Richardson, David - March 26, 2019MIAMEDADE s.rouNre MIAMI=DADE COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT REPORTING OF SOLICITATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS FOR POLITICAL:COMMITTEES, ELECTIONEERING:COMMUNICATIONS:ORGANIZATIONS, 501(c)(4)-ORGANIZATIONS AND POLITICAL PARTIES OFFICE USE ONLY Elected Official's o Candidate's Naini 1 0 ctct.c.kkiet mc:o r rri rte': rk,". L-:moiAddress (number and.street) s:_ r : 0 6-5 S a.). FV"-- - s City, State,Zi Codes 1t IPA k:N\AA ()7iCACOL CHECK IF ADDRESS HAS CHANGED Filing as: 0 Elected Official ice: 0 Miami-Dade County Candidate Office: s Municipal Candidate -(1\'\ PiC-k-.-\rvN- n lName-of Mu 'cipa ity) Office:. . CERTIFICATION It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record(ss: 839.13,F.S.) I certify that I have examined this report andit is true;: I certify that I haveexamined this report and it is true, correct, and complete.,(SECTION APPLICABLE TO: :correct, and complete. (FOR BOTH ELECTED CANDIDATES ONLY) OFFICIALS AND CANDIDATES) Type name) l1, Treasurer Deputy Treasurer (Type name)lElected Official • M Candidate 8*-"62,*(te-4- 4111> - 1 411 Signa re : -Signa-ure 372-6/T7- Z-6 /17 Date:. Date. MD-ED 28 Rev.3/1/17) REPORTING OF SOLICITATION OF-CONTRIBUTIONS FOR . uN POLITICALLITICAL COMMITTEES, ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATIONS ORG ANI o NTS : • • -• 501(C)(4) ORGANIZATIONS.AND POLITICAL PARTIES This. report must be .filed by Miami-Dade County and Municipal. Elected"Officers and Candidates- -to"publicly disclose.their fundraising activities .for-Political committees,:-Electioneering Com "unications Organizations, -501(C)(4) Organizations and . Political. .Parties. .within- five. days. (includes :Weekends and. .holidays). of commencing" solicitation activities, either directly.or: indirectly, on behalf of said organization(s).-: 1)Elected Officiial's or . Candidate's " h f" C I.D. NumberName . . . . . . . . . . . . Only for County Candidates) 2)-Page 1 of I 3)" 0) 5) 6). : - • 7): Row Name-of PC:, ECO;" PC-,-ECO;- 1 Description-of-Relationship:between Date- - Number- 501(c)(4) Organization-501(c)(4)Candidate/Officer and solicitation or Political-Party • . " Organization:or . PC,:ECO,_501 c"4 Organization-Or -activities Political.Party Political.Party _ started . 6d:4;pity 4c 51;ovegivmeittri PC r L SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES MD-ED 28(Rev.3/29/18)