LTC 207-2023 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RECEIVES A 2023 COMMUNICATOR AWARDM IA M I BEACH O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY MA N A G ER N O . LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Honorable M ayor Dan G elber and M em bers of the City Com m ission FR O M : A lina T. Hudak, City Man~ DA T E: M ay 4, 2023 SUBJE C T: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RECEIVES A 2023 COMMUNICATOR AWARD The purpose of this letter to comm ission is to announce that the O ffice of Marketing & C om m unications, in part nership w ith the Departm ent of Enviro nm ent and Sustainability, has received a 2023 C om m unicator Aw ard of D istinction fo r Integrated and Multi-C hannel Marketing fo r the "W e Heart Biscayne Bay" w ater quality cam paign. T his cam paign w as launched w ith the intent of educating residents, businesses and visitors on how every day behaviors can play a key ro le in pro tecting B iscayne Bay. The cam paign fo cused on the excess of nutrients from pet w aste, fertilizers, and yard w aste, as w ell as pollution fr om littering. The strategy w as to fo cus on three different verti cals - bringi ng aw areness to the City of Miam i Beach fertilizer ban, educating on the pro per disposal of pet w aste, and bringing aw areness to the im portance of pro perly disposing of litter. Biscayne B ay suff ered fro m a devastating fish kill in 2020 and continues to suffer from degraded w ater quality highlighted in the m ost recent M iam i-Dade County 2023 Biscayne Bay R eport C ard. P reserv ing and R estoring Biscayne Bay is the #1 action in the R esilient305 S trategy that the City continues to im plem ent w ith Miam i-Dade C ounty and the City of Miam i though effort s like this and the Biscayne Bay Task Force R eport actions. The City has prioritized this w ater quality cam paign funding that pro vides education to reinfo rce Miam i Beach enviro nm ental pro tection ordinances. The cam paign collateral incl uded bus shelters, tro lleys, elevator w raps, paid social, an article in M B M agazi ne, e-briefs, BTR mailers, parking receipt ads and a dedicated w ebsite. In addition to traditional advertising medium s, the m essage w as am plified via experiential activations incl uding pet w aste station w raps, a "Yap py Hour" event fo r our furry friends (and their hum ans) and a doggie lifeguard stand photo activation in the S outh Pointe Bark Park. The cam paign, w hich had a budget of $32,000, ran fro m S eptem ber 2022 - April 2023, and delivered over 27 m illion im pressions across all channels, including 215,754 view s of our website w ith 189,130 clicks com ing directly from our Q R codes and social media collateral. Exam ples of the creative can be seen below : 207-2023 TH E {S', COLLATERAL Elevator W rap Bus Shelter Trolley W rap Rear Don't 9Be li~shy • r % r·i " - l Parking Receipt Ad ' BEACH Social Media Ad M IAM I BEACH THE D on't Be Ruff 48Bay I 1 COLLATERAL Don't¢ 'Burr 0Bay .... ! Pet W ast Bark Park Station et Photo Opp Wrap Installation Info rmational Signage MAM BEACH Social Media Ad M IAM I BEACH T H E D on't Fertilize COLLATERAL tf6eBay ,... D on't Fertilize t£eBay F MIAMIBEACH Elevator Wrap Trolley Wrap Rear Trolley Wrap Side View Social Media Ad MIAMI BEACH • • • • ht Kee.M.hean ,e m to kar one MIAMIBEACH GE « tty lit kly do , l ho :2r±.:-- lb • ly.. et ho o h h. to hr id hog • ch once t ot a l h dolt. roar bt et • rd i it t nett a. • et po.hipeea, it n ae to aea to et hell a iii.aha =::72-27-: .tr h ch. i pl .tr alt ,yo t ia.tr po i.tr doe lo • hoe at.bl d preppy. are wee, d l ie ho.cog how hoy a p py or iota -z::7z::-7r: ±::5z:3- T h e C o m m u n ic a to r A w a rd s a re th e le a d in g g lo b a l a w a rd s p ro g ra m ho n o rin g cre a tiv e e x ce lle n c e fo r m a rk e tin g a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n s p ro fe s s io n a ls . T h e a w a rd s a re a n a n n u a l co m p e titio n re c o g n iz in g th e b e s t in a d v e rt is in g , c o rp o ra te co m m u n ic a tio n s , p u b lic re la tio n s a n d d e sig n fro m a d a g e n c ie s , d ig ita l a g e n c ie s , p ro d u c tio n fi rm s , a n d p u b lic re la ti o n s firm s . T h e 2 9 a n n u al C om m un i c a to r A w ar d s re c eiv e d o ver 3,0 0 0 s u bm i s si on s wh ich were adjudicated by professionals from GE Digital, Warner Records, Spotify, PureMatter, and Superfly, with winners including the American Psychological Association, Canada Life, the Chicago Department of Business Affairs, EMI, Global Hotel Alliance, and the Navy Marine Corps. For more information, please contact Melissa Berthier at melissaberthier@miamibeachfl.gov. A TH / MB / AK / MK