit overbudget, but they have told us OK but we are prioritizing these and when the bids come in, of course we have to take it to them and show it to them. But we have this pot of money that we can take from. The good news is that both Maurice Gibb and Bayshore Park are in. Those two are priority projects. We just got the bid for Maurice Gibb and we're not getting the bid for Bayshore until the 18th. o Discussion ensued on the budget for Maurice Gibb and Bayshore projects. David Gomez from CIP gave the board information on the bidding process. o Maria Hernandez updated the board that an additional five million will be need for Maurice Gibb and an additional seven million for Bayshore Park. o Discussion ensued on Maurice Gibb Park and Bayshore Park projects and the projects moving forward. o Discussion ensued on the Bayshore Park project which is the old Par 3. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 12, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 2 o David Gomez discussed the 72nd Street project. We have been working with the Haskell group and we cannot go any further. The price they gave was 101 million and this far exceeded what we had allocated. This was not even a real number; this did not account for the design time. It would have been another 40 million more or so. The vendor could not commit to a number because of current market conditions. o The City Manager has advised the Finance and Resiliency Committee on September 30th, that we would be declaring an impasse with Haskell and moving on to a discussion with the 2nd place or the second ranked prosper. o CIP has arranged a meeting with the 2nd prosper and asked them if they can still deliver the project for the amount they proposed when they submitted the proposal. They will be giving us an updated cost estimate and that will be before approximately October 24th. o We don't know if it's even feasible given the changes we went through with Haskell, that they will be able to deliver the project. Now we are waiting for their response before we move any further. o PCL Construction Services is the second prosper. o Sean asked the board members for any feedback/comments. o Discussion ensued on why this did not come back to the Parks board for our opinion. o David Gomez said that nothing is off the table yet. This is just a discussion with the second bidder. o Discussion ensued on the differences in design and features of the second bidder. o David Gomez informed the board that the three shortlisted proposers for the 72nd Street project met the minimum requirements of the programming for the DCP. This means that they all had the library, 50-meter pool, the rec pool, the community center and all of the programming elements that were a requirement of the proposal were included. The projects are not the same, but they have the same programming components. We're really talking about layout, aesthetics, size, appearance, materials. That's what we're looking at. We are currently in an open procurement process so we cannot make any changes to the requirements of the program. Whatever discussion I have with PCL or in, in the case of the third proposer, Kaufman Lin, it has to be the same discussion that I had with Haskell Group. o Discussion ensued on the procurement process. o Discussion ensued on the design of the 72nd Street project. o Are there changes to the programming of the facility that can be considered to potentially develop something more cost effective? o Discussion ensued on bringing this project back in line in terms of pricing. o Discussion ensued on the money we have for this project. o Maria Hernandez updated the board with the money we have in the GO Bond. o Discussion ensued on how the money is used for projects. o Discussion ensued on the bid Haskell provided. David informed the board with the details of the Haskell bid. o Discussion ensued that the Parks board has an opportunity to opine on the direction of this project and how we tackle this before the Commission make any final decisions. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 12, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 3 o Discussion ensued on parking reduction. o Discussion ensued on the allocated money for the 72nd Street project. o Discussion ensued on the bids for the 72nd Street project. o Discussion ensued on the bidder’s designs. o Discussion ensued on Haskell’s bid and the price. o Discussion ensued on the rules of the procurement process. o Discussion ensued on what should be done: scrap it, negotiate, or move on. o Discussion ensued on what can be done to a project that was approved by voters when it does come back to the board. o The next GO Bond Committee is on December 1st, Maria Hernandez will find out how much the Commission can and cannot do under the structure of a GO bond program that was approved by voters. o Discussion ensued on having everybody bid on the same design. o The board wants to help guide the process instead of being reactionary to what happens. o The board would like to stay in the loop and make sure that the you know that it that the criteria is being met. o Discussion ensued on the three option available to the City right now: to scrap the entire procurement process for design build and have CIP assume the risk, responsibility, everything that’s involved with designing it and then putting it out as a hard bid. To continue with PCL if they are available. Another option is to rebid it as a design build project, start the process all over again. We would have to tweak somehow the design criteria to try to bring in the budget within our reach. So that's just three of the options available to the city right now. We just don't know if all three are available or not. o Discussion ensued on negotiating with Architectonics. o Discussion ensued on GOB projects. o Motion [01:06:49]: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Board motions that prior to the City Commission making any definitive decision on the 72nd Street Complex project, the board would like the opportunity to review and opine on the overall design and direction of the project. The board asks to remain continuously involved throughout the process. Motion made by: Carolina Jones Motion seconded by: Jonathan Fryd Motion passes: unanimously Members Present by phone for Motion: Sean Smith, David Berger, Carolina Jones, Jonathan Fryd, Joseph Hernandez, David Nguah and Joelle Gringarten Members Not Present: Janie Hayes and Shannon Koonin o • Recognition of Parks and Recreation Employee (Jackie Comptis - Recreation Program Manager) o Cindy Casanova has chosen Jackie Comptis this month. o Jackie is one of our Recreation Program Manager. She is responsible for overseeing PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 12, 2022, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 4 all our programs with the other Recreation Program Manager. o Jackie introduced herself to the board members and spoke about her responsibilities. • Public Input / Open Discussion o Sean would like to have a discussion around health and Wellness and the idea of having pop up events throughout the city in November. He has started to speak with people to give them opportunities to do more things within the city, especially as it relates to the Ocean Drive, 5th through 15th. o The Pull Up Competition is on October 23rd at 1:30 PM Attachments Submitted with Agenda: o Upcoming City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meeting Parks and Recreation Items o Parks and Recreation Updates and Upcoming Events o Parks and Recreation Capital Project Updates Meeting Adjourned at 6:15 p.m. UPCOMING 2022 MEETING DATES November 10, 2022