LTC 188-2023 Nurse Enhancement Initiative Behavioral & Mental Health Services Summary ReportD o c u S ig n E n v e lop e ID: 4 4 1 3 C 3 C 2 -7 A 1A-4 F F 8 -9 0E 7 -6 5 6 E 96 0E 2 70 8 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: H o n orab le M a yor D a n G elbe r and M e m be rs of the C ity C omm issio n FROM: Alina T. Hudak, City Manag~ DATE: A p ril 25, 2023 SUBJECT: N u rse En ha n ce m ent In itia tive B e havio ra l/M enta l H ealth S e rv ices S um m a ry R eport T he pu rp o se of th is Letter to C o mm issio n is to update the M ayo r and C ity C om m issio n on the status of ou r N u rse E n han c e m e nt Initia tive fo r B eha vio ral H ea lth/M ental H ealth youth suppo rt serv ices fr o m A ug u st 2022 thro ug h A p ril 2023 fo r N o rt h Be a ch Elem entary, M ia m i B e ach So uth Pointe Ele m e n ta ry, M ia m i B ea ch F ien b e rg F ishe r K -8 , Biscayne B each Ele m entary, Treasure Island Ele m e nta ry , Ruth K . B road Ba y H a rbor K-8 C e nter, M ia m i Beach N autilus M iddle S chool, and M iam i Bea c h S en io r H igh S choo l. O ve ra ll, 14 8 yo u th re ce ive d 1,074 m enta l h e alth sup po rt se ssio ns in the 2022-2023 school year th rou g h A p ril 18, 2023 from the Li ce nse d C lin ical So cial W orker (S ocia l W orker) in all M ia m i Beach feed e r pu b lic sc hoo ls. T he be lo w provide s the nu m be r of se ssions provide d to youth at each M ia m i B ea c h fe e d e r scho o l re ce iving se rv ice s du ring the 2022-23 scho ol ye ar: S ch oo l N a m e • M ia m i B e a ch S enio r H ig h Scho o l • M ia m i B e a c h N a utilu s M id dle Scho o l • M ia m i B ea c h F ie nb e rg F isher K -8 • M ia m i B e a ch S o uth P o inte Ele m enta ry • N o rt h B e a c h Ele m e nta ry • B isc a y n e B e a c h Ele m enta ry • T re a s u re Isla n d Ele m enta ry • R u th K . B roa d K -8 C e nter # of yo uth m ental he alth se ssio ns 773 * * * 101 * 48 152 T he e n h a n ce d be ha v io ral se rv ice s provide on-site acce ss to a license d clinical so cial w orker to pro v ide se rv ic e s in clud ing , but no t lim ite d to , the fo llo w ing: o A cad em ic Issue s o A tt e ntio n Issue s o A ng er M a nag e m ent o A nx ie ty o A tte ntio n Is sue s o D isrup tive Be ha vio r o D e p ressio n o S tre ss M a nag e m ent o F a m ily Issue s 188-2023 D o c u Si gn En v el o p e ID : 4 4 1 3 C 3 C 2 -7 A 1A -4F F 8 -9 0 E 7 -6 5 6E 9 6 0 E 2 7 0 8 The following schools received support through this initiative for the indicated number of days per week during the 2022-23 school year: Treasure Island Elementary one (1) day per week, North Beach Elementary two (2) days per week, Ruth K. Broad K-8 Center two (2) days per week, and Miami Beach Senior High School five (5) days per week. *Services were not provided to some schools through this initiative in the 2022-23 school year due to staffing challenges of our partners: Miami Beach South Pointe Elementary, Miami Beach Fienberg Fisher K-8, Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School, and Biscayne Beach Elementary. Staff from the Office of Education and Performance Initiatives will be reaching to municipal partners to determine interest in sustaining the Nurse Enhancement Initiative in the 2023-24 school year. Furthermore, alternate service models are being explored to fill the open mental health professional position for the 2023-24 school year to ensure services are available for all youth. The Miami Beach public school community may reach the mental health professionals directly using the information provided below during the school year: Ashley Silverio James Moore Email: Asilverio@borinq uenhealth .org Email: Jmoore@borinquenhealth.org This initiative supports our strategic priority to be known for educational (K-12) excellence. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Education Officer. Attachments JG/LDR .z .r r 21188931~~&744F ... Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Education Officer D o c u S ig n E n v e lo p e ID : 4 4 13 C 3 C 2 -7 A 1A -4 F F 8 -9 0 E 7 -6 5 6E 9 6 0E 2 7 0 8 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FINDING PEACE OF MIND The City of Miami Beach, through our Education Compact with Miami-Dade County Public Schools, continues to provide mental health support services for all Miami Beach public school children through The Children's Trust and Borinquen Medical Center. SERVICES A mental health professional is now available to provide individual telephonic support for any child or family in need with services included but not limited to: • Anxiety • Depression • Stress Management • Family Issues 1 in 3 Children suffer developmental or behavioral disabilities that limit their health and school performance. Behavioral health issues can affect a student's performance, increase truancy, school dropout rates, and difficulties in learning. @ If you are in need of this service, please contact your child's behavioral health counselor. Ashley Silverio: Asilverio@borinquenhealth.org James Moore: Jmoore@boringquenhealth.org To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter [five day notice r a re.seam.r s@see" M\lAM\[BEACH review any document or participate in any cily sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanish, then option 6; TTY users may call via 711 {Florida Relay Service). D o c u S ig n E n v e lo p e ID : 4 4 1 3 C 3 C 2 -7 A 1A -4F F 8 -9 0 E 7-6 5 6 E 9 6 0 E 2 7 0 8 SERVICIOS DE SALUD MENTAL ENCONTRANDO TRANQUILIDAD La Ciudad de Miami Beach, a trav~s de nuestro Pacto de Educaci~n con las Escuelas Pblicas del Condado de Miami-Dade, continua prestando servicios de apoyo para la salud mental de todos los ni~os de las escuelas p~blicas de Miami Beach a trav~s de "The Children's Trust" y el Centro M~dico Borinquen. SERVICIOS Un profesional de la salud mental est~ ahora disponible para proporcionar apoyo telef~nico individual a cualquier ni~o o familia que lo necesite con servicios incluidos pero no limitados a: - Ansiedad - Depresi~n - Manejo del estr~s - Asuntos familiares 1de 3 Los ni~os sufren discapacidades de desarrollo o de comporta miento mentales que limitan su salud y su rendimiento escolar. Problemas de salud mental pueden afectar el rendimiento del estudiante, aumentar ausentismo, porcentaje de abandono escolar, y dificultades en aprendizaje. Si necesita este servicio, por favor llame o mande un correo al profesional de salud de comportamiento de su hijo. Ashley Silerio: asilverio@borinquenhealth.org James Moore: jmoore@borinquenhealth.org E E #e r e ajuste para revisar documentos o participar en acon!cimints p I ilame al 205.0.2489 y seleccione 2 pou [spa~l, uego o.i ; usu. tel~fonos de text, [TT] pueden lam ar a to~s del 7l! [Sricio de retransmisin flrida]. MIAMI BEACH