LTC 138-2023 MidBeach Neighborhood Association {MBNA) - A Resolution of the MidBeach Neighborhood Association in Favor of Shutting the Door On Spring BreakM IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC# 138-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Manager Rafael A. Paz, City Attorney Joseph M. Centorino, Inspector General Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk •"T'd FROM: DATE: March 25, 2023 SUBJECT: MidBeach Neighborhood Association {MBNA) - A Resolution of the MidBeach Neighborhood Association in Favor of Shutting the Door On Spring Break On behalf of the Mid Beach Neighborhood Association (MBNA) attached please find a Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIDBEACH NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION IN FAVOR OF SHUTTING THE DOOR ON SPRING BREAK F:\CLER\$ALL\L TC FROM ASSOCIATIONS\MBNA 03252023.docx A R E S O L U T IO N O F T H E M ID B E A C H N E IG H B O R H O O D A S S O C IA T IO N (M B N A ) IN F A V O R O F S H U T T IN G T H E D O O R O N S P R IN G B R E A K WHEREAS, the MidBeach Neighborhood Association (MBNA) represents more than sixty-four (64) condominiums and hotels and more than twelve-thousand (12,000) units within the geographical boundaries of the City of Miami Beach from Collins Avenue and Indian Creek Drive from 24" Street through 63" Street; and WHEREAS, this resolution is specific to the temporary measures for Spring Break 2024 Miami Beach that abut the Mid Beach neighborhood; and WHEREAS, MBNA member properties are aware of the Spring Break unruly and criminal behavior and are deeply concerned with the citywide impacts; and WHEREAS, closing businesses earlier in the area south of 23rd Street along Ocean Drive, Collins Avenue, and Washington Avenue during the second and third weekends in March would prevent late night chaotic gatherings; and WHEREAS, rolling back late night alcohol sales citywide should be considered during the same weekends of March to control the tone of privately promoted activities for spring break beyond the geographical area south of 23rd Street along Ocean Drive, Collins Avenue, and Washington Avenue; and WHEREAS, instituting curfews in advance of Spring Break's busiest weekends for 2024 to the fullest extent permitted by law would inform visitors in advance of their entry into the city; and WHEREAS, establishing a fenced in gun free zone on Ocean Drive and Lummus Park with consolidated entry points with metal detectors by creating a fenced perimeter around the area west of the Beachwalk to Ocean Court would provide safe environments similar to Coconut Grove Arts Festival and the Ultra Music Festival; and WHEREAS, the Beachwalk that connects South to North Miami Beach should be considered to be included in the gun free zones during high-impact weeks; and WHEREAS, increasing and/or limiting non-residential parking during spring break should be considered in collaboration with law enforcement; and WHEREAS, requesting additional support for law enforcement from Miami-Dade County, the State of Florida, and our other mutual aide partners to flood the area and side streets with highly visible police presence, strictly enforce open container and marijuana consumption, and protect our residential areas like Flamingo Park, West Avenue, South of Fifth, among others; and WHEREAS, Strictly enforcing traffic infractions and expanding DIU checkpoints in Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, MBNA urges the City of Miami Beach Mayor and Commissioners for the betterment of the entire City to fully support the temporary measures outlined above for 2024 Spring Break. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Anamarie Ferreira de Melo, President D- 1- -.. . •- 7_ Digitally signed by Debor ah La ke CUUY lU DN.cn=Devorah take, c=us. em ail=debo rah .lake@ sunb el ttitle. Loken es»a +«sis ans Deborah Lake, Vice-President/Secretary Joined by MBNA Executive Board Members: Justin Jacobs, Treasurer - Caribbean Condominium Alicia A Casanova - Green Diamond Condominium Esteban Porcelli - King David Tower Michele Redlich - Fontainebleau Hotel & Residences Oscar Vazquez - Atlantis Club Condominium Jose Flores - The Miami Beach EDITION Dated this 24th day of March, 2023