LTC 162-2023 Cultural Arts Council Motions-April 13, 2023DocuSign Envelope ID: 138280D9-298B-422A-B9F4-109E29AB25C4 M IA M I BEACH O FFIC E O F THE C IT Y M A NA G ER NO .LTC # 162-2023 LETT ER TO CO M MISSION TO : Honorable M ayor Dan G elber and M em bers of the C ity C om m ission FR O M : Rafael E. G ranado, C ity C l& DATE: April 14, 2023 SU B JECT : C ultural Arts Council M otions-April 13, 2023 The purpose of this letter to the M ayor and Com m ission is to pro vide an update regarding a m otion m ade during the A pril 13, 2023, C ultural A rts C ounci l m eeting regarding the Byron C arlyle G .O . Bond P ro ject. Motion: C ity should engage a consultant w ho is steeped in the know ledge of the intersection of com m unity and arts aw areness to assist in creating the design and planning of the Byro n C arlyle. The above m otion was m ade by B ruce Carter, seconded by David S exton and approved unanim ously. M em bers in attendance: Bruce C arter, C hery l Jacobs, Sarah Leddick, Alberto Ravelo, David Sexton and Rachel Unger. For m ore info rm ation, please contact Li ssette G arcia A rrogante, Director, Tourism and C ulture at lissettearroqante@ m iam ibeachfl.gov or x26597. cc: