PR 1-19-23 Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 19, 2023, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 1 Members in Attendance: Sean Smith, David Berger, Carolina Jones, Joseph Hernandez, David Nguah, Joelle Gringarten, Janie Hayes and Shannon Koonin Members not Present: Jonathan Fryd City Staff: Cynthia Casanova (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation) Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. • Approval of the October 12, 2022 Minutes o The October 12, 2022 minutes were approved. Motion Made by: David Berger Motion Seconded by: David Nguah Motion Passes: Unanimously • Recognition of Parks and Recreation Employee – Dan Harris – Park Ranger Program o Cindy Casanova has chosen Dan Harris this month. o Dan is one of our Park Ranger Supervisors. He is responsible for overseeing the Park Rangers program. o Dan introduced himself to the board members and spoke about his responsibilities. o David Nguah spoke about the Park Rangers program and their incredible job. o Dan spoke about the Park Rangers program and their growth. • G.O. Bond Update o Carolina gave an update on the 72nd Street GO Bond project. In December the City started a new bidding process and there will be a new RFP going out and only for the design. o Discussion ensued on the 72nd Street GO Bond project. o Discussion ensued on if the committee discussed moving up any Parks and Recreation related projects. o Maurice Gibb was awarded in November and groundbreaking should be in March. o Bay Shore also went out to bid and only received two and the City is prepared to award the lowest bidder. o Next GO Bond meeting is in February. • Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair o The board chose the Chair and Vice-Chair. o Sean Smith will stay as Chair. o David Berger will stay as Vice-Chair. • Discussion on Danny Berry Baseball Program o Danny Berry will have five minutes to address the board. o The board will have five minutes to ask any questions or make any comments. o Danny Berry introduced himself to the board and talked about his baseball program. o Danny spoke about the locations that his program uses. o Danny’s program is at capacity with about 330 to 345 players per Season. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 19, 2023, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 2 o There are 26 Rec teams. Danny Berry discussed the Rec teams. o Danny discussed the difference between the Rec teams and Travel teams. o Players are from all over, Miami Shores, North Bay Village & North Miami Beach. o There is a Miami Beach resident fee and a non-resident fee. o Danny Berry’s contract is up for renewal and the objective is to talk about the program and the success. o The normal process going forward would be to take the program out to bid. o Discussion ensued on Danny Berry’s Baseball program. o Shannon Koonin commented on the program. o The public spoke about the Danny Berry program o Zack and Mark Fisher praised the program. o Matt Pender and Mike Schneider discussed the Financial and money problem. o Max Sturman coaches his grandson in Danny Berry’s league, he believes the program is exceptional and the program works. o Bradley spoke positive about the program. o More members from the public discussed about their support of the program. o Some members of the public discussed the financial obligation of the program. o Fanny spoke about the program and she would like a refund. Her son only payed about two to three games. o More members from the public discussed their support of the program. o Discussion ensued on Danny Berry’s contract. o Discussion ensued on going out to bid. o Discussion ensued on the Danny Berry program. o Motion [01:37:45]: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board motions to support continuing the youth baseball program with Danny Berry Baseball as the program provider by extending the contract, waving bid process, and negotiating any contract points as deemed appropriate by the Parks Department based on the overwhelming community support received at this evening’s meeting. Motion made by: David Berger Motion seconded by: David Nguah Motion passes: unanimously Members Present by phone for Motion: Sean Smith, Carolina Jones, David Nguah, David Berger, Joseph Hernandez, Joelle Gringarten, Janie Hayes Members Not Present: Jonathan Fryd, Shannon Koonin • Discussion on Beach Soccer at Lummus Park o Francis Faberoff and Mary Showstark spoke to the board about Beach Soccer at Lummus Park. They discussed the options for Miami Beach. o Francis discussed the benefits for the City and quality of life for the residents. o We can have activities for kids with special needs and youth soccer clinics. o We can host camps for the National Teams here. o A picture was shown on where the proposed area will be. o Discussion ensued on Beach Soccer and location. o Discussion ensued on the Beach Soccer and the desire to be a permanent fixture. o Board members discussed the topic. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 19, 2023, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 3 o Discussion ensued on the logistics of the program. o This program will be available for the public with designated times for free play and the idea is to offer youth classes in the afternoon. The professionals would play in the mornings. o This is a very preliminary conversation. Discussion ensued on Beach Soccer. o Discussion ensued on the Beach Volleyball program. Willie Arteaga introduced himself, he handles the Beach Volleyball program. o Discussion ensued on upcoming Beach Volleyball events. o Discussion ensued on the health and wellness event that happened over the Art Deco weekend. The energy was amazing. o Discussion ensued on health and wellness events at Pride Park. o Discussion ensued on more health and wellness events. o Motion [01:06:05]: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board motions to support the Beach Soccer presentation from Mary Showstark and Francis Faberoff and recommends for the City to explore opportunities to bring Beach Soccer to the Lummus Park area. Motion made by: David Berger Motion seconded by: Shannon Koonin Motion passes: unanimously Members Present by phone for Motion: Sean Smith, Carolina Jones, David Nguah, David Berger, Joseph Hernandez, Joelle Gringarten, Shannon Koonin, Janie Hayes Members Not Present: Jonathan Fryd • Selection of 2023 Meeting Dates o Discussion ensued on current Board members and the two vacant spots (Tennis and Golf). o Discussion ensued on upcoming meetings and the selection of dates. o The board set the February and April meeting date (February 15 and April 13). o There will not be a March meeting. • Public Input / Open Discussion o N/A Attachments Submitted with Agenda: o Upcoming City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meeting Parks and Recreation Items o Parks and Recreation Updates and Upcoming Events o Parks and Recreation Capital Project Updates Meeting Adjourned at 7:13 p.m. UPCOMING 2023 MEETING DATES February 15, 2023 April 13, 2023